No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 TQ26126061351 12606135 12606135 Highly aesthetic, nanohybrid flowable compositeShade B2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaFlow Flowable Composite
2 TQ26126061341 12606134 12606134 Highly aesthetic, nanohybrid flowable compositeShade A3.5 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaFlow Flowable Composite
3 TQ26126061331 12606133 12606133 Highly aesthetic, nanohybrid flowable compositeShade A3 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaFlow Flowable Composite
4 TQ26126061321 126061321 126061321 Highly aesthetic, nanohybrid flowable compositeShade A2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaFlow Flowable Composite
5 TQ26126061311 12606131 12606131 Highly aesthetic, nanohybrid flowable compositeShade A1 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaFlow Flowable Composite
6 TQ27BF21BLU1 BF21BLU BF2-1BLU 4" x 6" Perforated Blue SheetsEasy Peel Transparent FilmBuilt-in DispenserResealable PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Barrier Film
7 TQ26SP222501 See Through Self Sealing w/ Built-In Indicator SP2-2250 Sterilization Pouches - See Through Self Sealing w/ Built-In Indicator, Item # S Sterilization Pouches - See Through Self Sealing w/ Built-In Indicator, Item # SP2-2250, 200 Pouches, Single Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc. ™
8 TQ26BF21CLR1 BF21CLR BF2-1CLR 4" x 6" Perforated Clear SheetsEasy Peel Transparent FilmBuilt-in DispenserResealable PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Barrier Film
9 TQ26126121231 12612123 12612123 Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialMint Chocolate Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialMint Chocolate Chip - Super Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Bite Registration
10 TQ26126121221 12612122 12612122 Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialMint Chocolate Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialMint Chocolate Chip - Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Bite Registration
11 TQ26126121211 12612121 12612121 Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialUnflavored - Su Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialUnflavored - Super Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Bite Registration
12 TQ26126121201 12612120 12612120 Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialUnflavored - Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Bite Registration
13 TQ26126121191 12612119 12612119 Mousse-like, Fluffy Vinyl Polysiloxane Bite Registration MaterialUnflavored - Regular Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Bite Registration
14 TQ26126152201 12615220 12615220 Half Chair Sleeves (Roll)Disposable Clear PlasticTear-ResistantEasy to Use Dispenser Box PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Half Chair Sleeves
15 TQ26SP227101 See Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built Indicator SP2-2710 Sterilization PouchesSelf Sealingw/ Built-In IndicatorItem # SP2-2710200 PouchesSingle Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc
16 TQ26SP275131 See Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built Indicator SP2-7513 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-75 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-7513200 PouchesSingle Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc.
17 TQ26SP252111 See Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built Indicator SP2-5211 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-52 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-5211200 PouchesSingle Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc.
18 TQ26SP235651 See Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built Indicator SP2-3565 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-35 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-3565200 PouchesSingle Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc.
19 TQ26SP235101 See Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built Indicator SP2-3510 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-35 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ In-Built IndicatorItem # SP2-3510200 PouchesSingle Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc.
20 TQ26126061181 TQ2612606118 TQ2612606118 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano- Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano-hybrid formula Shade B2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaComp Unit Doses
21 TQ26126061171 TQ2612606117 TQ2612606117 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano- Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano-hybrid formula Shade A3.5 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaComp Unit Doses
22 TQ26126061161 TQ2612606116 TQ2612606116 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano- Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano-hybrid formula Shade A3 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaComp Unit Doses
23 TQ26126061151 TQ2612606115 TQ2612606115 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano- Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano-hybrid formula Shade A2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaComp Unit Doses
24 TQ26126061141 TQ2612606114 TQ2612606114 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano- Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Nano-hybrid formulaShade A1 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin GlamaComp Unit Doses
25 TQ26SP210151 See Through Self Sealing w/ Built-In Indicator SP2-1015 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ Built-In IndicatorItem # SP2-10 Sterilization PouchesSee Through Self Sealing w/ Built-In IndicatorItem # SP2-1015200 PouchesSingle Use KCT Sterilization Wrap Containers, Trays, Cassettes & Other Accessories Top Quality Manufacturing, Inc ™
26 TQ26126121311 12612131 12612131 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialHeavy Body - Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
27 TQ26126121301 12612130 12612130 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialHeavy Body - Regular Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
28 TQ26126121291 12612129 12612129 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialMonophase Body - Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
29 TQ26126121281 12612128 12612128 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialMonophase Body - Regular Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
30 TQ26126121271 12612127 12612127 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialMedium Body - Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
31 TQ26126121261 12612126 12612126 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialMedium Body - Regular Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
32 TQ26126121251 12612125 12612125 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialLight Body - Fast Set ELW Material, Impression 2 Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
33 TQ26126121241 12612124 12612124 Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression MaterialLight Body - Regular Set ELW Material, Impression Top Quality Manufacturing VPS Impression Material
34 TQ26126061400 12606140 12606140 Universal Composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Shade B2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 GlamComp Syringe
35 TQ26126061390 12606139 12606139 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Shade A3.5 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 GlamComp Syringe
36 TQ26126061380 12606138 12606138 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Shade A3 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 GlamComp Syringe
37 TQ26126061370 12606137 12606137 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Shade A2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 GlamComp Syringe
38 TQ26126061360 12606136 12606136 Universal composite resin designed for posterior and anterior restorations.Shade A1 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 GlamComp Syringe
39 TQ26126011060 12601106 12601106 Fast and accurate bis-acryl composite for temporary restorationsShade BLEACH EBG Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Temporary Crown & Bridge Material
40 TQ26126011050 12601105 12601105 Fast and accurate bis-acryl composite for temporary restorationsShade B1 EBG Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Temporary Crown & Bridge Material
41 TQ26126011030 12601103 12601103 Fast and accurate bis-acryl composite for temporary restorationsShade A3 EBG Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Temporary Crown & Bridge Material
42 TQ26126011020 12601102 12601102 Fast and accurate bis-acryl composite for temporary restorationsShade A2 EBG Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Temporary Crown & Bridge Material
43 TQ26126011010 12601101 12601101 Fast and accurate bis-acryl composite for temporary restorationsShade A1 EBG Crown And Bridge, Temporary, Resin 2 Top Quality Manufacturing Temporary Crown & Bridge Material
Other products with the same Product Code "EBG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 D93180661 sw 8066 saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic acid ester for production of 3D-printed permanent crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, temporary crowns & bridges, and artificial teeth (i.e., complete or partial dentures). Crowntec SAREMCO DENTAL AG
2 D93180651 B1 8065 saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic acid ester for production of 3D-printed permanent crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, temporary crowns & bridges, and artificial teeth (i.e., complete or partial dentures). Crowntec SAREMCO DENTAL AG
3 D93180631 A1 8063 saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic acid ester for production of 3D-printed permanent crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, temporary crowns & bridges, and artificial teeth (i.e., complete or partial dentures). Crowntec SAREMCO DENTAL AG
4 D93180521 A2 8052 saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic acid ester for production of 3D-printed permanent crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, temporary crowns & bridges, and artificial teeth (i.e., complete or partial dentures). Crowntec SAREMCO DENTAL AG
5 D93180511 A3 8051 saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic saremco print CROWNTEC is a light-curing, flowable polymer based on methacrylic acid ester for production of 3D-printed permanent crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, tem-porary crowns & bridges, and artificial teeth (i.e., complete or partial dentures). Crowntec SAREMCO DENTAL AG
6 D87090050201 90050-20 Poly Splint Clear Disc, 95 X 20mm Poly Splint HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
7 D87090050161 90050-16 Poly Splint Clear Disc, 95 X 16mm Poly Splint HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
8 D87090000251 90000-25 Poly Splint Clear Disc, 98 X 25mm Poly Splint HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
9 D87090000201 90000-20 Poly Splint Clear Disc, 98 X 20mm Poly Splint HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
10 D87090000161 90000-16 Poly Splint Clear Disc, 98 X 16mm Poly Splint HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
11 D870700544031 70054-40-3 PolyCast Red 40mm Inlab Block PolyCast HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
12 D870700524031 70052-40-3 PolyCast Clear 40mm Inlab Block PolyCast HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
13 D87030084201 30084-20 PolyCast Clear Disc, 95 X 20mm PolyCast Clear HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
14 D87030084161 30084-16 PolyCast Clear Disc, 95 X 16mm PolyCast Clear HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
15 D87030076251 30076-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade D3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
16 D87030076201 30076-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade D3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
17 D87030076161 30076-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade D3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
18 D87030075251 30075-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade D2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
19 D87030075201 30075-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade D2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
20 D87030075161 30075-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade D2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
21 D87030073251 30073-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade C3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
22 D87030073201 30073-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade C3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
23 D87030073161 30073-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade C3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
24 D87030072251 30072-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade C2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
25 D87030072201 30072-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade C2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
26 D87030072161 30072-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade C2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
27 D87030071251 30071-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade C1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
28 D87030071201 30071-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade C1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
29 D87030071161 30071-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade C1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
30 D87030068251 30068-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade B2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
31 D87030068201 30068-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade B2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
32 D87030068161 30068-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade B2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
33 D87030067251 30067-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade B1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
34 D87030067201 30067-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade B1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
35 D87030067161 30067-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade B1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
36 D87030066251 30066-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade A3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
37 D87030066201 30066-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade A3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
38 D87030066161 30066-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade A3 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
39 D87030065201 30065-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade A4 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
40 D87030064251 30064-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade A2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
41 D87030064201 30064-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade A2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
42 D87030064161 30064-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade A2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
43 D87030063201 30063-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade A3.5 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
44 D87030063161 30063-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade A3.5 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
45 D87030062251 30062-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade A1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
46 D87030062201 30062-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade A1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
47 D87030062161 30062-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade A1 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
48 D87030060251 30060-25 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 25mm, Shade BL2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
49 D87030060201 30060-20 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 20mm, Shade BL2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC
50 D87030060161 30060-16 Temp Esthetic Disc, 95 X 16mm, Shade BL2 Temp Esthetic HARVEST DENTAL PRODUCTS, LLC