No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 M9935071730 507173 Rod Reducer LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
2 M9935071710 507171 Compressor LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
3 M9935071810 507181 Instrument Case LRP Tray, Surgical 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
4 M9935071800 507180 Implant Instrument Case LRP Tray, Surgical 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
5 M9935071770 507177 Right PCT In-Situ Rod Bender HXP Instrument, Bending Or Contouring 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
6 M9935071760 507176 Left PCT In-Situ Rod Bender HXP Instrument, Bending Or Contouring 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
7 M9935071740 507174 Nut Driver LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
8 M9935071700 507170 Distractor LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
9 M9935071690 507169 Anti-Torque Device LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
10 M9935071680 507168 Set Screw Starter LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
11 M9935071660 507166 Rod Cutter LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
12 M9935071650 507165 Rod Bender HXP Instrument, Bending Or Contouring 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
13 M9935071630 507163 Rod Holder LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
14 M9935071620 507162 Multi-Axial Screw Driver LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
15 M9935071610 507161 2.5mm Driver Bit LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
16 M9935071600 507159 Bone Screw Tap HWX Tap, Bone 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
17 M9935071590 507159 Bone Screw Tap HWX Tap, Bone 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
18 M9935071580 507158 Bone Screw Tap HWX Tap, Bone 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
19 M9935071550 507155 Drill Guide LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
20 M9935071540 507154 Bone Awl Assembly HWJ Awl 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
21 M9935071530 507153 Torque Limiting Set Screw Driver LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
22 M9935071520 507152 Quick Connect Handle LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
23 M9935071500 507150 Straight Sounding Probe HXB Probe 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
24 M9935071280 507128 Head Aligner / Rod Pusher LXH Orthopedic Manual Surgical Instrument 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
25 M9935071050 507105 Drill HTW Bit, Drill 1 GSO PCT Spinal System
26 M9935066501 506650 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
27 M9935066500 506650 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
28 M9935066481 506648 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
29 M9935066480 506648 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
30 M9935066461 506646 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
31 M9935066460 506646 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
32 M9935066441 506644 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
33 M9935066440 506644 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
34 M9935066421 506642 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
35 M9935066420 506642 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
36 M9935066401 506640 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
37 M9935066400 506640 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
38 M9935066381 506638 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
39 M9935066380 506638 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
40 M9935066361 506636 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
41 M9935066360 506636 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
42 M9935066341 506634 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
43 M9935066340 506634 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
44 M9935066321 506632 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
45 M9935066320 506632 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
46 M9935066301 506630 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
47 M9935066300 506630 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
48 M9935066281 506628 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
49 M9935066280 506628 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
50 M9935066261 506626 Smooth Shank Multi-Axial Screw KWP Appliance, Fixation, Spinal Interlaminal 2 GSO PCT Spinal System
Other products with the same Product Code "LXH"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 M209206610 20661 Standard Spreader BIOPRO, INC.
2 M209200660 20066 Modular Thumb Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
3 M209198320 19832 Head Remover BIOPRO, INC.
4 M209198200 19820 Quick Connect Trial Handle BIOPRO, INC.
5 M209196780 19678 Clover Staple # Leg Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
6 M209195430 19543 Clover Staple 4-Leg Complete kit BIOPRO, INC.
7 M209195140 19514 Staple Positioner 18x16 BIOPRO, INC.
8 M209195130 19513 Staple Positioner 14x12 BIOPRO, INC.
9 M209195120 19512 Staple Positioner 10x8 BIOPRO, INC.
10 M209194800 19480 Wrist Staple Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
11 M209191250 19125 Quick Connect Handle BIOPRO, INC.
12 M209189600 18960 Clover Staple Drill Bit 1.5MM x 18MM BIOPRO, INC.
13 M209183130 18313 Pusher 3 Leg 18x16 BIOPRO, INC.
14 M209183120 18312 Pusher 3 Leg 14x12 BIOPRO, INC.
15 M209183110 118311 Pusher 3 Leg 10x8 BIOPRO, INC.
16 M209183010 18301 Pusher 4 Leg 18x16 BIOPRO, INC.
17 M209183000 18300 Pusher 4 leg 14x12 BIOPRO, INC.
18 M209182990 18299 Pusher 4 Leg 10x8 BIOPRO, INC.
19 M209180600 18060 First MPJ Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
20 M209177080 17708 Memory Staple Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
21 M209177070 17707 Memory Staple Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
22 M209176610 17661 Drill Staple Medium (2.4mm) BIOPRO, INC.
23 M209176600 17660 Drill Staple Small (1.8mm) BIOPRO, INC.
24 M209176590 17659 Drill Staple X-Small (1.4mm) BIOPRO, INC.
25 M209176520 17652 Large Staple Clamp BIOPRO, INC.
26 M20917651 17651 SM staple 4 3/4 Bulldog Hemostat BIOPRO, INC.
27 M209176160 17616 Head Trial 15MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
28 M209176150 17615 Head Trial 14MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
29 M209176140 17614 Head Trial 13MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
30 M209176130 17613 Head Trial 12MM+4 BIOPRO, INC.
31 M209174790 17479 Trial 6MM BIOPRO, INC.
32 M209173830 17383 Bone Spatula BIOPRO, INC.
33 M209173740 17374 Assembly Block BIOPRO, INC.
34 M209173730 17373 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 15mm BIOPRO, INC.
35 M209173720 17372 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 14mm BIOPRO, INC.
36 M209173710 17371 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 13mm BIOPRO, INC.
37 M209173700 17370 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Fine 12mm BIOPRO, INC.
38 M209173680 17368 First MPJ Hemi Complete Set BIOPRO, INC.
39 M209173480 17348 Stem Trial 11.5MM BIOPRO, INC.
40 M209173470 17347 Stem Trial 10.0MM BIOPRO, INC.
41 M209173460 17346 Stem Trial 8.5MM BIOPRO, INC.
42 M209173450 17345 Stem Trial 7.5MM BIOPRO, INC.
43 M209173440 17344 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Coarse 15mm BIOPRO, INC.
44 M209173430 17343 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Coarse BIOPRO, INC.
45 M209173420 17342 Oscillating Burr Coarse 13mm BIOPRO, INC.
46 M209173410 17341 Mod Thumb Oscillating Burr Coarse 12mm BIOPRO, INC.
47 M209173070 17307 Horizon Subtalar Complete Kit BIOPRO, INC.
48 M209172800 17280 Subtalar Instrument Tray BIOPRO, INC.
49 M209172670 17267 Head Trial 15MM+2 BIOPRO, INC.
50 M209172660 17266 Head Trial 14MM+2 BIOPRO, INC.