TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 6 1/2", (165 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 6 1/2", (165 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard wire up to Ø 2.5 mm, soft wire up to Ø 3.5 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 9 1/4", (240 mm), hard wire up to Ø 2.0 mm, soft wire u
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 9 1/4", (240 mm), hard wire up to Ø 2.0 mm, soft wire up to Ø 2.5 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 6 7/8", (175 mm), curved, special hardened cutting edge
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 6 7/8", (175 mm), curved, special hardened cutting edges, hard wire up to Ø 1.5 mm, soft wire up to Ø 2.0 mm, non-sterile, reusable
Wire Cutting Forceps, 7", (180 mm), front and lateral cutting, hard wire up to Ø
Wire Cutting Forceps, 7", (180 mm), front and lateral cutting, hard wire up to Ø 1.5 mm, soft wire up to Ø 2.0 mm, non-sterile, reusable
Wire Cutting Forceps, 18 1/2", (470 mm), wire/screws/bolts up to 5 mm, non-steri
Wire Cutting Forceps, 18 1/2", (470 mm), wire/screws/bolts up to 5 mm, non-sterile, reusable
HARVEY TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 9 1/4", (235 mm), special hardened cutting edges
HARVEY TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 9 1/4", (235 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard wire up to Ø 2.2 mm, soft wire up to Ø 3.0 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 9 1/4", (235 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 9 1/4", (235 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard wire up to Ø 2.2 mm, soft wire up to Ø 3.0 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 8 3/4", (220 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 8 3/4", (220 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard wire up to Ø 2.0 mm, soft wire up to Ø 3.0 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 5 3/4", (145 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard
TC Wire Cutting Forceps, 5 3/4", (145 mm), special hardened cutting edges, hard wire up to Ø 1.5 mm, soft wire up to Ø 2.0 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Scissors, angled on flat, 5 1/2", (140 mm), lateral cutting, har
TC Wire Cutting Scissors, angled on flat, 5 1/2", (140 mm), lateral cutting, hard wire up to Ø 1.0 mm, soft wire up to Ø 1.5 mm, non-sterile, reusable
TC Wire Cutting Scissors, straight, 5 3/4", (145 mm), front cutting, hard wire u
TC Wire Cutting Scissors, straight, 5 3/4", (145 mm), front cutting, hard wire up to Ø 1.0 mm, soft wire up to Ø 1.5 mm, non-sterile, reusable
Wire Cutting Scissors, straight, 6 1/4", (160 mm), lateral cutting, hard wire up
Wire Cutting Scissors, straight, 6 1/4", (160 mm), lateral cutting, hard wire up to Ø 1.2 mm, soft wire up to Ø 1.5 mm, non-sterilereusable