No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 M44589117ORNGE1 891-17_ORNGE 891-17_ORNGE Convenience kit containing Total Fix, C&S and Clean Vials with orange caps. JSM,LDX,NNI Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile 1 Total-Fix / C&S / Clean O&P Collection Kits
2 M445891171 891-17 891-17 Convenience kit containing Total Fix, C&S and Clean Vials. JSM,LDX,NNI Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile 1 Total-Fix / C&S / Clean O&P Collection Kits
3 M445890211 890-21 890-21 Convenience kit containing C&S Vials and Buffered Formalin Vials. IFP,JSM Formalin, Neutral Buffered,Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 O&P Collection Vials Formalin/C&S Kits
4 M445890151 890-15 890-15 Convenience kit containing C&S Vials and Clean Vials. JSM,NNI Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile 1 O&P Collection Vials C&S/Clean Kits
5 M445695ASAMPLE1 695A Sample 695A Sample PARA-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and PARA-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 10 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration PARA-SED
6 M445695AEA1 695A-EA 695A-EA PARA-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and PARA-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 50 sets of single use components and ethyl acetate as an additional reagent. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration PARA-SED
7 M445695A1 695A 695A PARA-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and PARA-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 50 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration PARA-SED
8 M445892021 892-02 892-02 Convenience kit containing Total Fix, Formalin, C&S and Clean Vials for stool sa Convenience kit containing Total Fix, Formalin, C&S and Clean Vials for stool sample collection. JSM,LDX,NNI,IFP Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile,Formalin, Neutral Buffered 1 Total-Fix / Formalin / C&S / Clean O&P Collection Kits
9 M445891031 891-03 891-03 Convenience kit containing Zinc PVA, Formalin and C&S Vials. LDX,IFP,JSM Fixative, Metallic Containing,Formalin, Neutral Buffered,Culture Media, Non-Prop Fixative, Metallic Containing,Formalin, Neutral Buffered,Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 O&P Collection Vials Zinc PVA / Formalin / C&S Kits
10 M445694ATUBEFUNNEL1 694A-TUBE/FUNNEL 1000 694A-TUBE/FUNNEL 1000 MICRO-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and MICRO-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 1000 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration MICRO-SED
11 M445694ASAMPLE1 694A-Sample 694A-Sample MICRO-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and MICRO-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 10 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration MICRO-SED
12 M445694AEA1 694A-EA 694A-EA MICRO-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and MICRO-SED is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 50 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration MICRO-SED
13 M445694A1 694A 694A SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, a SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 50 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration MICRO-SED
14 M4456508K1 4505K 4505K A kit for collection and transport of blood specimens. KDT,JKA Container, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Sterile,Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Sep Container, Specimen Mailer And Storage, Sterile,Tubes, Vials, Systems, Serum Separators, Blood Collection 1 Bone Marrow Kit
15 M445MCCCGDFA750 MCC-C/G-DFA 75 MCC-C/G-DFA 75 The Para-Tect Cryptosporidium/Giardia kit is intended to detect Cryptosporidium The Para-Tect Cryptosporidium/Giardia kit is intended to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in human stool by direct immunofluorescence microscopy. This kit contains enough reagents for 75 tests. MHI,MHJ Giardia Spp.,Cryptosporidium Spp. 2 Para-Tect Cryptosporidium/Giardia Direct Fluorescence Assay
16 M445693ASAMPLE1 693A-Sample 693A-Sample SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, a SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 10 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration SED-CONNECT
17 M445693AFUNNEL1 693A-FUNNEL 693A-FUNNEL SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, a SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 1000 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration SED-CONNECT
18 M445693AESEDEA50PACK1 693A-E SED+EA 693A-E SED+EA SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, a SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains ethyl acetate as an additional reagent. This kit contains 50 single use sets of devices. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration SED-CONNECT
19 M445693A50PACK1 693A 50 PACK 693A 50 PACK SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, a SED-CONNECT is a closed concentration system for the recovery of eggs, larvae, and protozoa from preserved fecal specimens. This kit contains 50 sets of single use components. LKS Device, Parasite Concentration SED-CONNECT
20 M445891201 891-20 891-20 Convenience kit containing Formalin, C&S and Clean Vials for stool collection. IFP,JSM,NNI Formalin, Neutral Buffered,Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Container, S Formalin, Neutral Buffered,Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile 1 Formalin / C&S / Clean Stool Collection Kits
21 M445891051 891-05 891-05 Convenience kit containing SAF, Clean and C&S Vials. IGB,NNI,JSM Solution, Formalin-Sodium Acetate,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile,Culture Media Solution, Formalin-Sodium Acetate,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile,Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 O&P Collection Vials SAF / Clean/ C&S Kits
22 M445890241 890-24 890-24 Convenience kit containing C&S Vials and Total Fix Vials. LDX,JSM Fixative, Metallic Containing,Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 O&P Collection Vials Total Fix/C&S Kits
23 M445892031 892-03 892-03 Convenience kit containing Zinc PVA, Formalin, C&S and Clean Vials for stool sam Convenience kit containing Zinc PVA, Formalin, C&S and Clean Vials for stool sample collection. JSM,LDX,NNI,IFP Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile,Formalin, Neutral Buffered 1 Z-PVA / Formalin / C&S / Clean O&P Collection Kits
24 M445891081 891-08 891-08 Convenience kit containing Zinc-PVA, SAF and C&S Vials. JSM,IGB,LDX Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Solution, Formalin-Sodium Acetate,Fixat Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Solution, Formalin-Sodium Acetate,Fixative, Metallic Containing 1 O&P Collection Vials Zinc-PVA / SAF / C&S Stool Collection Kit
25 M445280505WB1 2805-05-WB 2805-05-WB A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and tr A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and transport of gram negative and anaerobic microorganisms from a clinical specimen. JSM Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 C&S Medium
26 M445280505REDSP1 2805-05_RED_SP 2805-05_RED_SP A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and tr A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and transport of gram negative and anaerobic microorganisms from a clinical specimen. The tubes are supplied with red caps and a spork for specimen handling. JSM Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport C&S Medium
27 M445280505ORNG1 2805-05_ORANGE 2805-05_ORANGE A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and tr A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and transport of gram negative and anaerobic microorganisms from a clinical specimen. JSM Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport C&S Medium
28 M44528050510PCK1 2805-05-10_PACK 2805-05-10_PACK A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and tr A modified Cary and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and transport of gram negative and anaerobic microorganisms from a clinical specimen. JSM Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 C&S Medium
29 M4452805051 2805-05 2805-05 A modified Carey and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and t A modified Carey and Blair Medium intended to be used for the preservation and transport of gram negative and anaerobic microorganisms from a clinical specimen. JSM Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport 1 C&S Medium
30 M44503060 0306-Strips 0306-Strips The Wavicide MEC Indicator is a semi-quantitative indicator designed to monitor The Wavicide MEC Indicator is a semi-quantitative indicator designed to monitor the glutaraldehyde concentration of Wavicide-01. JOJ Indicator, Physical/Chemical Sterilization Process Wavicide MEC Indicator
31 M445891101 891-10 891-10 Convenience kit containing Unifix, Clean and C&S Vials. JSM,LDX,NNI Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container Culture Media, Non-Propagating Transport,Fixative, Metallic Containing,Container, Specimen, Non-Sterile 1 Unifix / Clean / C&S Kits O&P Collection Vials
32 M445011232OZ0 0112-32oz 0112-32oz Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinf Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinfection of flexible fiber-optic endoscopes. MED Sterilant, Medical Devices 2 Wavicide-01
33 M445010455GL0 0104-55gl 0104-55gl Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinf Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinfection of flexible fiber-optic endoscopes. MED Sterilant, Medical Devices 2 Wavicide-01
34 M4450104250GL0 0104-250gl 0104-250gl Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinf Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinfection of flexible fiber-optic endoscopes. MED Sterilant, Medical Devices 2 Wavicide-01
35 M44501041GLIRI0 0104-1gl IRI 0104-1gl IRI Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinf Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinfection of flexible fiber-optic endoscopes. MED Sterilant, Medical Devices 2 Wavicide-01
36 M44501041GL0 0104-1gl 0104-1gl Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinf Wavicide-01 is a glutaraldehyde-based product intended for the high-level disinfection of flexible fiber-optic endoscopes. MED Sterilant, Medical Devices 2 Wavicide-01
Other products with the same Product Codes "KDT, JKA, KEW, NNI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 M7525252040 525-204 Stradis Medical, LLC. STRADIS MEDICAL, LLC
2 10888385000047 7900005 7900005 Preservative Tube 100 Pack CellSave MENARINI SILICON BIOSYSTEMS, INC.
3 10888385000030 952820 952820 Preservative Tube 20 pack CellSave MENARINI SILICON BIOSYSTEMS, INC.
4 10888277929449 DYKM1135 DYKM1135 VENIPUNCTURE KIT Medline Industries, Inc. MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC.
5 10888277277137 DYKM1039 DYKM1039 VAC PACK Medline Industries, Inc. MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC.
11 10884527002986 8881307022 8881307022 Blood Collection Tube,Silicone Coated Royal Blue Stopper, EDTA (NA2) 10.5 mg, 7 mL Draw Monoject CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
12 10884527002979 8881307006 8881307006 Blood Collection Tube,Silicone Coated Tube, Silicone Coated Royal Blue Stopper, Blood Collection Tube,Silicone Coated Tube, Silicone Coated Royal Blue Stopper, No Additive, 7 mL Draw Monoject CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.
13 10884450326456 10884450326456 682158/A Merit Medical® ARGON CRITICAL CARE SYSTEMS SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.
14 10860003561925 623-KIT Box of 100 1-Adhesive Bandage, 1-Alcohol Prep Pad, 1-Sterile Gauze Pad, 1-Bio Bag with guss 1-Adhesive Bandage, 1-Alcohol Prep Pad, 1-Sterile Gauze Pad, 1-Bio Bag with gusset bottom, 1 safePICO 25Gx16mm (nsd)Arterial blood sampler with 25Gx16mm needle, with needle shield device (nsd) and vented TIPCAP, 1.5 mL, box of 100 pcs. Safe PICO Kit RADIOMETER AMERICA INC.
15 10860003561901 616-KIT Box of 100 1-Adhesive Bandage, 1-Alcohol Prep Pad, 1-Sterile Gauze Pad, 1-Bio Bag with guss 1-Adhesive Bandage, 1-Alcohol Prep Pad, 1-Sterile Gauze Pad, 1-Bio Bag with gusset bottom, 1 safePICO 25Gx16mm (nsd)Arterial blood sampler with 23Gx16mm needle, with needle shield device (nsd) and vented TIPCAP, 1.5 mL, box of 100 pcs. Safe PICO Kit RADIOMETER AMERICA INC.
16 10859952006403 SA94081 Convenience Kit Blood Specimen Convenience Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
17 10859952006090 SA94633 Convenience Kit Blood - Urine Specimen Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
18 10859952006076 SA95204 Convenience Kit Blood Specimen Convenience Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
19 10859952006069 SA95201 Convenience Kit Blood Specimen Convenience Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
20 10859952006052 SA94721 Convenience Kit Blood Specimen Convenience Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
21 10859952006038 SA93508 Convenience Kit Blood - Urine Specimen Convenience Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
22 10859952006021 SA93010 Convenience Kit Blood - Urine Specimen Convenience Kit CAPITOL VIAL, INC.
23 10850033297055 4254 4254 Case containing 10 boxes of 100 Kova Slide 10s - 1000 Slides total - (Plastic 10 Case containing 10 boxes of 100 Kova Slide 10s - 1000 Slides total - (Plastic 10-chambered gridless microscope slides) Kova Plastics ALLTRISTA PLASTICS LLC
24 10818392015918 110201050001 SOL-M™ Blood Collection Tube Holder SOL-M™ Blood Collection Tube Holder SOL-MILLENNIUM MEDICAL INC
25 10810010891430 HH8000 HH8000 Lab In A Pouch CARDINAL HEALTH CARDINAL HEALTH 200, LLC
26 10810010890570 BRL300 BRL300 Labeled EDTA Tubes Aero-Med AERO-MED, LTD.
27 10810010890440 BHD455071P-25 BHD455071P-25 Kit; Repackaging 455071P Aero-Med AERO-MED, LTD.
28 10810010890433 BHD367964-50 BHD367964-50 Kit; Repackaging 367964 Aero-Med AERO-MED, LTD.
29 10810010890426 BHD367964-25 BHD367964-25 Kit; Repackaging 367964 Aero-Med AERO-MED, LTD.
30 10810010890419 BHD367861-50 BHD367861-50 Kit; Repackaging 367861 Aero-Med AERO-MED, LTD.
31 10810010890402 BHD367861-25 BHD367861-25 Kit; Repackaging 367861 Aero-Med AERO-MED, LTD.
32 10809160345290 78005B Medical Action Industries MEDICAL ACTION INDUSTRIES INC.
33 10809160321102 ONEL028-01_0007 ONEL028-01 Halyard AVID MEDICAL, INC.
34 10809160321096 ONEL027-01_0006 ONEL027-01 Halyard AVID MEDICAL, INC.
36 10809160173695 ONEL028-01_0006 AVID TruCustom AVID MEDICAL, INC.
37 10809160171080 ONEL027-01_0005 AVID TruCustom AVID MEDICAL, INC.
38 10809160153758 ONEL028-01_0004 AVID TruCustom AVID MEDICAL, INC.
39 10809160131633 ONEL028-01_0001 AVID TruCustom AVID MEDICAL, INC.
40 10809160023754 75307 Medical Action Industries MEDICAL ACTION INDUSTRIES INC.
41 10809160002445 75543 Vial Clear w/ Cap VWR 50/Cs Pilot Medical Action Industries MEDICAL ACTION INDUSTRIES INC.
42 10797876111509 PlastiGrad, 200cc 1150 Specimen Container, non-sterile Plasti Products PLASTI-PRODUCTS INC
43 10704411008415 1 AS345 AMSure® Specimen CupCONTENTS: 4 oz Graduated Cup with Screw Cap AMSure® Specimen Cup AMSINO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
45 10643351000250 07 6014 07 6014 SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 150 µL; Prepared with Dipotassium SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 150 µL; Prepared with Dipotassium EDTA, Sterile, Thin Cap, Purple SAFE-T-FILL® RAM SCIENTIFIC, INC
46 10643351000236 07 7455 07 7455 SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 200 µL; Prepared with Lithium Hep SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 200 µL; Prepared with Lithium Heparin; Amber Microtube, Green SAFE-T-FILL® RAM SCIENTIFIC, INC
47 10643351000212 07 8021 07 8021 SAFE-T-FILL® Capillary Blood Collection Microtubes, 1 mL; Prepared with Lithium SAFE-T-FILL® Capillary Blood Collection Microtubes, 1 mL; Prepared with Lithium Heparin and Plasma Separator Gel; Green SAFE-T-FILL® RAM SCIENTIFIC, INC
48 10643351000205 07 8052 07 8052 SAFE-T-FILL® Capillary Blood Collection Microtubes, 1 mL; Prepared with Lithium SAFE-T-FILL® Capillary Blood Collection Microtubes, 1 mL; Prepared with Lithium Heparin; Green SAFE-T-FILL® RAM SCIENTIFIC, INC
49 10643351000199 07 7450 07 7450 SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 200 µL; Prepared with Clot Activa SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 200 µL; Prepared with Clot Activator; Amber Microtube, Red SAFE-T-FILL® RAM SCIENTIFIC, INC
50 10643351000182 07 7421 07 7421 SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 200 µL; Prepared with Clot Activa SAFE-T-FILL® Micro Capillary Blood Collection, 200 µL; Prepared with Clot Activator and Serum Separator Gel; Amber Microtube, Red SAFE-T-FILL® RAM SCIENTIFIC, INC