No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | M328RV000106 | RV0001 | MUU | System, Suction, Lipoplasty | Revolve Advanced Adipose System | |||
2 | M328CXL1097P0 | CXL1097P | CXL1097P | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated Contour Extra Large | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
3 | M328CXL10970 | CXL1097 | CXL1097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Contour Extra Large | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
4 | M328CS1097P0 | CS1097P | CS1097P | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated Contour Small | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
5 | M328CS10970 | CS1097 | CS1097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Contour Small | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
6 | M328CM1097P0 | CM1097P | CM1097P | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated Contour Medium | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
7 | M328CM10970 | CM1097 | CM1097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Contour Medium | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
8 | M328CL1097P0 | CL1097P | CL1097P | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated Contour Large | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
9 | M328CL10970 | CL1097 | CL1097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Contour Large | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
10 | M32816201097P0 | 16201097P | 16201097P | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 16 cm X 20 cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
11 | M328162010970 | 16201097 | 16201097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix 16 cm X 20 cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
12 | M328101610970 | 10161097 | 10161097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix 10 cm x 16 cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
13 | M328082010970 | 08201097 | 08201097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix 8 cm x 20 cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
14 | M328081610970 | 08161097 | 08161097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix 8 cm x 16 cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
15 | M328061610970 | 06161097 | 06161097 | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix 6 cm x 16 cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
16 | M32855100090 | 5510009 | 5510009 | Strattice Pliable Inguinal Hernia Repair 5.5cm x 10cm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
17 | M32830300020 | 3030002 | 3030002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 30 x 30cm, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
18 | M32825400020 | 2540002 | 2540002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 25 x 40, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
19 | M32820400020 | 2040002 | 2040002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 20 x 40, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
20 | M32810250020 | 1025002 | 1025002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 10 x 25, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
21 | M32820300020 | 2030002 | 2030002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 20 x 30, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
22 | M32820250020 | 2025002 | 2025002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 20 x 25, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
23 | M32820200020 | 2020002 | 2020002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 20 x 20, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
24 | M32816200020 | 1620002 | 1620002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 16 x 20, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
25 | M32815300020 | 1530002 | 1530002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 15 x 30, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
26 | M32815250020 | 1525002 | 1525002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 15 x 25, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
27 | M32810200020 | 1020002 | 1020002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 10 x 20, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
28 | M32810160020 | 1016002 | 1016002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 10 x 16, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
29 | M32810100020 | 1010002 | 1010002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 10 x 10, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
30 | M32808160010 | 0816001 | 0816001 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 8 x 16, Pliable | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
31 | M32808150090 | 0815009 | 0815009 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 08 x 15, Pliable | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
32 | M32808080020 | 0808002 | 0808002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 8 x 8, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
33 | M32806160020 | 0616002 | 0616002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 6 x 16, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
34 | M32806130090 | 0613009 | 0613009 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 06 x 13, Pliable | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
35 | M32806100080 | 0610008 | 0610008 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 06 x 10, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
36 | M32806080010 | 0608001 | 0608001 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 6cm x 8cm, Pliable | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
37 | M32806060020 | 0606002 | 0606002 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 6 x 6, Firm | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
38 | M32805160010 | 0516001 | 0516001 | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix, 5 x 16, Pliable | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix | |
39 | M3282540002P0 | 2540002P | 2540002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 25 x 40 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
40 | M3282040002P0 | 2040002P | 2040002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 20 x 40 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
41 | M3282030002P0 | 2030002P | 2030002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 20 x 30 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
42 | M3282025002P0 | 2025002P | 2025002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 20 x 25 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
43 | M3282020002P0 | 2020002P | 2020002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 20 x 20 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
44 | M3281620002P0 | 1620002P | 1620002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 16 x 20 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
45 | M3281535002P0 | 1535002P | 1535002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 15 x 35 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
46 | M3281020002P0 | 1020002P | 1020002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 10 x 20 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
47 | M3281016002P0 | 1016002P | 1016002P | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated 10 x 16 cm rectangle | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix Perforated | |
48 | 00818410012410 | RV0001E600 | RV0001E600 | Tissue Processing System | MUU | System, Suction, Lipoplasty | 2 | Revolve ENVI 600 Advanced Adipose System |
49 | M328CON30060 | CON3006 | CON3006 | Large Curved Shape for Strattice, BPS (Contour3) | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix BPS | |
50 | M328CON20060 | CON2006 | CON2006 | Medium Curved Shape for Strattice, BPS (Contour2) | FTM | Mesh, Surgical | Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix BPS |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 10884521795426 | PPDS3530 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
2 | 10884521795419 | PPDS2520 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
3 | 10884521795402 | PPDS15 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
4 | 10884521795396 | PPDS1510 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
5 | 10884521795389 | PPDS12 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
6 | 10884521784130 | PPDS3020 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
7 | 10884521784123 | PPDS2015X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
8 | 10884521784116 | PPDS2015 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
9 | 10884521784109 | PPDS15X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
10 | 10884521784093 | PPDS1510X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
11 | 10884521784086 | PPDS12X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
12 | 10884521726642 | DTN1610EX6 | DTN1610EX6 | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
13 | 10884521726635 | DTN10RX6 | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
14 | 10884521726628 | DTN07RX6 | DTN07RX6 | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
15 | 10884521726611 | DTN1610EX3 | DTN1610EX3 | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
16 | 10884521726604 | DTN10RX3 | DTN10RX3 | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
17 | 10884521726598 | DTN07RX3 | DTN07RX3 | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
18 | 10884521726581 | DTN1610E | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
19 | 10884521726574 | DTN10R | DTN10R | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
20 | 10884521726567 | DTN07R | DTN07R | Bilayer Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene | Duatene | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
21 | 10884521726543 | DXT1612AL | DXT1612AL | Anatomical Mesh Pre-shaped Monofilament Polypropylene Textile with Marking;Left Side | Dextile | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
22 | 10884521726536 | DXT1612AR | DXT1612AR | Anatomical Mesh Pre-shaped Monofilament Polypropylene Textile with Marking;Right Side | Dextile | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
23 | 10884521726529 | DXT1510AL | DXT1510AL | Anatomical Mesh Pre-shaped Monofilament Polypropylene Textile with Marking;Left Side | Dextile | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
24 | 10884521726512 | DXT1510AR | DXT1510AR | Anatomical Mesh Pre-shaped Monofilament Polypropylene Textile with Marking;Right Side | Dextile | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
25 | 10884521726505 | DXT1309AL | DXT1309AL | Anatomical Mesh Pre-shaped Monofilament Polypropylene Textile with Marking;Left Side | Dextile | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
26 | 10884521726499 | DXT1309AR | DXT1309AR | Anatomical Mesh Pre-shaped Monofilament Polypropylene Textile with Marking;Right Side | Dextile | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |
27 | 10884521593442 | SYM20F | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polyester with Absorbable Collagen Film, Pre-placed Composite Mesh Monofilament Polyester with Absorbable Collagen Film, Pre-placed Sutures and Marking | Symbotex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
28 | 10884521593435 | SYM20 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polyester with Absorbable Collagen Film and Marking | Symbotex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
29 | 10884521553552 | PPDS2015X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
30 | 10884521553545 | PPDS15X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
31 | 10884521553538 | PPDS1510X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
32 | 10884521553521 | PPDS12X3 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
33 | 10884521553507 | PPDS3530 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
34 | 10884521553491 | PPDS3020 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
35 | 10884521553484 | PPDS2520 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
36 | 10884521553477 | PPDS2015 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
37 | 10884521553460 | PPDS15 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
38 | 10884521553453 | PPDS1510 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
39 | 10884521553446 | PPDS12 | Composite Mesh Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh with Absorbable Synthetic Film and Marking | Parietene DS | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
40 | 10884521532649 | VTX1515MX3 | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
41 | 10884521532632 | VTX1515X3 | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
42 | 10884521532625 | VTX1510X3 | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
43 | 10884521532618 | VTX1106X3 | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
44 | 10884521532298 | VTX5050M | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
45 | 10884521532274 | VTX4530M | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
46 | 10884521532267 | VTX3030M | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
47 | 10884521532250 | VTX2020M | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
48 | 10884521532243 | VTX1515M | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
49 | 10884521532236 | VTX1515 | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION | |
50 | 10884521532229 | VTX1510 | Monofilament Mesh, Macroporous Polyester | Versatex | SOFRADIM PRODUCTION |