Other products from "DENTAURUM GMBH & CO.KG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 J011294243600 294-243-60 Triceram® dentin D3, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
2 J011294242300 294-242-30 Triceram® dentin D2, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
3 J011294234600 294-234-60 Triceram® dentin C4, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
4 J011294234300 294-234-30 Triceram® dentin C4, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
5 J011294232600 294-232-60 Triceram® dentin C2, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
6 J011294232300 294-232-30 Triceram® dentin C2, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
7 J011294223600 294-223-60 Triceram® dentin B3, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
8 J011294213300 294-213-30 Triceram® dentin A3, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
9 J011294144600 294-144-60 Triceram® opaque dentin D4, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
10 J011294143300 294-143-30 Triceram® opaque dentin D3, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
11 J011294142600 294-142-60 Triceram® opaque dentin D2, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
12 J011294142300 294-142-30 Triceram® opaque dentin D2, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
13 J011294121600 294-121-60 Triceram® opaque dentin B1, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
14 J011294114600 294-114-60 Triceram® opaque dentin A3,5; 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
15 J011294113600 294-113-60 Triceram® opaque dentin A3, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
16 J011274298600 274-298-60 CCS dentin CC 53, 40g/ dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 N.A.
17 J011294112600 294-112-60 Triceram® opaque dentin A2, 40g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
18 J011294112300 294-112-30 Triceram® opaque dentin A2, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
19 J011294111300 294-111-30 Triceram® opaque dentin A1, 15g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
20 J011294257300 294-257-30 Triceram® Chroma dentin 7, 15 g / dental ceramic material EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN 2 Triceram®
21 J011889015000 889-015-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 37, Size 15 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
22 J011889014000 889-014-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 37, Size 14 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
23 J011871014000 871-014-00 Standard Band, Tooth 47-46/36-37, Size 14 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
24 J011887004000 887-004-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 27, Size 4 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
25 J011886008000 886-008-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 17, Size 8 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
26 J011886003000 886-003-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 17, Size 3 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
27 J011889032000 889-032-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 37, Size 32 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
28 J011885305180 885-305-18 dentaform® Band, tooth 36, size 5/Roth 18 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC 1 dentaform®
29 J011883004000 883-004-00 dentaform® Band, Tooth 26, Size 4 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
30 J011882307220 882-307-22 dentaform® Band, tooth 16, size 7/Roth 22 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC 1 dentaform®
31 J011871022000 871-022-00 Standard Band, Tooth 47-46/36-37, Size 22 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
32 J011871018000 871-018-00 Standard Band, Tooth 47-46/36-37, Size 18 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
33 J011880205000 880-205-00 dentaform® Snap Band, Tooth 46, Size 5 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC dentaform®
34 J011879304180 879-304-18 dentaform® Snap Band, tooth 26, size 4/Roth 18 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC 1 dentaform®
35 J011870020000 870-020-00 Standard Band, Tooth 17-16/26-27, Size 20 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
36 J011870004000 870-004-00 Standard Band, Tooth 17-16/26-27, Size 4 ECM BAND, PREFORMED, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
37 J011792020000 792-020-00 Mollin Bracket EJF BRACKET, METAL, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
38 J011726210000 726-210-00 Buccal Tubes, 22 right,0°Torque, 0°Offset DZD TUBE, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
39 J011741045000 741-045-00 Face Bow, 1.15 mm, medium, 90 mm, grey KCR FACEBOW 1 N.A.
40 J011607301000 607-301-00 Activator tubes, inner ø 1.30 mm/51 KCR FACEBOW N.A.
41 J011600303300 600-303-30 Expansion screws, Stainless steel, Magnum DYJ RETAINER, SCREW EXPANSION, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
42 J011718701320 718-701-32 discovery® pearl bracket, - 1° Torque, 0° Angulation for tooth 32, Roth 18 EJF BRACKET, METAL, ORTHODONTIC 1 discovery®
43 J011700512010 700-512-01 dinamique c Bracket, 0°Torque , 0°Angulation for tooth 31 EJF BRACKET, METAL, ORTHODONTIC 1 N.A.
44 J011632103000 632-103-00 Plastic sleeving, ø 1.90 mm ECI BAND, ELASTIC, ORTHODONTIC 1 N.A.
45 J011607136000 607-136-00 SUS² ball retainer clasps DYJ RETAINER, SCREW EXPANSION, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
46 J011606701300 606-701-30 Mandibular bow screw acc. to Müller, Stainless Steel DYJ RETAINER, SCREW EXPANSION, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
47 J011600500300 600-500-30 Sectional screws, straight, Stainless steel, Medium DYJ RETAINER, SCREW EXPANSION, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
48 J011600301300 600-301-30 Expansion screws, Stainless steel, Medium DYJ RETAINER, SCREW EXPANSION, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
49 J011600320600 600-320-60 Expansion screw, Stainless steel, Mini DYJ RETAINER, SCREW EXPANSION, ORTHODONTIC N.A.
50 J011161609000 161-609-00 Orthocryl® Disco glitter, gold KMY POSITIONER, TOOTH, PREFORMED 1 Orthocryl®
Other products with the same Product Code "DZA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08800024954615 PLT-DRL PLT-DRL Ø2.0 / Ø2.7 Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
2 08800024954608 SD-5011 SD-5011 Ø5.0 / L=11.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
3 08800024954592 SD-5010 SD-5010 Ø5.0 / L=9.5mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
4 08800024954585 SD-5008 SD-5008 Ø5.0 / L=8.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
5 08800024954578 SD-4511 SD-4511 Ø4.5 / L=11.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
6 08800024954561 SD-4510 SD-4510 Ø4.5 / L=9.5mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
7 08800024954554 SD-4508 SD-4508 Ø4.5 / L=8.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
8 08800024954547 SD-4011 SD-4011 Ø4.0 / L=11.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
9 08800024954530 SD-4010 SD-4010 Ø4.0 / L=9.5mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
10 08800024954523 SD-4008 SD-4008 Ø4.0 / L=8.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
11 08800024954516 SD-3511 SD-3511 Ø3.5 / L=11.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
12 08800024954509 SD-3510 SD-3510 Ø3.5 / L=9.5mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
13 08800024954493 SD-3508 SD-3508 Ø3.5 / L=8.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
14 08800024954486 SD-2011 SD-2011 Ø2.0 / L=11.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
15 08800024954479 SD-2010 SD-2010 Ø2.0 / L=9.5mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
16 08800024954462 SD-2008 SD-2008 Ø2.0 / L=8.0mm Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
17 08800024954455 W-HCP Short W-HCP Short Hex 2.5 / Short Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
18 08800024954448 W-HCP Long W-HCP Long Hex 2.5 / Long Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
19 08800024954431 S-HCP Short S-HCP Short Hex 2.1 / Short Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
20 08800024954424 S-HCP Long S-HCP Long Hex 2.1 / Long Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
21 08800024954417 S-HFDNM Short S-HFDNM Short Hex2.1 / Handpiece / Short Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
22 08800024954400 S-HFDNM Long S-HFDNM Long Hex2.1 / Handpiece / Long Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
23 08800024918822 HEXDR-YS HEXDR-YS Hex 1.25 / Short Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
24 08800024918815 HEXDR-YL HEXDR-YL Hex 1.25 / Long Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
25 08800024918808 HEXDR-PS HEXDR-PS Hex 1.2 / Short Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
26 08800024918792 HEXDR-PL HEXDR-PL Hex 1.2 / Long Nexplant ACHIMHAI MEDICAL CORPORATION
27 08800011263508 OTFDA6513 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
28 08800011263492 OTFDA6511 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
29 08800011263485 OTFDA6510 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
30 08800011263478 OTFDA6508 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
31 08800011263461 OTFDA6507 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
32 08800011263454 OTFDA6506 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
33 08800011263447 OTFDA5513 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
34 08800011263430 OTFDA5511 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
35 08800011263423 OTFDA5510 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
36 08800011263416 OTFDA5508 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
37 08800011263409 OTFDA5507 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
38 08800011263393 OTFDA5506 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
39 08800011263386 OTFD7013N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
40 08800011263379 OTFD6513N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
41 08800011263362 OTFD6013N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
42 08800011263355 OTFD5513N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
43 08800011263348 OTFD5013N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
44 08800011263331 OTFD4513N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
45 08800011263324 OTFD4013N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
46 08800011263317 OTFD3513N Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
47 08800011263300 OTFD7013 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
48 08800011263294 OTFD7011 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
49 08800011263287 OTFD7010 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.
50 08800011263270 OTFD7008 Final Drill POINT NIX CO., LTD.