Other products from "KEYSTONE INDUSTRIES"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 H66891463901 9146390 9146390 NFC Light Resin EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Proflex
2 H66891431301 9634740 9634740 Hard Reline Econo Kit EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Procure
3 H66807027771 0702777 0702777 Etch Gel 37% 12 g Syringe KLE AGENT, TOOTH BONDING, RESIN 2 Seity
4 H66860817001 6081700 6081700 VPS Light Body, Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
5 H66860816001 6081600 6081600 VPS Light Body, Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
6 H66860815001 6081500 6081500 VPS Med Body, Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
7 H66860814001 6081400 6081400 VPS Med Body, Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
8 H66860813001 6081300 6081300 VPS Heavy Body, Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
9 H66860812001 6081200 6081200 VPS Heavy Body, Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
10 H66860811001 6081100 6081100 Bite Registration Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
11 H66860810001 6081000 6081000 Bite Registration Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Mizzy Consistency
12 H66810093131 1009313 1009313 High Impact Denture Acrylic Disc, LRP EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 KeyMill
13 H66810093121 1009312 1009312 High Impact Denture Acrylic Disc, LRP EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 KeyMill
14 H66810093111 1009311 1009311 High Impact Denture Acrylic Disc, Orig EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 KeyMill
15 H66810093101 1009310 1009310 High Impact Denture Acrylic Disc, Orig EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 KeyMill
16 H66810092291 1009229 1009229 Clearmet Dental Appliance Extrusion Pellets, bulk bag EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Clearmet
17 H6681009227 1009227 1009227 Medium Dental Device Extrusion Pellets EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING Clearmet
18 H6681009225 1009225 1009225 Small Dental Device Extrusion Pellets EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING Clearmet
19 H66810140251 1014025 1014025 2 oz Sealer EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
20 H66860819501 6081950 6081950 HB VPS Putty Kit Reg Set base & catalyst 400g ea ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Keystone HB
21 H66860818161 6081816 6081816 HB VPS Putty Kit Fast Set base & catalyst 400g ea ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Keystone HB
22 H66860817121 6081712 6081712 HB VPS Light Body Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB VPS
23 H66860817111 6081711 6081711 HB VPS Light Body Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB VPS
24 H66860817101 6081710 6081710 HB VPS Med Body Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB VPS
25 H66860817091 6081709 6081709 HB VPS Med Body Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB VPS
26 H66860817081 6081708 6081708 HB VPS Heavy Body Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB VPS
27 H66860817071 6081707 6081707 HB VPS Heavy Body Fast Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB VPS
28 H66860811051 6081105 6081105 HB Bite Registration Reg Set ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Keystone HB
29 H66810140391 1014039 1014039 SC Reline Intro Kit, 1-50g pink Pwd, 1-60 ml premix Liq EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
30 H66810140341 1014034 1014034 HC Reline Kit, 2-50 g Pink Pwd. 2-60 ml pre-mix Liq. EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
31 H66810140331 1014033 1014033 SC Reline Kit, 2-50 g Pink Pwd. 2-60 ml pre-mix Liq. EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
32 H66810140321 1014032 1014032 HC Lab Kit, 2-50g Pwd, 1-60 ml Liq. hardener, 1-60 ml Liq. softener EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
33 H66810140311 1014031 1014031 SC Lab Kit, 2-50g Pwd, 1-60 ml Liq. hardener, 1-60 ml Liq. softener EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
34 H66810140241 1014024 1014024 1/2 oz Sealer EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
35 H66810140231 1014023 1014023 Acrylic Pink 1 lb Pwd EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
36 H66810140221 1014022 1014022 Acrylic Clear 1 lb Pwd EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
37 H66810140211 1014021 1014021 Acrylic Pink 2 oz Pwd EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
38 H66810140201 1014020 1014020 Acrylic Clear 2 oz Pwd EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
39 H66810140191 1014019 1014019 Acrylic HC Pre-Mixed Liquid 1 Qt EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
40 H66810140181 1014018 1014018 Acrylic SC Pre-Mixed Liquid 1 Qt EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
41 H66810140171 1014017 1014017 Acrylic HC Hardener Liquid 1 Qt EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
42 H66810140161 1014016 1014016 Acrylic SC Hardener Liquid 1 Qt EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
43 H66810140151 1014015 1014015 Reline Softening Liquid 1 Qt EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
44 H66810140141 1014014 1014014 Acrylic HC Pre-Mixed Liquid 60 ml EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
45 H66810140131 1014013 1014013 Acrylic SC Pre-Mixed Liquid 60 ml EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
46 H66810140121 1014012 1014012 Acrylic HC Hardener Liquid, 60 ml EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
47 H66810140111 1014011 1014011 Acrylic SC Hardener Liquid 60 ml EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
48 H66810140101 1014010 1014010 Acrylic Softening Liquid, 60 ml EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Versacryl
49 H66810005151 1000515 1000515 SC 25 lb Pwd Clear EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Sledgehammer
50 H66810019751 1001975 1001975 SC 25 lb Pwd & 4 Qt Liq Kit, Lt Fibered Plus EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Sledgehammer
Other products with the same Product Codes "MQC, KMY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 D9821712600 171260 171260 (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental labor (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental laboratory. For DLP/ STL printers at a wavelength of 405 nm or 385 nm. High spirits in 3D. Content: 1 Bottle @ 200 g LuxaPrint Ortho Plus 405 DMG DIGITAL ENTERPRISES SE
2 D9821712590 171259 171259 (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental labor (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental laboratory. For DLP/ STL printers at a wavelength of 405 nm or 385 nm. High spirits in 3D. Content: 1 Bottle @ 200 g LuxaPrint Ortho Plus 385 DMG DIGITAL ENTERPRISES SE
3 D9821712130 171213 171213 (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental labor (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental laboratory. For DLP/ STL printers at a wavelength of 405 nm or 385 nm. High spirits in 3D. Content: 1 Bottle @ 1000 g LuxaPrint Ortho Plus 405 DMG DIGITAL ENTERPRISES SE
4 D9821712120 171212 171212 (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental labor (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental laboratory. For DLP/ STL printers at a wavelength of 405 nm or 385 nm. High spirits in 3D. Content: 1 Bottle @ 500 g LuxaPrint Ortho Plus 405 DMG DIGITAL ENTERPRISES SE
5 D9821712110 171211 171211 (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental labor (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental laboratory. For DLP/ STL printers at a wavelength of 405 nm or 385 nm. High spirits in 3D. Content: 1 Bottle @ 1000 g LuxaPrint Ortho Plus 385 DMG DIGITAL ENTERPRISES SE
6 D9821712100 171210 171210 (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental labor (Meth) acrylate-based light-curing resin exclusively for use in the dental laboratory. For DLP/ STL printers at a wavelength of 405 nm or 385 nm. High spirits in 3D. Content: 1 Bottle @ 500 g LuxaPrint Ortho Plus 385 DMG DIGITAL ENTERPRISES SE
7 D854620651 62065 The POD SML SELANE PRODUCTS, INC.
8 D831PSKIT1 PSKIT1 primosplint system PRIMOTEC LLC
9 D831PS204US0 PS204US primoglaze PRIMOTEC LLC
10 D831PS202US0 PS202US primostick PRIMOTEC LLC
11 D831PS100US1 PS100US Primosplint PRIMOTEC LLC
12 D818132653 132653 132653 ArgeResin Flx Splint 1kg ARGEN ARGEN CORPORATION, THE
19 D810PCSD985111 PCSD98 PCSD98 Package of 1 disc 98mmX20mm with shoulder The Original Clearsplint Disc ASTRON DENTAL CORPORATION
20 D810PCSD2098NS111 PCSD98N PCSD98N Package of 1 disc 98mmX20mm with no shoulder The Original Clearsplint Disc ASTRON DENTAL CORPORATION
21 D810PCSD2095Z111 PCSD95 PCSD95 Package of 1 disc 95mmX20mm Zirkonzahn/Clover Leaf Edge The Original Clearsplint Disc ASTRON DENTAL CORPORATION
22 D810PCSD1698111 PCSD16 PCSD16 Package of 1 disc 98mmX16mm with shoulder The Original Clearsplint Disc ASTRON DENTAL CORPORATION
23 D8055005LPLCUSTOM2 5005-JP/L Custom 5005-JP/L Custom iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
24 D8055005JPSN2 5005-JP/SN 5005-JP/SN iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
25 D8055005JPSCUSTOM2 5005-JP/S Custom 5005-JP/S Custom iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
26 D8055005JPS42 5005-JP/S4 5005-JP/S4 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
27 D8055005JPS32 5005-JP/S3 5005-JP/S3 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
28 D8055005JPS22 5005-JP/S2 5005-JP/S2 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
29 D8055005JPS12 5005-JP/S1 5005-JP/S1 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
30 D8055005JPLN2 5005-JP/LN 5005-JP/LN iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
31 D8055005JPL42 5005-JP/L4 5005-JP/L4 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
32 D8055005JPL32 5005-JP/L3 5005-JP/L3 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
33 D8055005JPL22 5005-JP/L2 5005-JP/L2 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
34 D8055005JPL12 5005-JP/L1 5005-JP/L1 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
35 D805500501MT25N2 5005-01/MT25-N 5005-01/MT25-N iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
36 D805500501MT25CUSTOM2 5005-01MT25 Custom 5005-01MT25 Custom iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
37 D805500501MT2542 5005-01/MT25-4 5005-01/MT25-4 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
38 D805500501MT2532 5005-01/MT25-3 5005-01/MT25-3 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
39 D805500501MT2522 5005-01/MT25-2 5005-01/MT25-2 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
40 D805500501MT2512 5005-01/MT25-1 5005-01/MT25-1 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
41 D805500501M22N2 5005-01/M22-N 5005-01/M22-N iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
42 D805500501M22CUSTOM2 5005-01/M22 Custom 5005-01/M22 Custom iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
43 D805500501M2242 5005-01/M22-4 5005-01/M22-4 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
44 D805500501M2232 5005-01/M22-3 5005-01/M22-3 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
45 D805500501M2222 5005-01/M22-2 5005-01/M22-2 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
46 D805500501M2212 5005-01/M22-1 5005-01/M22-1 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
47 D805500501LT25N2 5005-01/LT25-N 5005-01/LT25-N iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
48 D805500501LT25CUSTOM2 5005-01LT25 Custom 5005-01LT25 Custom iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
49 D805500501LT2542 5005-01/LT25-4 5005-01/LT25-4 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS
50 D805500501LT2532 5005-01/LT25-3 5005-01/LT25-3 iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of iFlex by TCS is a break resistant material used in the fabrication and repair of the base plates for removable dental prosthetic appliances. This includes but is not to be limited to full and partial removable dentures, orthodontics devices, occlusal splints, and night guards. iFlex by TCS THERMOPLASTIC COMFORT SYS