Other products from "HARRY J BOSWORTH COMPANY"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 H66809219991 0921999 0921999 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, very white EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
2 H66809219601 0921960 0921960 Qt Orig Truliner Liquid EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
3 H66809219591 0921959 0921959 5 lb Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Clear EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
4 H66809219581 0921958 0921958 5 lb Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
5 H66809219571 0921957 0921957 5 lb Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
6 H66809219521 0921952 0921952 1 lb bulk Orig Truliner PMMA P&L Kit Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
7 H66809219511 0921951 0921951 1 lb bulk Orig Truliner PMMA P&L Kit Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
8 H66809219501 0921950 0921950 Orig Truliner Liquid EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
9 H66809219481 0921948 0921948 Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
10 H66809219471 0921947 0921947 Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
11 H66809219461 0921946 0921946 Orig Truliner Liquid EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
12 H66809219451 0921945 0921945 Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Clear EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
13 H66809219441 0921944 0921944 Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
14 H66809219431 0921943 0921943 Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
15 H66809219421 0921942 0921942 Orig Truliner PMMA Standard P&L Kit Clear EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
16 H66809219411 0921941 0921941 Orig Truliner PMMA Standard P&L Kit Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
17 H66809219401 0921940 0921940 Orig Truliner PMMA Standard P&L Kit Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth Original Truliner
18 H66809219151 0921915 0921915 Gallon PEMA C&B Liquid EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
19 H66809219141 0921914 0921914 Quart PEMA C&B Liquid EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
20 H66809219091 0921909 0921909 8 oz PEMA Liquid, Reg EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
21 H66809219081 0921908 0921908 1 lb PEMA C&B Pwd only, Dark EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
22 H66809219071 0921907 0921907 1 lb PEMA C&B Pwd only, Lt EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
23 H66809219061 0921906 0921906 1 lb Trim P&L Kit, Dark Pwd EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
24 H66809219051 0921905 0921905 1 lb Trim P&L Kit, Light Pwd EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
25 H6680921902C1 0921902C 0921902C 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, Clear EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
26 H6680921902661 0921902-66 0921902-66 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, shade 66 EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
27 H66809219021 0921902 0921902 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, dark EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
28 H66809219011 0921901 0921901 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, light EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
29 H6680921900L1 0921900L 0921900L PEMA Temp C&B Light Pwd Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 6 oz liquid EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
30 H6680921900D1 0921900D 0921900D PEMA Temp C&B Dark Pwd Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 6 oz liquid EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
31 H66809219001 0921900 0921900 PEMA Temp C&B Standard Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 6 oz liquid EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
32 H6680921751 092175 092175 8 oz Repair Liquid EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
33 H66809217441 0921744 0921744 PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 5 lb Powder ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Bosworth Sapphire
34 H66809217421 0921742 0921742 PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 6 oz Liquid ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Bosworth Sapphire
35 H6680921741C1 0921741C 0921741C PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 8 oz Powder Clear ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Bosworth Sapphire
36 H66809217411 0921741 0921741 PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 8 oz Powder Blue ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Bosworth Sapphire
37 H6680921740C1 0921740C 0921740C PEMA P&L Acrylic Impression Material Kit, Clear ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Bosworth Sapphire
38 H66809217401 0921740 0921740 PEMA P&L Acrylic Impression Material Kit, Blue ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION 2 Bosworth Sapphire
39 H6680921721 092172 092172 1 lb Repair Pwd, Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
40 H6680921711 092171 092171 1 Qt Repair Liquid EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
41 H6680921691 092169 092169 5 lb Repair Pwd, Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
42 H6680921641 092164 092164 4 oz Repair Liquid EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
43 H6680921631 092163 092163 3 oz Repair Pwd, Clear EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
44 H6680921621 092162 092162 3 oz Repair Pwd, Vein EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
45 H6680921611 092161 092161 3 oz Repair Pwd, Pink EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
46 H668092160V1 092160V 092160V Acrylic Repair Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 4 oz liquid, Veined EBI RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING 2 Bosworth TruRepair
47 H66809215971 0921597 0921597 Sample PEMA Temp C&B P&L Kit, single dose EBG CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN 2 Bosworth Trim
48 H66809210131 0921013 0921013 2 oz ZOE Cement Pwd, Reg EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Bosworth SuperEBA
49 H66809214071 0921407 0921407 Fastray LC Standard Kit White ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Bosworth Fastray LC
50 H66809214061 0921406 0921406 Fastray LC Standard Kit Pink ELW MATERIAL, IMPRESSION Bosworth Fastray LC
Other products with the same Product Code "EBG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 04260683220515 RES-01-3187 RES-01-3187 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ Bleach 0.5kg ENVISIONTEC GMBH
2 04260683220508 RES-01-3186 RES-01-3186 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ B1 0.5kg ENVISIONTEC GMBH
3 04260683220492 RES-01-3185 RES-01-3185 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3.5 0.5kg ENVISIONTEC GMBH
4 04260683220485 RES-01-3184 RES-01-3184 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3 0.5kg ENVISIONTEC GMBH
5 04260683220478 RES-01-3183 RES-01-3183 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A2 0.5kg ENVISIONTEC GMBH
6 04260683220461 RES-01-3182 RES-01-3182 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A1 0.5kg ENVISIONTEC GMBH
7 04260683220454 RES-01-3151 RES-01-3151 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ Bleach ENVISIONTEC GMBH
8 04260683220447 RES-01-3150 RES-01-3150 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ B1 ENVISIONTEC GMBH
9 04260683220430 RES-01-3149 RES-01-3149 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3.5 ENVISIONTEC GMBH
10 04260683220423 RES-01-3148 RES-01-3148 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3 ENVISIONTEC GMBH
11 04260683220416 RES-01-3147 RES-01-3147 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A2 ENVISIONTEC GMBH
12 04260683220409 RES-01-3146 RES-01-3146 Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A1 ENVISIONTEC GMBH
13 04260635980320 019.3068 019.3068 P pro Crown & Bridge A3 1000g P pro Crown & Bridge A3 DELTAMED GMBH
14 04260635980290 019.3065 019.3065 P pro Crown & Bridge A2 1000g P pro Crown & Bridge A2 DELTAMED GMBH
15 04260635980269 019.3062 019.3062 P pro Crown & Bridge A1 1000g P pro Crown & Bridge A1 DELTAMED GMBH
16 H6581126993 1126993 1126993 Preline Plus Calcium Hydroxide Ivory Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
17 H6581126992 1126992 1126992 Preline Plus Calcium Hydroxide Dentin Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
18 H6581010586 1010586 1010586 Preline Calcium Hydroxide Ivory Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
19 H6581005016 1005016 1005016 Preline Calcium Hydroxide Dentin Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
20 EZHIC7002151 C700215 C700215 Dental Composite Material Acrytemp CB A3 ZHERMACK SPA
21 EZHIC7002051 C700205 C700205 Dental Composite Material Acrytemp CB A 3,5 ZHERMACK SPA
22 EZHIC7002001 C700200 C700200 Dental Composite Material Acrytemp CB A2 ZHERMACK SPA
23 ESDG2201161 220116 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite B2 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
24 ESDG2201151 220115 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite B2 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
25 ESDG2201141 220114 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A4 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
26 ESDG2201131 220113 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A4 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
27 ESDG2201121 220112 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A3 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
28 ESDG2201111 220111 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A3 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
29 ESDG2201101 220110 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A2 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
30 ESDG2201091 220109 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A2 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
31 ESDG2201081 220108 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A1 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
32 ESDG2201071 220107 Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A1 SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH
33 EPRCD1001630 500g - bleach PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
34 EPRCD1001629 1kg - bleach PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
35 EPRCD1001628 500g - B2 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
36 EPRCD1001627 1kg - B2 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
37 EPRCD1001621 500g - B1 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
38 EPRCD1001619 500g - A3.5 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
39 EPRCD1001616 1kg - B1 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
40 EPRCD1001615 1kg - A3.5 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
41 EPRCD1001446 500g - A3 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
42 EPRCD1001445 500g - A2 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
43 EPRCD1001444 500g - A1 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
44 EPRCD1001433 1kg - A2 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
45 EPRCD1001432 1kg - A1 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
46 EPRCD1001431 1kg - A3 PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH
47 EPOLPMMAML648 PMMAML.648 PMMAML.648 Dental crown/bridge, temporary PMMA CAD/CAM Disc POLIDENT D.O.O.
48 EPOLPMMAML647 PMMAML.647 PMMAML.647 Dental crown/bridge, temporary PMMA CAD/CAM Disc POLIDENT D.O.O.
49 EPOLPMMAML599 PMMAML.599 PMMAML.599 Dental crown/bridge, temporary PMMA CAD/CAM Disc POLIDENT D.O.O.
50 EPOLPMMAML525 PMMAML.525 PMMAML.525 Dental crown/bridge, temporary PMMA CAD/CAM Disc POLIDENT D.O.O.