No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | H66809219991 | 0921999 | 0921999 | 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, very white | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
2 | H66809219601 | 0921960 | 0921960 | Qt Orig Truliner Liquid | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
3 | H66809219591 | 0921959 | 0921959 | 5 lb Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Clear | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
4 | H66809219581 | 0921958 | 0921958 | 5 lb Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
5 | H66809219571 | 0921957 | 0921957 | 5 lb Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
6 | H66809219521 | 0921952 | 0921952 | 1 lb bulk Orig Truliner PMMA P&L Kit Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
7 | H66809219511 | 0921951 | 0921951 | 1 lb bulk Orig Truliner PMMA P&L Kit Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
8 | H66809219501 | 0921950 | 0921950 | Orig Truliner Liquid | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
9 | H66809219481 | 0921948 | 0921948 | Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
10 | H66809219471 | 0921947 | 0921947 | Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
11 | H66809219461 | 0921946 | 0921946 | Orig Truliner Liquid | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
12 | H66809219451 | 0921945 | 0921945 | Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Clear | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
13 | H66809219441 | 0921944 | 0921944 | Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
14 | H66809219431 | 0921943 | 0921943 | Orig Truliner PMMA Pwd Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
15 | H66809219421 | 0921942 | 0921942 | Orig Truliner PMMA Standard P&L Kit Clear | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
16 | H66809219411 | 0921941 | 0921941 | Orig Truliner PMMA Standard P&L Kit Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
17 | H66809219401 | 0921940 | 0921940 | Orig Truliner PMMA Standard P&L Kit Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth Original Truliner |
18 | H66809219151 | 0921915 | 0921915 | Gallon PEMA C&B Liquid | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
19 | H66809219141 | 0921914 | 0921914 | Quart PEMA C&B Liquid | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
20 | H66809219091 | 0921909 | 0921909 | 8 oz PEMA Liquid, Reg | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
21 | H66809219081 | 0921908 | 0921908 | 1 lb PEMA C&B Pwd only, Dark | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
22 | H66809219071 | 0921907 | 0921907 | 1 lb PEMA C&B Pwd only, Lt | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
23 | H66809219061 | 0921906 | 0921906 | 1 lb Trim P&L Kit, Dark Pwd | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
24 | H66809219051 | 0921905 | 0921905 | 1 lb Trim P&L Kit, Light Pwd | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
25 | H6680921902C1 | 0921902C | 0921902C | 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, Clear | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
26 | H6680921902661 | 0921902-66 | 0921902-66 | 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, shade 66 | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
27 | H66809219021 | 0921902 | 0921902 | 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, dark | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
28 | H66809219011 | 0921901 | 0921901 | 3 oz PEMA C&B Pwd, light | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
29 | H6680921900L1 | 0921900L | 0921900L | PEMA Temp C&B Light Pwd Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 6 oz liquid | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
30 | H6680921900D1 | 0921900D | 0921900D | PEMA Temp C&B Dark Pwd Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 6 oz liquid | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
31 | H66809219001 | 0921900 | 0921900 | PEMA Temp C&B Standard Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 6 oz liquid | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
32 | H6680921751 | 092175 | 092175 | 8 oz Repair Liquid | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
33 | H66809217441 | 0921744 | 0921744 | PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 5 lb Powder | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | 2 | Bosworth Sapphire |
34 | H66809217421 | 0921742 | 0921742 | PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 6 oz Liquid | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | 2 | Bosworth Sapphire |
35 | H6680921741C1 | 0921741C | 0921741C | PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 8 oz Powder Clear | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | 2 | Bosworth Sapphire |
36 | H66809217411 | 0921741 | 0921741 | PEMA Acrylic Impression Material 8 oz Powder Blue | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | 2 | Bosworth Sapphire |
37 | H6680921740C1 | 0921740C | 0921740C | PEMA P&L Acrylic Impression Material Kit, Clear | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | 2 | Bosworth Sapphire |
38 | H66809217401 | 0921740 | 0921740 | PEMA P&L Acrylic Impression Material Kit, Blue | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | 2 | Bosworth Sapphire |
39 | H6680921721 | 092172 | 092172 | 1 lb Repair Pwd, Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
40 | H6680921711 | 092171 | 092171 | 1 Qt Repair Liquid | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
41 | H6680921691 | 092169 | 092169 | 5 lb Repair Pwd, Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
42 | H6680921641 | 092164 | 092164 | 4 oz Repair Liquid | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
43 | H6680921631 | 092163 | 092163 | 3 oz Repair Pwd, Clear | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
44 | H6680921621 | 092162 | 092162 | 3 oz Repair Pwd, Vein | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
45 | H6680921611 | 092161 | 092161 | 3 oz Repair Pwd, Pink | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
46 | H668092160V1 | 092160V | 092160V | Acrylic Repair Kit, 2-3 oz Pwd, 4 oz liquid, Veined | EBI | RESIN, DENTURE, RELINING, REPAIRING, REBASING | 2 | Bosworth TruRepair |
47 | H66809215971 | 0921597 | 0921597 | Sample PEMA Temp C&B P&L Kit, single dose | EBG | CROWN AND BRIDGE, TEMPORARY, RESIN | 2 | Bosworth Trim |
48 | H66809210131 | 0921013 | 0921013 | 2 oz ZOE Cement Pwd, Reg | EMA | CEMENT, DENTAL | 2 | Bosworth SuperEBA |
49 | H66809214071 | 0921407 | 0921407 | Fastray LC Standard Kit White | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | Bosworth Fastray LC | |
50 | H66809214061 | 0921406 | 0921406 | Fastray LC Standard Kit Pink | ELW | MATERIAL, IMPRESSION | Bosworth Fastray LC |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 04260683220515 | RES-01-3187 | RES-01-3187 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ Bleach 0.5kg | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
2 | 04260683220508 | RES-01-3186 | RES-01-3186 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ B1 0.5kg | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
3 | 04260683220492 | RES-01-3185 | RES-01-3185 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3.5 0.5kg | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
4 | 04260683220485 | RES-01-3184 | RES-01-3184 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3 0.5kg | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
5 | 04260683220478 | RES-01-3183 | RES-01-3183 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A2 0.5kg | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
6 | 04260683220461 | RES-01-3182 | RES-01-3182 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A1 0.5kg | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
7 | 04260683220454 | RES-01-3151 | RES-01-3151 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ Bleach | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
8 | 04260683220447 | RES-01-3150 | RES-01-3150 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ B1 | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
9 | 04260683220430 | RES-01-3149 | RES-01-3149 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3.5 | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
10 | 04260683220423 | RES-01-3148 | RES-01-3148 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A3 | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
11 | 04260683220416 | RES-01-3147 | RES-01-3147 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A2 | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
12 | 04260683220409 | RES-01-3146 | RES-01-3146 | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturin Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ is a light-curing material for the additive manufacturing of permanent single and partial crowns, of artificial teeth, of veneers and of monolithic full and partial dentures and temporary crowns and bridges. | Flexcera™ Smile Ultra+ A1 | ENVISIONTEC GMBH |
13 | 04260635980320 | 019.3068 | 019.3068 | P pro Crown & Bridge A3 1000g | P pro Crown & Bridge A3 | DELTAMED GMBH |
14 | 04260635980290 | 019.3065 | 019.3065 | P pro Crown & Bridge A2 1000g | P pro Crown & Bridge A2 | DELTAMED GMBH |
15 | 04260635980269 | 019.3062 | 019.3062 | P pro Crown & Bridge A1 1000g | P pro Crown & Bridge A1 | DELTAMED GMBH |
16 | H6581126993 | 1126993 | 1126993 | Preline Plus Calcium Hydroxide Ivory | Henry Schein | HENRY SCHEIN, INC. |
17 | H6581126992 | 1126992 | 1126992 | Preline Plus Calcium Hydroxide Dentin | Henry Schein | HENRY SCHEIN, INC. |
18 | H6581010586 | 1010586 | 1010586 | Preline Calcium Hydroxide Ivory | Henry Schein | HENRY SCHEIN, INC. |
19 | H6581005016 | 1005016 | 1005016 | Preline Calcium Hydroxide Dentin | Henry Schein | HENRY SCHEIN, INC. |
20 | EZHIC7002151 | C700215 | C700215 | Dental Composite Material | Acrytemp CB A3 | ZHERMACK SPA |
21 | EZHIC7002051 | C700205 | C700205 | Dental Composite Material | Acrytemp CB A 3,5 | ZHERMACK SPA |
22 | EZHIC7002001 | C700200 | C700200 | Dental Composite Material | Acrytemp CB A2 | ZHERMACK SPA |
23 | ESDG2201161 | 220116 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite B2 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
24 | ESDG2201151 | 220115 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite B2 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
25 | ESDG2201141 | 220114 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A4 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
26 | ESDG2201131 | 220113 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A4 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
27 | ESDG2201121 | 220112 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A3 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
28 | ESDG2201111 | 220111 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A3 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
29 | ESDG2201101 | 220110 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A2 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
30 | ESDG2201091 | 220109 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A2 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
31 | ESDG2201081 | 220108 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A1 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
32 | ESDG2201071 | 220107 | Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which com Milling blank made from high performance acrylic and zirconium dioxide which combines the qualities of both materials. The elastic and mildly flexible material ensures permanent restorations with up to 3 units (single crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, three-unit bridges) as well as long-term temporaries with up to 16 units and a life span of up to two years. | Tizian Blank Zirconia Reinforced Composite A1 | SCHÜTZ DENTAL GMBH | |
33 | EPRCD1001630 | 500g - bleach | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
34 | EPRCD1001629 | 1kg - bleach | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
35 | EPRCD1001628 | 500g - B2 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
36 | EPRCD1001627 | 1kg - B2 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
37 | EPRCD1001621 | 500g - B1 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
38 | EPRCD1001619 | 500g - A3.5 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
39 | EPRCD1001616 | 1kg - B1 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
40 | EPRCD1001615 | 1kg - A3.5 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
41 | EPRCD1001446 | 500g - A3 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
42 | EPRCD1001445 | 500g - A2 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
43 | EPRCD1001444 | 500g - A1 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
44 | EPRCD1001433 | 1kg - A2 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
45 | EPRCD1001432 | 1kg - A1 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
46 | EPRCD1001431 | 1kg - A3 | PRO3DURE GR-17 temporary | PRO3DURE MEDICAL GMBH | ||
47 | EPOLPMMAML648 | PMMAML.648 | PMMAML.648 | Dental crown/bridge, temporary | PMMA CAD/CAM Disc | POLIDENT D.O.O. |
48 | EPOLPMMAML647 | PMMAML.647 | PMMAML.647 | Dental crown/bridge, temporary | PMMA CAD/CAM Disc | POLIDENT D.O.O. |
49 | EPOLPMMAML599 | PMMAML.599 | PMMAML.599 | Dental crown/bridge, temporary | PMMA CAD/CAM Disc | POLIDENT D.O.O. |
50 | EPOLPMMAML525 | PMMAML.525 | PMMAML.525 | Dental crown/bridge, temporary | PMMA CAD/CAM Disc | POLIDENT D.O.O. |