Knolle Anterior Chamber Irrigating Cannula 30ga Angled 2mm from bend to tip, 19m
Knolle Anterior Chamber Irrigating Cannula 30ga Angled 2mm from bend to tip, 19mm Overall Length
Connor Style Wand .5mm ball tip, Angled 10mm from bend to tip, Round handle, Sta
Connor Style Wand .5mm ball tip, Angled 10mm from bend to tip, Round handle, Stainless Steel
Lindstrom STAR Manipulator Multi-Directional Cross-Action tip, angled 12mm from
Lindstrom STAR Manipulator Multi-Directional Cross-Action tip, angled 12mm from bend to tip, round knurled handle, 117mm overall length, Titanium
Nucleus Chopper Straight, Curved Interior Cutting Edge with .5mm Olive Shaped Ti
Nucleus Chopper Straight, Curved Interior Cutting Edge with .5mm Olive Shaped Tip, for use in the RIGHT HAND, Slightly Angled 15mm from bend to tip, Round Knurled Handle, 117mm Overall Length, Titanium
Lieberman microfinger nucleus manipulator, 4 1/2'', angled shaft, 10.0mm from be
Lieberman microfinger nucleus manipulator, 4 1/2'', angled shaft, 10.0mm from bend to tip, for use in the right hand, round handle
Lieberman Microfinger Nucleus Manipulator Unique C-Shaped tip, angled 10mm from
Lieberman Microfinger Nucleus Manipulator Unique C-Shaped tip, angled 10mm from bend to tip, for use in the left hand, round knurled handle, 114mm overall length, stainless steel
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis DBL/Ended Spatula, .5mm flat posterior surface with se
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis DBL/Ended Spatula, .5mm flat posterior surface with semi-sharp tip angled/vaulted 10mm from bend to tip / .5mm flat posterior surface with semi-sharp tip, angled/vaulted 15mm from bend to tip, flat handle, 135 mm overall lengt...
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis DBL/Ended Spatula, .25mm flat posterior surface with S
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis DBL/Ended Spatula, .25mm flat posterior surface with Semi-Sharp tip, angled/vaulted 10mm from bend to tip / .25mm flat posterior surface with semi-sharp tip, angled/vaulted 15mm from bend to tip, dbl/ended, flat handle, 135 mm...
Jaffe Bechert Nucleus Rotator Y-shaped tip, angled 9mm from bend to tip, round k
Jaffe Bechert Nucleus Rotator Y-shaped tip, angled 9mm from bend to tip, round knurled handle, 120mm overall length, stainless steel
Drysdale Nucleus Manipulator Paddle Shaped Tip with Anterior Capsule Polisher, a
Drysdale Nucleus Manipulator Paddle Shaped Tip with Anterior Capsule Polisher, angled 10mm from bend to tip, round knurled handle, 112mm overall length, stainless steel
Femtosecond DBL-Ended Spatula, 1.0mm spatula with beveled edges and slightly poi
Femtosecond DBL-Ended Spatula, 1.0mm spatula with beveled edges and slightly pointed tip, straight / 2.0mm spatula with beveled edges and slightly pointed tip, slightly angled at 8mm from bend to tip, round knurled handle, 115mm overall length, stainle...
Koch Spatula and Karate Chopper DBL-Ended, Koch Spatula, .8mm wide gently curved
Koch Spatula and Karate Chopper DBL-Ended, Koch Spatula, .8mm wide gently curved shaft with duckbill-shaped tip / katate chopper with 1mm long cutting wedge for use in the RIGHT HAND, angled 10mm from bend to tip, round knurled handle, 126mm overall le...
Nucleus Chopper & Safety Quick Chopper DBL-Ended, curved interior cutting edge w
Nucleus Chopper & Safety Quick Chopper DBL-Ended, curved interior cutting edge with .5mm olive shaped tip, slightly angled 15mm from bend to tip / safety quick chopper, .5mm olive-shaped blade with 1mm bend, angled 10mm from bend to tip, for use in the...
Koch Nucleus Spatula, Curved, Duck Bill Tips with Notches, Length 124 mm, Round
Koch Nucleus Spatula, Curved, Duck Bill Tips with Notches, Length 124 mm, Round Titanium Handle
Terry DSEK Scraper, Angled shaft, 11.00 mm from Tip to Angle, Hole-shaped Scrape
Terry DSEK Scraper, Angled shaft, 11.00 mm from Tip to Angle, Hole-shaped Scraper Facing Upward, Length 114 mm, Stainless Steel
Carlson DSEK Smoother, Angled/ vaulted shaft, 7.50 mm from tip to angle,2.50 mm
Carlson DSEK Smoother, Angled/ vaulted shaft, 7.50 mm from tip to angle,2.50 mm blunt ball, Stainless Steel, Length 115 mm
Cindy Sweeper DSEK Spatula, 0.70 mm Diameter, Angled 12.00 mm From Bend To Tip,
Cindy Sweeper DSEK Spatula, 0.70 mm Diameter, Angled 12.00 mm From Bend To Tip, Length 114 mm, Stainless Steel
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis Spatula, 0.75 mm x 10.00 mm Blades, Length 124 mm, Rou
Castroviejo Cyclodialysis Spatula, 0.75 mm x 10.00 mm Blades, Length 124 mm, Round Titanium Handle
Double Spatula, 0.30 mm and 0.50 mm Wide, 12.00 mm Long, Length 130 mm, Round Ti
Double Spatula, 0.30 mm and 0.50 mm Wide, 12.00 mm Long, Length 130 mm, Round Titanium Handle
Holz Capsule Polisher, Angled Shaft, Texturized Bottom And Sharpened Ridge At Th
Holz Capsule Polisher, Angled Shaft, Texturized Bottom And Sharpened Ridge At The Top For Delicate Polishing, Length 120 mm, Round Titanium Handle