No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | G088ECOSR0 | ECO-SR | ECO-SR | Elbow Corrective Orthosis, size Small/Right | IQI | Orthosis, Limb Brace | 1 | BMI |
2 | G088AFOL0 | AFO-L | AFO-L | Ankle/Foot Orthosis, size Large | ITW | Joint, Ankle, External Brace | 1 | BMI |
3 | G088DSMSCAPDS0 | DS-MSC-AP-DS | DS-MSC-AP-DS | Panacea Abductor Pillow (double-straps) | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
4 | G088DSMSCAP0 | DS-MSC-AP | DS-MSC-AP | Panacea Abductor Pillow (single strap) | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
5 | G088DSKNEX0 | DS-KNE-X | DS-KNE-X | Panacea Neoprene Knee orthosis, size X-Large | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
6 | G088DSKNES0 | DS-KNE-S | DS-KNE-S | Panacea Neoprene Knee orthosis, size Small | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
7 | G088DSKNEP0 | DS-KNE-P | DS-KNE-P | Panacea Neoprene Knee orthosis, size Petite | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
8 | G088DSKNEM0 | DS-KNE-M | DS-KNE-M | Panacea Neoprene Knee orthosis, size Medium | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
9 | G088DSKNEL0 | DS-KNE-L | DS-KNE-L | Panacea Neoprene Knee orthosis, size Large | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
10 | G088DSKCOXXR0 | DS-KCO-XXR | DS-KCO-XXR | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size XX-Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
11 | G088DSKCOXXL0 | DS-KCO-XXL | DS-KCO-XXL | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size XX-Large | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
12 | G088DSKCOXR0 | DS-KCO-XR | DS-KCO-XR | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size X-Large/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
13 | G088DSKCOXL0 | DS-KCO-XL | DS-KCO-XL | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size X-Large/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
14 | G088DSKCOSR0 | DS-KCO-SR | DS-KCO-SR | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Small/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
15 | G088DSKCOSL0 | DS-KCO-SL | DS-KCO-SL | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Small/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
16 | G088DSKCOPR0 | DS-KCO-PR | DS-KCO-PR | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Petite/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
17 | G088DSKCOPL0 | DS-KCO-PL | DS-KCO-PL | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Petite/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
18 | G088DSKCOMR0 | DS-KCO-MR | DS-KCO-MR | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Medium/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
19 | G088DSKCOML0 | DS-KCO-ML | DS-KCO-ML | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Medium-Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
20 | G088DSKCOLR0 | DS-KCO-LR | DS-KCO-LR | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Large/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
21 | G088DSKCOLL0 | DS-KCO-LL | DS-KCO-LL | Panacea Knee Corrective orthosis, size Large/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
22 | G088DSKCKUR0 | DS-KCK-UR | DS-KCK-UR | Panacea Contracture Knee orthosis, size Universal/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
23 | G088DSKCKUL0 | DS-KCK-UL | DS-KCK-UL | Panacea Contracture Knee orthosis, size Universal/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
24 | G088DSKCAXXR0 | DS-KCA-XXR | DS-KCA-XXR | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size XX/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
25 | G088DSKCAXXL0 | DS-KCA-XXL | DS-KCA-XXL | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size XX/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
26 | G088DSKCAXR0 | DS-KCA-XR | DS-KCA-XR | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Extra-Large/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
27 | G088DSKCAXL0 | DS-KCA-XL | DS-KCA-XL | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Extra-Large/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
28 | G088DSKCASR0 | DS-KCA-SR | DS-KCA-SR | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Small/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
29 | G088DSKCASL0 | DS-KCA-SL | DS-KCA-SL | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Small/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
30 | G088DSKCAPR0 | DS-KCA-PR | DS-KCA-PR | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Petite/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
31 | G088DSKCAPL0 | DS-KCA-PL | DS-KCA-PL | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Petite/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
32 | G088DSKCAMR0 | DS-KCA-MR | DS-KCA-MR | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Medium/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
33 | G088DSKCAML0 | DS-KCA-ML | DS-KCA-ML | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Medium/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
34 | G088DSKCALR0 | DS-KCA-LR | DS-KCA-LR | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Large/Right | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
35 | G088DSKCALL0 | DS-KCA-LL | DS-KCA-LL | Panacea Knee Corrective Orthosis with Air Bladder. Size Large/Left | ITQ | Joint, Knee, External Brace | 1 | Panacea |
36 | G088DSHTARR0 | DS-HTA-RR | DS-HTA-RR | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis. Size Regular/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
37 | G088DSHTARL0 | DS-HTA-RL | DS-HTA-RL | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis. Size Regular/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
38 | G088DSHTAPR0 | DS-HTA-PR | DS-HTA-PR | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis. Size Petite/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
39 | G088DSHTAPL0 | DS-HTA-PL | DS-HTA-PL | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis. Size Petite/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
40 | G088DSHTALR0 | DS-HTA-LR | DS-HTA-LR | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis. Size Large/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
41 | G088DSHTALL0 | DS-HTA-LL | DS-HTA-LL | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis. Size Large/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
42 | G088DSHTAKHRR0 | DS-HTA-KH-RR | DS-HTA-KH-RR | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor, Keyhole Straps orthosis. Size Regular/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
43 | G088DSHTAKHRL0 | DS-HTA-KH-RL | DS-HTA-KH-RL | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor, Keyhole Straps orthosis. Size Regular/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
44 | G088DSHTAKHPR0 | DS-HTA-KH-PR | DS-HTA-KH-PR | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor, Keyhole Straps orthosis. Size Petite/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
45 | G088DSHTAKHPL0 | DS-HTA-KH-PL | DS-HTA-KH-PL | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor, Keyhole Straps orthosis. Size Petite/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
46 | G088DSHTAKHLR0 | DS-HTA-KH-LR | DS-HTA-KH-LR | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor, Keyhole Straps orthosis. Size Large/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
47 | G088DSHTAKHLL0 | DS-HTA-KH-LL | DS-HTA-KH-LL | Panacea Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor, Keyhole Straps orthosis. Size Large/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
48 | G088DSHSOU0 | DS-HSO-U | DS-HSO-U | Panacea Short Opponens Hand orthosis. Size Universal | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
49 | G088DSHSGRR0 | DS-HSG-RR | DS-HSG-RR | Panacea Slim Grip Hand orthosis. Size Regular/Right | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
50 | G088DSHSGRL0 | DS-HSG-RL | DS-HSG-RL | Panacea Slim Grip Hand orthosis. Size Regular/Left | ILH | Splint, Hand, And Components | 1 | Panacea |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 10888277667242 | ORT18520RXL | ORT18520RXL | LACER,WRIST,8", ABD. THUMB, RT,XL | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
2 | 10888277667235 | ORT18520R | ORT18520R | LACER,WRIST,8", ABD. THUMB, RT | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
3 | 10888277667228 | ORT18520LXL | ORT18520LXL | LACER,WRIST,8", ABD. THUMB, LT,XL | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
4 | 10888277667204 | ORT18510RXL | ORT18510RXL | LACER,WRIST,8", RT,XL | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
5 | 10888277667198 | ORT18510R | ORT18510R | LACER,WRIST,8", RT | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
6 | 10888277667181 | ORT18510LXL | ORT18510LXL | LACER,WRIST,8", LT,XL | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
7 | 10888277667174 | ORT18510L | ORT18510L | LACER,WRIST,8", LT | Medline | MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, INC. |
8 | 10885403105258 | OS5004 | OS5004 | LEAD HAND MALLEABLE, MADE WITH TIN OVERALL LENGTH 12" (30.5CM) | V. Mueller | CAREFUSION 2200, INC |
9 | 10885403105241 | OS5003 | OS5003 | LEAD HAND MALLEABLE ADULT | V. Mueller | CAREFUSION 2200, INC |
10 | 10885403105234 | OS5002 | OS5002 | LEAD HAND MALLEABLE CHILD | V. Mueller | CAREFUSION 2200, INC |
11 | 10885403087813 | OA5004 | OA5004 | LEAD HAND OVERALL LENGTH 12IN (30.5CM) | V. Mueller | CAREFUSION 2200, INC |
12 | 10680651299205 | 29920 | 29920 | HALYARD* Antecubital IV Support | Halyard | O&M HALYARD, INC. |
13 | 10381780460664 | PM-4835 | PM-4835 | Framer Hand Shaped Splint, Lead, Infant Size | Integra® Miltex® | INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES PRODUCTION CORPORATION |
14 | 06970935830239 | KM-W-19 | It is a product can be used as medical purposes specified in Intended use and it It is a product can be used as medical purposes specified in Intended use and it is easy to wear and take off and with humanized design, which can be adjustable in order to make effective oppression, reduce swelling and convenient for use, it is designed with below feature:- Soft and convenient to wear - Different wearing style, such as: fix on your palm and wrist, fix on your palm and fingers- Extractable aluminum alloy is, for easy cleaning and adjustment- Detachable straps to meet the needs of different person | Konmed | SHENZHEN KONMED TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. | |
15 | 06430053264250 | U-LONGF | Long Finger splint | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
16 | 06430053264120 | U-MALLET | Mallet finger splint | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
17 | 06430053264083 | U-FINGER-ML | Finger buddy wrap | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
18 | 06430053264076 | U-FINGER-SM | Finger buddy wrap | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
19 | 06430053264038 | U-MC | Metacarpal splint | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
20 | 06430053264021 | U-THUMB | Long Thumb splint | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
21 | 06430053264014 | U-THUMB-SH | Short Thumb splint | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
22 | 06430053264007 | U-WRIST | Wrist splint | UCAST | DASSIET OY | |
23 | G088MSCPGR0 | MSC-PG-R | MSC-PG-R | Palm Guard, Right sided | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
24 | G088MSCPGL0 | MSC-PG-L | MSC-PG-L | Palm Guard - Left sided | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
25 | G088MSCFMR0 | MSC-FM-R | MSC-FM-R | Hyper Extension Mitt orthosis, size Regular | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
26 | G088MSCFMP0 | MSC-FM-P | MSC-FM-P | Hyper Extension Mitt orthosis, size Petite | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
27 | G088HTARR0 | HTA-RR | HTA-RR | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis, size: Regular, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
28 | G088HTARL0 | HTA-RL | HTA-RL | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis, size: Regular, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
29 | G088HTAPR0 | HTA-PR | HTA-PR | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis, size: Petite, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
30 | G088HTAPL0 | HTA-PL | HTA-PL | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis, size: Petite, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
31 | G088HTALR0 | HTA-LR | HTA-LR | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis, size: Large, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
32 | G088HTALL0 | HTA-LL | HTA-LL | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor orthosis, size: Large, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
33 | G088HTAKHRR0 | HTA-KH-RR | HTA-KH-RR | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor and Keyhole Strap orthosis. Size: Regular, Side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
34 | G088HTAKHRL0 | HTA-KH-RL | HTA-KH-RL | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor and Keyhole Strap orthosis. Size: Regular, Side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
35 | G088HTAKHPR0 | HTA-KH-PR | HTA-KH-PR | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor and Keyhole Strap orthosis. Size: Petite, Side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
36 | G088HTAKHPL0 | HTA-KH-PL | HTA-KH-PL | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor and Keyhole Strap orthosis. Size: Petite, Side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
37 | G088HTAKHLR0 | HTA-KH-LR | HTA-KH-LR | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor and Keyhole Strap orthosis. Size: Large, Side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
38 | G088HTAKHLL0 | HTA-KH-LL | HTA-KH-LL | Resting Hand with Thumb Abductor and Keyhole Strap orthosis. Size: Large, Side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
39 | G088HSOU0 | HSO-U | HSO-U | Short Opponens orthotic, size: Universal, side: Universal | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
40 | G088HSOFIRMU0 | HSO-FIRM-U | HSO-FIRM-U | Short opponens with dense foam orthotic, size: Universal, side: Universal | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
41 | G088HSGRR0 | HSG-RR | HSG-RR | Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Regular, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
42 | G088HSGRL0 | HSG-RL | HSG-RL | Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Regular, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
43 | G088HSGPR0 | HSG-PR | HSG-PR | Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Petite, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
44 | G088HSGPL0 | HSG-PL | HSG-PL | Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Petite, side: Left. | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
45 | G088HSGLR0 | HSG-LR | HSG-LR | Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Large, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
46 | G088HSGLL0 | HSG-LL | HSG-LL | Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Large, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
47 | G088HSFRR0 | HSF-RR | HSF-RR | FlexEze Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Regular, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
48 | G088HSFRL0 | HSF-RL | HSF-RL | FlexExe Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Regular, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
49 | G088HSFPR0 | HSF-PR | HSF-PR | FlexEze Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Petite, side: Right | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |
50 | G088HSFPL0 | HSF-PL | HSF-PL | FlexEze Slim Grip Hand orthosis, size: Petite, side: Left | BMI | BLAKE MANUFACTURING, INC. |