Other products from "MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 G035ATSX3H1100 X3 ATS_X3 H110 MULTIFUNCTIONAL MULTIX X3 TROLLEY FOR A.T.S. BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS S.R.L.
2 G035TIMPX30 X3 TIMP_X3 ACE-00020-0 Trolley X3 for Timpel BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
3 G0353044970000 X3 304.497.000 MULTIFUNCTIONAL MULTIX BELLAVISTA 1000 E TROLLEY BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
4 G0353041380000 ACCESSORY 304.138.000 DRAWER BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
5 G0353040730000 ACCESSORY 304.073.000 RAILMOUNT BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
6 G0353040720000 ACCESSORY 304.072.000 DOUBLE HUM BRACKET BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
7 G0353040710000 ACCESSORY 304.071.000 SINGLE HUM BRACKET BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
8 G0353025280000 ACCESSORY 302.528.000 WIRED BASKET - ASM_A01 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
9 G0353015510000 ACCESSORY 301.551.000 CYLINDER SUPPORT WITH BELTS BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
10 G0353011050000 X3 301.105.000 MULTIFUNCTIONAL MULTIX BELLAVISTA 1000 TROLLEY BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS
11 G035X3QUANTAD0 X3 X3_QUANTA (D) Multix trolley X3 per fiberdust (DISASSEMBLED) - ABM000109.00 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
12 G035X3QUANTA0 X3 X3_QUANTA Multix trolley X3 per fiberdust (ASSEMBLED) - ABM000110.00 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
13 G035SCX50 X3 PLUS SC_X5 2.101192 Trolley X5 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
14 G035SCX420200 X3 SC_X4 2020 2.101189 Trolley X4 2020 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
15 G035SCX20 X3 SC_X2 2.101117 Trolley X2 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
16 G035SCX10 X1 SC_X1 2.101129 Trolley X1 - base only BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
17 G035SCSUCTIONPUMP0 ACCESSORY SC_SUCTION PUMP 2.101122 Holder suction pump Ergo Vaq for Multix trolley BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
18 G035SCSSSPX40 ACCESSORY SC_SSSP+_X4 2.101159 SpiroScout SPplus holder for X4 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
19 G035SCPUMPX2X30 ACCESSORY SC_PUMP X2-X3 2.101136 Holder suction pump Ergo Vaq for Multix trolleys BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
20 G035SCPRINTERTRAY0 ACCESSORY SC_PRINTER TRAY 2.101120 Shelf 45x38 cm for Multix trolleys BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
21 G035SCPRINTERFT20 ACCESSORY SC_PRINTER FT2 2.101209 Holder printer for FT-2 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
22 G035SCMS20150 ACCESSORY SC_MS2015 2.101135 Mounting bracket MS-2015 for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
23 G035SCMS20100 ACCESSORY SC_MS2010 2.101134 Mounting bracket MS-2010 for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
24 G035SCMOUSEPADAT1800 ACCESSORY SC_MOUSEPAD AT180 2.101170 Mouse tray Trolley X3 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
25 G035SCFT20 ACCESSORY SC_FT2 2.101208 Console FT-2 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
26 G035SCFT1X40 ACCESSORY SC_FT 1_X4 2.101158 Holder FT-1 for Trolley X4 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
27 G035SCFT10 ACCESSORY SC_FT1 2.101133 Mounting bracket FT-1 for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
28 G035SCERGOSPIROX420200 ACCESSORY SC_ERGOSPIRO X4 -2020 2.101190 ErgoSpiro Kit For Trolley X4 - 2020 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
29 G035SCDT80X4X50 ACCESSORY SC_DT80-X4-X5 2.101183 DT-80 holder for Trolleys X4 and X5 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
30 G035SCDT80X30 ACCESSORY SC_DT80-X3 2.101182 DT-80 holder for Trolley X3 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
31 G035SCDT80X10 ACCESSORY SC_DT80-X1 2.101181 DT-80 holder for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
32 G035SCDT100X4X50 ACCESSORY SC_DT100-X4-X5 2.101186 DT-100 holder for Trolleys X4 and X5 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
33 G035SCDT100X30 ACCESSORY SC_DT100-X3 2.101185 DT-100 holder for Trolley X3 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
34 G035SCDT100X10 ACCESSORY SC_DT100-X1 2.101184 DT-100 holder for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
35 G035SCDRAWER0 ACCESSORY SC_DRAWER 2.101118 Drawer for Multix trolleys BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
36 G035SCCABLE14W0 ACCESSORY SC_CABLE 14W 2.101171 Holder for 14-wire patient cable to Multix trolley BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
37 G035SCCABLE0 ACCESSORY SC_CABLE 2.101130 ECG patient cable support for Multix trolleys BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
38 G035SCBP200X50 ACCESSORY SC_BP200_X5 2.101200 BP-200 plus holder for trolley X5 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
39 G035SCBP200X420200 ACCESSORY SC_BP200_X4-2020 2.101191 Holder for BP-200+ for Trolley X4 2020 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
40 G035SCBP200X20 ACCESSORY SC_BP200_X2 2.101199 BP-200 plus holder for trolley X2 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
41 G035SCBP200AT1800 ACCESSORY SC_BP200 - AT180 2.101173 BP-200 plus support for Trolley X3 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
42 G035SCBP2000 ACCESSORY SC_BP200 2.101161 Blood pressure holder for Trolley X4 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
43 G035SCBASKET0 ACCESSORY SC_BASKET 2.101119 Basket translucent for Multix trolleys BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
44 G035SCBARCODE0 ACCESSORY SC_BARCODE 2.101121 Holder barcode scanner for Multix trolleys BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
45 G035SCAT1800 X3 SC_AT180 2.101169 Trolley X3 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
46 G035SCAT1020 ACCESSORY SC_AT102 2.101132 Mounting bracket AT-102 G2 for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
47 G035SCAT10 ACCESSORY SC_AT1 2.101131 Mounting bracket AT-1 G2 for Trolley X1 BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
48 G035SC21012130 X1 SC_2.101213 2.101213 MULTIFUNCTIONAL TROLLEY FOR CARDIOPULSE GO BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
49 G035MNT5533P0 ACCESSORY MNT5533P Rail Mount - 049.000 Rev. A BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
50 G035HLD5505P0 ACCESSORY HLD5505P Holder, Cord - 070.000 Rev. A BZN Cart, Emergency, Cardiopulmonary (Excluding Equipment) 1 MULTIX SOLUTIONS SRL
Other products with the same Product Code "BZN"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00822383567082 18149KD Cylinder Stand (KD) M60, M90,M120, 1/ea Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
2 00822383241289 E-13002SV-6 RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Enfermeras OxyCart,Silv RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Enfermeras OxyCart,Silver Vein,Adj, 6/cs Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
3 00822383218403 13002SV-1 RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Oxygen Cart, Silver Vei RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Oxygen Cart, Silver Vein, Adj, 1/cs Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
4 00822383140360 18116 Oxygen Cyl Rack eco M6 1/ea Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
5 00822383140353 18114 Oxygen Cyl Rack eco D/E 1/ea Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
6 00822383132471 18148 RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Oxy Cyl.Carrier,M9C,Fits6,1ea DRIVEMEDICAL DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
7 00822383132464 18147 RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Oxy Cyl.Carrier, M4A,M6B,1ea DRIVEMEDICAL DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
8 00822383109152 18113 Oxygen Cylinder Rack,M6,1/cs Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
9 00822383109145 18112 RespiratoryCarts/racks/cases/stands Product Description: Oxygen Cylinder Rack,D,E,1/cs DRIVEMEDICAL DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
10 00822383109138 18111 Oxygen Cylinder Rack,D,E,1/cs Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
11 00815160020290 1634E 1634E A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically NOT filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. A 370C cart is included. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
12 00815160020283 1634 1634 A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. A 370C cart is included. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
13 00815160020276 1631E 1631E A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically NOT filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. A 370C cart is included. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
14 00815160020269 1631 1631 A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. A 370C cart is included. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
15 00815160020252 1630AD 1630AD A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. A 370 C cart is included. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
16 00815160020245 1630ADE 1630ADE A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically NOT filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
17 00815160020238 1629E 1629E A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically NOT filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
18 00815160020221 1629DE 1629DE A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically NOT filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
19 00815160020214 1629D 1629D A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC. MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
20 00815160020207 1629 1629 A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regula A container designed as a refillable cylinder with an integrated pressure regulator used to hold compressed medical oxygen (O2) under safe conditions at high pressure (e.g., 50 - 200 Bar). It is typically filled with O2 when delivered from the gas supplier and includes a built-in pressure regulator that, when activated, releases the O2 at the correct working pressure. It is available in some cylinder sizes (capacity) and color-coded to denote O2 content. The cylinder may be made of steel, aluminum (Al) or other ferrous or non-ferrous materials. O2 is used as an essential life support gas, for anesthesia, and for therapeutic purposes MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC MADA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC
22 00812231030233 84-28-1200 84-28-1200 ZEOS 32IN FIXED ARM CART ZEOS SANTA BARBARA IMAGING SYSTEMS, INC.
23 00809161332902 RC333333336PED DETECTO Rescue Series Pediatric Medical Cart, 9 multicolor drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
24 00809161201604 WC333369YEL DETECTO Whisper Series Isolation Medical Cart, 6 Yellow Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
25 00809161201505 WC33669YEL DETECTO Whisper Series Isolation Medical Cart, 5 Yellow Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
26 00809161201406 WC333369WHT DETECTO Whisper Series General Purpose Medical Cart, 6 White Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
27 00809161201307 WC33669WHT DETECTO Whisper Series General Purpose Medical Cart, 5 White Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
28 00809161201208 RC333369YEL DETECTO Rescue Series Isolation Medical Cart, 6 Yellow Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
29 00809161201109 RC33669YEL DETECTO Rescue Series Isolation Medical Cart, 5 Yellow Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
30 00809161201000 RC333369WHT DETECTO Rescue Series General Purpose Medical Cart, 6 White Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
31 00809161197600 RC33669WHT DETECTO Rescue Series General Purpose Medical Cart, 5 White Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
32 00809161197501 RC333369BLU-L Loaded DETECTO Rescue Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 6 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
33 00809161197402 RC333369BLU DETECTO Rescue Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 6 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
34 00809161197303 RC33669BLU-L Loaded DETECTO Rescue Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 5 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
35 00809161197204 RC33669BLU DETECTO Rescue Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 5 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
36 00809161197105 WC333369BLU-L Loaded DETECTO Whisper Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 6 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
37 00809161197006 WC333369BLU DETECTO Whisper Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 6 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
38 00809161196900 WC33669BLU-L Loaded DETECTO Whisper Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 5 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
39 00809161196405 WC33669BLU DETECTO Whisper Series Anesthesiology Medical Cart, 5 Blue Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
40 00809161196306 RC333369RED-L Loaded DETECTO Rescue Series ER Medical Cart, 6 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
41 00809161196207 RC333369RED DETECTO Rescue Series ER Medical Cart, 6 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
42 00809161196108 RC33669RED-L Loaded DETECTO Rescue Series ER Medical Cart, 5 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
43 00809161195705 WC333369RED-L Loaded DETECTO Whisper Series ER Medical Cart, 6 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
44 00809161195606 WC333369RED DETECTO Whisper Series ER Medical Cart, 6 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
45 00809161195507 WC33669RED-L Loaded DETECTO Whisper Series ER Medical Cart, 5 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
46 00809161194906 WC33669RED DETECTO Whisper Series ER Medical Cart, 5 Red Drawers Detecto CARDINAL SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
47 00643169615984 RDN019 SYMPLICITY RDN019 G3 CART GLOBAL Symplicity G3™ MEDTRONIC, INC.
48 B681J000970 J00097 MA-J00097 Cart for the IMACTIS® CT-NAVIGATION system IMACTIS® IMACTIS
49 50822383160387 13001SV-2 Oxygen CylinderCart,Dual,Silver,2/cs Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE
50 50822383141720 13002SV-6 Oxygen Cart, Silver Vein, Adj, 6/cs Drive DRIVE DEVILBISS HEALTHCARE