No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | E217172601 | 17260 | 17260 | Intraoral tips, transparent, ø 1,0 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Intraoral Tips |
2 | E217172591 | 17259 | 17259 | Intraoral tips, transparent, ø 0,6 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Intraoral Tips |
3 | E217172251 | 17225 | 17225 | Intraoral tips, yellow, ø 1.0 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Intraoral Tips |
4 | E217172231 | 17223 | 17223 | Intraoral tips, transparent, ø 1.2 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Intraoral Tips |
5 | E217172221 | 17222 | 17222 | Intraoral tips, yellow, ø 1.0 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Intraoral Tips |
6 | E217172211 | 17221 | 17221 | Intraoral tips, transparent, ø 1.0 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Intraoral Tips |
7 | E217138711 | 13871 | 13871 | Visalys Core Dentin Cartridge Normal pack | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
8 | E217138701 | 13870 | 13870 | Visalys Core White Cartridge Normal pack | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
9 | E217138661 | 13866 | 13866 | Visalys Core White Syringe Intro pack | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
10 | E217138651 | 13865 | 13865 | Visalys Core Dentin Syringe Intro pack | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
11 | E217138641 | 13864 | 13864 | Visalys Core Dentin Syringe Sample | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
12 | E217138631 | 13863 | 13863 | Visalys Core White Syringe Sample | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
13 | E217138611 | 13861 | 13861 | Visalys Core Dentin Syringe Normal pack | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
14 | E217138601 | 13860 | 13860 | Visalys Core White Syringe Normal pack | EBF | Material, Tooth Shade, Resin | 2 | Visalys Core |
15 | E217223011 | 22301 | 22301 | Kisol foil | EHY | Tray, Impression, Preformed | 1 | Kisol |
16 | E217172541 | 17254 | 17254 | Mixing tips, red, ø 4.0 mm500 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
17 | E217172501 | 17250 | 17250 | Mixing tips, red, ø 4.0 mm100 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
18 | E217172491 | 17249 | 17249 | Mixing tips, red, ø 4.0 mm50 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
19 | E217172471 | 17247 | 17247 | Mixing tips, blue, ø 6.0 mm500 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
20 | E217172461 | 17246 | 17246 | Mixing tips, blue, ø 6.0 mm100 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
21 | E217172441 | 17244 | 17244 | Mixing tips, blue, ø 6.0 mm50 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
22 | E217172421 | 17242 | 17242 | Mixing tips, yellow, ø 4.2 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
23 | E217172401 | 17240 | 17240 | Mixing tips, yellow, ø 4.2 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
24 | E217172381 | 17238 | 17238 | Mixing tips, blue, blunt, ø 2,5 mm50 tips for Visalys CemCore | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
25 | E217172361 | 17236 | 17236 | Mixing tips, blue, tapered, ø 2,5 mm50 tips for Visalys CemCore | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
26 | E217172351 | 17235 | 17235 | Mixing tips, green, ø 6.5 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
27 | E217172341 | 17234 | 17234 | Mixing tips, green, ø 6.5 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
28 | E217172321 | 17232 | 17232 | Mixing Tips, brown, ø 2.5 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
29 | E217172301 | 17230 | 17230 | Mixing tips, yellow short, ø 4.2 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
30 | E217172171 | 17217 | 17217 | Mixing tips, blue, ø 3.2 mm | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
31 | E217172071 | 17207 | 17207 | Syringe tips for Applyfix 550 pieces | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Syringe tips |
32 | E217137891 | 13789 | 13789 | Mixing tips, blue-orange, ø 3.2 mm50 tips for Visalys Temp | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
33 | E217011391 | 01139 | 01139 | Mixing tips, green, ø 6.5 mm500 tips | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Mixing Tips |
34 | E21728278111 | 2827811 | 2827811 | Futar D Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
35 | E217282781 | 28278 | 28278 | Futar D Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
36 | E21728277111 | 2827711 | 2827711 | Futar Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
37 | E217282771 | 28277 | 28277 | Futar Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
38 | E21728276111 | 2827611 | 2827611 | Futar Fast Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
39 | E217282761 | 28276 | 28276 | Futar Fast Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
40 | E21711961111 | 1196111 | 1196111 | Futar D Fast Normal pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
41 | E21728275111 | 2827511 | 2827511 | Futar Cut & Trim Fast Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
42 | E217119181 | 11918 | 11918 | Futar Superbulk | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
43 | E21711912111 | 119121 | 119121 | Futar Normal pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
44 | E217282751 | 28275 | 28275 | Futar Cut & Trim Fast Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
45 | E217119121 | 11912 | 11912 | Futar Normal pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
46 | E217119611 | 11961 | 11961 | Futar D Fast Normal pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
47 | E217119701 | 11970 | 11970 | Futar Scan Sample | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
48 | E21728279111 | 2827911 | 2827911 | Futar D Fast Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
49 | E217282791 | 28279 | 28279 | Futar D Fast Bonus pack | ELW | Material, Impression | 2 | Futar |
50 | E217179001 | 17900 | 17900 | Dynamic mixers, blue | EID | Syringe, Restorative And Impression Material | 1 | Dynamic Mixers |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 00841396118722 | 00678 | Impression material, standard package, light bodied (base and catalyst) | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
2 | 00841396118715 | 00677 | Impression material, standard package, regular bodied (base and catalyst) | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
3 | 00841396118708 | 00675 | Impression material, standard package, heavy bodied (base and catalyst) | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
4 | 00841396118685 | 00504 | Impression material catalyst, light bodied | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
5 | 00841396118678 | 00503 | Impression material base, light bodied | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
6 | 00841396118661 | 00502 | Impression material catalyst, heavy bodied | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
7 | 00841396118654 | 00501 | Impression material base, heavy bodied | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
8 | 00841396118647 | 00494 | Impression material catalyst, regular bodied | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
9 | 00841396118630 | 00493 | Impression material base, regular bodied | Permlastic | KERR CORPORATION | |
10 | 00841396118470 | 34683 | Alginate Alternative - Volume Introductory Kit - Peppermint Scent | ALGINoT FS | KERR CORPORATION | |
11 | 00841396118456 | 34681 | Alginate Alternative - Volume Introductory Kit - Peppermint Scent | ALGINoT | KERR CORPORATION | |
12 | 00841396118401 | 34064 | Impression Material - Cartridge Intro Kit | Take 1 Advanced | KERR CORPORATION | |
13 | 00841396117435 | 34070 | Impression Material - Putty (1 Base and 1 Catalyst) | Take 1 Advanced | KERR CORPORATION | |
14 | 00841396117374 | 27877 | XP - Xtra Putty - Polyvinylsiloxane Impression Material. Type O (Very High Consistency) | Extrude | KERR CORPORATION | |
15 | 00841396116650 | 27444DX | Dust Free Color Changing Alginate Dental Impression Material Fast Set | KromaFaze Singles | KERR CORPORATION | |
16 | 00841396116582 | 27434DX | Dust Free Alginate Dental Impression Material Alginate Singles Packages Fast Set | Identic Singles | KERR CORPORATION | |
17 | 00841396112959 | ZD942 | DustFree Alginate Dental Impression Material Fast Set Sample | Identic Alginate | KERR CORPORATION | |
18 | 00841396112782 | 33301 | The Universal Vinyl - Vinylpolysiloxane Impression Material - Putty Refill Kit | Integra VPS | KERR CORPORATION | |
19 | D922VPSAD3110 | AD311 | VPSAD311 | Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Cartridge, Heavy Body, Regular Set, 50ml (1) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. |
20 | D922VPSAD3010 | AD301 | VPSAD301 | Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Cartridge, Heavy Body, Fast Set, 50ml (1) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. |
21 | D922VPSAD1011 | AD101 | VPSAD101 | Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Cartridge, Injection, Fast Set, 50ml (1) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. |
22 | D922BRAD6160 | AD616 | BRAD616 | Bite Registration Cartridge, Fast Set, 50ml (1) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. |
23 | D922AD7251 | AD725 | Alginate Substitute Cartridge, Fast Set 50ml (1) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. | |
24 | D922AD2101 | AD210 | VPS Putty Kit Regular Set - Base (300ml) & Catalyst (300ml) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. | |
25 | D922AD2000 | AD200 | VPS Putty Kit, Fast Set, Base (300ml) Catalyst (300ml) | Alpine Dental | ALPINE DENTAL INC. | |
26 | D82795004250 | 9500425 | 9500425 | ALGINATE DUSTLESS FAST SET 22LB | Darby Dental Supply, LLC | DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC |
27 | D82795004200 | 9500420 | 9500420 | ALGINATE DUSTLESS REGULAR SET 22LB | Darby Dental Supply, LLC | DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC |
28 | D82795004150 | 9500415 | 9500415 | ALGINATE DUSTLESS REGULAR SET 1LB | Darby Dental Supply, LLC | DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC |
29 | D82795004100 | 9500410 | 9500410 | ALGINATE DUSTLESS FAST SET 1LB | Darby Dental Supply, LLC | DARBY DENTAL SUPPLY, LLC |
30 | D82360817211 | 6081721 | TIG-6081721 | VPS Putty Fast Set 300ml Base Jar & 300ml Catalyst Jar | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
31 | D82360817201 | 6081720 | TIG-6081720 | VPS Putty Regular Set 300ml Base Jar & 300ml Catalyst Jar | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
32 | D82360817191 | 6081719 | TIG-6081719 | VPS Impression Material Monophase Body Fast Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
33 | D82360817181 | 6081718 | TIG-6081718 | VPS Impression Material Heavy Body Fast Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
34 | D82360817171 | 6081717 | TIG-6081717 | VPS Impression Material Medium Body Fast Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
35 | D82360817161 | 6081716 | TIG-6081716 | VPS Impression Material Light Body Fast Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
36 | D82360817151 | 6081715 | TIG-6081715 | VPS Impression Material Heavy Body Regular Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
37 | D82360817141 | 6081714 | TIG-6081714 | VPS Impression Material Medium Body Regular Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
38 | D82360817131 | 6081713 | TIG-6081713 | VPS Impression Material Light Body Regular Set 4x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
39 | D82360011091 | 6001109 | TIG-BR-6001109 | Bite Registration Material Super Fast Set 2x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
40 | D82360011081 | 6001108 | TIG-BR-6001108 | Bite Registration Material Fast Set 2x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
41 | D82360011071 | 6001107 | TIG-BR-6001107 | Bite Registration Material Regular Set 2x50ml Cartridges per Box | Tiger Supply Inc. | TIGER SUPPLY, INC. |
42 | D815OPAFIT3HCLG0 | OPAFIT3HCLG | OPAFIT3HCLG | VPS Heavy Body impression material 380ml Cartridge | OpaFit | OPA DENTAL LLC |
43 | D815OPAFIT3HC1 | OPAFIT3HC | OPAFIT3HC | VPS Heavy Body 50g Cartridge x 2 Dental impression material | OpaFit | OPA DENTAL LLC |
44 | D815OPAFIT2LC1 | OPAFIT2LC | OPAFIT2LC | VPS Light Body 50g x 2 Cartridge Dental impression material | OpaFit | OPA DENTAL LLC |
45 | D815OPAFIT1P1 | OPAFIT1P | OPAFIT1P | VPS putty 400g x 2 Dental impression material | OpaFit | OPA DENTAL LLC |
46 | D815OPABITE1 | OPABITE | OPABITE | Bite registration 50ml cartridge | OpaBite | OPA DENTAL LLC |
47 | D813SPD19080 | SPD1908 | SPD1908 | SPLASH XLITE REG CART 3pc | Splash® | DEN-MAT HOLDINGS, LLC |
48 | D813SPD19070 | SPD1907 | SPD1907 | SPLASH LITE REG CART 5pc | Splash® | DEN-MAT HOLDINGS, LLC |
49 | D813SPD19060 | SPD1906 | SPD1906 | SPLASH MEDIUM REG CART 5pc | Splash® | DEN-MAT HOLDINGS, LLC |
50 | D813SPD19050 | SPD1905 | SPD1905 | SPLASH HEAVY REG CART 5pc | Splash® | DEN-MAT HOLDINGS, LLC |