No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 DIVO6657601 665760 665760 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
2 DIVO6657591 665759 665759 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
3 DIVO6657581 665758 665758 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
4 DIVO6657571 665757 665757 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
5 DIVO6657561 665756 665756 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
6 DIVO6657551 665755 665755 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
7 DIVO6657541 665754 665754 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
8 DIVO6657531 665753 665753 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
9 DIVO6657521 665752 665752 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
10 DIVO6657511 665751 665751 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
11 DVIV740234WW1 740234WW 740234WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
12 DVIV740233WW1 740233WW 740233WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
13 DVIV707177AN1 707177AN 707177AN FLK Syntac Adhesive B, FLK Syntac Adhesive B EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Telio Desensitizer
14 DVIV704969WW1 704969WW 704969WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
15 DVIV704967WW1 704967WW 704967WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
16 DVIV704794WW1 704794WW 704794WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
17 DVIV7019601 701960 701960 Telio Desensitizer Refill 50x0.1g EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Telio Desensitizer
18 DVIV7019591 701959 701959 Telio Desensitizer Refill 5g EMA CEMENT, DENTAL 2 Telio Desensitizer
19 DVIV666119WW1 666119WW 666119WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
20 DVIV700718WW1 700718WW 700718WW Adhese Universal, Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill, Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, OptraGate, OptraPol EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
21 DVIV700607WW1 700607WW 700607 Tetric 100 Flow Ref. 1x2g A3.5 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 TETRIC 100 FLOW
22 DVIV700606WW1 700606WW 700606 Tetric 100 Flow Ref. 1x2g A3 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 TETRIC 100 FLOW
23 DVIV700605WW1 700605WW 700605 Tetric 100 Flow Ref. 1x2g A2 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 TETRIC 100 FLOW
24 DVIV700604WW1 700604WW 700604 Tetric 100 Flow Ref. 1x2g A1 EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 TETRIC 100 FLOW
25 DVIV666118WW1 666118WW 666118WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
26 DVIV666126WW1 666126WW 666126WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
27 DVIV687593WW1 687593WW 687593WW Variolink Esthetic DC Neutral, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Neutral, Adhese U Variolink Esthetic DC Neutral, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Neutral, Adhese Universal VivaPen, Monobond Plus, Liquid Strip, Application Tips Variolink, VivaPen Brush Cannulas, VivaPen Protective Sleeves, Mixing Tips, Various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
28 DVIV681493WW1 681493WW 681493WW Variolink Esthetic LC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In-Paste Ligh Variolink Esthetic LC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In-Paste Light, Neutral, Warm, Total Etch, AdheSE Universal VivaPen, Liquid Strip, Optra Stick Test Pack, Cannulas Total Etch /Liquid Strip, VivaPen Brush Cannulas, VivaPen Protective Sleeves, Vivadent Applicators, Application Tips Variolink, Various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
29 DVIV681492WW1 681492WW 681492WW Variolink Esthetic DC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In-Paste Ligh Variolink Esthetic DC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In-Paste Light, Neutral, Warm, Total Etch, Adhese Universal VivaPen, Monobond Etch & Prime, Liquid Strip, Optra Stick Test Pack, Cannulas Total Etch / Liquid Strip, VivaPen Brush Cannulas, VivaPen Protective Sleeves, Vivadent Applicators, Mixing Tips, Application Tips Variolink, Various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
30 DIVO6657501 665750 665750 materials for inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges EIH POWDER, PORCELAIN IPS Empress CAD
31 DVIV666434WW1 666434WW 666434WW Variolink Esthetic DC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Ligh Variolink Esthetic DC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Light, Neutral, Warm, Total Etch, Adhese Universal VivaPen, Monobond Plus, Liquid Strip, Optra Stick Test Pack, Cannulas Total Etch / Liquid Strip, VivaPen Brush Cannulas, VivaPen Protective Sleeve, Mixing Tips, Applicaiton Tips Variolink, Brush holder, Brushes, soft, various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
32 DVIV666433WW1 666433WW 666433WW Variolink Esthetic LC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Ligh Variolink Esthetic LC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Light, Neutral, Warm, Total Etch, Adhese Universal VivaPen, Monobond Plus, Liquid Strip, Cannulas Total Etch / Liquid Strip, VivaPen Brush Cannulas, VivaPen Protective Sleeves, Application Tips Variolink, Brush Holder, Brushes, soft, Various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
33 DVIV666130WW1 666130WW 666130WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
34 DVIV666129WW1 666129WW 666129WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
35 DVIV666128WW1 666128WW 666128WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
36 DVIV666127WW1 666127WW 666127WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
37 DVIV666125WW1 666125WW 666125WW Variolink Esthetic DC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Ligh Variolink Esthetic DC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Light, Neutral, Warm, Total Etch, Adhese Universal, Monobond Plus, Liquid Strip, Optra Stick Test Pack, Cannulas Total Etch / Liquid Strip, Vivadent Applicators, Mixing Tips, Application Tips Variolink, Brush Holder, Brushes soft, Various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
38 DVIV666124WW1 666124WW 666124WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
39 DVIV666123WW1 666123WW 666123WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
40 DVIV666122WW1 666122WW 666122WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
41 DVIV666121WW1 666121WW 666121WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
42 DVIV666120WW1 666120WW 666120WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
43 DVIV666117WW1 666117WW 666117WW cements EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
44 DVIV666065WW1 666065WW 666065WW Variolink Esthetic LC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Ligh Variolink Esthetic LC Light, Neutral, Warm, Variolink Esthetic Try-In Paste Light, Neutral, Warm, Total Etch, Adhese Universal, Monobond Plus, Liquid Strip, Cannulas Total Etch / Liquid Strip, Vivadent Applicators, Application Tips Variolink, Brush Holder, Brushes soft, various accessories EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Variolink Esthetic
45 DVIV639308EN1 639308EN 639308EN filling materials EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
46 DVIV639307EN1 639307EN 639307EN filling materials EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
47 DVIV638246WW1 638246WW 638246WW filling materials EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
48 DVIV638245WW1 638245WW 638245WW filling materials EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
49 DVIV638244WW1 638244WW 638244WW filling materials EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN 2 Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
50 DVIV638229WW1 638229WW 638229WW filling materials EBF MATERIAL, TOOTH SHADE, RESIN Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
Other products with the same Product Code "ELR"
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2 10304040081720 9006459 9006459 Maxima Glass Fiber Post Refill Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
3 10304040081713 9006458 9006458 Maxima Glass Fiber Post Refill Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
4 10304040081706 9006457 9006457 Maxima Glass Fiber Post Refill Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
5 10304040066031 1002107 1002107 Gates Glidden Drills RA 32mm Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
6 10304040061470 1009519 1009519 Compo-Post X-Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
7 10304040061463 1000342 1000342 Compo-Post X-Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
8 10304040061456 1009847 1009847 Compo-Post Short Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
9 10304040061449 1001392 1001392 Compo-Post Short Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
10 10304040061432 1004429 1004429 Compo-Post Short Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
11 10304040061425 1004114 1004114 Compo-Post Short Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
12 10304040061418 1003114 1003114 Compo-Post Short Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
13 10304040061401 1009923 1009923 Compo-Post Medium Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
14 10304040061395 1001626 1001626 Compo-Post Medium Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
15 10304040061388 1005181 1005181 Compo-Post Medium Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
16 10304040061371 1006514 1006514 Compo-Post Medium Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
17 10304040061364 1000764 1000764 Compo-Post Medium Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
18 10304040061357 1002433 1002433 Compo-Post Medium Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
19 10304040061340 1007755 1007755 Compo-Post Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
20 10304040061333 1004714 1004714 Compo-Post Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
21 10304040061326 1005025 1005025 Compo-Post Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
22 10304040061319 1006017 1006017 Compo-Post Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
23 10304040061302 1009179 1009179 Compo-Post Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
24 10304040061296 1009260 1009260 Compo-Post Long Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
25 10304040061289 1006759 1006759 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
26 10304040061272 1001548 1001548 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
27 10304040061265 1004986 1004986 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
28 10304040061258 1005895 1005895 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
29 10304040061241 1008792 1008792 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
30 10304040061234 1008028 1008028 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
31 10304040061227 1005593 1005593 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
32 10304040061210 1007830 1007830 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
33 10304040061203 1004962 1004962 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
34 10304040061197 1005818 1005818 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
35 10304040061180 1008547 1008547 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
36 10304040061173 1007247 1007247 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
37 10304040061166 1003103 1003103 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
38 10304040061159 1009891 1009891 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
39 10304040061142 1001533 1001533 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
40 10304040061135 1004886 1004886 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
41 10304040061128 1005576 1005576 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
42 10304040061111 1007775 1007775 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
43 10304040061104 1004786 1004786 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
44 10304040061098 1005257 1005257 Screw Post Gold Plated Henry Schein HENRY SCHEIN, INC.
45 08806387894346 9434 Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics on the tooth after the root cannel treatment. NexPost Fiber #0.1 ø1.05 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
46 08806387894148 9414 Fiber Post: Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the Fiber Post: Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics on the tooth after the root cannel treatment.Drill: Root cannel expanding instrument to make insertion of cementation and Post easier. NexPost Small Kit META BIOMED CO., LTD.
47 08806387894131 9413 Fiber Post: Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the Fiber Post: Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics on the tooth after the root cannel treatment.Drill: Root cannel expanding instrument to make insertion of cementation and Post easier. NexPost Full Kit META BIOMED CO., LTD.
48 08806387893974 9397 Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics on the tooth after the root cannel treatment. NexPost Fiber #3 ø2.2 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
49 08806387893967 9396 Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics on the tooth after the root cannel treatment. NexPost Fiber #2 ø1.8 META BIOMED CO., LTD.
50 08806387893950 9395 Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics Nonmetal instrument access the root cannel to fixate and support the prosthetics on the tooth after the root cannel treatment. NexPost Fiber #1 ø1.5 META BIOMED CO., LTD.