The ORABLU Oral Lesion Marking System is a three component swab system intended
The ORABLU Oral Lesion Marking System is a three component swab system intended to be used by a dentist or physician as an adjunct to traditional oral examination by incandescent light with further examination with an oral examination light manufactured by AdDent,Inc. The ORABLU Oral Lesion Marking System is used as an aid to enhance the visualization of oral mucosal irregularities by physically marking areas of oral mucosa that may warrant further investigation.
The Bio/Screen Oral Exam Light is a device intended for use as an adjunct to tra
The Bio/Screen Oral Exam Light is a device intended for use as an adjunct to traditional oral examination to enhance the visualization of oral mucosal abnormalities.
The Microlux 2 Transilluminator is used for detecting Anterior and Posterior Car
The Microlux 2 Transilluminator is used for detecting Anterior and Posterior Caries. It also helps to visualize crown fractures, root canal orifice, and root fractures. Microlux 2 applications include an accessory for Proximal Caries detection, and Oral Cancer Screening.
The Microlux Transilluminator is used for detecting Anterior and Posterior Carie
The Microlux Transilluminator is used for detecting Anterior and Posterior Caries. It also helps to visualize crown fractures, root canal orifice, and root fractures. Microlux applications include an accessory for Proximal Caries detection, and Oral Cancer Screening.
The Microlux 2 Transilluminator is used for detecting Anterior and Posterior Car
The Microlux 2 Transilluminator is used for detecting Anterior and Posterior Caries. It also helps to visualize crown fractures, root canal orifice, and root fractures. Microlux 2 applications include an accessory for Proximal Caries detection, and Oral Cancer Screening.