Dental burs are a vital tool required for almost every dental treatment and proc
Dental burs are a vital tool required for almost every dental treatment and procedure. They are necessary for cutting, grinding, and removing hard and soft tissue and are designed to attach to the rotary dental handpiece for fast and efficient dental work.
• Easy to apply; fast cure.• Outstanding depth of cure.• Reliable performance.•
• Easy to apply; fast cure.• Outstanding depth of cure.• Reliable performance.• Good mechanical strength and wear resistance allows for an extended service time of up to six months.• Good biocompatibility shares the same basic chemistry with light cured cavity liners.• Easy removal.• Compatible with all known permanent restoratives and cements.• Long shelf life with no need for refrigeration.• Versatility in use; also suitable for making temporary inlays and onlays, endodontic stopping and emergency temporization.
Light Super Bond represents state-of- the-art technology: it offers the most des
Light Super Bond represents state-of- the-art technology: it offers the most desirable characteristics, in versatility, ease of handling and reliability. • Unlimited working time-cures on demand with a visible light-curing unit.• Bracket compatibility-designed to be used with ceramic, plastic or metal brackets.• Viscosity-consistency of the Light Super Bond-M paste eliminates bracket flotation.• High light sensitivity of the material allows for the use of Light Super Bond-M not only for bonding translucent (plastic or ceramic) brackets, but also for light impermeable metal ones.• Light Super Bond-M is a light cured material, which allows for relief from time pressure.• The dentist, therefore, has plenty of time for cleaning the excess adhesive around the bracket bases. • Simplicity of application procedure, and relief from time pressure, results in obtaining reproducible bond strength, and precise bracket placement.• The material has superior resistance to discoloration. It is economical to use and has virtually no waste and long shelf life, all of which contribute to the ease of working with this product.
Adhesive, Bracket And Tooth Conditioner, Resin
Light Super Bond-M-L/C Orthodontic Adhesive Single Syringe
Atlas is used for: final cementation of implant prosthesis, crowns, bridges, in-
Atlas is used for: final cementation of implant prosthesis, crowns, bridges, in-lays, on-lays, Maryland bridges, veneers, cementation of posts and pins, pit and fissure sealants, periodontal splinting, and cementation of orthodontic bands and appliances.. OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THE MATERIAL•Excellent handling characteristics•Dual-Cured•Fluoride release•X-ray opacity•Low irritation potential•Negligible solubility•Low film thickness•Excellent resistance to oral environment and mechanical strength assure good long-term performance•Long shelf life
Atlas is used for: final cementation of implant prosthesis, crowns, bridges, in-
Atlas is used for: final cementation of implant prosthesis, crowns, bridges, in-lays, on-lays, Maryland bridges, veneers, cementation of posts and pins, pit and fissure sealants, periodontal splinting, and cementation of orthodontic bands and appliances.. OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THE MATERIAL•Excellent handling characteristics•Dual-Cured•Fluoride release•X-ray opacity•Low irritation potential•Negligible solubility•Low film thickness•Excellent resistance to oral environment and mechanical strength assure good long-term performance•Long shelf life
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing convention
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing conventional cast restorations on most vital and non-vital teeth. It also cements bonded bridges of both cast and etched (Maryland) and perforated base (Rochette) types. It is also suitable for cementing prefabricated laminate veneers, ceramic crowns, inlays, onlays, pins, posts and periodontal splinting.• Versatile.• Predictable, controllable and reproducible working time.• Excellent biological and chemical resistance to oral environment.• Excellent adhesion to both the tooth and metal surfaces.• High compressive and diametral tensile strength.• Simplicity in application.
Light Super Bond represents state-of- the-art technology: it offers the most des
Light Super Bond represents state-of- the-art technology: it offers the most desirable characteristics, in versatility, ease of handling and reliability. • Unlimited working time-cures on demand with a visible light-curing unit.• Bracket compatibility-designed to be used with ceramic, plastic or metal brackets.• Viscosity-consistency of the Light Super Bond-M paste eliminates bracket flotation.• High light sensitivity of the material allows for the use of Light Super Bond-M not only for bonding translucent (plastic or ceramic) brackets, but also for light impermeable metal ones.• Light Super Bond-M is a light cured material, which allows for relief from time pressure.• The dentist, therefore, has plenty of time for cleaning the excess adhesive around the bracket bases. • Simplicity of application procedure, and relief from time pressure, results in obtaining reproducible bond strength, and precise bracket placement.• The material has superior resistance to discoloration. It is economical to use and has virtually no waste and long shelf life, all of which contribute to the ease of working with this product.
Adhesive, Bracket And Tooth Conditioner, Resin
Light Super Bond-M-L/C Orthodontic Adhesive Single Syringe
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Olympian M is used for cementating temporary crowns and splints. Retention of te
Olympian M is used for cementating temporary crowns and splints. Retention of temporary crowns, sealing dressing in teeth during root canal therapy procedures.Trial cementation of permanent restorations prior to final insertion.Testing of interproximal contacts prior to final placement.
Saturn M-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material (1:4 Formula)• in dual c
Saturn M-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material (1:4 Formula)• in dual cure mode restorative pastes are mixed with accelerators, this permits complete set of the material irrespective of the thickness of the restoration, or the accessibility of light.• Virtually unlimited working time in light-cure mode; convenient working time in self-cure mode.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• Moldable, non sticky consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, whenever desirable, by adding either liquid or paste-type catalyst for dual cure.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• The Standard Saturn M kit contains two shades: contrasting for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; and the natural for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
A mains electricity (AC-powered), hand-held, device intended to be used to activ
A mains electricity (AC-powered), hand-held, device intended to be used to activate the polymerization of: 1) a dental resin-based material in the oral cavity; and/or 2) a surgical adhesive/sealant during an open-surgery procedure. It typically includes a light source [e.g., halogen, fluorescent, light-emitting diode (LED)] that emits light in the visible, or less frequently, ultraviolet spectrum, mounted in a handpiece that is typically attached to or used with a portable control unit or charging station.
Eagle-Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material Auto-Mix System• Convenient working time
Eagle-Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material Auto-Mix System• Convenient working time in self-cure mode.• Light-cure properties of the material facilitate cure of the product.• Well balanced x-ray opacity permits tooth structure, pins, and posts to be easily distinguishable from material.• Does not require refrigeration; long shelf-life at ambient temperatures.• Significantly saves chair-time due to its auto-mix system.• Intra-oral tips permit application of the material directly into the tooth.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Eagle-Dual-Cured Core Build-Up Material in Auto-Mix Cartridges
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
• Skyrock M is a paste/liquid system.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy
• Skyrock M is a paste/liquid system.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• It is moldable and non-sticky yet has an adhesive consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, wherever desirable, by adding more or less liquid.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• Standard Skyrock M kit comes in two shades: one is contrasting, for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; the other is natural, for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Skyrock M P/L Core Build Up Material Part A Contrast, Jar
Acclaim is a highly polishable, self cure, paste/paste, Bis-GMA composite for an
Acclaim is a highly polishable, self cure, paste/paste, Bis-GMA composite for anterior and posterior restorations. Material exhibits; high mechanical strength and excellent marginal adaptation. High filler content contributes to low shrinkage, low water sorption, low coefficient of thermal expansion and good wear and scratch resistance. Acclaim has a very good x-ray opacity, outstanding color stability and resistance to staining.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Acclaim Chemical Cure Composite Restorative Material Single Jar Part B
Acclaim is a highly polishable, self cure, paste/paste, Bis-GMA composite for an
Acclaim is a highly polishable, self cure, paste/paste, Bis-GMA composite for anterior and posterior restorations. Material exhibits; high mechanical strength and excellent marginal adaptation. High filler content contributes to low shrinkage, low water sorption, low coefficient of thermal expansion and good wear and scratch resistance. Acclaim has a very good x-ray opacity, outstanding color stability and resistance to staining.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Acclaim Chemical Cure Composite Restorative Material Single Jar Part A
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing convention
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing conventional cast restorations on most vital and non-vital teeth. It also cements bonded bridges of both cast and etched (Maryland) and perforated base (Rochette) types. It is also suitable for cementing prefabricated laminate veneers, ceramic crowns, inlays, onlays, pins, posts and periodontal splinting.• Versatile.• Predictable, controllable and reproducible working time.• Excellent biological and chemical resistance to oral environment.• Excellent adhesion to both the tooth and metal surfaces.• High compressive and diametral tensile strength.• Simplicity in application.
Cement, Dental
Pearl Composite Luting Cement Syringe System, Part B Single Syringe
• Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material In dual cure mode restor
• Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material In dual cure mode restorative pastes are mixed with accelerators, this permits complete set of the material irrespective of the thickness of the restoration, or the accessibility of light.• Virtually unlimited working time in light-cure mode; convenient working time in self-cure mode.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• Moldable, non-sticky consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, whenever desirable, by adding either liquid or paste-type catalyst for dual cure.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• The Standard Eagle kit contains two shades: contrasting for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; and the natural for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
• Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material In dual cure mode restor
• Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material In dual cure mode restorative pastes are mixed with accelerators, this permits complete set of the material irrespective of the thickness of the restoration, or the accessibility of light.• Virtually unlimited working time in light-cure mode; convenient working time in self-cure mode.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• Moldable, non-sticky consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, whenever desirable, by adding either liquid or paste-type catalyst for dual cure.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• The Standard Eagle kit contains two shades: contrasting for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; and the natural for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
Etch Gel-available for bulk purchase-1 kg bottle. Dent Zar’s etch gel is a 37% p
Etch Gel-available for bulk purchase-1 kg bottle. Dent Zar’s etch gel is a 37% phosphoric acid solution. • Convenient dispensing system with disposable tips• Easy to wash off• Economical• Colored for precise application• Excellent wetting characteristics• Non-drying• Direct to tooth application with disposable luer-lock tips• Refillable applicator syringes
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choic
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choice of using self or light-cure form, depending upon the clinical situation. There is a virtually unlimited working time in the l form, and a convenient working time in the self-cure (chemical) form. It is moldable and non-sticky yet has an adhesive consistency. Material has well-balanced x-ray opacity that permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts. It contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping. The standard Orion kit comes in two shades: the contrasting one, for easy distinguishing from the tooth structure; the other is tooth colored for use under shell crowns.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Orion-L/C Core Build-Up Material Natural, Single Syringe
• Skyrock M is a paste/liquid system.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy
• Skyrock M is a paste/liquid system.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• It is moldable and non-sticky yet has an adhesive consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, wherever desirable, by adding more or less liquid.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• Standard Skyrock M kit comes in two shades: one is contrasting, for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; the other is natural, for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Skyrock M P/L Core Build Up Material Part B Liquid, Bottle
Fantastic-M orthodontic adhesive is designed to set on contact, “Cure-On Touch”,
Fantastic-M orthodontic adhesive is designed to set on contact, “Cure-On Touch”, thus saving the dentist chair time. This procedure can also minimize erratic mixing procedures, and therefore the possibility of errors caused by paste inconsistencies, a problem often encountered in other types of adhesives. Fantastic M has strong, reliable bond, mistake-proof cure-on-touch system: fast and easy to use, color stable and it economical in application. Fantastic-M starts to set only after the bracket is applied to the tooth, giving the operator the convenience and security of virtually unlimited working time. This material is very reliable due to its outstanding adhesive properties. Also, due to the soft filler, Fantastic-M is easy to clean. The material is highly tacky, therefore, brackets will not slide after being placed on the tooth, but rather they will remain immobilized until the material cures. Delayed cure time permits the operator to correct the position of the brackets up to 15 seconds after placement. Fantastic-M is very economical, unlike conventional adhesives that are normally mixed in excess.
Saturn M-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material (1:4 Formula)• in dual c
Saturn M-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material (1:4 Formula)• in dual cure mode restorative pastes are mixed with accelerators, this permits complete set of the material irrespective of the thickness of the restoration, or the accessibility of light.• Virtually unlimited working time in light-cure mode; convenient working time in self-cure mode.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• Moldable, non sticky consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, whenever desirable, by adding either liquid or paste-type catalyst for dual cure.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• The Standard Saturn M kit contains two shades: contrasting for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; and the natural for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
L-SHA-Light Cured Nano Particle Paint-On Restorative and Veneer Cement (Flowable
L-SHA-Light Cured Nano Particle Paint-On Restorative and Veneer Cement (Flowable Composite)L-SHA is recommended for cementing fabricated laminate veneers, restoring acrylic veneers and for use in Class III and Class V restorations, and for limited use in Class I restorations in premolars, and selected Class IV restorations where aesthetics are of primary importance.OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THE MATERIALHigh adhesive strength to etched enamel without the use of bonding agents.Superior aesthetics due to well balanced opacity and light reflectance.Excellent color stability.Reduced oxygen inhibited layer contributes to the ease of finishing.Does not require refrigeration. Shelf life in excess of two years.Fast in application–one component restorative system.Excellent flow of the material facilitates application.May be cured with any dentalcuring instrument operating in the visible range.
L-SHA-Light Cured Nano Particle Paint-On Restorative and Veneer Cement (Flowable
L-SHA-Light Cured Nano Particle Paint-On Restorative and Veneer Cement (Flowable Composite)L-SHA is recommended for cementing fabricated laminate veneers, restoring acrylic veneers and for use in Class III and Class V restorations, and for limited use in Class I restorations in premolars, and selected Class IV restorations where aesthetics are of primary importance.OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THE MATERIALHigh adhesive strength to etched enamel without the use of bonding agents.Superior aesthetics due to well balanced opacity and light reflectance.Excellent color stability.Reduced oxygen inhibited layer contributes to the ease of finishing.Does not require refrigeration. Shelf life in excess of two years.Fast in application–one component restorative system.Excellent flow of the material facilitates application.May be cured with any dentalcuring instrument operating in the visible range.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
• Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material In dual cure mode restor
• Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material In dual cure mode restorative pastes are mixed with accelerators, this permits complete set of the material irrespective of the thickness of the restoration, or the accessibility of light.• Virtually unlimited working time in light-cure mode; convenient working time in self-cure mode.• Well-balanced x-ray opacity permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts.• Moldable, non-sticky consistency.• Allows one to control consistency, whenever desirable, by adding either liquid or paste-type catalyst for dual cure.• Contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping.• Does not require refrigeration: long shelf life at ambient temperatures.• The Standard Eagle kit contains two shades: contrasting for easy distinguishing from tooth structure; and the natural for use under semi-transparent ceramics.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Eagle-Light, Self & Dual-Cure Core Build-Up Material
• Simple and fast application technique• Compatible with all light-cured restora
• Simple and fast application technique• Compatible with all light-cured restorative materials and cements• Long shelf-life with no need for refrigeration• Economical• No pulp irritation
L-SHA-Light Cured Nano Particle Paint-On Restorative and Veneer Cement (Flowable
L-SHA-Light Cured Nano Particle Paint-On Restorative and Veneer Cement (Flowable Composite)L-SHA is recommended for cementing fabricated laminate veneers, restoring acrylic veneers and for use in Class III and Class V restorations, and for limited use in Class I restorations in premolars, and selected Class IV restorations where aesthetics are of primary importance.OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THE MATERIALHigh adhesive strength to etched enamel without the use of bonding agents.Superior aesthetics due to well balanced opacity and light reflectance.Excellent color stability.Reduced oxygen inhibited layer contributes to the ease of finishing.Does not require refrigeration. Shelf life in excess of two years.Fast in application–one component restorative system.Excellent flow of the material facilitates application.May be cured with any dentalcuring instrument operating in the visible range.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II resto
Acorn composite suitable for: Class III, IV, V, as well as, class I and II restorations. Fabrication of extra orally tempered inlays-and onlays by the direct or indirect method, as well as, fabrication of extraorally tempered custom made veneers.A highly polishable, photocuring, Nano-Micro Hybrid composite for anterior and posterior restorations.
Dent Zar’s Z-Bond is a One-Step Light-Cured Self-Etching Dentin/Enamel Bonding A
Dent Zar’s Z-Bond is a One-Step Light-Cured Self-Etching Dentin/Enamel Bonding Adhesive, which releases fluorides and does not require mixing, because the adhesive combines properties of etching and bonding in a single bottle. The result is fast and saves chair time. Z-Bond markedly reduces sensitivity due to the fact that the adhesive penetrates the smear layer and adheres to the tooth structure without opening tubules. The work effort is significantly reduced and simplified with Z Bond. All adhesive treatment steps are included in one component. Z Bond is a 7th generation of bonding dentin/enamel adhesives. Z Bond is designed to promote adhesion to tooth structure in the following applications:
Agent, Tooth Bonding, Resin
Z Bond-Visible Light Cure One-Step Bonding Adhesive
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing convention
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing conventional cast restorations on most vital and non-vital teeth. It also cements bonded bridges of both cast and etched (Maryland) and perforated base (Rochette) types. It is also suitable for cementing prefabricated laminate veneers, ceramic crowns, inlays, onlays, pins, posts and periodontal splinting.• Versatile.• Predictable, controllable and reproducible working time.• Excellent biological and chemical resistance to oral environment.• Excellent adhesion to both the tooth and metal surfaces.• High compressive and diametral tensile strength.• Simplicity in application.
Cement, Dental
Pearl Composite Luting Cement Syringe System, Part A Single Syringe
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing convention
Pearl is a self-cured, filled permanent cement designed for cementing conventional cast restorations on most vital and non-vital teeth. It also cements bonded bridges of both cast and etched (Maryland) and perforated base (Rochette) types. It is also suitable for cementing prefabricated laminate veneers, ceramic crowns, inlays, onlays, pins, posts and periodontal splinting.• Auto-mix system.• Versatile.• Predictable, controllable and reproducible working time.• Excellent biological and chemical resistance to oral environment.• Excellent adhesion to both the tooth and metal surfaces.• High compressive and diametral tensile strength.• Simplicity in application.
Cement, Dental
Pearl Composite Luting Cement Auto-Mix System, Single Carthridge
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choic
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choice of using self or light-cure form, depending upon the clinical situation. There is a virtually unlimited working time in the light-cure form, and a convenient working time in the self-cure (chemical) form. It is moldable and non-sticky yet has an adhesive consistency. Material has well-balanced x-ray opacity that permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts. It contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping. The standard Orion kit comes in two shades: the contrasting one, for easy distinguishing from the tooth structure; the other is tooth colored for use under shell crowns.
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choic
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choice of using self or light-cure form, depending upon the clinical situation. There is a virtually unlimited working time in the l form, and a convenient working time in the self-cure (chemical) form. It is moldable and non-sticky yet has an adhesive consistency. Material has well-balanced x-ray opacity that permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts. It contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping. The standard Orion kit comes in two shades: the contrasting one, for easy distinguishing from the tooth structure; the other is tooth colored for use under shell crowns.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Orion-Chemical and L/C Core Build-Up Material Part B, Jar
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choic
Orion in the chemical cure form is a paste/paste system. The dentist has a choice of using self or light-cure form, depending upon the clinical situation. There is a virtually unlimited working time in the l form, and a convenient working time in the self-cure (chemical) form. It is moldable and non-sticky yet has an adhesive consistency. Material has well-balanced x-ray opacity that permits easy distinguishing from tooth structure, pins and posts. It contains moderately hard filler for easier carving and shaping. The standard Orion kit comes in two shades: the contrasting one, for easy distinguishing from the tooth structure; the other is tooth colored for use under shell crowns.
Material, Tooth Shade, Resin
Orion-Chemical and L/C Core Build-Up Material Part A Contrast, Jar