Other products from "PLASDENT CORPORATION"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 D8328404BRH1 8404BRH 8404BRH Brush Tips NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
2 D832TP0011 TP-001 TP-001 Clear Tubes & Plugs NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
3 D832XSSHICK11 XS-SHICK-1 XS-SHICK-1 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Schick #1 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
4 D832XSREGAM21 XS-REGAM-2 XS-REGAM-2 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Regam #2 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
5 D832XSGXDR21 XS-GXDR-2 XS-GXDR-2 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Gendex, XDR #2 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
6 D832XSGXDR11 XS-GXDR-1 XS-GXDR-1 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Gendex, XDR #1 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
7 D832XSDEXISU1 XS-DEXIS-U XS-DEXIS-U Digital Sensor Sheaths for Dexis Universal PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves 2 Plasdent
8 D832XSDEXIS21 XS-DEXIS-2 XS-DEXIS-2 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Dexis #2 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
9 D832XSCYGNUS11 XS-CYGNUS-1 XS-CYGNUS-1 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Cygnus Ray #1 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
10 D832XSSUNI21 XS-SUNI-2 XS-SUNI-2 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Suni, Lightyear #2 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
11 D832XSSHICK21 XS-SHICK-2 XS-SHICK-2 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Schick #2 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
12 D832XS610021 XS-6100-2 XS-6100-2 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Kodak 6100 #2 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
13 D832XS610011 XS-6100-1 XS-6100-1 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Kodak 6100 #1 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
14 D832XS610001 XS-6100-0 XS-6100-0 Digital Sensor Sheaths for Kodak 6100 #0 PEM Dental Barriers And Sleeves Plasdent
15 D832XRSNAP9L1 XR-SNAP-9L XR-SNAP-9L Snap Film Holder, Light Gray EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
16 D832XRSNAP7X1 XR-SNAP-7X XR-SNAP-7X Snap Film Holder, Orange Yellow EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
17 D832XRSNAP4X1 XR-SNAP-4X XR-SNAP-4X Snap Film Holder, Green Grass EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
18 D832XRSNAP2P1 XR-SNAP-2P XR-SNAP-2P Snap Film Holder, Blue Ocean EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
19 D832XRSNAP111 XR-SNAP-11 XR-SNAP-11 Snap Film Holder, Black Knight EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
20 D832XRFAS1 XR-FAS XR-FAS Complete Aligning System, 4 Arms, 4 Rings, 17 Bite Blocks NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
21 D832XR09411 XR-0941 XR-0941 Bitewing Bite Blocks, Red, V2 NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
22 D832XR09340 XR-0934 XR-0934 Bitewing Ring, Red NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
23 D832XR09331 XR-0933 XR-0933 Bitewing Bite Blocks, Red, H0/1 NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
24 D832XR09291 XR-0929 XR-0929 Bitewing Bite Blocks, Red, H2 NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
25 D832XR09270 XR-0927 XR-0927 Bitewing Arm, Red NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
26 D832XR09221 XR-0922 XR-0922 Bitewing Bite Blocks, Red, V1 NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
27 D832XR08650 XR-0865 XR-0865 Anterior Ring, Blue NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
28 D832XR08621 XR-0862 XR-0862 Anterior Bite Blocks, Yellow NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
29 D832XR08611 XR-0861 XR-0861 Anterior Bite Blocks, Blue NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
30 D832XR08600 XR-0860 XR-0860 Posterior Ring, Yellow NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
31 D832XR08580 XR-0858 XR-0858 Posterior Arm, Yellow NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
32 D832XR08570 XR-0857 XR-0857 Anterior Arm, Blue NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
33 D832XR07750 XR-0775 XR-0775 Universal Alignment Arm NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
34 D832XR0011 XR-001 XR-001 Film Carrier #1, Black EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
35 D832XR0001 XR-000 XR-000 Film Carrier #0 & #00, White EGZ Holder, Film, X-Ray 1 Plasdent
36 D832WGDS1 WGD-S WGD-S Wedge w/ Guard, Small NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
37 D832WGDM1 WGD-M WGD-M Wedge w/ Guard, Medium NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
38 D832WGDL1 WGD-L WGD-L Wedge w/ Guard, Large NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
39 D832VP8P1 VP-8P VP-8P VP Film Mount - 8P, 3 7/8" X 5 7/8" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
40 D832VP8H61 VP-8H6V VP-8H6V VP Film Mount - 8H6V, 4" X 11 1/4" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
41 D832VP8C1 VP-8C VP-8C VP Film Mount - 8C, 4" X 8" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
42 D832VP6H1 VP-6H VP-6H VP Film Mount - 6H, 3 1/4" X 6 3/8" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
43 D832VP4H3V1 VP-4H3V VP-4H3V VP Film Mount - 4H3V, 2 1/2" X 11 1/4" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
44 D832VP4H2V1 VP-4H2V VP-4H2V VP Film Mount - 4H2V, 2 1/16" X 10" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
45 D832VP4H1 VP-4H VP-4H VP Film Mount - 4H, 3 1/4" X 4 5/8" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
46 D832VP4C1 VP-4C VP-4C VP Film Mount - 4C, 3 1/8" X 7 1/4" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
47 D832VP2H1 VP-2H VP-2H VP Film Mount - 2H, 2 5/8" X 3 1/2" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
48 D832VP1C1 VP-1C VP-1C VP Film Mount - 1C, 1 13/16" X 3" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
49 D832VP12H6V1 VP-12H6V VP-12H6V VP Film Mount - 12H6V, 4 11/16" X 11 1/4" NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories 1 Plasdent
50 D832VP10001 VP-1000 VP-1000 Universal Film Mounts, Box with White Space NRD Unit, Operative Dental, Accessories Plasdent
Other products with the same Product Code "NRD"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 E247J27111 J2711 CamX Cam Interchangeable Head DÜRR DENTAL SE
2 E247J21101 J2110 CamX Elara DÜRR DENTAL SE
3 E247ATH72002000 E247ATH7200200 Mobile dental suction system Mojave Mobile DÜRR DENTAL SE
4 E247ATH72001000 E247ATH7200100 Mobile dental suction system Mojave Mobile DÜRR DENTAL SE
5 E247ATH71002000 ATH7100200 Mobile dental suction system Mojave Mobile with Amalgam Separator DÜRR DENTAL SE
6 E247ATH71001000 ATH7100100 Mobile dental suction system Mojave Mobile with Amalgam Separator DÜRR DENTAL SE
7 E24771513002000 7151300200 VS 250 S DÜRR DENTAL SE
8 E24771513001000 7151300100 VS 250 S DÜRR DENTAL SE
9 00864058000326 1 HDTV intraoral camera RealCloud HD1 REALCLOUD IMAGING, INC.
10 00850018182010 BT50 BT50 BluTab 750mL Tablets PROEDGE DENTAL PRODUCTS, INC.
11 00850018182003 BT20 BluTab 2L Tablets PROEDGE DENTAL PRODUCTS, INC.
12 00841709108853 PM-4 PM-4 Midmark PowerMax Surgical Vacuums are intended to provide suction during procedu Midmark PowerMax Surgical Vacuums are intended to provide suction during procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: PM-4, Number of users: 3 - 4, CFM Maximum: 24, Total HP: 3 @ 3/4 HP. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
13 00841709108846 PM-3 PM-3 Midmark PowerMax Surgical Vacuums are intended to provide suction during procedu Midmark PowerMax Surgical Vacuums are intended to provide suction during procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: PM-3, Number of users: 2 - 3, CFM Maximum: 16, Total HP: 2 @ 3/4 HP. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
14 00841709108839 PM-1 PM-1 Midmark PowerMax Surgical Vacuums are intended to provide suction during procedu Midmark PowerMax Surgical Vacuums are intended to provide suction during procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: PM-1, Number of users: 1, CFM Maximum: 8, Total HP: 1 @ 3/4 HP. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
15 00841709108822 P72SC/P7 P72SC/P7 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to pro Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72SC, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P7, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
16 00841709108815 P72SC/P10 P72SC/P10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to pro Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72SC, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P10, Number of users: 10 - 14, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
17 00841709108808 P72SC/G7 P72SC/G7 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to pro Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72SC, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G7, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 3. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
18 00841709108792 P72SC/G10 P72SC/G10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to pro Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72SC, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G10, Number of users: 10 - 14, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 6. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
19 00841709108785 P72SC/CV10R P72SC/CV10R Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to pro Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72SC, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10R, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
20 00841709108778 P72SC/CV10 P72SC/CV10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to pro Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72SC, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
21 00841709108761 P72/P7 P72/P7 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P7, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
22 00841709108754 P72/P10 P72/P10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P10, Number of users: 10 - 14, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
23 00841709108747 P72/G7 P72/G7 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G7, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 3. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
24 00841709108730 P72/G10 P72/G10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G10, Number of users: 10 - 14, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 6. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
25 00841709108723 P72 P72 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
26 00841709108716 P72/CV10R P72/CV10R Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10R, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
27 00841709108709 P72/CV10 P72/CV10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Air Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P72, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 4.8, CFM @ 80psi: 15.9, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
28 00841709108693 P7 P7 Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general exam Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P7, Number of users: 7 - 10, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
29 00841709108686 P6 P6 Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general exam Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P6 (Twin), Number of users: 6 - 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
30 00841709108679 P52SC/P6 P52SC/P6 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P6, Number of users: 6 - 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
31 00841709108662 P52SC/P5 P52SC/P5 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P5, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
32 00841709108655 P52SC/G6 P52SC/G6 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G6, Number of users: 6 - 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 6. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
33 00841709108648 P52SC/G5 P52SC/G5 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G5, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 3. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
34 00841709108631 P52SC/CV6R P52SC/CV6R Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV6R, Max Users: 6, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 2.5, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
35 00841709108624 P52SC/CV6 P52SC/CV6 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV6, Max Users: 6, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 2.5, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
36 00841709108617 P52SC/CV10R P52SC/CV10R Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10R, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
37 00841709108600 P52SC/CV10 P52SC/CV10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52SC, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
38 00841709108594 P52/P6 P52/P6 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P6, Number of users: 6 - 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
39 00841709108587 P52/P5 P52/P5 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P5, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
40 00841709108570 P52/G6 P52/G6 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G6, Number of users: 6 - 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 6. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
41 00841709108563 P52/G5 P52/G5 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac G Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: G5, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 3. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
42 00841709108556 P52/CV6R P52/CV6R Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV6R, Max Users: 6, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 2.5, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
43 00841709108549 P52/CV6 P52/CV6 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV6, Max Users: 6, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 2.5, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
44 00841709108532 CV10R CV10R Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during g Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10R, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
45 00841709108525 P52/CV10R P52/CV10R Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10R, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: Yes. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
46 00841709108518 P52 P52 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
47 00841709108501 CV10 CV10 Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during g Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
48 00841709108495 P52/CV10 P52/CV10 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air dur Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P52, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of heads: 2, Total HP: 3.2, CFM @ 80psi: 10.6, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark Classic Series wet-ring vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: CV10, Max Users: 10, Number of vacuums: 2, Total HP: 4, Water Recycling: No. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
49 00841709108488 P5 P5 Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general exam Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P5, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION
50 00841709108471 P32SC/P5 P32SC/P5 Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide Midmark PowerAir Oil-Less Compressors, with sound cover, are intended to provide compressed air during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P32SC, Number of users: 3 - 5, Number of heads: 3, Total HP: 2.25, CFM @ 80psi: 7.8, Voltage: 208 - 230.Midmark PowerVac Dry vacuums are intended to provide suction during general examinations and procedures conducted by qualified dental professionals. Model: P5, Number of users: 5 - 7, Number of vacuums: 1, Total HP: 2. Midmark MIDMARK CORPORATION