Other products from "DEN-MAT HOLDINGS, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 D813SPD15110 SPD1511 SPD1511 PREC HVY WILD BRY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
3 D813TEN40000 TEN4000 TEN4000 TENURE 4G BONDING SYSTEM KLE Agent, Tooth Bonding, Resin 2 Tenure®
4 D813SPD19070 SPD1907 SPD1907 SPLASH LITE REG CART 5pc ELW Material, Impression 2 Splash®
5 D813SPD15470 SPD1547 SPD1547 PRECISION JUMBO CART RFL HVY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
6 D813SPD15460 SPD1546 SPD1546 PRECISION JUMBO CART RFL MED ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
7 D813SPD15360 SPD1536 SPD1536 PRECISION FATPAK INTRO MED ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
8 D813SPD15350 SPD1535 SPD1535 PRECISION FATPAK INTRO HVY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
9 D813SPD15340 SPD1534 SPD1534 PRECISION FATPAK REFILL MED ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
10 D813SPD15330 SPD1533 SPD1533 PRECISION FATPAK REFILL HVY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
11 D813SPD15170 SPD1517 SPD1517 PREC JAR PTY WILD BRY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
12 D813SPD15141 SPD1514 SPD1514 PREC PTY PK WILD BRY ELW Material, Impression Precision®
13 D813SPD15100 SPD1510 SPD1510 PREC MED WILD BRY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
14 D813SPD15090 SPD1509 SPD1509 PREC LITE WILD BRY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
15 D813SPD15080 SPD1508 SPD1508 PREC XLITE BODY WILD BRY ELW Material, Impression 2 Precision®
16 D813325999500 032599950 032599950 U-BOND PLUS CUSTOM KIT  EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
17 D8131146B0 1146B 1146B TENURE B ADHESIVE 6mL EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Tenure®
18 D8131145B0 1145B 1145B TENURE A ADHESIVE 6mL EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Tenure®
19 D8130561007750 056100775 056100775 ORTHOCLEAR RETAINER DOUBLE DYJ Retainer, Screw Expansion, Orthodontic 1 ORTHOCLEAR
20 D8130561007500 056100750 056100750 ORTHOCLEAR RETAINER LOWER DYJ Retainer, Screw Expansion, Orthodontic 1 ORTHOCLEAR
21 D8130561007250 056100725 056100725 ORTHOCLEAR RETAINER UPPER DYJ Retainer, Screw Expansion, Orthodontic 1 ORTHOCLEAR
22 D8130561004250 056100425 056100425 ORTHOCLEAR ALIGNER UPR & LWR NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 ORTHOCLEAR
23 D8130561004000 056100400 056100400 ORTHOCLEAR ALIGNER LOWER NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 ORTHOCLEAR
24 D8130561003750 056100375 056100375 ORTHOCLEAR ALIGNER UPPER NXC Aligner, Sequential 2 ORTHOCLEAR
25 D8130325999500 032599950 032599950 U-BOND PLUS CUSTOM KIT  EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
26 D8130325997500 032599750 032599750 U-BOND PLUS MULTI SH 6g KIT R1 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
27 D8130325993900 032599390 032599390 UB PLUS A2 DC 6g RFL KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
28 D8130325993800 032599380 032599380 UB PLUS SUP WHT DC RFL KIT R:1 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
29 D8130325993700 032599370 032599370 UB PLUS NEU DC 6g RFL KIT R:1 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
30 D8130325993500 032599350 032599350 UB PLUS B0 DC 6g RFL KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
31 D8130325993300 032599330 032599330 UB PLUS B1 DC 6g RFL KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
32 D8130325993100 032599310 032599310 UB PLUS A1 DC 6g RFL KIT R:1 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
33 D8130325991100 032599110 032599110 U-BOND PLUS M/S INTRO KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
34 D8130324921100 032492110 032492110 BLOCK OUT UBP M/S INTRO KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
35 D8130324915500 032491550 032491550 BLOCK OUT UBP M/S BTO KIT      EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
36 D8130324915100 032491510 032491510 BLOCK OUT UBP M/S BONDING KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
37 D8130324914100 032491410 032491410 BLOCK OUT UBP SUP WHT KT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
38 D8130324913100 032491310 032491310 BLOCK OUT UBP B0 KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
39 D8130324912100 032491210 032491210 BLOCK OUT UBP B1 KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
40 D8130324911100 032491110 032491110 BLOCK OUT UBP A1 KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
41 D813032245101B0 032245101B 032245101B TENURE S BND ENH 6mL R:1 KLE Agent, Tooth Bonding, Resin 2 Tenure®
42 D8130319828101 031982810 031982810 TRY-IN SUP WHT SY 4pc KIT EMA Cement, Dental Ultra-Bond®
43 D8130319827101 031982710 031982710 TRY-IN NEUTRAL SY 4pc KIT EMA Cement, Dental Ultra-Bond®
44 D8130319825101 031982510 031982510 TRY-IN A1 SY 4pc KIT EMA Cement, Dental Ultra-Bond®
45 D8130319823101 031982310 031982310 TRY-IN B1 SY 4pc KIT EMA Cement, Dental Ultra-Bond®
46 D8130319822101 031982210 031982210 TRY-IN B0 SY 4pc KIT EMA Cement, Dental Ultra-Bond®
47 D8130313475201 031347520 031347520 C-SNDR POST STRIPS UFINE 6pcSM DZN Instruments, Dental Hand 1 Ceri-Sander™
48 D8130313475101 031347510 031347510 C-SNDR POST STRIPS FINE 6pc SM DZN Instruments, Dental Hand 1 Ceri-Sander™
49 D8130313475000 031347500 031347500 CERISNDR POSTERIOR KIT w/STRPS DZN Instruments, Dental Hand 1 Ceri-Sander™
50 D8130313435500 031343550 031343550 TRY-IN MULTI-SHADE PST KIT EMA Cement, Dental 2 Ultra-Bond®
Other products with the same Product Code "ELC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10810000522733 DSG30GCT DSG30GCT Tips for GentleCLEAN™ Insert (Pkg. of 50 pcs.) GentleCLEAN™ PARKELL, INC.
2 10810000522641 DORING-GR DORING-GR Green O-Ring for 30k Scaler Insert (Pkg. of 12 pcs.) Parkell® PARKELL, INC.
3 10810000522634 DORING-BL DORING-BL Black O-Rings for 25k Scaler Insert (Pkg. of 12 pcs.) Parkell® PARKELL, INC.
4 10810000522054 D410 D419 Replacement Water Filter Disks (Pkg. of 10 Disks) for all Scalers & Irrigators Parkell® PARKELL, INC.
5 10810000520326 D581 D581 Empty Bottles for PerioSonic® Irrigator D583 & D584 (6 Bottles & Caps) PerioSonic® PARKELL, INC.
6 10810000520319 D681 D681 Replacement Reservoir Bottles for Integra™ Scaler (2 Bottles & Caps) Integra™ PARKELL, INC.
7 M595DUI300 DUI30 DUI30 Universal 30k Internal Water Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
8 M595DUI250 DUI25 DUI25 Universal 25k Internal Water Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
9 M595DUE300 DUE30 DUE30 30k External Water Universal Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
10 M595DUE250 DUE25 DUE25 25k External Water Universal Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
11 M595DTI300 DTI30 DTI30 30k Burnett Power-Tip™ Internal Water Burnett Power-Tip™ PARKELL, INC.
12 M595DTI250 DTI25 DTI25 25k Burnett Power-Tip™ Internal Water Burnett Power-Tip™ PARKELL, INC.
13 M595DSG30UP0 DSG30UP DSG30UP Pink Soft-Grip 30k Universal Ultrasonic Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
14 M595DSG30U0 DSG30U DSG30U Soft-Grip Universal 30k Internal Water Ultrasonic Scaler Tip NA PARKELL, INC.
15 M595DSG30T0 DSG30T DSG30T Soft-Grip 30k Burnett Power-Tip™ with Internal Water for Ultrasonic Scalers Burnett Power-Tip™ PARKELL, INC.
16 M595DSG30RP0 DSG30RP DSG30RP Pink Soft-Grip 30k Right Curved Perio Ultrasonic Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
17 M595DSG30R0 DSG30R DSG30R Soft-Grip Right Curved Perio Tip 30k Internal Water Ultrasonic Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
18 M595DSG30PP0 DSG30PP DSG30PP Pink Soft-Grip Perio 30k Ultrasonic Scaler Tip (Internal Water) NA PARKELL, INC.
19 M595DSG30P0 DSG30P DSG30P Soft-Grip Perio 30k Internal Water Ultrasonic Scaler Tip NA PARKELL, INC.
20 M595DSG30LP0 DSG30LP DSG30LP Pink Soft-Grip 30k Left Curved Perio Ultrasonic Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
21 M595DSG30L0 DSG30L DSG30L Soft-Grip Left Curved Perio Tip 30k Internal Water Ultrasonic Scaler Tip NA PARKELL, INC.
22 M595DSG30GCW0 DSG30GCW DSG30GCW Wrench for Attaching GentleCLEAN™ Tips GentleCLEAN™ PARKELL, INC.
23 M595DSG30GCT1 DSG30GCT DSG30GCT Tips for GentleCLEAN™ Insert (Pkg. of 50 pcs.) GentleCLEAN™ PARKELL, INC.
24 M595DSG30GCP0 DSG30GCP DSG30GCP Pink Soft-Grip 30k GentleCLEAN™ Ultrasonic Scaler Insert GentleCLEAN™ PARKELL, INC.
25 M595DSG30GC0 DSG30GC DSG30GC GentleCLEAN™ 30khz Soft-Grip Insert GentleCLEAN™ PARKELL, INC.
26 M595DPR300 DPR30 DPR30 30k Right-Curved Perio Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
27 M595DPR250 DPR25 DPR25 25k Right-Curved Perio Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
28 M595DPL300 DPL30 DPL30 30k Left-Curved Perio Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
29 M595DPL250 DPL25 DPL25 25k Left-Curved Perio Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
30 M595DPI300 DPI30 DPI30 Perio 30k Internal Water Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
31 M595DPI250 DPI25 DPI25 Perio 25k Internal Water Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
32 M595DPE300 DPE30 DPE30 30k External Water Perio Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
33 M595DPE250 DPE25 DPE25 25k External Water Perio Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
34 M595DLH30U0 DLH30U DLH30U 30khz Universal Insert for TurboVue™ Lighted Handpiece TurboVue™ PARKELL, INC.
35 M595DLH30T0 DLH30T DLH30T 30khz Burnett Power-Tip™ for TurboVue™ Lighted Handpiece TurboVue™ & Burnett Power-Tip™ PARKELL, INC.
36 M595DLH30P0 DLH30P DLH30P 30khz Straight Perio Insert for TurboVue™ Lighted Handpiece TurboVue™ PARKELL, INC.
37 M595DBI300 DBI30 DBI30 Beavertail 30k Internal Water Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
38 M595DBI250 DBI25 DBI25 Beavertail 25k Internal Water Scaler Insert NA PARKELL, INC.
39 M595D8450 D845 D845 Autoclavable Handpiece Sheath with Dental-Ez Logo NA PARKELL, INC.
40 M595D6950 D695 D695 Burnett Power-Tip™ for Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler Burnett Power-Tip™ PARKELL, INC.
41 M595D6940 D694 D694 Handpiece Only for Turbo Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler D690 (100v, 110v & 230v) Turbo Piezo™ PARKELL, INC.
42 M595D6930 D693 D693 Perio Tip for Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler NA PARKELL, INC.
43 M595D6920 D692 D692 Universal Straight Tip for Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler NA PARKELL, INC.
44 M595D6910 D691 D691 Torque Wrench for Piezo Turbo Tips Turbo Piezo™ PARKELL, INC.
45 M595D690110CR0 D690110CR D690110CR Certified Refurbish Turbo Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler 110v Turbo Piezo™ PARKELL, INC.
46 M595D6901100 D690110 D690110 Turbo Piezo Ultrasonic Scaler 110v Turbo Piezo™ PARKELL, INC.
47 M595D6810 D681 D681 Replacement Reservoir Bottles for Integra™ Scaler (2 Bottles & Caps) Integra™ PARKELL, INC.
48 M595D680110CR0 D680110CR D680110CR Certified Refurbish 110v Integra™ Ultrasonic Scaling System Integra™ PARKELL, INC.
49 M595D6801100 D680110 D680110 110v Integra™ Ultrasonic Scaling System Integra™ PARKELL, INC.
50 M595D60030KCR0 D60030KCR D60030KCR Certified Refurbish 30khz Parkell Clean Machine™ 110 Volt Ultrasonic Tooth Scaler Clean Machine™ PARKELL, INC.