Other products from "COSMEDENT, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 D7796071B00 6071B0 6071B0 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Renamel® Microfill
2 D7797120W10 7120W1 7120W1 EMA Cement, Dental 2 da Vinci
3 D7797031TA0 7031TA 7031TA ELW Material, Impression 2 Kwik
4 D7796062A21 6062A2 6062A2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin Renamel® Microhybrid
5 D7797011B10 7011B1 7011B1 EBD Coating, Filling Material, Resin 2 Renamel® Flowable Microhybrid
6 D779100M11 M1 EJB Handle, Instrument, Dental 1 Ball Burnisher M1
7 D7796021010 602101 602101 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
8 D77950214519 502145 EHM Strip, Polishing Agent 1 FlexiDiamond Strips Wide Coarse
9 D77941406017 414060 EHL Point, Abrasive 1 All Ceramic Extra Oral Lithium Disilicate Wheels
10 D7796221A20 6221A2 6221A2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 CosmeCore
11 D77962210W0 62210W 62210W EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 CosmeCore
12 D77962210B0 62210B 62210B EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 CosmeCore
13 D7794121CW11 4121CW EHL Point, Abrasive 1 Nano/Microhybrid Diamond Polisher Coarse Wheel
14 D77940221213 402212 EHJ Disk, Abrasive 1 FlexiDisc Mini 1/2 Coarse
15 D7794021381 402138 EHJ Disk, Abrasive 1 FlexiDisc Mini 3/8 Coarse
16 D77940211212 402112 EHJ Disk, Abrasive 1 FlexiDisc Mini 1/2 Coarse
17 D77940141214 401412 EHJ Disk, Abrasive 1 FlexiDisc 1/2 Superfine
18 D7796031C20 6031C2 6031C2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
19 D7796031C10 6031C1 6031C1 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
20 D7796031B30 6031B3 6031B3 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
21 D7796031B20 6031B2 6031B2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
22 D7796031B00 6031B0 6031B0 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
23 D7796031A40 6031A4 6031A4 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
24 D7796031A30 6031A3 6031A3 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
25 D7796031A20 6031A2 6031A2 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
26 D7796031A10 6031A1 6031A1 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
27 D7799061010 906101 906101 EJR Agent, Polishing, Abrasive, Oral Cavity 1 Enamelize
28 D7799060000 906000 906000 EJR Agent, Polishing, Abrasive, Oral Cavity 1 Enamelize
29 D779605ACL0 605ACL 605ACL EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
30 D7796051080 605108 605108 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
31 D7796051070 605107 605107 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
32 D7796051060 605106 605106 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
33 D7796051050 605105 605105 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
34 D7796051040 605104 605104 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
35 D7796051030 605103 605103 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
36 D7796051020 605102 605102 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
37 D7796051010 605101 605101 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
38 D7796050253 605025 605025 Insure Lite Refill Kit (Thin Viscosity) includes 5 (3 g) syringes of Insure Lite Insure Lite Refill Kit (Thin Viscosity) includes 5 (3 g) syringes of Insure Lite (Light-cure resin), 1 Simulcure Catalyst (dual-cure catalyst paste), 2 Cosmedent brushes (#1 and #3), and 25 (16 gauge) tips in the Tray. Insure Lite Refill Kit
39 D779603A350 603A35 603A35 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
40 D7796031WO0 6031WO 6031WO EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
41 D7796031PO0 6031PO 6031PO EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
42 D7796031LB0 6031LB 6031LB EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
43 D7796031HY0 6031HY 6031HY EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
44 D7796031D30 6031D3 6031D3 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
45 D7796031C40 6031C4 6031C4 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
46 D7796031140 603114 603114 EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
47 D77960310V0 60310V 60310V EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
48 D77960310G0 60310G 60310G EBF Material, Tooth Shade, Resin 2 Creative Color®
49 D7796021140 602114 602114 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
50 D7796021080 602108 602108 EMA Cement, Dental 2 Insure
Other products with the same Product Code "EBC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 D801SP5601S1 SP 56-01 S 56-01 Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restor Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White Opaque Kit. Spanish. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
2 D801SP5601CH1 SP 56-01 CH 56-01 Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restor Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White Opaque with Green Etching Agent. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
3 D801SP56011N1 SP 56-011 N 56-011 Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restor Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White Opaque. Non-Boxed. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
4 D801SP56011B1 SP 56-011 B 56-011 Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restor Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White Opaque. Boxed. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
5 D801SP56011 SP 56-01 56-01 Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restor Light-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and for Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White Opaque Kit. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
6 D801SP5401S1 SP 54-01 S 54-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Spanish. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
7 D801SP54011N1 SP 54-011 N 54-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Part A. Non-Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
8 D801SP54011B1 SP 54-011 B 54-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Part A. Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
9 D801SP54011 SP 54-01 54-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Part A. Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
10 D801SP5301S1 SP 53-01 S 53-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Spanish SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
11 D801SP530111 SP 53-011 53-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White. Part A. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
12 D801SP53011 SP 53-01 53-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
13 D801SP5201S1 SP 52-01 S 52-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White. Spanish. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
14 D801SP52012B1 SP 52-012 B 52-012 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Part B. Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
15 D801SP520121 SP 52-012 52-012 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear. Part B. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
16 D801SP52011B1 SP 52-011 B 52-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White. Part A. Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
17 D801SP520111 SP 52-011 52-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White. Part A. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
18 D801SP52011 SP 52-01 52-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. White. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
19 D801SP5101S1 SP 51-01 S 51-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear, Untinted. Spanish SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
20 D801SP51011 SP 51-01 51-01 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restorative Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occlusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. Clear, Untinted. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
21 D801SP50117N1 SP 50-117 N 50-117 Self-cured Resin for sealing occlusal fissures and bonding composite. Part A. Non-Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, Part B SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
22 D801SP50116N1 SP 50-116 N 50-116 Self-cured Resin for sealing occlusal fissures and bonding composite. Non-Boxed SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, Part A SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
23 D801SP50065N1 SP 50-065 N 50-065 Material used for the Preparation of Surfaces Prior to Bonding or Cementing. SciPharm Yellow Enamel Conditioner, Non-Boxed SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
24 D801SP50014N1 SP 50-014 N 50-014 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, White, Part A, NonBox SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
25 D801SP50014B1 SP 50-014 B 50-014 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, White, Part A, Box SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
26 D801SP50012B1 SP 50-012 B 50-012 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, Clear, Part B, Box SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
27 D801SP500121 SP 50-012 50-012 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, Clear, Part B SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
28 D801SP50011B1 SP 50-011 B 50-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, Clear, Part A, Box SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
29 D801SP500111 SP 50-011 50-011 Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives Self-Cured Resin for Sealing Occusal Fissures and Bonding Composite Restoratives to Etched Enamel. SciPharm Pit & Fissure Sealer Bonding Agent, Clear, Part A SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
30 D801SP50011 SP 50-01 50-01 Self-Cured Resin for sealing occlusal fissures and bonding composite restorative Self-Cured Resin for sealing occlusal fissures and bonding composite restoratives to etched enamel Sci-Pharm Pit & Fissure Sealer SCIENTIFIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
31 D7964542CS1 4542CS Pit & Fissure Sealant Case MARK3 CARGUS INTERNATIONAL, INC
32 D79645420 4542 Pit & Fissure Sealant MARK3 CARGUS INTERNATIONAL, INC
33 D7796631040 663104 663104 PorcelEtch COSMEDENT, INC.
34 D7796631020 663102 663102 PorcelEtch COSMEDENT, INC.
35 D7796631010 663101 663101 PorcelEtch COSMEDENT, INC.
36 D7796611010 661101 661101 PorcelEtch COSMEDENT, INC.
37 D77961710W0 61710W 61710W CosmeSeal COSMEDENT, INC.
38 D7796170CL0 6170CL 6170CL CosmeSeal COSMEDENT, INC.
39 D77819960101 199-6010 199-6010 Scott's Select BPA-Free Pit & Fissure Sealant kit is indicated for the covering Scott's Select BPA-Free Pit & Fissure Sealant kit is indicated for the covering and sealing of pits and fissures in the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth to aid in the resistance to caries in those surfaces.BPA-Free Pit & Fissure Sealant is a light-cure pit and fissure sealant. It is a very low viscosity resin system with a white opaque color to help identify it's retention at recall appointments. It is contained in a direct delivery syringe system for quick and easy application.It is a diluted HDDMA-UDMA based resin with a white opaquer, a micro-fine silica particle and a photosensitive catalyst system. The Kit contains 4 x 1Gm Syringes of Sealant, 1 3mL bottle of Etchant and 10 applicator tips.Instructions for use and SDS available at https://www.scottsdental.com/pit-fissure-sealant-bpa-free.html SELECT BPA FREE PIT & FISSURE SEALANT KIT OPAQUE SCOTT'S DENTAL SUPPLY L.L.C.
40 D773950100601 950-10060 950-10060 Health-Tec Pit & Fissure Sealant, Kit Health-Tec Pit & Fissure Sealant DENTAL HEALTH PRODUCTS INC
41 D757C52410KEU1 C-52410K-EU C-52410K-EU eCement Adhesive Cement Kit - EU eCement BISCO INC.
42 D757C52400K1 C-52400K C-52400K eCement Adhesive Cement Kit eCement BISCO INC.
43 D757C39010K1 C-39010K C-39010K Choice 2 Starter Kit with All-Bond Universal Choice 2 BISCO INC.
44 D757C3900KEU1 C-3900K-EU C-3900K-EU CHOICE 2 Starter Kit EU Choice 2 BISCO INC.
45 D757C3900K1 C-3900K C-3900K Choice 2 Starter Kit Choice 2 BISCO INC.
46 D757B32120 B-3212 B-3212 Bis-Silane Primer Part B 6ml Bis-Silane BISCO INC.
47 D757B32110 B-3211 B-3211 Bis-Silane Primer Part A 6ml Bis-Silane BISCO INC.
48 D757B3210P1 B-3210P B-3210P BIS-SILANE 2-Part Primer Pkg Bis-Silane BISCO INC.
50 D757B2224P0 B-2224P B-2224P Porcelain Primer 1.5ml Smpl BISCO INC.