Other products from "INTRA-LOCK INTERNATIONAL, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 D742SHA3250 SHA3-25 SHA3-25 Gs Healing Abutment 3mm for 25 degree angled abutment NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 BLOSSOM
2 D742RP70 RP7 RP7 ReOss Powder Small Particle 1cc MQV Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound 2 ReOss
3 D742RP60 RP6 RP6 ReOss Powder Small Particle 0.5cc MQV Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound 2 ReOss
4 D742RP40 RP4 RP4 ReOss Putty Small Particle 1cc MQV Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound 2 ReOss
5 D742RP30 RP3 RP3 ReOss Powder Large Particle 1cc MQV Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound 2 ReOss
6 D742RP20 RP2 RP2 ReOss Putty Small Particle 0.5cc MQV Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound 2 ReOss
7 D742RP10 RP1 RP1 MQV Filler, Bone Void, Calcium Compound 2 ReOss
8 D742ISS2200 ISS220 ISS220 IntraSpin System Single 220 volts ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
9 D742ISS1100 ISS110 ISS110 IntraSpin System Single 110 volts ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
10 D742ISD2200 ISD220 ISD220 IntraSpin System Dual 220 volts ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
11 D742ISD1100 ISD110 ISD110 IntraSpin System Dual 110 volts ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
12 D742IS2200 IS220 IS220 IntraSpin 220 volts ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
13 D742IS1100 IS110 IS110 IntraSpin 110 volts ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
14 D742IHBAW40 IHBAW4 IHBAW4 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Wide, Height 4mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
15 D742IHBAW30 IHBAW3 IHBAW3 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Wide, Height 3mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
16 D742IHBAW20 IHBAW2 IHBAW2 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Wide, Height 2mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
17 D742IHBAW10 IHBAW1 IHBAW1 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Wide, Height 1mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
18 D742IHBA40 IHBA4 IHBA4 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Height 4mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
19 D742IHBA30 IHBA3 IHBA3 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Height 3mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
20 D742IHBA20 IHBA2 IHBA2 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Height 2mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
21 D742IHBA10 IHBA1 IHBA1 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Height 1mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
22 D742IHBA1 IHBA1 IHBA1 INTRAHEX O-Ball Abutment, Height 1mm, w/ O-Ring Assy NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 IntraHex
23 D742BFUSE2201 BFUSE220 BFUSE220 IntraSpin Fuse, IS220 ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
24 D742DELF1070 DELF1-07 DELF1-07 Delf1 Irrigation Tubing 1-Way Single Use (10 Pack) EBW Controller, Foot, Handpiece And Cord 1 Delfin1
25 D742DELF1010 DELF1-01 DELF1-01 20:1 Reduction Contra-Angle Handpiece EFA Handpiece, Belt And/Or Gear Driven, Dental 1 Delfin1
26 D742DELF10 DELF1 DELF1 Delfin Surgical Motor and Contra-Angle 20:1 EFA Handpiece, Belt And/Or Gear Driven, Dental 1 Delfin1
27 D742BTUBEHOLD1 BTUBEHOLD BTUBEHOLD IntraSpin Tube Holder Replacement ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
28 D742BROTOR1 BROTOR BROTOR IntraSpin Rotor, 110v & 220v ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
29 D742BPOWER2201 BPOWER220 BPOWER220 IntraSpin Power Cord, 220v ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
30 D742BPOWER1101 BPOWER110 BPOWER110 IntraSpin Power Cord, 110v ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
31 D742BHEX1 BHEX BHEX IntraSpin Hex Key, 110v & 220v ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
32 D742BFUSE1101 BFUSE110 BFUSE110 IntraSpin Fuse, IS110 ORG Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling 2 IntraSpin
33 D724DELF1020 DELF1-02 DELF1-02 Irrigation Tubing, 10 Pack (Single Use) EBW Controller, Foot, Handpiece And Cord 1 Delfin1
34 D742STICOWS0 STICOWS STICOWS Gw Titanium Cylinder, Short NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
35 D742STICOW0 STICOW STICOW Gw Titanium Cylinder w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
36 D742STICOS0 STICOS STICOS Gs Titanium Cylinder, Short NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
37 D742STICO0 STICO STICO Gs Titanium Cylinder w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
38 D742STAB60 STAB6 STAB6 Gs/Gw Transfer / Abutment Blank, 6º NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
39 D742STAB100 STAB10 STAB10 Gs/Gw Transfer / Abutment Blank, 10º NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
40 D742SSAW30 SSAW3 SSAW3 Gw Straight Abut. 3mm Cuff, Wide, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
41 D742SSAW20 SSAW2 SSAW2 Gw Straight Abut. 2mm Cuff, Wide, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
42 D742SSAW10 SSAW1 SSAW1 Gw Straight Abut. 1mm Cuff, Wide, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
43 D742SSAF50 SSAF5 SSAF5 Gs Two Piece Flare Abutment 5mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
44 D742SSAF40 SSAF4 SSAF4 Gs Two Piece Flare Abutment 4mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
45 D742SSAF30 SSAF3 SSAF3 Gs Two Piece Flare Abutment 3mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
46 D742SSAF20 SSAF2 SSAF2 Gs Two Piece Flare Abutment 2mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
47 D742SSAF10 SSAF1 SSAF1 Gs Two Piece Flare Abutment 1mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
48 D742SSA50 SSA5 SSA5 Gs Straight Abut. 5mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
49 D742SSA40 SSA4 SSA4 Gs Straight Abut. 4mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
50 D742SSA30 SSA3 SSA3 Gs Straight Abut. 3mm Cuff, w/ Retaining Screw NHA Abutment, Implant, Dental, Endosseous 2 Blossom
Other products with the same Product Code "FMI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00817617025667 8600-01225 8600-01225 *CUSTOM* Canyon Lake EMS Blood Draw Kit Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
2 00817517020816 43569 43569 23-Gauge Shot Prep Kit Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
3 00817517020793 43567 43567 22-Gauge Shot Prep Kit Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
4 00817517020779 43565 43565 21-Gauge Shot Prep Kit Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
5 00817517020618 5698 5698 25g x 1 Inch Needle-Orange Needle-Pro Edge-100/box Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
6 00817517020601 5697 5697 23g x 1 Inch Needle-Blue Needle-Pro Edge-100/box Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
7 00817517020595 5696 5696 22g x 1 Inch Needle-Black Needle-Pro Edge-100/box. Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
8 00817517020373 4142 4142 Needle-Pro Dispensing Box-100/box Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
9 00817517020120 11557 11557 MONOJECT™ Control Syringe,12 ML,Luer Lock,40/PK Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
10 00817517020113 11396 11396 MONOJECT™ Control Syringe,20 ML,Luer Lock,40/PK Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
11 00817517020083 0677 0677 Blood Collection Needles 22g x 1-1/2 Inch - Black - 100/pk Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
12 00817517020076 0676 0676 Blood Collection Needles 22g x 1 Inch - Black - 100/pk Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
13 00817517020069 0675 0675 Blood Collection Needles 21g x 1-1/2 Inch - Green - 100/pk Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
14 00817517020052 0674 0674 Blood Collection Needles 21g x 1 Inch - Green - 100/pk Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
15 00816513023517 TID - H Huber Needle Extension Set MPS MEDICAL, INC
16 00816513023500 TID-G Blunt Cannula MPS MEDICAL, INC
17 00816513020295 900490 Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen MPS MEDICAL, INC
18 00816513020158 19B-B Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen MPS MEDICAL, INC
19 00816513020141 19B Needle, Hypodermic, Single Lumen MPS MEDICAL, INC
20 00816000011980 IPN033767 9079-VC-005 EZ-IO® 45mm Needle Set ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
21 00816000011973 IPN033766 9079-VC-001 EZ-IO(R) 45mm Needle Set ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
22 00816000011966 IPN033729 9018-VC-005 EZ-IO(R) 15mm Needle Set ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
23 00816000011959 IPN033728 9018-VC-001 EZ-IO(R) 15mm Needle Set ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
24 00816000011942 IPN033711 9001-VC-005 EZ-IO(R) 25mm Needle Set ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
25 00816000011935 IPN033710 9001-VC-001 EZ-IO(R) 25mm Needle Set ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
26 00816000011904 IPN033764 9079P-VC-005 EZ-IO® 45mm Needle + Stabilizer Kit ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
27 00816000011898 IPN033726 9018P-VC-005 EZ-IO® 15mm Needle + Stabilizer Kit ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
28 00816000011881 IPN033708 9001P-VC-005 EZ-IO® 25mm Needle + Stabilizer Kit ARROW TELEFLEX INCORPORATED
29 00815832020108 00002266010040 00002266010040 pen needle 34GX9/64" 0,18X3,5mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
30 00815832020085 00022988000070 00022988000070 PEN NEEDLE 29GX1/2" 0,33X12mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
31 00815832020078 00022987000040 00022987000040 pen needle 30GX5/16" 0,30X8mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
32 00815832020061 00022990000070 00022990000070 PEN NEEDLE 31GX5/16" 0,25X8mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
33 00815832020054 00022989000070 00022989000070 pen needle 31GX1/4" 0,25X6mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
34 00815832020047 00022902000040 00022902000040 PEN NEEDLE 31GX3/16" 0,25X5mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
35 00815832020030 00022984000040 00022984000040 PEN NEEDLE 32GX5/16"0,23X8mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
36 00815832020023 00022983000040 00022983000040 PEN NEEDLE 32GX1/4"0,23X6mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
37 00815832020016 00002262000040 00002262000040 PEN NEEDLE 32GX5/32"0,23X4mm PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
38 00815832020009 00002264000040 00002264000040 PEN NEEDLE 33GX5/32"0,20X4MM PIC INSUPEN ARTSANA SPA
39 00815277027786 670005-KIT Curaplex ALS Kit, BTM Sales Rep, incl Halo Seal, Burn Sheet, LMA, Blankets, Neb, Curaplex ALS Kit, BTM Sales Rep, incl Halo Seal, Burn Sheet, LMA, Blankets, Neb, Mask, Cannula, etc. Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
40 00815277027779 670004-KIT Curaplex ALS Kit, BTM Sales Rep, incl Laryngscope Kit, NPAs, Pocketmask, BVM, Gu Curaplex ALS Kit, BTM Sales Rep, incl Laryngscope Kit, NPAs, Pocketmask, BVM, Guedel Airway, etc. Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
41 00815277022453 8600-BLOODDRAW-CS *Custom* Memphis Blood Draw Kit 100/cs Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
42 00815277022057 6840155STK Curaplex Advanced Life Support (ALS) with Contents Pediatric Kit Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
43 00815277021050 44260 Curaplex OB Kit Hospital Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
44 00815277020954 36756 36756 Curaplex Intraosseous Kit Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
45 00815277020909 36614 36614 Curaplex IO Kit, w/18 Ga Jamshidi Needle Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
46 00815277020893 36613 36613 Curaplex I/O Kit, w/15 Ga Jamshidi Needle Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
47 00815277020633 2525-16050 Curaplex ALS Pedi Kit For University Hosp of Cleveland Curaplex BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC
48 00814105020388 0N2235 22 standard gauge 2 3/4" Liposuction/injection needle, metal hub, 3", for suctio 22 standard gauge 2 3/4" Liposuction/injection needle, metal hub, 3", for suction and injection of fat, blunt or tri-beveled, non-sterile ACU-NEEDLE ACUDERM, INC.
49 00814105020371 0NP1815 18 standard gauge 1 1/2" needle, high quality economical plastic hub hypodermic 18 standard gauge 1 1/2" needle, high quality economical plastic hub hypodermic needles. Fits both luer slip and luer lock syringes, tri-beveled tip. Sterile ACU-NEEDLE ACUDERM, INC.
50 00814105020364 0NP1810 18 standard gauge 1" needle, high quality economical plastic hub hypodermic need 18 standard gauge 1" needle, high quality economical plastic hub hypodermic needles. Fits both luer slip and luer lock syringes, tri-beveled tip. Sterile ACU-NEEDLE ACUDERM, INC.