No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B929FM1070 FM107 FM107 FLOWMETER O2/ 15 LPM CAX Flowmeter, Tube, Thorpe, Back-Pressure Compensated 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
2 B929C4OX144FNNCHM0 C4OX-144FNNCHM C4OX-144FNNCHM PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FNN-CHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
3 B929C4OX144FNNCHF0 C4OX-144FNNCHF C4OX-144FNNCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FNN-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
4 B929C4OX144FHTOHM0 C4OX-144FHTOHM C4OX-144FHTOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
5 B929C4OX144FHTFP40 C4OX-144FHTFP4 C4OX-144FHTFP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
6 B929C4OX144FHTFHT0 C4OX-144FHTFHT C4OX-144FHTFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
7 B929C4OX144FHTDBA0 C4OX-144FHTDBA C4OX-144FHTDBA PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-DBA BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
8 B929C4OX144FHTCHM0 C4OX-144FHTCHM C4OX-144FHTCHM PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-CHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
9 B929C4OX144CHMMP40 C4OX-144CHMMP4 C4OX-144CHMMP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-144-CHM-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
10 B929C4OX144CHMMBA0 C4OX-144CHMMBA C4OX-144CHMMBA PKGD: C4-OXY-144-CHM-MBA BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
11 B929C4OX144CHFFNN0 C4OX-144CHFFNN C4OX-144CHFFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-144-CHF-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
12 B929C4OX132FNNOHF0 C4OX-132FNNOHF C4OX-132FNNOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-132-FNN-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
13 B929C4OX132FNNFNN0 C4OX-132FNNFNN C4OX-132FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-132-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
14 B929C4OX120OHMOHM0 C4OX-120OHMOHM C4OX-120OHMOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
15 B929C4OX120OHMOHF0 C4OX-120OHMOHF C4OX-120OHMOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
16 B929C4OX120OHMFP40 C4OX-120OHMFP4 C4OX-120OHMFP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
17 B929C4OX120OHMFNN0 C4OX-120OHMFNN C4OX-120OHMFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
18 B929C4OX120OHFFHT0 C4OX-120OHFFHT C4OX-120OHFFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHF-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
19 B929C4OX120MP4MP40 C4OX-120MP4MP4 C4OX-120MP4MP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MP4-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
20 B929C4OX120MP4FNN0 C4OX-120MP4FNN C4OX-120MP4FNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MP4-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
21 B929C4OX120MBAOHM0 C4OX-120MBAOHM C4OX-120MBAOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MBA-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
22 B929C4OX120MBAFHT0 C4OX-120MBAFHT C4OX-120MBAFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MBA-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
23 B929C4OX120FP4OHM0 C4OX-120FP4OHM C4OX-120FP4OHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FP4-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
24 B929C4OX120FP4FP40 C4OX-120FP4FP4 C4OX-120FP4FP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FP4-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
25 B929C4OX120FP2FHT0 C4OX-120FP2FHT C4OX-120FP2FHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FP2-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
26 B929C4OX120FNNPBM0 C4OX-120FNNPBM C4OX-120FNNPBM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-PBM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
27 B929C4OX120FNNOHM0 C4OX-120FNNOHM C4OX-120FNNOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
28 B929C4OX120FNNOHF0 C4OX-120FNNOHF C4OX-120FNNOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
29 B929C4OX120FNNMP40 C4OX-120FNNMP4 C4OX-120FNNMP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
30 B929C4OX120FNNMBA0 C4OX-120FNNMBA C4OX-120FNNMBA PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-MBA BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
31 B929C4OX120FNNFP40 C4OX-120FNNFP4 C4OX-120FNNFP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
32 B929C4OX120FNNFNN0 C4OX-120FNNFNN C4OX-120FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
33 B929C4OX120FNNFHT0 C4OX-120FNNFHT C4OX-120FNNFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
34 B929C4OX120FNNCHM0 C4OX-120FNNCHM C4OX-120FNNCHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-CHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
35 B929C4OX120FNNCHF0 C4OX-120FNNCHF C4OX-120FNNCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
36 B929C4OX120FNNBLK0 C4OX-120FNNBLK C4OX-120FNNBLK PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-BLK BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
37 B929C4OX120FHTPBM0 C4OX-120FHTPBM C4OX-120FHTPBM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-PBM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
38 B929C4OX120FHTOHM0 C4OX-120FHTOHM C4OX-120FHTOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
39 B929C4OX120FHTOHF0 C4OX-120FHTOHF C4OX-120FHTOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
40 B929C4OX120FHTFNN0 C4OX-120FHTFNN C4OX-120FHTFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
41 B929C4OX120FHTFHT0 C4OX-120FHTFHT C4OX-120FHTFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
42 B929C4OX120FHTCHF0 C4OX-120FHTCHF C4OX-120FHTCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
43 B929C4OX120CHMMP40 C4OX-120CHMMP4 C4OX-120CHMMP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
44 B929C4OX120CHMFNN0 C4OX-120CHMFNN C4OX-120CHMFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
45 B929C4OX120CHMFHT0 C4OX-120CHMFHT C4OX-120CHMFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
46 B929C4OX120CHMCHF0 C4OX-120CHMCHF C4OX-120CHMCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
47 B929C4OX120CHFCHF0 C4OX-120CHFCHF C4OX-120CHFCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHF-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
48 B929C4OX114FNNFNN0 C4OX-114FNNFNN C4OX-114FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-114-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
49 B929C4OX108FNNFNN0 C4OX-108FNNFNN C4OX-108FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-108-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
50 B929C4OX108FNNFHT0 C4OX-108FNNFHT C4OX-108FNNFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-108-FNN-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
Other products with the same Product Code "BYX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 09420012435552 AA020 AA020 Optiflow Thrive Low Flow Oxygen Tubing Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
2 09420012432834 OPT014 OPT014 Optiflow Junior Oxygen Tubing Fisher and Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
3 09420012411334 900IW181 900IW181 SUCTION ACCESSORY BLOCK- DISS Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
5 09420012409201 900IW162 900IW162 Gas Low Pressure Module Oxygen/ Air DISS Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
6 09420012409126 900IW152 900IW152 Gas Accessory Block Air DISS Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
7 09420012409119 900IW151 900IW151 Gas Accessory Block Oxygen DISS Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
8 09420012408822 900IW113 900IW113 Oxygen/air flowmeter module green/yellow Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
9 09420012408815 900IW112 900IW112 Oxygen flowmeter module green Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
10 09420012402233 900MR147 900MR147 Adaptor 90° pressure 3.2mm Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
11 09420012401908 900MR075 900MR075 Tube pressure 3.2mm x 1.65m neonatal Fisher & Paykel Healthcare FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE LIMITED
12 08885009190905 903010 903010 For facilitating the cuff inflation connection between the Venner PneuX TSM™ and For facilitating the cuff inflation connection between the Venner PneuX TSM™ and an Venner PneuX™ Endotracheal or Tracheostomy breathing tube. Venner PneuX TSM™ Extension Tube(non-sterile) VENNER MEDICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
13 08885009190851 903001 903001 For facilitating the cuff inflation connection between the Venner™ Tracheal Seal For facilitating the cuff inflation connection between the Venner™ Tracheal Seal Monitor and Venner™ PneuX P.Y.™ Endotracheal or Tracheostomy breathing tube. Venner™ Tracheal Seal Monitor Extension Tube VENNER MEDICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
14 08885009190356 700380 700380 The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition o The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition of an oxygen tube adaptor/holder and tubing to provide supplemental oxygen to the patient when using the Venner APA Video Laryngoscope. APA™ O2 U-DAB VENNER MEDICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
15 08885009190349 700370 700370 The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition o The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition of an oxygen tube adaptor/holder and tubing to provide supplemental oxygen to the patient when using the Venner APA Video Laryngoscope. APA™ O2 DAB VENNER MEDICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
16 08885009190332 700340 700340 The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition o The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition of an oxygen tube adaptor/holder and tubing to provide supplemental oxygen to the patient when using the Venner APA Video Laryngoscope. APA™ O2 MAC 4 Blade VENNER MEDICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
17 08885009190325 700330 700330 The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition o The APA Oxy Blade is a standard MacIntosh laryngoscope blade with the addition of an oxygen tube adaptor/holder and tubing to provide supplemental oxygen to the patient when using the Venner APA Video Laryngoscope. APA™ O2 MAC 3 Blade VENNER MEDICAL (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
18 08592346821019 0731024US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W2 DSF DS S GCE, S.R.O.
19 08592346821002 0731023US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W2 DSF DSF S GCE, S.R.O.
20 08592346820999 0731022US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W1 DSF DS S GCE, S.R.O.
21 08592346820982 0731021US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W1 DSF DSF S GCE, S.R.O.
22 08592346820975 0731020US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y2 DSF DS S GCE, S.R.O.
23 08592346820951 0731018US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y1 DSF DS S GCE, S.R.O.
24 08592346820944 0731017US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y1 DSF DSF S GCE, S.R.O.
25 08592346820937 0731016US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G2 DSF DS S GCE, S.R.O.
26 08592346820920 0731015US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G2 DSF DSF S GCE, S.R.O.
27 08592346820913 0731014US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G1 DSF DS S GCE, S.R.O.
28 08592346820906 0731013US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G1 DSF DSF S GCE, S.R.O.
29 08592346756885 0731003US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G2 DSF DSF G GCE, S.R.O.
30 08592346756878 0731002US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G1 DSF DS G GCE, S.R.O.
31 08592346756854 0731012US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W2 DSF DS G GCE, S.R.O.
32 08592346756847 0731011US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W2 DSF DSF G GCE, S.R.O.
33 08592346756830 0731010US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W1 DSF DS G GCE, S.R.O.
34 08592346756823 0731009US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN VAC W1 DSF DSF G GCE, S.R.O.
35 08592346756816 0731008US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y2 DSF DS G GCE, S.R.O.
36 08592346756809 0731006US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y1 DSF DS G GCE, S.R.O.
37 08592346756793 0731004US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN O2 G2 DSF DS G GCE, S.R.O.
38 08592346756441 0731005US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y1 DSF DSF G GCE, S.R.O.
39 08592346756434 0731007US Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and Low-pressure hoses are intended for the transfer of medical gases or vacuum, and/or the connection of two medical products (e.g. a pressure regulator with an emergency ventilator). MCN AIR Y2 DSF DSF G GCE, S.R.O.
40 06970966663264 CFM Series CFM Series, Oxygen, Click Style,4L,8L,15,25L. GENTEC® GENTEC(SHANGHAI)CORPORATION
41 06970966662816 CFM-25L CFM series flowmeter is for medical gas supply system, providing measurement and CFM series flowmeter is for medical gas supply system, providing measurement and control for gas supply. It is designed for flow control and monitor on patient's inhalation, and other medical devices' flow control and monitor as well. GENTEC® GENTEC(SHANGHAI)CORPORATION
42 06970966662809 CFM-15L CFM series flowmeter is for medical gas supply system, providing measurement and CFM series flowmeter is for medical gas supply system, providing measurement and control for gas supply. It is designed for flow control and monitor on patient's inhalation, and other medical devices' flow control and monitor as well. GENTEC® GENTEC(SHANGHAI)CORPORATION
43 06420099001124 M9264-PCD-200 M9264-PCD-200, Pressure Tube MEDIKRO OY
44 06420099000691 M91227 M91227-25, Medikro® Grip MEDIKRO OY
45 06420099000486 M9264-200 M9264-200, Pressure Tube MEDIKRO OY
46 05060206921801 TC-MCC-2M TC-MCC-2M Mattress Connecting Hose 2m Tecotherm INSPIRATION HEALTHCARE LIMITED
47 05060206921795 TC-MCC-1M TC-MCC-1M Mattress Connecting Hose 1m Tecotherm INSPIRATION HEALTHCARE LIMITED
48 05060206921764 TC-BY-HOSE TC-BY-HOSE Reusable Cleaning loop Tecotherm INSPIRATION HEALTHCARE LIMITED
49 05055788775034 032-10-063U Star Lumen Oxygen Tubing 7ft with One Standard and One Wide Connector FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED
50 05055788757085 032-10-060U Star Lumen Oxygen Tubing 2.1m with Standard Connectors FLEXICARE MEDICAL LIMITED