No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B929FM1070 FM107 FM107 FLOWMETER O2/ 15 LPM CAX Flowmeter, Tube, Thorpe, Back-Pressure Compensated 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
2 B929C4OX144FNNCHM0 C4OX-144FNNCHM C4OX-144FNNCHM PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FNN-CHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
3 B929C4OX144FNNCHF0 C4OX-144FNNCHF C4OX-144FNNCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FNN-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
4 B929C4OX144FHTOHM0 C4OX-144FHTOHM C4OX-144FHTOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
5 B929C4OX144FHTFP40 C4OX-144FHTFP4 C4OX-144FHTFP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
6 B929C4OX144FHTFHT0 C4OX-144FHTFHT C4OX-144FHTFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
7 B929C4OX144FHTDBA0 C4OX-144FHTDBA C4OX-144FHTDBA PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-DBA BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
8 B929C4OX144FHTCHM0 C4OX-144FHTCHM C4OX-144FHTCHM PKGD: C4-OXY-144-FHT-CHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
9 B929C4OX144CHMMP40 C4OX-144CHMMP4 C4OX-144CHMMP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-144-CHM-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
10 B929C4OX144CHMMBA0 C4OX-144CHMMBA C4OX-144CHMMBA PKGD: C4-OXY-144-CHM-MBA BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
11 B929C4OX144CHFFNN0 C4OX-144CHFFNN C4OX-144CHFFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-144-CHF-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
12 B929C4OX132FNNOHF0 C4OX-132FNNOHF C4OX-132FNNOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-132-FNN-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
13 B929C4OX132FNNFNN0 C4OX-132FNNFNN C4OX-132FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-132-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
14 B929C4OX120OHMOHM0 C4OX-120OHMOHM C4OX-120OHMOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
15 B929C4OX120OHMOHF0 C4OX-120OHMOHF C4OX-120OHMOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
16 B929C4OX120OHMFP40 C4OX-120OHMFP4 C4OX-120OHMFP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
17 B929C4OX120OHMFNN0 C4OX-120OHMFNN C4OX-120OHMFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHM-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
18 B929C4OX120OHFFHT0 C4OX-120OHFFHT C4OX-120OHFFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-OHF-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
19 B929C4OX120MP4MP40 C4OX-120MP4MP4 C4OX-120MP4MP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MP4-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
20 B929C4OX120MP4FNN0 C4OX-120MP4FNN C4OX-120MP4FNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MP4-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
21 B929C4OX120MBAOHM0 C4OX-120MBAOHM C4OX-120MBAOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MBA-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
22 B929C4OX120MBAFHT0 C4OX-120MBAFHT C4OX-120MBAFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-MBA-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
23 B929C4OX120FP4OHM0 C4OX-120FP4OHM C4OX-120FP4OHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FP4-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
24 B929C4OX120FP4FP40 C4OX-120FP4FP4 C4OX-120FP4FP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FP4-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
25 B929C4OX120FP2FHT0 C4OX-120FP2FHT C4OX-120FP2FHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FP2-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
26 B929C4OX120FNNPBM0 C4OX-120FNNPBM C4OX-120FNNPBM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-PBM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
27 B929C4OX120FNNOHM0 C4OX-120FNNOHM C4OX-120FNNOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
28 B929C4OX120FNNOHF0 C4OX-120FNNOHF C4OX-120FNNOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
29 B929C4OX120FNNMP40 C4OX-120FNNMP4 C4OX-120FNNMP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
30 B929C4OX120FNNMBA0 C4OX-120FNNMBA C4OX-120FNNMBA PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-MBA BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
31 B929C4OX120FNNFP40 C4OX-120FNNFP4 C4OX-120FNNFP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-FP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
32 B929C4OX120FNNFNN0 C4OX-120FNNFNN C4OX-120FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
33 B929C4OX120FNNFHT0 C4OX-120FNNFHT C4OX-120FNNFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
34 B929C4OX120FNNCHM0 C4OX-120FNNCHM C4OX-120FNNCHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-CHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
35 B929C4OX120FNNCHF0 C4OX-120FNNCHF C4OX-120FNNCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
36 B929C4OX120FNNBLK0 C4OX-120FNNBLK C4OX-120FNNBLK PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FNN-BLK BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
37 B929C4OX120FHTPBM0 C4OX-120FHTPBM C4OX-120FHTPBM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-PBM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
38 B929C4OX120FHTOHM0 C4OX-120FHTOHM C4OX-120FHTOHM PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-OHM BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
39 B929C4OX120FHTOHF0 C4OX-120FHTOHF C4OX-120FHTOHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-OHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
40 B929C4OX120FHTFNN0 C4OX-120FHTFNN C4OX-120FHTFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
41 B929C4OX120FHTFHT0 C4OX-120FHTFHT C4OX-120FHTFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
42 B929C4OX120FHTCHF0 C4OX-120FHTCHF C4OX-120FHTCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-FHT-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
43 B929C4OX120CHMMP40 C4OX-120CHMMP4 C4OX-120CHMMP4 PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-MP4 BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
44 B929C4OX120CHMFNN0 C4OX-120CHMFNN C4OX-120CHMFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
45 B929C4OX120CHMFHT0 C4OX-120CHMFHT C4OX-120CHMFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
46 B929C4OX120CHMCHF0 C4OX-120CHMCHF C4OX-120CHMCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHM-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
47 B929C4OX120CHFCHF0 C4OX-120CHFCHF C4OX-120CHFCHF PKGD: C4-OXY-120-CHF-CHF BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
48 B929C4OX114FNNFNN0 C4OX-114FNNFNN C4OX-114FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-114-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
49 B929C4OX108FNNFNN0 C4OX-108FNNFNN C4OX-108FNNFNN PKGD: C4-OXY-108-FNN-FNN BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
50 B929C4OX108FNNFHT0 C4OX-108FNNFHT C4OX-108FNNFHT PKGD: C4-OXY-108-FNN-FHT BYX Tubing, Pressure And Accessories 1 Western/Scott Fetzer
Other products with the same Product Code "CAX"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00817770025702 0-3 LPM 1MFA3001CIMX 0-3 LPM Oxygen Thorpe Flowmeter White Knob NPT Female 72 PSI Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
2 00817770025634 BlenderBuddy R219P20-007 BlenderBuddy for Precision Medical MicroMax with 0-5 LPM and 0-200cc Thorpe Flowmeters BlenderBuddy MAXTEC, LLC
3 00817770025627 BlenderBuddy R219P20-006 BlenderBuddy for Precision Medical with 0-15 LPM and 0-1 LPM Thorpe Flowmeters BlenderBuddy MAXTEC, LLC
4 00817770025368 0-5 LPM 1MFA35BOCAUMX 0-5 LPM Thorpe Oxygen Flowmeter White Knob British 60 PSI Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
5 00817770024927 Block R219P17 Bird BlenderBuddy Block with Bleed BlenderBuddy MAXTEC, LLC
6 00817770024200 0-15 LPM 0-1 LPM Q104334 0-15 LPM and 0-1 LPM Thorpe Oxygen Dual Flowmeters White Knob British Probe 60 PSI Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
7 00817770024194 0-15 LPM 0-3 LPM Q104333 0-15 LPM and 0-3 LPM Thorpe Oxygen Flowmeters White Knob British 60 PSI Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
8 00817770024187 0-5 LPM RP35P03-109 0-5 LPM White 50 PSI Flowmeter Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
9 00817770024163 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P64-201 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter Green 60 PSI F&P with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
10 00817770023999 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P64-105 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with DISS Female Fitting and Me Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with DISS Female Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
11 00817770023982 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P64-104 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with Australian Fitting and Met Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with Australian Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
12 00817770023975 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P64-103 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with NIST Fitting and Metal Muf Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with NIST Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
13 00817770023968 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P64-102 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with DISS Fitting and Metal Muf Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 60 PSI with DISS Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
14 00817770023951 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P64-101 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter Green 60 PSI with DISS Fitting and Metal Muf Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter Green 60 PSI with DISS Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
15 00817770023944 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P63-102 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 50 PSI with DISS Female Fitting and Me Manifold, 0-80 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter White 50 PSI with DISS Female Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
16 00817770023937 0-80 LPM Thorpe R220P63-101 Manifold, 0-80 LPM Flowmeter Green 50 PSI with DISS Fitting and Metal Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
17 00817770023913 0-1 and 0-15 LPM Thorpe R220P15-001 Manifold, 0-1 and 0-15 LPM Dual Thorpe Flowmeter with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
18 00817770023906 0-15 and 0-70 LPM Thorpe R220P11-005 Manifold, 0-15 and 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter International with DISS Nipple Nut Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
19 00817770023890 0-15 and 0-70 LPM Thorpe R220P11-001 Manifold, 0-15 and 0-70 LPM Dual Flowmeter with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
20 00817770023883 0-70 and 2-26 LPM Thorpe R220P10-007 Manifold, 0-70 and 2-26 LPM Dual Thorpe Flowmeter International with Australian Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
21 00817770023876 0-70 and 2-29 LPM Thorpe R220P10-005 Manifold, 0-70 and 2-26 Dual Thorpe Flowmeter International with DISS Nipple Nut Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
22 00817770023869 0-70 and 2-26 LPM Dual Thorpe R220P10-002 Manifold, 0-70 and 2-26 LPM Dual Thorpe Flowmeter with DISS Fitting and Hose Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
23 00817770023852 0-70 and 2-26 LPM Dual Thorpe R220P10-001 Manifold, 0-70 and 2-26 Dual Thorpe Flowmeter with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
24 00817770023845 2-26 LPM Thorpe R220P07-005 Manifold, 2-26 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter International with DISS Nipple Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
25 00817770023838 2-26 LPM Thorpe R220P07-001 Manifold, 2-26 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
26 00817770023821 0-15 LPM Thorpe R220P05-001 Manifold, 0-15 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
27 00817770023814 0-3.5 LPM Thorpe R220P03-001 Manifold, 0-3.5 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter Green 60 PSI with DISS Fitting Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
28 00817770023753 0-70 LPM 72 PSI Thorpe R220P01-013 Manifold, IV Pole 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter 72 PSI Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
29 00817770023746 0-70 LPM F&P Thorpe R220P01-009 Manifold, IV Pole 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter DISS F&P with Muffled Adapter Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
30 00817770023739 0-70 LPM NIST Thorpe R220P01-008 Manifold, IV Pole 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter NIST International Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
31 00817770023722 0-70 LPM Thorpe R220P0-007 Manifold, IV Pole 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter DISS Nipple Nut International Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
32 00817770023715 0-70 LPM Thorpe R220P01-002 Manifold, IV Pole 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter with DISS Fitting and Hose Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
33 00817770023708 0-70 LPM Thorpe R220P01-001 Manifold, IV Pole 0-70 LPM Thorpe Flowmeter DISS Manifold MAXTEC, LLC
34 00817770023692 0-5 LPM R306P07 0-5 LPM Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tight Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
35 00817770023685 2-26 LPM R306P06 2-26 LPM Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tight Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
36 00817770023678 0-70 LPM R306P05 0-70 LPM Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tight Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
37 00817770023661 0-1 LPM R306P04 0-1 LPM Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tight Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
38 00817770023654 0-200cc R306P03 0-200cc Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tight Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
39 00817770023647 0-3.5 LPM R306P02 0-3.5 LPM Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tight Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
40 00817770023630 0-15 LPM R306P01 0-15 LPM Flowmeter with DISS Hand Tighten Connector Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
41 00817770023623 0-5 LPM R305P09 0-5 LPM Flowmeter with Schrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
42 00817770023616 2-26 LPM R305P08 2-26 LPM Flowmeter with Schrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
43 00817770023609 0-70 LPM R305P06 0-70 LPM Flowmeter with Schrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
44 00817770023593 0-1 LPM R305P04 0-1 LPM Flowmeter with Schrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
45 00817770023586 0-200cc R305P03 0-200cc Flowmeter with Schrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
46 00817770023579 0-3.5 LPM R305P02 0-3.5 LPM Flowmeter with Shrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
47 00817770023562 0-15 LPM R305P01 0-15 LPM Flowmeter with Schrader Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
48 00817770023555 0-5 LPM R304P09 0-5 LPM Flowmeter with Puritan Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
49 00817770023548 2-26 LPM R304P08 2-26 LPM Flowmeter with Puritan Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC
50 00817770023531 0-70 LPM R304P06 0-70 LPM Flowmeter with Puritan Quick Connect Flowmeter MAXTEC, LLC