Other products from "UTAK LABORATORIES, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B800988190 98819 98819 Drugs of Abuse Level 2 (WB) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Drugs of Abuse Level 2
2 B800933110 93311 93311 Lead Level 1 DIF Drug Mixture Control Materials 1 Lead Level 1
3 B800740540 74054 74054 MMA (Methylmalonic Acid) Level 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 MMA (Methylmalonic Acid) Level 2
4 B800663160 66316 66316 HR Tricyclic Antidepressants VI DIF Drug Mixture Control Materials 1 High Range Tricyclic Antidepressants VI
5 B800514110 51411 51411 DHEA Plus High LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DHEA Plus High
6 B800506020 50602 50602 DAU IA 3 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DAU IA 3
7 B800445210 44521 44521 Metals Level 1 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Metals Level 1
8 B800430110 43011 43011 Antifungals Level 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Antifungals Level 2
9 B800360000 36000-SMX-U(F) 36000-SMX-U(F) SMx™ Urine (Frozen) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 SMx™ Urine
10 B800310800 31080 31080 Ethanol 80mg/dL LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Ethanol 80mg/dL
11 B800202090 20209 20209 CATECHOLAMINES LEVEL 3 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 CATECHOLAMINES LEVEL 3
12 B800202070 20207 20207 CATECHOLAMINES LEVEL 1 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 CATECHOLAMINES LEVEL 1
13 B800201970 20197 20197 DEXAMETHASONE LEVEL 1 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DEXAMETHASONE LEVEL 1
14 B800170120 17012 17012 Validity Control Level 3 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Validity Control Level 3
15 B800170100 17010 17010 Validity Control Level 1 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Validity Control Level 1
16 B800121110 12111 12111 NR Urine Metals LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Normal Range Urine Metals
17 B800101890 10189 10189 Fentanyl Analogues 2ng/mL LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Fentanyl Analogues 2ng/mL
18 B80010095200010 ACETA+ HIGH V2 S F BD LAS Drug Specific Control Materials ACETAMINOPHEN PLUS HIGH
20 B80004644000010 DAU SCR +50 SAFE DRUGS OF ABUSE +50% LAS Drug Specific Control Materials DRUGS OF ABUSE +50%
21 B80004240000060 DAU CAL 6 V4 F SEMCE LAS Drug Specific Control Materials DAU CALIBRATOR LEVEL 6
22 B80004240000030 DAU CAL 3 V4 F SEMCE LAS Drug Specific Control Materials DAU CALIBRATOR LEVEL 3
23 B80003750000010 ALP+ CAL 1 V3 U F PT LAS Drug Specific Control Materials ALPRAZOLAM PLUS CALIBRATOR LEVEL 1
24 B80003716500040 FENT+ 2 U PM FENTANYL PLUS LEVEL 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials FENTANYL PLUS LEVEL 2
25 B80002141500030 VIT D+ 2 S KPRICH LAS Drug Specific Control Materials VITAMIN D PLUS LEVEL 2
26 B80001390500040 U QC HIGH V2 EL LAS Drug Specific Control Materials URINE QC HIGH
27 B80001390500020 U QC HIGH EL LAS Drug Specific Control Materials URINE QC HIGH
28 B800918040 91804 91804 THC COOH HYDROLYSIS QC LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 THC COOH HYDROLYSIS QC
29 B800918010 91801 91801 BUPRENORPHINE HYDROLYSIS QC LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 BUPRENORPHINE HYDROLYSIS QC
30 B800507020 50702 50702 DAU LC 1 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DAU LC 1
32 B800910000 91000 91000 PM Plus Low LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 PM Plus Low
33 B8008812110 88121-CDF(F) 88121-CDF(F) Certified Drug Free Urine (Frozen) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Certified Drug Free Urine (Frozen)
34 B800818200 81820 81820 SAMHSA Confirm Level 1 (SMx OF) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 SAMHSA Confirm Level 1
35 B800668150 66815 66815 HR Trace Elements JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 High Range Trace Elements
36 B800514010 51401 51401 Steroids Level 1 (SMx Serum) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Steroids Level 1 (SMx Serum)
37 B800507010 50701 50701 DAU HC 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DAU HC 2
38 B800506010 50601 50601 DAU IA 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DAU IA 2
39 B8004460030 44600-WB(F) 44600-WB(F) Blank Whole Blood (Frozen) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Blank Whole Blood
40 B800445100 44510 44510 STABBS Positive JJY Multi-Analyte Controls, All Kinds (Assayed) 1 STABBS Positive
41 B800416320 41632 41632 Immunosuppressants Level 3 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Immunosuppressants Level 3
42 B800201980 20198 20198 DEXAMETHASONE LEVEL 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 DEXAMETHASONE LEVEL 2
43 B800170130 17013 17013 Validity Control Level 4 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 Validity Control Level 4
44 B80010095200030 STK 2 WB V2 BD 22 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials STOCK 2
45 B80004950000010 88121-CDF(2523) LAS Drug Specific Control Materials 1 FROZEN CERTIFIED DRUG FREE URINE (2523ML)
47 B80003935000010 ALUM 18 NR DV LAS Drug Specific Control Materials ALUMINUM 18 UG/L
48 B80003750000030 ALP+ CAL 3 V3 U F PT LAS Drug Specific Control Materials ALPRAZOLAM PLUS CALIBRATOR LEVEL 3
49 B80003716500060 BUP+ 2 U PM BUPRENORPHINE PLUS LEVEL 2 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials BUPRENORPHINE PLUS LEVEL 2
50 B80003716500030 FENT+ 1 U PM FENTANYL PLUS LEVEL 1 LAS Drug Specific Control Materials FENTANYL PLUS LEVEL 1
Other products with the same Product Code "LAS"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00884883011274 0374090 QMS Lamotrigine Immunoassay MICROGENICS CORPORATION
2 00884883011250 0374181 QMS Topiramate Immunoassay Control set MICROGENICS CORPORATION
3 00884883011229 0373373 QMS Zonisamide Immunoassay Control Set MICROGENICS CORPORATION
4 00884883011151 10014953 CEDIA Methamphetamine OFT Controls MICROGENICS CORPORATION
5 00884883006980 10023697 QMS Plazomicin Immunoassay Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
6 00884883006843 10024435 DRI MDA Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
7 00884883005709 10014925 CEDIA THC OFT Controls Kit MICROGENICS CORPORATION
8 00884883005174 100255 DRI Oxycodone 300 Controls MICROGENICS CORPORATION
9 00884883005167 100254 DRI Oxycodone 100 Controls MICROGENICS CORPORATION
10 00884883004870 1661060 CEDIA DAU THC 100 Control Set MICROGENICS CORPORATION
11 00884883004863 1661086 CEDIA DAU THC 25 Control Set MICROGENICS CORPORATION
12 00884883004832 10020804 CEDIA Buprenorphine II Controls MICROGENICS CORPORATION
13 00884883004597 0373878 QMS Everolimus Immunoassay Control Set MICROGENICS CORPORATION
14 00884883001954 1661078 CEDIA DAU THC 50 Control Set MICROGENICS CORPORATION
15 00884883001848 100280 MAS Mycophenolic Acid Liquid Assayed Mycophenolic Acid Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
16 00884883001831 100279 MAS Mycophenolic Acid Liquid Assayed Mycophenolic Acid Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
17 00884883001824 100278 MAS Mycophenolic Acid Liquid Assayed Mycophenolic Acid Control MICROGENICS CORPORATION
18 00884883001756 100246 CEDIA Buprenorphine Controls MICROGENICS CORPORATION
19 00884883000360 10018149 DRI Hydrocodone Controls MICROGENICS CORPORATION
20 00869335000259 A68825 A68825 5mL/bottle.Concentration: 13 ng/mL of Norbuprenorphine. Norbuprenorphine DAU Control, Level 2 Control LIN-ZHI INTERNATIONAL, INC.
21 00869335000235 A68824 A68824 5mL/bottle.Concentration: 7 ng/mL of Norbuprenorphine. Norbuprenorphine DAU Control, Level 1 Control LIN-ZHI INTERNATIONAL, INC.
22 00858724003926 5051-0003-01 5051-0003-01 ARK™ EDDP Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ EDDP Assay. ARK™ EDDP Control (225/375) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
23 00858724003919 5051-0003-00 5051-0003-00 ARK™ EDDP Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ EDDP Assay. ARK™ EDDP Control (75/125) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
24 00858724003834 5040-0003-00 5040-0003-00 ARK™ Tramadol Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Tramadol Assay. ARK™ Tramadol Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
25 00858724003766 5036-0006-01 5036-0006-01 ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Assay. ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control (750/1250) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
26 00858724003759 5036-0006-00 5036-0006-00 ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Assay. ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control (375/625) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
27 00858724003698 5052-0003-00 5052-0003-00 ARK™ Fentanyl Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Fentanyl Assay. ARK™ Fentanyl Control (WPT) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
28 00858724003568 5042-0003-00 5042-0003-00 ARK™ Methylphenidate Metabolite Control is intended for use in quality control o ARK™ Methylphenidate Metabolite Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Methylphenidate Metabolite Assay. ARK™ Methylphenidate Metabolite Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
29 00858724003506 5036-0003-01 5036-0003-01 ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Assay. ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control (750/1250) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
30 00858724003490 5036-0003-00 5036-0003-00 ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Assay. ARK™ Ethyl Glucuronide Control (375/625) ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
31 00858724003421 5031-0003-00 5031-0003-00 ARK™ Fentanyl Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Fentanyl Assay. ARK™ Fentanyl Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
32 00858724003391 5026-0003-03 5026-0003-03 The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality con The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality control of the assay (tri-level calibration range set). The controls consist of a synthetic protein matrix and the levels are 0.07 umol/L, 0.40 umol/L and 0.80umol/L. ARK™ Methotrexate Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
33 00858724003353 5033-0003-00 5033-0003-00 The ARK™ Lacosamide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ The ARK™ Lacosamide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Lacosamide Assay. ARK™ Lacosamide Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
34 00858724003322 5032-0003-00 5032-0003-00 The ARK™ Oxcarbazepine Metabolite Control is an assayed quality control material The ARK™ Oxcarbazepine Metabolite Control is an assayed quality control material intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Oxcarbazepine Metabolite Assay. ARK™ Oxcarbazepine Metabolite Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
35 00858724003285 5035-0003-00 5035-0003-00 ARK™Pregabalin Urine Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™P ARK™Pregabalin Urine Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Pregabalin Urine Assay. ARK™ Pregabalin Urine Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
36 00858724003193 5026-0003-02 5026-0003-02 The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality con The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality control of the assay (tri-level high range set). The controls consist of a synthetic protein matrix and the levels are 5 umol/L, 50 umol/L and 500 umol/L.) ARK™ Methotrexate Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
37 00858724003186 5026-0003-01 5026-0003-01 The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality con The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality control of the assay (tri-level calibration range set). The controls consist of a synthetic protein matrix and the levels are 0.07 umol/L, 0.40 umol/L and 0.80umol/L. ARK™ Methotrexate Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
38 00858724003179 5026-0003-00 5026-0003-00 The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a six-level set used for quality contr The ARK™ Methotrexate Control consists of a six-level set used for quality control of the assay (tri-level calibration range set and tri-level high range set). The controls consist of a synthetic protein matrix and the levels are 0.07 umol/L, 0.40 umol/L, 0.80umol/L, 5 umol/L, 50 umol/L and 500 umol/L. ARK™ Methotrexate Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
39 00858724003162 5025-0003-00 5025-0003-00 The ARK™ Gabapentin Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK The ARK™ Gabapentin Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Gabapentin Assay. ARK™ Gabapentin Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
40 00858724003155 5024-0003-00 5024-0003-00 The ARK™ Levetiracetam Control is intended for use in quality control of the The ARK™ Levetiracetam Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Levetiracetam Assay. ARK™ Levetiracetam Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
41 00858724003148 5023-0003-00 5023-0003-00 The ARK™ Lamotrigine Control is intended for use in quality control of the AR The ARK™ Lamotrigine Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Lamotrigine Assay. ARK™ Lamotrigine Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
42 00858724003131 5022-0003-00 5022-0003-00 The ARK™ Zonisamide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK The ARK™ Zonisamide Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Zonisamide Assay. ARK™ Zonisamide Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
43 00858724003124 5015-0003-00 5015-0003-00 The ARK™ Topiramate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality cont The ARK™ Topiramate Control consists of a three-level set used for quality control of the ARK™ Topiramate Assay. ARK™ Topiramate Control ARK DIAGNOSTICS INC
44 00856743007109 240-4 240-4 MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed control product in monitoring accuracy and precision for quantitative methods that measure mycophenolic acid. MPA Control MORE DIAGNOSTICS INC
45 00856743007093 240-3 240-3 MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed control product in monitoring accuracy and precision for quantitative methods that measure mycophenolic acid. MPA Control MORE DIAGNOSTICS INC
46 00856743007086 240-2 240-2 MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed control product in monitoring accuracy and precision for quantitative methods that measure mycophenolic acid. MPA Control MORE DIAGNOSTICS INC
47 00856743007079 240-1 240-1 MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed control product in monitoring accuracy and precision for quantitative methods that measure mycophenolic acid. MPA Control MORE DIAGNOSTICS INC
48 00856743007062 240 240 MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed MORE DIAGNOSTICS Mycophenolic Acid Control is intended to be used as an assayed control product in monitoring accuracy and precision for quantitative methods that measure mycophenolic acid. MPA Control MORE DIAGNOSTICS INC
49 00856743007055 202 202 MORE DIAGNOSTICS Cyclosporine C2 Controls are assayed quality control materials MORE DIAGNOSTICS Cyclosporine C2 Controls are assayed quality control materials for monitoring and evaluating precision and accuracy of quantitative cyclosporine measurements in whole blood. Cyclosporine C2 Control MORE DIAGNOSTICS INC
50 00850624008483 C68829 C68829 HYD 300 Level 2 Control 375 ng/mL (1 x 5 mL) LZI Hydrocodone 300 Level 2 Control LIN-ZHI INTERNATIONAL, INC.