DRI™ Fentanyl II Control (Thermo Fisher) is intended for use in quality control
DRI™ Fentanyl II Control (Thermo Fisher) is intended for use in quality control of the DRI™ Fentanyl II Assay.
ARK™ HS Benzodiazepine II 150/250ng/mL Control is intended for use in quality co
ARK™ HS Benzodiazepine II 150/250ng/mL Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ HS Benzodiazepine II Assay.
ARK™ HS Benzodiazepine II 75/125ng/mL Control is intended for use in quality con
ARK™ HS Benzodiazepine II 75/125ng/mL Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ HS Benzodiazepine II Assay.
ARK™Pregabalin II Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Preg
ARK™Pregabalin II Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™Pregabalin II Assay.
ARK™ UR-144/JWH-018 Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ U
ARK™ UR-144/JWH-018 Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ UR-144/JWH-018 Assay.
ARK™ Meperidine Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Meper
ARK™ Meperidine Control is intended for use in quality control of the ARK™ Meperidine Assay.
Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Level 1 Control (BE 112.5 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Poin
Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Level 1 Control (BE 112.5 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CC0680-100/60-CC0680-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Level 1 Control (BE 112.5 ng/mL)
Pointe Meprobamate Control (125 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Carisoprodol
Pointe Meprobamate Control (125 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Carisoprodol Metabolite (SOMA) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Carisoprodol Metabolite (SOMA) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CM0740-100/60-CM0740-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Meprobamate Control (75 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Carisoprodol M
Pointe Meprobamate Control (75 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Carisoprodol Metabolite (SOMA) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Carisoprodol Metabolite (SOMA) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CM0740-100/60-CM0740-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methamphetamine Control (625 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methamphe
Pointe Methamphetamine Control (625 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methamphetamine Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set (Ref# 60-MP0700-100/60-MP0700-1L) on number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methamphetamine Control (625 ng/mL) Level 2
Pointe Methamphetamine Control (375 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methamphe
Pointe Methamphetamine Control (375 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methamphetamine Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methamphetamine Reagent Set (Ref# 60-MP0700-100/60-MP0700-1L) on number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methamphetamine Control (375 ng/mL) Level 1
Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Control (12.5 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe 6-Acety
Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Control (12.5 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set (Ref# 60-AC0580-100/60-AC0580-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Control (12.5 ng/mL) Level 2
Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Control (7.5 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe 6-Acetyl
Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Control (7.5 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Reagent Set (Ref# 60-AC0580-100/60-AC0580-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe 6-Acetylmorphine Control (7.5 ng/mL) Level 1
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Poin
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) 300 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-MM0380-100/60-MM0380-1L) on automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 2
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (225 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Poin
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (225 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) 300 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-MM0380-100/60-MM0380-1L) on automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (225 ng/mL) Level 1
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (125 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Poin
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (125 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) 100 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-MM0380-100/60-MM0380-1L) on automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (125 ng/mL) Level 2
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (75 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Point
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (75 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) 100 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-MM0380-100/60-MM0380-1L) on automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Control (75 ng/mL) Level 1
Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Control (625 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Ecstasy (M
Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Control (625 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-EC0320-100/60-EC0320-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Ecstasy (M
Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Ecstasy (MDMA) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-EC0320-100/60-EC0320-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Propox
Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 2 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-PP0240-100/60-PP0240-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Control (375 ng/mL) Level 2
Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Control (225 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Propox
Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Control (225 ng/mL) Level 1 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-PP0240-100/60-PP0240-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Propoxyphene (PPX) Control (225 ng/mL) Level 1
Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Level 2 Control (BE 187.5 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Poin
Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Level 2 Control (BE 187.5 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CC0680-100/60-CC0680-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cocaine Metabolite 150 Level 2 Control (BE 187.5 ng/mL)
Pointe Cocaine Level 2 Control (BE 375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cocaine Metabo
Pointe Cocaine Level 2 Control (BE 375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CC0060-100/60-CC0060-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cocaine Level 1 Control (BE 225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cocaine Metabo
Pointe Cocaine Level 1 Control (BE 225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cocaine Metabolite Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CC0060-100/60-CC0060-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Oxycodone Control (375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are
Pointe Oxycodone Control (375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OX0480-100/60-OX0480-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Oxycodone Control (225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are
Pointe Oxycodone Control (225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OX0480-100/60-OX0480-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Oxycodone Control (125 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are
Pointe Oxycodone Control (125 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OX0480-100/60-OX0480-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Oxycodone Control (75 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are f
Pointe Oxycodone Control (75 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Oxycodone Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Oxycodone Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OX0480-100/60-OX0480-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (125 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids (
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (125 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CA0140-100/60-CA0140-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (62.5 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (62.5 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CA0140-100/60-CA0140-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (31.25 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (31.25 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CA0140-100/60-CA0140-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (18.75 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids
Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Control (18.75 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Cannabinoids (THC) Reagent Set (Ref# 60-CA0140-100/60-CA0140-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Barbiturate Control (Secobarbital 400 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Barbitur
Pointe Barbiturate Control (Secobarbital 400 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Barbiturate Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Barbiturate Reagent Set (Ref# 60-BA0280-100/60-BA0280-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Barbiturate Control (Secobarbital 400 ng/mL)
Pointe Benzodiazepine Control (Oxazepam 400 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Benzodiaz
Pointe Benzodiazepine Control (Oxazepam 400 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Benzodiazepine Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Benzodiazepine Reagent Set (Ref# 60-BZ0260-100/60-BZ0260-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Benzodiazepine Control (Oxazepam 400 ng/mL)
Pointe Methadone Level 2 Control (375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Contr
Pointe Methadone Level 2 Control (375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methadone Reagent Set (Ref# 60-ME0220-100/60-ME0220-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Methadone Level 1 Control (225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Contr
Pointe Methadone Level 1 Control (225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Methadone Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Methadone Reagent Set (Ref# 60-ME0220-100/60-ME0220-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Opiates 2000 Level 2 Control (Morphine 2500 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Op
Pointe Opiates 2000 Level 2 Control (Morphine 2500 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Opiates 2000 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OP0660-100/60-OP0660-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Opiates 2000 Level 2 Control (Morphine 2500 ng/mL)
Pointe Opiates 2000 Level 1 Control (Morphine 1500 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Op
Pointe Opiates 2000 Level 1 Control (Morphine 1500 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Opiates 2000 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Opiates 2000 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OP0660-100/60-OP0660-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Opiates 2000 Level 1 Control (Morphine 1500 ng/mL)
Pointe Opiates 300 Level 2 Control (Morphine 375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Opia
Pointe Opiates 300 Level 2 Control (Morphine 375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Opiates 300 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OP0040-100/60-OP0040-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Opiates 300 Level 2 Control (Morphine 375 ng/mL)
Pointe Opiates 300 Level 1 Control (Morphine 225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Opia
Pointe Opiates 300 Level 1 Control (Morphine 225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Opiates 300 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Opiates 300 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-OP0040-100/60-OP0040-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Opiates 300 Level 1 Control (Morphine 225 ng/mL)
Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Level 2 Control (375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodo
Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Level 2 Control (375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the PointeHydrocodone 300 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-HY0780-100/60-HY0780-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Level 2 Control (375 ng/mL)
Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Level 1 Control (225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodo
Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Level 1 Control (225 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the PointeHydrocodone 300 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-HY0780-100/60-HY0780-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Hydrocodone 300 Level 1 Control (225 ng/mL)
Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Level 2 Control (125 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodo
Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Level 2 Control (125 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-HY0760-100/60-HY0760-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Level 2 Control (125 ng/mL)
Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Level 1 Control (75 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodon
Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Level 1 Control (75 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Hydrocodone 100 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-HY0760-100/60-HY0760-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Level 2 Control (MAMP 1250 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe A
Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Level 2 Control (MAMP 1250 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-AM0080-100/60-AM0080-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Level 2 Control (MAMP 1250 ng/mL)
Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Level 1 Control (MAMP 750 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Am
Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Level 1 Control (MAMP 750 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-AM0080-100/60-AM0080-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Amphetamines 1000 Level 1 Control (MAMP 750 ng/mL)
Pointe Amphetamines 500 Level 2 Control (MAMP 625 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Amp
Pointe Amphetamines 500 Level 2 Control (MAMP 625 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Amphetamines 500 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Amphetamines 500 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-AM0200-100/60-AM0200-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Amphetamines 500 Level 2 Control (MAMP 625 ng/mL)
Pointe Amphetamines 500 Level 1 Control (MAMP 375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Amp
Pointe Amphetamines 500 Level 1 Control (MAMP 375 ng/mL) 1 x 5 mL The Pointe Amphetamines 500 Controls are for use as assayed quality control materials to monitor the precision of the Pointe Amphetamines 500 Reagent Set (Ref# 60-AM0200-100/60-AM0200-1L) on a number of automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
Pointe Amphetamines 500 Level 1 Control (MAMP 375 ng/mL)