Other products from "DAXOR CORPORATION"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B641CONVKIT1000 BVA-100 CONVKIT Collection of medical components used to withdraw blood samples for use in deter Collection of medical components used to withdraw blood samples for use in determinations of total blood and plasma volumes. KST System, Blood Collection, Vacuum-Assisted, Manual 1 BVA-100 Convenience Kits
2 B641MAX10055 MAX-100 Syringe Sterile Syringe delivery device used to deliver (inject) Volumex (I-131 HSA) for Sterile Syringe delivery device used to deliver (inject) Volumex (I-131 HSA) for use in determination of total blood and plasma volumes. FMF Syringe, Piston 2 MAX-100
3 B641MAX1000 MAX-100 Syringe Sterile syringe delivery device used to deliver (inject) Volumex (Iodinated I-13 Sterile syringe delivery device used to deliver (inject) Volumex (Iodinated I-131Allbumin injection) for use in determinations of total blood and plasma volumes. FMF Syringe, Piston MAX-100
4 B641BVA100SOFTWARE60 v6.0.4. The BVA-100 Software v6.0.4. calculates and reports a blood volume determination The BVA-100 Software v6.0.4. calculates and reports a blood volume determination based on data retrieved from sampling points taken at timed intervals. The software also determines the patient's ideal blood volume which is derived from the patient's height, weight, and gender. The software compares the computed blood volume against the ideal value to indicate a surplus or deficit in blood volume percentages. JWO Device, Blood Volume Measuring 2 BVA100
Other products with the same Product Code "LXG"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 07613336160176 08106495001 08106495001 AVENIO Millisect System PC ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
2 07613336146644 08106568001 08106568001 AVENIO Millisect ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
3 07613336146620 08106550001 08106550001 AVENIO Millisect Head Assembly ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
4 07613336146613 08106533001 08106533001 AVENIO Millisect Fill Station ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
5 07613336146606 08106525001 08106525001 AVENIO Millisect Tip Large ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
6 07613336146590 08106517001 08106517001 AVENIO Millisect Tip Medium ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
7 07613336146583 08106509001 08106509001 AVENIO Millisect Tip Small ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
8 07290016991062 HemoCup A disposable unit used for dispensing blood from a test tube. HemoCup PIXCELL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD
9 06947462492247 E1030 Pipette Tip Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
10 06947462491738 G1035 Tube cover, 12mm, LDPE, blue Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
11 06947462491721 G1034 Tube cover, 12mm, LDPE, green Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
12 06947462491714 H1014-3 Tube cover, 16mm, LDPE, green Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
13 06947462491707 G1032 Tube cover, 12mm, LDPE, orange Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
14 06947462491691 G1037 Tube cover, 16mm, LDPE, Green Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
15 06947462491684 G1036 TEST TUBE, 16x85, PP, 9ml Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
16 06947462491677 G1031 Tube cover, 12mm, LDPE Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
17 06947462491660 G1030 TEST TUBE, 12x75, PP Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
18 06947462400259 G10301 TEST TUBE, 12x75, PP Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
19 06947462400228 G1047W Tube cover, 13x75, PE Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
20 06947462400204 G1047 Tube cover, 13x75, PE Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
21 06947462400198 G1046 TEST TUBE, 13x75, PP Gongdong ZHEJIANG GONGDONG MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
22 06438147325856 2081-0010 2081-0010 Panthera-Puncher 9 is a sample transfer instrument for professional use. The sam Panthera-Puncher 9 is a sample transfer instrument for professional use. The sample, a dried blood disk, is extracted from a larger area of the sample (dried blood spot) by punching the disk of the specified size to a sample collection vessel, e.g. a 96-well microtiter plate. The identification of the sample punched to a specific well of the plate is stored and carried on to the next instrument or the data is transferred to the LIMS. Panthera-Puncher 9 is cabable of handling up to 9 pcs of 96-well microtiter plates simultaneously. Panthera-Puncher contains a camera for imaging of the sample card and for blood detection. Panthera-Puncher 9 WALLAC OY
23 06438147064564 1296-026 1296-026 1296-026 DELFIA Platewash is a washer designed for automatic washing of microtit 1296-026 DELFIA Platewash is a washer designed for automatic washing of microtitration strips or plates. It is self-contained, having built-in pumps for vacuum and dispensing and supplied with all the bottles and tubing needed for operation. For use with DELFIA analytes, ready-made programs are accessible. DELFIA Platewash WALLAC OY
24 06438147013890 1296-071 1296-071 Wallac 1296-071 DBS Puncher is a microprocessor controlled automatic puncher for Wallac 1296-071 DBS Puncher is a microprocessor controlled automatic puncher for DELFIA® tests performed on filter paper in microplate format. It punches out a disk from a bloodspot on filter paper; this disk then falls into a microtitration well. Punch disk size depends on the punch head installed. Up to 99 disks can be punched into the same well. When the selected number of disks has been punched for a well, the plate is moved to the next position so that the next disk(s) can be punched out. Up to two plates can be loaded to DBS puncher. A microtitration 96-well format plate and Corning Costar deep well tray can be loaded at the same time. Plates consisting of twelve eight-well strips are also supported. Wallac DBS Puncher WALLAC OY
25 05060456180348 62003 62003 DIALISA 2MP, DS2 Automated ELISA Processing System DIALISA 2MP DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
26 05060456180317 62000 62000 DS2 Automated ELISA Processing System DYNEX DS2 DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
27 05060456180287 65100 65100 Automated ELISA Processing System with 0 Incubators DYNEX DSX DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
28 05060456180058 67000 67000 Automated ELISA Processing System with 12 Incubators DYNEX Agility DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
29 05060456180003 62010 62010 DS2 Automated ELISA Processing System, with Barcode Scanner DYNEX DS2 DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
30 05060246860375 GastroCHECK GASTROCEHCK-US Measurement of Hydrogen, Methane and Oxygen levels in the exhaled breath. Gastrolyzer BEDFONT SCIENTIFIC LIMITED
35 H10869433 6943 6943 Corning X-Counterweight Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
36 H10869353 6935 6935 Corning X-WASH Accesory kit Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
37 H10869333 6933 6933 Corning X-WASH Disposable Cartridges (36 cartridges) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
38 H10869323 6932 6932 Corning X-WASH Disposable Cartridges (12 cartridges) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
39 H10869313 6931 6931 Corning X-WASH Disposable Cartridges (2 cartridges) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
40 H10869293 6929 6929 Corning X-WASH Docking Station Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
41 H10869283 6928 6928 Corning X-WASH Control Module Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
42 H10869263 6926 6926 Corning X-LAB Disposable Cartridges (36 cartridges) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
43 H10869253 6925 6925 Corning X-LAB Disposable Cartridges (12 cartridges) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
44 H10869243 6924 6924 Corning X-LAB Disposable Cartridges (2 cartridges) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
45 H10869233 6923 6923 Corning X-Balance Ring Kit Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
46 H10869223 6922 6922 Corning X-Counterweight Low (Accessories) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
47 H10869203 6920 6920 Corning X-Counterweight High (Accessories) Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
48 H10869183 6918 6918 Corning X-LAB Docking Station Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
49 H10869173 6917 6917 Corning X-LAB Control Module Corning CORNING INCORPORATED
50 G338KIT0041 1 KIT004 This is the LEVL Starter package. LEVL MEDAMONITOR, LLC