Other products from "PERSPECTUM LTD"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B554HEPATICA100 1.0.0 Hepatica (Hepatica v1) is a post-processing medical device software that present Hepatica (Hepatica v1) is a post-processing medical device software that presents quantified metrics which may contribute to the assessment of a patient’s liver health.Hepatica (Hepatica v1) uses image visualisation and analysis tools to process DICOM 3.0 compliant magnetic resonance image datasets to produce semi-automatic segmented 3D models of the liver based on the work of Couinaud and the Brisbane 2000 terminology. For each identified Couinaud segment, volumetric data is determined and reported. Hepatica (Hepatica v1) may also report iron corrected-T1 (cT1) and PDFF calculated using the IDEAL methodfrom multi-slice acquisitions, on a per segment basis, over the whole liver. Both metrics present numerical values of different fundamental liver tissue characteristics that can be used as measures of liver tissue health.Hepatica (Hepatica v1) provides trained clinicians with additional information to evaluate the volume and health of a patient’s liver on a segmental basis. It is not intended to replace the established procedures for the assessment of a patient’s liver health. However, information gathered through existing diagnostic tests, clinical evaluation of the patient, as well Hepatica(Hepatica v1), may support surgical decision making. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 Hepatica
2 B554CSMD1000 1.0.0 CoverScan is a medical image management and processing software package that all CoverScan is a medical image management and processing software package that allows the display, analysis and post-processing of DICOM compliant medical images and MR data.CoverScan provides both viewing and analysis capabilities to ascertain quantified metrics of multiple organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas and kidney.CoverScan provides measurements in different organs to be used for the assessment of longitudinal and transversal relaxation time and rate (T1, SR-T1, cT1, T2), fat content (proton density fat fraction or PDFF) and metrics of organ function (e.g., left ventricular ejection fraction and lung fractional area change on deep inspiration).These metrics derived from the images, when interpreted by a licensed physician, yield information that may assist in diagnosis, clinical management and monitoring of patients.CoverScan is not intended for asymptomatic screening. This device is intended for use with Siemens 1.5T MRI scanners. LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 CoverScan
3 B554MRCP1000 1.0 MRCP+v1 is indicated for use as a software-based image processing system for non MRCP+v1 is indicated for use as a software-based image processing system for non-invasive, quantitative assessment of biliary system structures by facilitating the generation, visualisation and review of three-dimensional quantitative biliary system models and anatomical image data.MRCP+v1 calculates quantitative three-dimensional biliary system models that enable measurement of bile duct widths and automatic detection of regions of variation (ROV) of tubular structures. MRCP+v1 includes tools for interactive segmentation and labelling of the biliary system and tubular structures. MRCP+v1 allows for regional volumetric analysis of segmented tree-like, tubular structures and the gallbladder.Combining image viewing, processing and reporting tools, the metrics provided is designed to support physicians in the visualization, evaluation and reporting of hepatobiliary structures. These models and the physical parameters derived from the models, when interpreted by a trained physician, yield information that may assist in biliary system assessment.MRCP+v1 is designed to utilize DICOM compliant MRCP datasets, acquired on supported MR scanners using supported MRCP acquisition protocols.MRCP+v1 is suitable for all patients not contra-indicated for MRI. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 MRCP+
4 B554LMS5000 5.0.0 LiverMultiScan v5 (LMSv5) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnosti LiverMultiScan v5 (LMSv5) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic device software application for non-invasive liver evaluation that enables the generation, display and review of 2D magnetic resonance medical image data and pixel maps for MR relaxation times. LMSv5 is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant magnetic resonance image datasets, acquired from compatible MR Systems, to display the internal structure of the abdomen including the liver. Other physical parameters derived from the images may also be produced. LMSv5 provides several tools, such as automated liver segmentation and region of interest (ROI) placements, to be used for the assessment of selected regions of an image. Quantitative assessment of selected regions includes the determination of triglyceride fat fraction in the liver (PDFF), T2*, LIC (Liver Iron Concentration) and iron corrected T1 (cT1) measurements. These images and the physical parameters derived from the images, when interpreted by a trained clinician, yield information that may assist in diagnosis. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
5 B554LMS4000 4.0.0 LiverMultiScan (LMSv4) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic d LiverMultiScan (LMSv4) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic device software application for non-invasive liver evaluation that enables the generation, display and review of 2D magnetic resonance medical image data and pixel maps for MR relaxation times. LiverMultiScan (LMSv4) is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant magnetic resonance image datasets, acquired from compatible MR Systems, to display the internal structure of the abdomen including the liver. Other physical parameters derived from the images may also be produced. LiverMultiScan (LMSv4) provides a number of tools, such as automated liver segmentation and region of interest (ROI) placements, to be used for the assessment of selected regions of an image. Quantitative assessment of selected regions includes the determination of triglyceride fat fraction in the liver (PDFF), T2* and iron-corrected T1 (cT1) measurements. T2* may optionally be computed using the DIXON or LMS MOST methodologies. These images and the physical parameters derived from the images, when interpreted by a trained clinician, yield information that may assist in diagnosis. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
6 B554LMS3500 3.5.0 LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic d LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic device software application for non-invasive liver evaluation that enables the generation, display and review of 2D magnetic resonance medical image data and pixel maps for MR relaxation times. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant magnetic resonance image datasets, acquired from compatible MR Systems, to display the internal structure of the abdomen including the liver. Other physical parameters derived from the images may also be produced. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) provides a number of tools, such as automated liver segmentation and region of interest (ROI) placements, to be used for the assessment of selected regions of an image. Quantitative assessment of selected regions includes the determination of triglyceride fat fraction in the liver (PDFF), T2* and iron-corrected T1 (cT1) measurements. PDFF may optionally be computed using the LMS IDEAL or three-point Dixon methodology.These images and the physical parameters derived from the images, when interpreted by a trained clinician, yield information that may assist in diagnosis. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
7 B554LMS3300 3.3.0 LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic d LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic device software application for non-invasive liver evaluation that enables the generation, display and review of 2D magnetic resonance medical image data and pixel maps for MR relaxation times. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant magnetic resonance image datasets, acquired from compatible MR Systems, to display the internal structure of the abdomen including the liver. Other physical parameters derived from the images may also be produced. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) provides a number of tools, such as automated liver segmentation and region of interest (ROI) placements, to be used for the assessment of selected regions of an image. Quantitative assessment of selected regions includes the determination of triglyceride fat fraction in the liver (PDFF), T2* and iron-corrected T1 (cT1) measurements. PDFF may optionally be computed using the LMS IDEAL or three-point Dixon methodology.These images and the physical parameters derived from the images, when interpreted by a trained clinician, yield information that may assist in diagnosis. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
8 B554LMS3200 3.2.0 LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic d LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is indicated for use as a magnetic resonance diagnostic device software application for non-invasive liver evaluation that enables the generation, display and review of 2D magnetic resonance medical image data and pixel maps for MR relaxation times. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant magnetic resonance image datasets, acquired from compatible MR Systems, to display the internal structure of the abdomen including the liver. Other physical parameters derived from the images may also be produced. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) provides a number of tools, such as automated liver segmentation and region of interest (ROI) placements, to be used for the assessment of selected regions of an image. Quantitative assessment of selected regions includes the determination of triglyceride fat fraction in the liver (PDFF), T2* and iron-corrected T1 (cT1) measurements. PDFF may optionally be computed using the LMS IDEAL or three-point Dixon methodology.These images and the physical parameters derived from the images, when interpreted by a trained clinician, yield information that may assist in diagnosis. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
9 B554LMS3100 3.1.0 LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is a standalone software device. The purpose of the Liver LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is a standalone software device. The purpose of the LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) device is to assist the trained operator with the evaluation of information from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images from a single time-point (patient visit). The LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is a post-processing software device, a trained operator uses tools such as automatic liver segmentation and region of interest placement upon previously acquired MR images, from which a summary report is generated. The summary report is then sent to an interpreting clinician.The interpreting clinician needs to take into consideration the device’s limitations and accuracy during clinical interpretation.LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) is not intended to replace the established procedures for the assessment of a patients liver health by an interpreting clinician, providing many opportunities for competent human intervention in the interpretation of images and information displayed.The device is intended to be used by a trained operator to generate metrics for subsequent interpretation by a clinician.The metrics are intended to be used as an additional diagnostic input to provide information to clinicians as part of a wider diagnostic process. It is expected that in the normal course of liver disease diagnosis, patients will present with clinical symptoms or risk factors which may indicate liver disease.Liver function tests, blood tests, ultrasound scanning as well as liver biopsy are all expected to be used at the discretion of a qualified clinician in addition to information obtained from the use of LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) metrics. The purpose of a LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) metrics is to provide imaging information to assist in characterizing tissue in the liver, which are additional to existing methods for obtaining information relating to the liver. LiverMultiScan (LMSv3) metrics are not intended to replace any existing diagnostic source of information, but can be used to identify patients who LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
10 B554LMS2100 2.1 LiverMultiScan is a standalone software device. The purpose of the LiverMultiSca LiverMultiScan is a standalone software device. The purpose of the LiverMultiScan device is to assist the trained operator with the evaluation of information from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images from a single time-point (patient visit). A trained operator places circular regions of interest drawn upon previously acquired MR images, from which a summary report is generated. The summary report is sent to an interpreting clinician. LiverMultiScan does not replace the usual procedures for assessment of the liver by an interpreting clinician, providing many opportunities for competent human intervention in the interpretation of images and information displayed. The metrics are intended to be used as an additional diagnostic input to provide information to clinicians as part of a wider diagnostic process. It is expected that in the normal course of liver disease diagnosis, patients will present with clinical symptoms or risk factors which may indicate liver disease.Liver function tests, blood tests, ultrasound scanning as well as liver biopsy are all expected to be used at the discretion of a qualified clinician in addition to information obtained from the use of LiverMultiScan metrics. The purpose of LiverMultiScan metrics are to provide imaging information to assist in characterising tissue in the liver, which is additional to existing methods for obtaining information relating to the liver. LiverMultiScan metrics do not replace any existing diagnostic source of information, but can be used to identify patients who may benefit most from further evaluation, including biopsy. Information gathered through existing diagnostic tests and clinical evaluation of the patient, as well as information obtained from LiverMultiScan metrics, may contribute to a diagnostic decision. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
11 B554LMS2000 2.0 LiverMultiScan is a standalone software device. The purpose of the LiverMultiSca LiverMultiScan is a standalone software device. The purpose of the LiverMultiScan device is to assist the trained operator with the evaluation of information from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images from a single time-point (patient visit). A trained operator places circular regions of interest drawn upon previously acquired MR images, from which a summary report is generated. The summary report is sent to an interpreting clinician. LiverMultiScan does not replace the usual procedures for assessment of the liver by an interpreting clinician, providing many opportunities for competent human intervention in the interpretation of images and information displayed. The metrics are intended to be used as an additional diagnostic input to provide information to clinicians as part of a wider diagnostic process. It is expected that in the normal course of liver disease diagnosis, patients will present with clinical symptoms or risk factors which may indicate liver disease.Liver function tests, blood tests, ultrasound scanning as well as liver biopsy are all expected to be used at the discretion of a qualified clinician in addition to information obtained from the use of LiverMultiScan metrics. The purpose of LiverMultiScan metrics are to provide imaging information to assist in characterising tissue in the liver, which is additional to existing methods for obtaining information relating to the liver. LiverMultiScan metrics do not replace any existing diagnostic source of information, but can be used to identify patients who may benefit most from further evaluation, including biopsy. Information gathered through existing diagnostic tests and clinical evaluation of the patient, as well as information obtained from LiverMultiScan metrics, may contribute to a diagnostic decision. LNH System, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2 LiverMultiScan
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6 00850011472149 BPX 15 Disposable Prostate Probe 1.5T BPX 15 DxTxMedical 1.5T eCoil Imaging System Disposables (Prostate) DXTX MEDICAL INC
7 00850011472132 BCR 15 Disposable Cervix Probe - BCR-15 DxTx Medical 1.5T eCoil Imaging System Disposables (Cervix) DXTX MEDICAL INC
8 00850010651101 3200 Complete Silent Scan 3200 system Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
9 00850010651095 3300 Complete Silent Scan 3300 system. Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
10 00850010651088 3200 Silent Scan 3200 console Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
11 00850010651071 3300 Silent Scan 3300 console Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
12 00850010651040 3200/3300 Transducer Silent Scan Audio Transducer Silent Scan AVOTEC, INC.
13 00850004813263 1 100016 Breast Pad Insert Sat Pad™ , Radiological Positioning device for MR Breast Pad Insert H SatPad™ SAT PAD INC.
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26 00841439114155 OAP200 OAP200 For use with Evolve breastboard solution Evolve Slant Board MEDTEC, INC.
27 00841439114148 OAP210 OAP210 Bottom plate and bottom stop for use with Evolve breastboard Evolve Bottom Board MEDTEC, INC.
28 00841439114131 OAP221 OAP221 For use with Pro Wing Board™ or Monarch™ Pro Handle MEDTEC, INC.
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30 00841439114025 PRO431IM1832SG PRO431IM1832SG IMRT Clear Vision 2 open face thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
31 00841439114018 PRO431IM1832CL PRO431IM1832CL IMRT FreedomView thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
32 00841439114001 PRO431IM1832 PRO431IM1832 IMRT style 18 thermoplastic (3.2mm) ProForm™ Pediatric Thermoplastic MEDTEC, INC.
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