Duns Number:021217115

Device Description: DIABETES SUPPORT, ANYTIME ANYWHERE™BlueStar is not a pill or a shot — it's a completely ne DIABETES SUPPORT, ANYTIME ANYWHERE™BlueStar is not a pill or a shot — it's a completely new kind of approach to support you and help you manage your type 2diabetes. BlueStar’s real-time coaching fits into your daily life helping you stay on track with your diabetes self-care. It works withyou, struggles with you, achieves with you, and celebrates with you. It can help make living with diabetes easier which makes fora healthier, happier you.BlueStar is accessible from your mobile phone, tablet, or computer, and supports your healthcare provider’s instructions whileproviding you with diabetes education and motivational support.COORDINATE YOUR CARE WITH YOUR DOCTORBefore your next diabetes check-up, you can use BlueStar to send your information to your doctor. This helps your healthcareprovider understand the challenges that you face between appointments so that during your office visit you can discuss atreatment plan that is just right for you.INDICATION FOR USEBlueStar is indicated for use by healthcare providers and their adult patients, aged 21 years and older, who have type 2 diabetes.BlueStar provides secure capture, storage, and transmission of diabetes data, as well as, motivational, behavioral, andeducational coaching messages to aid in diabetes self-management. BlueStar is not intended to replace the care provided by alicensed healthcare professional, including prescriptions, diagnosis, or treatment.CONTRAINDICATIONS: Type 1 diabetes, patients on insulin pumps, patients less than 21 years of age, and women who arepregnant.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: For medical questions, please contact your healthcare provider. If you are experiencing anemergency, please dial 911.Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.For more information visit

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More Product Details

Catalog Number


Brand Name


Version/Model Number


Device Commercial Distribution Status

Not in Commercial Distribution

Commercial Distribution End Date

April 14, 2020

Issuing Agency


Product Characteristics

MRI safety Status

Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information

Device required to be labeled as containing natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber (21 CFR 801.437)


Device labeled as "Not made with natural rubber latex"


For Single-Use


Prescription Use (Rx)


Over the Counter (OTC)




Combination Product


Human Cell, Tissue or Cellular or Tissue-Based Product (HCT/P)


FDA Premarket Submission


Product Code Details

Product Code


Product Code Name

Accessories, Pump, Infusion

Device Record Status

Public Device Record Key


Public Version Date

October 24, 2022

Public Version Number


DI Record Publish Date

October 25, 2019

Additional Identifiers

Package DI Number


Quantity per Package


Contains DI Package


Package Discontinue Date


Package Status


Package Type


"WELLDOC, INC." Characteristics
Device Class Device Class Description No of Devices
2 A medical device with a moderate to high risk that requires special controls. 56