Other products from "MESA BIOTECH, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B54010270 1027 1027 The Silaris™ Influenza A&B Test performed on the Silaris Dock is a molecular in The Silaris™ Influenza A&B Test performed on the Silaris Dock is a molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing polymerasechain reaction (PCR) and lateral flow technology for the qualitative, visual detection and differentiation of influenza A andinfluenza B viral RNA. The Silaris Influenza A&B Test uses a nasal swab specimen collected from patients with signs andsymptoms of respiratory infection. Silaris Influenza A&B assay is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of influenza infectionsin conjunction with clinical and epidemiological risk factors. The assay is not intended to detect the presence of influenzaC virus. OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Silaris Influenza A&B Test
2 B540COV41000 COV4100 COV4100 The Accula™ SARS-Cov-2 Test performed on the Accula™ Dock or the Silaris™ Dock i The Accula™ SARS-Cov-2 Test performed on the Accula™ Dock or the Silaris™ Dock is a molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and lateral flow technologies for the qualitative, visual detection of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. The Accula SARS-CoV-2 Test uses a throat swab and nasal swab specimen collected from patients who meet CDC SARS-CoV-2 clinical criteria and in conjunction with epidemiological criteria to aid in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. QJR Reagents, 2019-Novel Coronavirus Nucleic Acid Accula SARS-CoV-2 Test
3 B540FAB1100CWC0 FAB1100CW-C FAB1100CW-1 The Accula™ Flu A / B Control Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in qua The Accula™ Flu A / B Control Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in qualitycontrol testing with the Accula™ Flu A / B Test. OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Accula Flu A / B Control Kit
4 B540D20000 D2000 D2000 The Accula Dock is an electronic module which executes in vitro diagnostic tests The Accula Dock is an electronic module which executes in vitro diagnostic tests on compatible Test Cassettes. It consists of anelectro-mechanical interface to a single Test Cassette. The Dock contains all electrical systems, controls and logic necessary toorchestrate in-vitro diagnostic tests within the inserted Test Cassette. QJR,OZE,OCC Reagents, 2019-Novel Coronavirus Nucleic Acid,Influenza A And Influenza B Multip Reagents, 2019-Novel Coronavirus Nucleic Acid,Influenza A And Influenza B Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay,Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Accula Dock
5 B540FAB1100CW0 FAB1100CW FAB1100CW The Accula™ Flu A / B Test performed on the Accula Dock is a molecular in vitro The Accula™ Flu A / B Test performed on the Accula Dock is a molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing polymerasechain reaction (PCR) and lateral flow technology for the qualitative, visual detection and differentiation of influenza A andinfluenza B viral RNA. The Accula Flu A / B Test uses a nasal swab specimen collected from patients with signs andsymptoms of respiratory infection. Accula Flu A / B assay is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of influenza infectionsin conjunction with clinical and epidemiological risk factors. The assay is not intended to detect the presence of influenzaC virus. OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Accula Flu A / B Test
6 B54010300 1030 1030 The Silaris™ RSV Test performed on the Silaris™ Dock is a molecular in vitro dia The Silaris™ RSV Test performed on the Silaris™ Dock is a molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing polymerase chainreaction (PCR) and lateral flow technologies for the qualitative, visual detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) viral RNA.The Silaris RSV Test uses a nasal swab specimen collected from patients with signs and symptoms of respiratory infection.The Silaris RSV Test is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of RSV infection in children and adults in conjunction with clinicaland epidemiological risk factors. Silaris RSV Test
7 B540COV4100010 COV4100-1 COV4100-1 The Accula™ SARS-CoV-2 Control Kit provides positive and negative control swabs The Accula™ SARS-CoV-2 Control Kit provides positive and negative control swabs for use with the Accula™ SARS-CoV-2 Test. Positive swabs are coated with DNA Based Synthetic Oligo. The High Positive Controls contain a level of oligo sufficient to provide a positive result when used with the Accula SARS-CoV-2 Test. The Low Positive Controls contain a lower level of oligo, near the limit of detection of the test, but is sufficient to provide a positive result when used with the Accula™ SARS-CoV-2 Test. When used for quality control in the Accula SARS-CoV-2 Test, these controls are useful as an aid in verifying test and operator performance. Accula SARS CoV-2 Control Kit
8 B54010350 1035 1035 The Silaris™ Influenza A&B Test performed on the Silaris Dock is a molecular in The Silaris™ Influenza A&B Test performed on the Silaris Dock is a molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing polymerasechain reaction (PCR) and lateral flow technology for the qualitative, visual detection and differentiation of influenza A andinfluenza B viral RNA. The Silaris Influenza A&B Test uses a nasal swab specimen collected from patients with signs andsymptoms of respiratory infection. Silaris Influenza A&B assay is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of influenza infectionsin conjunction with clinical and epidemiological risk factors. The assay is not intended to detect the presence of influenzaC virus. OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Sialris Influenza A&B Supplemental Pack
9 B54010290 1029 1029 The Silaris RSV Control Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in quality c The Silaris RSV Control Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in quality control testing with the Silaris RSV Test OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Silaris RSV Control Kit
10 B54010280 1028 1028 The Silaris Starter Pack contains two (2) Silaris Influenza A&B kits and one (1) The Silaris Starter Pack contains two (2) Silaris Influenza A&B kits and one (1) Silaris Dock for the purposes of starting up a clinical location. OZE,OCC Influenza A And Influenza B Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay,Respiratory Virus Panel Influenza A And Influenza B Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay,Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 SilarisTM Influenza A&B Starter Pack
11 B54010260 1026 1026 The Silaris Dock is an electronic module which executes in vitro diagnostic test The Silaris Dock is an electronic module which executes in vitro diagnostic tests on compatible Silaris Test Cassettes. It consists of anelectro-mechanical interface to a single Test Cassette. The Dock contains all electrical systems, controls and logic necessary toorchestrate in-vitro diagnostic tests within the inserted Test Cassette. OZE Influenza A And Influenza B Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay 2 Silaris Dock
12 B54010400 1040 1040 The Silaris™ RSV Test performed on the Silaris™ Dock is a molecular in vitro dia The Silaris™ RSV Test performed on the Silaris™ Dock is a molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing polymerase chainreaction (PCR) and lateral flow technologies for the qualitative, visual detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) viral RNA.The Silaris RSV Test uses a nasal swab specimen collected from patients with signs and symptoms of respiratory infection.The Silaris RSV Test is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of RSV infection in children and adults in conjunction with clinicaland epidemiological risk factors. OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Silaris RSV Supplemental Pack
13 B54010240 1024 1024 The Silaris™ Influenza A&B Control Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use i The Silaris™ Influenza A&B Control Kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in qualitycontrol testing with the Silaris™ Influenza A&B Test. OCC Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System 2 Silaris Influenza A&B Control Kit
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No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10859952006014 A40400 Di Description Brand name LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION
2 10814278021264 300800 300800 NeuMoDx SARS-CoV-2 Test Strip NEUMODX MOLECULAR, INC.
3 07613336129685 08085463001 08085463001 cobas® Liat® Influenza A/B Script ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
4 07332940006044 XPRSFLU-10 XPRSFLU-10 Xpert Xpress Flu kit; 10 test kit Xpert Xpress Flu CEPHEID
5 07332940005696 XPRSFLU/RSV-10 XPRSFLU/RSV-10 Xpert Xpress Flu/RSV kit; 10 test kit Xpert Xpress Flu/RSV CEPHEID
6 07332940005177 GXFLU+RSV-XP-10 GXFLU+RSV-XP-10 Xpert Flu+RSV Xpress kit; 10 test kit Xpert Flu+RSV Xpress CEPHEID
7 07332940001070 GXFLU-10A GXFLU-10A Xpert Flu kit; 10 test kit Xpert Flu CEPHEID
8 07332940000783 GXFLU/RSV-10 GXFLU/RSV-10 Xpert FLU/RSV XC kit; 10 test kit Xpert FLU/RSV XC CEPHEID
9 04053228033905 V1 691221 QIAstat-Dx® Respiratory Panel QIAGEN GMBH
15 03573026403997 69-010B-US ADENOVIRUS R-gene® KIT US is a RT-PCR test is to aid in the diagnosis of respira ADENOVIRUS R-gene® KIT US is a RT-PCR test is to aid in the diagnosis of respiratory Adenovirus infection in humans in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory findings. ARGENE® ADENOVIRUS R-gene KIT US BIOMERIEUX SA
16 00884999050464 5.00 09N79-05E Alinity m Resp-4-Plex Application Specification File Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
17 00884999050457 6.00 09N78-03F Alinity m SARS-CoV-2 Application Specification File Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
18 00884999050280 09N92-010 09N92-010 Abbott Bulk Universal Collection Kit Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
19 00884999050242 4.00 09N79-05D Alinity m Resp-4-Plex Application Specification File Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
20 00884999050211 5.00 09N78-03E Alinity m SARS-CoV-2 Application Specification Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
21 00884999050136 4.00 09N78-03D Alinity m SARS COV-2 Application Specification File Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
22 00884999050020 1.00 09N79-05C Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
23 00884999049413 1.00 09N79-05A Alinity m Resp-4-Plex Application Specification File Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
24 00884999049406 09N79-086 09N79-086 Alinity m Resp-4-Plex CTRL Kit Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
25 00884999049390 09N79-096 09N79-096 Alinity m Resp-4-Plex AMP Kit Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
26 00884999049222 09N78-095 09N78-095 Alinity m SARS-CoV-2 AMP Kit Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
27 00884999049208 09N78-085 09N78-085 Alinity m SARS-CoV-2 CTRL Kit Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
28 00884999049185 1.00 09N78-03A Alinity m SARS-CoV-2 Application Specification File Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
29 00884999049130 09N77-055 09N77-055 Abbott Universal Collection Kit RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
30 00884999049109 09N77-095 09N77-095 Abbott RealTime SARS-CoV-2 Amplification Reagent Kit RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
31 00884999049086 09N77-085 09N77-085 Abbott RealTime SARS-CoV-2 Control Kit RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
32 00884999049055 09N77-010 09N77-010 Abbott RealTime SARS-CoV-2 Application CD-ROM RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
33 00875197005950 08160104190 08160104190 cobas® Influenza A/B & RSV Nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® Liat® System ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
34 00875197005950 08160104190 08160104190 cobas® Influenza A/B & RSV Nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® Liat® System ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
35 00875197005653 07402686190 07402686190 cobas® Influenza A/B &RSV Quality Control Kit for use on the cobas® Liat® System ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
36 00875197005653 07402686190 07402686190 cobas® Influenza A/B &RSV Quality Control Kit for use on the cobas® Liat® System ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
37 00875197005639 07402660190 07402660190 cobas® Influenza A/B Quality Control Kit for use on the cobas® Liat® System ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
38 00875197005608 07341890190 07341890190 cobas® Influenza A/B Nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® Liat® System ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
39 00857573006324 20-011-024 The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a mult The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a multiplexed qualitative test intended for the simultaneous detection and identification of multiple viral and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals suspected of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Pathogens Flex (RP Flex) Amplification Tray NANOSPHERE, INC.
40 00857573006324 20-011-024 The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a mult The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a multiplexed qualitative test intended for the simultaneous detection and identification of multiple viral and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals suspected of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Pathogens Flex (RP Flex) Amplification Tray NANOSPHERE, INC.
41 00857573006294 20-011-020 The Verigene® Respiratory Virus Plus Nucleic Acid Test (RV+) on the Verigene® The Verigene® Respiratory Virus Plus Nucleic Acid Test (RV+) on the Verigene® System is a qualitative nucleic acid multiplex test intended to simultaneously detect and identify multiple respiratory virus nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal (NP) swab specimens from individuals with signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Virus Plus (RV+) Amplification Tray NANOSPHERE, INC.
42 00857573006263 20-009-024 The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a mult The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a multiplexed qualitative test intended for the simultaneous detection and identification of multiple viral and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals suspected of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Pathogens Flex (RP Flex) Extraction Tray NANOSPHERE, INC.
43 00857573006263 20-009-024 The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a mult The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a multiplexed qualitative test intended for the simultaneous detection and identification of multiple viral and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals suspected of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Pathogens Flex (RP Flex) Extraction Tray NANOSPHERE, INC.
44 00857573006232 20-009-020 The Verigene® Respiratory Virus Plus Nucleic Acid Test (RV+) on the Verigene The Verigene® Respiratory Virus Plus Nucleic Acid Test (RV+) on the Verigene® System is a qualitative nucleic acid multiplex test intended to simultaneously detect and identify multiple respiratory virus nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal (NP) swab specimens from individuals with signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Virus Plus (RV+) Extraction Tray NANOSPHERE, INC.
45 00857573006164 20-006-024 The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a mult The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a multiplexed qualitative test intended for the simultaneous detection and identification of multiple viral and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals suspected of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Pathogens Flex (RP Flex) Nucleic Acid Test Cartridge NANOSPHERE, INC.
46 00857573006164 20-006-024 The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a mult The Verigene® Respiratory Pathogens Flex Nucleic Acid Test (RP Flex) is a multiplexed qualitative test intended for the simultaneous detection and identification of multiple viral and bacterial nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) obtained from individuals suspected of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Pathogens Flex (RP Flex) Nucleic Acid Test Cartridge NANOSPHERE, INC.
47 00857573006133 20-006-020 The Verigene® Respiratory Virus Plus Nucleic Acid Test (RV+) on the Verigene The Verigene® Respiratory Virus Plus Nucleic Acid Test (RV+) on the Verigene® System is a qualitative nucleic acid multiplex test intended to simultaneously detect and identify multiple respiratory virus nucleic acids in nasopharyngeal (NP) swab specimens from individuals with signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection. Respiratory Virus Plus (RV+) Nucleic Acid Test Cartridge NANOSPHERE, INC.
48 00857167005030 ePlex Respiratory Panel (RP) EA001012 ePlex Respiratory Panel Kit, 12 test, IVD ePlex System GENMARK DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
49 00857167005030 ePlex Respiratory Panel (RP) EA001012 ePlex Respiratory Panel Kit, 12 test, IVD ePlex System GENMARK DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
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