PRO1TEK 2+ Patient IFAK Kit with Wound Spray, Bleeding Control tools with Hemost
PRO1TEK 2+ Patient IFAK Kit with Wound Spray, Bleeding Control tools with Hemostatic Dressing and other Trauma Kit First-Aid Equipment.
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. M
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid Bleeding Control Kit - 6+ Patient Hard Case with SWAT Tourniquet
First Aid Kit Without Drug
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit- Bleeding Control Kit- 6+ Patient HC with SWAT T
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hard Case Kit with Wall Cabinet - 6+ Patient Kit with Bat Fla
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hard Case Kit with Wall Cabinet - 6+ Patient Kit with Bat Flashlight contains both Medical and Tactical devices. Tactical helps with the run, hit fit in an active shooter situation. Kit features Hemostatic Dressing and other bleeding control devices and supplies to help in a trauma situation.
PRO1TEK 2+ Patient Specialty IFAK Kit - Contains Bleeding Control tools with the
PRO1TEK 2+ Patient Specialty IFAK Kit - Contains Bleeding Control tools with the addition of a Hemostatic Dressing and other Trauma Kit and First-Aid Equipment.
PRO1TEK IFAK EMT CCR Leg Rig Bag with Hemostatic Dressing, CAT-T, Hyfin Chest Se
PRO1TEK IFAK EMT CCR Leg Rig Bag with Hemostatic Dressing, CAT-T, Hyfin Chest Seal, Trauma Shears, NPA 28, Olaes Bandage and other Medical Supplies.
EMAPCT 6+ Patient Hard Case Trauma Kit with Bat Flashlight- RX- Tactical & Medic
EMAPCT 6+ Patient Hard Case Trauma Kit with Bat Flashlight- RX- Tactical & Medical Trauma Kit. Tactical side has Bat Flashlight, TAC-WEGE, TAC-KEYS and other Tactical components that can be used in an active shooter RUN, HIDE, FIGHT situation. Medical side has Bleeding Control Kits featuring extra hemostatic dressing and other Trauma First-Aid equipment.
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hard Case Trauma Kit- Bat Flashlight RX
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit - 2+ Patient IFAK
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit - 2+ Patient IFAK Kit with Burn Cream
Kit, First Aid, Talking
PRO1TEK Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 2+ Patient IFAK w/BC
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hard Case Kit with Wall Cabinet OTC - Tactical & Medical Kit.
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hard Case Kit with Wall Cabinet OTC - Tactical & Medical Kit. Tactical side has Bat Flash Light, TAC-WEGE, TAC-KEYS and other Tactical components that can be used in an active shooter RUN, HIDE, Fight situation. Medical side has bleeding control Kits featuring Hemostatic Dressing and other Trauma First- Aid equipment.
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hard Case Kit with Wall Cabinet OTC
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit.
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 10+ Patient Kit with Tactical
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit- Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 10+ Patient
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. M
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control - 6+ Patient Hard Case with Tactical
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit- Advanced Bleeding Control- 6+ Patient HC
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. M
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid 6+ Patient Hard Case Advanced Bleeding Control Kit / with extra Hemostatic Gauze
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 6+ Patient HC
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit.
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma, First Aid, Bleeding Control 6+ Patient Refurbished Kit with Tactical. Specialized refurbish kit to convert our 10+ Patient Kit into a 6+ Patient Hard Case.
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter C
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Counter Measure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid 6+ Patient Orange Back Pack Advanced Bleeding Control Kit / with extra Hemostatic Gauze
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit - 6+ Patient Advanced Bleeding Control Kit
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit - 1+ Patient Toss
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit - 1+ Patient Toss with SWAT Tourniquet
Kit, First Aid, Talking
PRO1TEK Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 1+ Patient with SWAT T
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 2+ Patient IFAK
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 2+ Patient IFAK kit with Nasoparyngeal Airway and Chest Seal
Kit, First Aid, Talking
PRO1TEK Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 2+ Patient IFAK w/ Naso
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. M
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control Kit- 6+ Patient with SWAT T
Kit, First Aid, Talking
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit- Advanced Bleeding Control w/SWAT T
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Bleeding Control Kit- 1+ Patient with SWAT Tour
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Bleeding Control Kit- 1+ Patient with SWAT Tourniquet - Vehicle Glove Compartment Kit.
Kit, First Aid, Talking
PRO1TEK Trauma First Aid Bleeding Control Kit - Vehicle Kit
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. M
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Control 2-4+ Patient Kit with Tactical
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Kit-1+ Patient with Hemostati
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Kit-1+ Patient with Hemostatic Dressing and other Bleeding Control Aids
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. M
EMPACT is an Emergency Medical Passive Active Shooter Countermeasure Tool Kit. Medical Trauma First Aid Bleeding Control Kit - 6+ Patient Hard Case with Tactical
First Aid Kit Without Drug
EMPACT Active Shooter Tool Kit- Bleeding Control 6+ Patient Hard Case Kit
PRO1TEK IFAK EMT Leg Rig Bag with Hemostatic Dressing, CAT-T, Hyfin Chest Seal,
PRO1TEK IFAK EMT Leg Rig Bag with Hemostatic Dressing, CAT-T, Hyfin Chest Seal, Olaes Bandage, Medical Shears, NPA 28, Olaes Bandage and other medical supplies
PRO1TEK IFAK EMT BAG with Hemostatic Dressing, Cat Tourniquet, Hyfin Chest Seal,
PRO1TEK IFAK EMT BAG with Hemostatic Dressing, Cat Tourniquet, Hyfin Chest Seal, NPA 28, Olaes Bandage, Trauma Shears and other basic Medical supplies
Sharps Container 2.7 L volume, color: yellow; 510k Container is intended to be
Sharps Container 2.7 L volume, color: yellow; 510k Container is intended to be used for the safe disposal of hazardous sharps. Leak-proof on the sides and bottom sharps closure flaps are closed and locked in place for removal made out of polypropylene material.
Sharps Container 2.7 L, color: Red; 510k container is intended to be used for th
Sharps Container 2.7 L, color: Red; 510k container is intended to be used for the safe disposal of hazardous sharps, leak-proof on the side and bottom, sharps closure flaps are closed and locked in place for removal made out of polypropylene material.
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Kit- 1 + Patient with Hemosta
PRO1TEK Medical Trauma First Aid Advanced Bleeding Kit- 1 + Patient with Hemostatic Dressing and other Bleeding Control Aids
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hart Case Kit with Batons and Extra Hemostatic Dressing. Tacti
EMPACT 6+ Patient Hart Case Kit with Batons and Extra Hemostatic Dressing. Tactical & Medical Trauma Kit. Tactical side Has Batons, TAC-Wedge, TAC-Keys and other Tactical components that can be used in an active shooter RUN, HIDE, FIGHT situation. Medical side has OTC Bleeding Control Kits featuring extra Hemostatic Dressing and other Trauma First-Aid equipment .
First Aid Kit; First Aid Essentials; Pack and Go Convenience; 12 Items and 1 Car
First Aid Kit; First Aid Essentials; Pack and Go Convenience; 12 Items and 1 Carrying Case; 6 Fabric Antibacterial Bandages with First Aid Antiseptic; Active Ingredient: Benzalkonium Chloride 0.1 percent; 2 Hand Cleansing Wipes; 4 Sterile Pads; For External Use Only
Wound Care Kit, 25 items: 8 - Gauze Pads 4 IN x 4 IN (101 mm x 101 mm), 4 - Gauz
Wound Care Kit, 25 items: 8 - Gauze Pads 4 IN x 4 IN (101 mm x 101 mm), 4 - Gauze Pads 2 IN x 2 IN (50 mm x 50 mm), 4 - Non-Stick Pads 2 IN x 3 IN (50 mm x 76 mm), 4 - Non-Stick Pads 3 IN x 4 IN (76 mm x 101 mm), 4 - Rolled Gauze 4 IN x 2.5 YDS (101 mm x 2.28 m), 1 - Paper Tape 1 IN x 10 YDS (25 mm x 9.14 m)
First Aid Bleeding Control Cabinet - Basic Pro Kit contains: Four Fabric Zipper
First Aid Bleeding Control Cabinet - Basic Pro Kit contains: Four Fabric Zippered Pouches, each containing: Windlass Tourniquet; Back-up Elastic Tourniquet; Aluminized Rescue/Shock Blanket; Trauma Pad Dressing, 5"x9"; 2 pairs of Protective Nitrile Exam Gloves; pair of Bandage Shears; Marker; Bleeding Control Product Usage Guidelines
First Aid Bleeding Control Cabinet - Core Pro: Contains Four Easy Tear-open Bag
First Aid Bleeding Control Cabinet - Core Pro: Contains Four Easy Tear-open Bags; each containing: a SWAT-T Tourniquet; Back-up Elastic Tourniquet; Hemostatic Blood-Clotting Gauze Pad, 4" x4"; Sterile Hema-Seal Dressing Wrap; (2) Trauma Pad Dressings, 5"x9"; (2) Pairs Nitrile Exam Gloves; (ne Pair Bandage Shears; Marker; Bleeding Control Product Usage Guidelines
Standard Pro Bleeding Control Cabinet, contains: Four Fabric Zippered Pouches, e
Standard Pro Bleeding Control Cabinet, contains: Four Fabric Zippered Pouches, each containing: Windlass Tourniquet; Back-up Elastic Tourniquet; Hemostatic Blood-Clotting Granule packets 2g; Israeli Bandage; Aluminized Rescue/Shock Blanket; Trauma Pad Dressing, 5"x9"; 2 pairs of Protective Nitrile Exam Gloves; pair of Bandage Shears; Marker; Bleeding Control Product Usage Guidelines
Deluxe Pro Bleeding Control Cabinet with four Fabric Zippered Pouches, each con
Deluxe Pro Bleeding Control Cabinet with four Fabric Zippered Pouches, each containing: Windlass Tourniquet; Back-up Elastic Tourniquet; Hemostatic Blood-Clotting Gauze Pad, 4" x4"; Israeli Bandage; Non-Vented Chest Seal; Aluminized Rescue/Shock Blanket; Trauma Pad Dressing 5"x9"; 2 pairs of Protective Nitrile Exam Gloves; pair of Bandage Shears; Marker; Bleeding Control Product Usage Guidelines
Van Pack Cartridge 4/Sleeve Smart Compliance box FAE-6015 - First aid CPR mask
Van Pack Cartridge 4/Sleeve Smart Compliance box FAE-6015 - First aid CPR mask and 1 pair of gloves
Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injur
Custom first aid kit containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries and burns.
Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat mino
Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries.
Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat mino
Custom first aid kit refill containing first aid items needed to help treat minor injuries.