Other products from "MATH RESOLUTIONS, LLC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B229DC051 5 IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Dosimetry Check
2 B229DC041 4 IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 Dosimetry Check
3 B229MC11 1 IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 MillComp
4 B229S210011 1 LLZ System, Image Processing, Radiological 2 System 2100
5 B229MRT21 2 IYE Accelerator, Linear, Medical 2 MarkRT
Other products with the same Product Code "MUJ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00868603000236 version 5.51 The purpose of Prowess Panther TPS is to provide a complete program for radiatio The purpose of Prowess Panther TPS is to provide a complete program for radiation therapy treatment planning. This includes computation, display, evaluation, and output documentation of radiation dose estimations to be submitted for independent clinical review and judgment prior to use. The device provides data in the form of display, hardcopy prints and/or plots to guide a physician in selecting the optimum patient treatment plan. Panther treatment planning system allows radiation physicians, physicists, and dosimetrists to optimize the delivery of radiation in treating cancer and related diseases. Panther TPS PROWESS, INC.
2 00867520000206 RadCalc® RadCalc®#1 Trusted Dosimetric Verification Software.RadCalc Software.LifeLine So RadCalc®#1 Trusted Dosimetric Verification Software.RadCalc Software.LifeLine Software, Inc. RadCalc® LIFELINE SOFTWARE INC
3 00861572000313 Dream Sensor Size 2 DentiMax intraoral digital x-ray system, Size 2 Sensor. DentiMax DENTIMAX LLC
4 00861572000306 Dream Sensor Size 1 DentiMax intraoral digital x-ray system, Size 1 Sensor. DentiMax DENTIMAX LLC
5 00860007402333 N/A ADPT-ONDEM-3DPRT Adaptiiv’s 3D printed patient-matched radiation therapy accessory is a customiza Adaptiiv’s 3D printed patient-matched radiation therapy accessory is a customizable accessory that expands the application of external beam radiation therapy, allowing to overcome the skin-sparing effects inherent to high energy photons and electrons. The desired external beam radiation therapy accessories will be printed using HP Jet Fusion 5200 Series 3D Printing Solution and Ultrasint® Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU01) powder. Patient-Matched 3D Printed radiation Therapy Accessory (Ultrasint TPU) ADAPTIIV MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC
6 00860007402326 v2021.1.0 3D Brachy Software application is indicated for and intended for use as an acces 3D Brachy Software application is indicated for and intended for use as an accessory to a radiation therapy treatment planning system (TPS) to design patient-matched 3D printable accessories intended for use during surface brachytherapy. The use of 3D Brachy application is by prescription only. 3D Brachy Application ADAPTIIV MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC
7 00860007402319 v2021.1.0 3D Bolus Software application is indicated for and intended for use as an access 3D Bolus Software application is indicated for and intended for use as an accessory to a radiation therapy treatment planning system (TPS) to design patient-matched 3D printable accessories intended for use during external beam (photon or electron) radiation therapy. The use of 3D Bolus application is by prescription only. 3D Bolus Application ADAPTIIV MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC
8 00860007402302 v3.0.0 3D Bolus Software is indicated for, and intended for use as an accessory to a ra 3D Bolus Software is indicated for, and intended for use as an accessory to a radiation therapy treatment planning system (TPS) to design patient-specific 3D-printable objects intended for use during external beam photon or electron radiation therapy, or brachytherapy. 3D Bolus Software ADAPTIIV MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC
9 00860004284901 System Oncospace ONCOSPACE, INC.
10 00860003983805 RXM1000 The RefleXion Medical Radiotherapy System (RMRS), a hybrid imaging-therapy syste The RefleXion Medical Radiotherapy System (RMRS), a hybrid imaging-therapy system, is capable ofdelivering intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT),stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) utilizing an on-board kilovoltage CT(kVCT) system for patient localization and field sizes based on jaws which are 40 cm wide, with slice widthchoices of 1.0 cm and 2.0 cm to optimize patient treatment. It is also equipped with a binary multileafcollimator (MLC) used to create intensity modulated radiation fields at a source-axis distance of 85 cm. Itcan achieve a nominal dose rate of 850 cGy/min. Reflexion Medical Radiotherapy System REFLEXION MEDICAL, INC.
11 00860001672725 2.0 ClearCalc is a software intended to assist radiation treatment planners in deter ClearCalc is a software intended to assist radiation treatment planners in determining if their treatment planning calculations are accurate using an independent Monitor Unit (MU) and dose calculation algorithm. ClearCalc RADFORMATION, INC
12 00860001672718 2.3 EZFluence is intended to assist radiation treatment planning professionals in ge EZFluence is intended to assist radiation treatment planning professionals in generating optimal fluences for producing a homogeneous dose distribution in external beam radiation therapy treatment plans consisting of photo treatment fields. EZFluence RADFORMATION, INC
13 00859032007132 5.7 Panther TPS PROWESS, INC.
14 00859032007095 v2.31 Panther OIS R&V PROWESS, INC.
15 00859032007088 v5.61 Panther TPS PROWESS, INC.
16 00859032007064 v5.6 Panther TPS PROWESS, INC.
17 00859032007002 version 5.0 Panther Brachy PROWESS, INC.
18 00858164002275 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA SOLUTIONS AB
19 00858164002268 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
20 00858164002244 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
21 00858164002213 ERGO Localizer ERGO Localizer ELEKTA, INC.
22 00858164002206 ERGO++ ERGO++ ELEKTA, INC.
23 00858164002190 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
24 00858164002183 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
25 00858164002169 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
26 00858164002152 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
27 00858164002114 XiO XiO ELEKTA, INC.
28 00858164002046 Monaco Monaco ELEKTA, INC.
29 00858164002039 Atlas-Based Autosegmentation Atlas-Based Autosegmentation ELEKTA, INC.
30 00856100006264 1.1 Ethos™ Treatment Planning VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
31 00856100006233 1.1 Varian AI Segmentation VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
32 00856100006172 1.0 Varian AI Segmentation VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
33 00856100006141 1.0 Varian Ethos Treatment Planning VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
34 00856100006059 15.1 Smart Segmentation Knowledge Based Contouring VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
35 00856100006011 15.0 Smart Segmentation - Knowledge Based Contouring VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS IMAGING LABORATORY GMBH
36 00855141006080 16.1 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
37 00855141006073 16.0 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
38 00855141006066 15.6 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS FINLAND OY
39 00855141006059 15.5 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS FINLAND OY
40 00855141006042 15.1.1 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
41 00855141006035 13.6 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
42 00855141006028 15.1 Eclipse Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiation Therapy VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.
43 00855141006011 15.0 Eclipse Treatment Planning System VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS FINLAND OY
44 00855141006004 13.7 Eclipse Treatment Planning System VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS FINLAND OY
45 00852656007502 210764 CORVUS 15 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy CORVUS 15 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy. The CORVUS system is intended to be used as an integrated system with a delivery device for planning and delivery of conformal radiation therapy. . For IMRT, using operator-supplied input and patient scans, it creates a plan for treatment delivery systems and generates a set of beam weights that, when applied to a compatible system, facilitates delivery of an intensity-modulated 3D conformal radiation therapy treatment. For Forward Planning, CORVUS helps the user manually create a plan for treatment delivery based on user supplied inputs and patient scans including dose calculation. Forward Planning is supported only for Cobalt-60 based treatment planning. CORVUS 15 BEST NOMOS
46 00852656007496 210735 CORVUS 14 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy CORVUS 14 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy. The CORVUS system is intended to be used as an integrated system with a delivery device for planning and delivery of conformal radiation therapy. . For IMRT, using operator-supplied input and patient scans, it creates a plan for treatment delivery systems and generates a set of beam weights that, when applied to a compatible system, facilitates delivery of an intensity-modulated 3D conformal radiation therapy treatment. For Forward Planning, CORVUS helps the user manually create a plan for treatment delivery based on user supplied inputs and patient scans including dose calculation. Forward Planning is supported only for Cobalt-60 based treatment planning. CORVUS 14 BEST NOMOS
47 00852656007427 210295 CORVUS 09 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy CORVUS 09 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy. CORVUS 09 is designed to generate plans for treatment delivery systems that can create multiple radiation patterns composed of pencil beams on which the intensity can be individually controlled. CORVUS 09 system is intended to be used as an integrated system with a modulating device for planning and delivery of conformal radiation therapy. CORVUS 09 BEST NOMOS
48 00852656007410 210296 CORVUS 09 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy CORVUS 09 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy. CORVUS 09 is designed to generate plans for treatment delivery systems that can create multiple radiation patterns composed of pencil beams on which the intensity can be individually controlled. CORVUS 09 system is intended to be used as an integrated system with a modulating device for planning and delivery of conformal radiation therapy. CORVUS 09 BEST NOMOS
49 00852656007052 209867 The Best TPS system is a computer based software system developed the use of ass The Best TPS system is a computer based software system developed the use of assisting in the placement of anatomical localization and low dose rate isotope implants Best TPS uses multiple two-dimensional images including ultrasound and DICOM images which are outlined by a qualified medical staff member, then reconstructed to create three dimensional structures and matrices. Best TPS BEST NOMOS
50 00852656007045 210293 CORVUS 09 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy CORVUS 09 is intended for use as a planning tool for conformal radiation therapy. CORVUS 09 is designed to generate plans for treatment delivery systems that can create multiple radiation patterns composed of pencil beams on which the intensity can be individually controlled. CORVUS 09 system is intended to be used as an integrated system with a modulating device for planning and delivery of conformal radiation therapy. CORVUS 09 BEST NOMOS