No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B14086201 8620 8620 Leads for connecting electrodes to a MediByte. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder BRAEBON Leadwire Kit for MediByte
2 B140BM5591501 BM5591-50 BM5591-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen OroNasal Cannula + Filter
3 B140BM5590501 BM5590-50 BM5590-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen OroNasal Cannula
4 B14088990 8899 8899 Earlobe clip for measuring blood oxygen saturation. Plugs directly into the MediByte. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder 2 BRAEBON SpO2 Cable for MediByte, Earlobe
5 B1408582501 8582-50 8582-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Nasal Cannula
6 B1408581501 8581-50 8581-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Nasal Cannula
7 B1408572PED0 8572PED 8572PED Belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory Belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory effort for recording with a MediByte. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON RIP Belt for MediByte, Pediatric
8 B14085720 8572 8572 Belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory Belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory effort for recording with a MediByte. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON RIP Belt for MediByte
9 B14005930 0593 0593 Cable for connecting sensors to a device. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Alice Interface Cable for 0580D
10 B1400588501 0588-50 0588-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen PureFlow Duo Cannula
11 B1400580NOX0 0580-NOX 0580-NOX Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measu Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory airflow (hypopneas and apneas) and/ or esophageal pressure for recording onto a data acquisition system. Kit contains Pressure Sensor; Pneumo Flow Sensor; Dual 1 mm Keyhole to Keyhole Cable; Adapter Cable; Dual 1 mm Keyhole male to female cable. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Pressure Sensor-NOX
12 B1400580D0 0580D 0580D Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measu Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory airflow (hypopneas and apneas) and/ or esophageal pressure for recording onto a data acquisition system. Kit contains 1 Ultima Dual Pressure Sensor; 2 Micro Nasal Cannulae; 2 Oral + Nasal Cannulae. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON PT2 Dual Differntial Airflow Pressure Kit
13 B14005440 0544 0544 Q-Snor component for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of snoring f Q-Snor component for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of snoring for recording onto a data acquisition system. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder 2 BRAEBON Q-Snor Interface
14 B14005290 0529 0529 PVDF Respiratory effort sensor is intended for use during sleep disorder studies PVDF Respiratory effort sensor is intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory effort for recording onto a data acquisition system. The sensor uses PVDF (piezo-electric) technology and plugs directly into the electrode headbox. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima High-Output PVDF Respiratory Effort Sensor
15 B14005280 0528 0528 PVDF Respiratory effort sensor is intended for use during sleep disorder studies PVDF Respiratory effort sensor is intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory effort for recording onto a data acquisition system. The sensor uses PVDF (piezo-electric) technology and plugs directly into the electrode headbox. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima High-Output PVDF Respiratory Effort Sensor
16 B140052320 0523-2 0523-2 Belt for use with PVDF Respiratory effort sensor.. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON 2-Foot Double Loop Effort Belt
17 B1400514A60 0514A6 0514A6 Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitat Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON cTherm Cannula Thermistor for Alice 6
18 B1400514A40 0514A4 0514A4 Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitat Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON cTherm Cannula Thermistor for Alice 4
19 B14005140 0514 0514 Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitat Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON cTherm Cannula Thermistor
20 B14003580 0358 0358 Cable for connecting sensors to a device. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON 1 mm Dual Safety Pin to RJ10 Connector Cable
21 B14088960 8896 8896 Finger probe for measuring blood oxygen saturation. Plugs directly into the MediByte. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder 2 BRAEBON SpO2 Cable for MediByte
22 B1408621901 8621-90 8621-90 Leadwires for snap electrodes. IKD Cable, Electrode Snap Electrodes, 90"
23 B1408589501 8589-50 8589-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Oral + Nasal Cannula + Filter
24 B1408510BS0 8510BS 8510BS Cable for attaching the MediByte Disposable Airflow Sensor. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Cable for MediByte Disposable Airflow Sensor
25 B1400582S7501 0582S-7-50 0582S-7-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Micro Nasal Cannula
26 B1405574241 5574-24 5574-24 Disposable belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of Disposable belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory effort for recording with a data acquisition system. The sensor uses respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) technology and plugs directly into an electrode headbox or a DC amplifier. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Disposable RIP Belt, Small
27 B1405571241 5571-24 5571-24 Disposable belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of Disposable belt intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory effort for recording with a data acquisition system. The sensor uses respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) technology and plugs directly into an electrode headbox or a DC amplifier. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency BRAEBON Disposable RIP Belt, Small
28 B1400599251 0589-25 0589-25 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Oral + Nasal Cannula + Filter
29 B1400589501 0589-50 0589-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Oral + Nasal Cannula + Filter
30 B1400587501 0587-50 0587-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Oral + Nasal Cannula + Filter
31 B14005840 0584 0584 Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measu Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory airflow (hypopneas and apneas) and/ or esophageal pressure for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Interface Strap
32 B1400582S501 0582S-50 0582S-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Micro Nasal Cannula
33 B1400582S3501 0582S-3-50 0582S-3-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Micro Nasal Cannula
34 B1400581L0 0581L 0581L Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measu Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory airflow (hypopneas and apneas) and/ or esophageal pressure for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima Pressure Sensor
35 B14005810 0581 0581 Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measu Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory airflow (hypopneas and apneas) and/ or esophageal pressure for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima Pressure Sensor
36 B1400510BS0 0510BS 0510BS Thermistor airflow sensor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a q Thermistor airflow sensor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima Breath Sensor Interface
37 B14003570 0357 0357 Cable for connecting sensors to a device. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON 1 mm Dual Safety Pin to RJ11 Connector Cable
38 B14088980 8898 8898 Silicon finger probe for measuring blood oxygen saturation. Plugs directly into Silicon finger probe for measuring blood oxygen saturation. Plugs directly into the MediByte. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder 2 BRAEBON SpO2 Cable for MediByte, Large Soft Shell
39 B1408889210 8889.21 8889.21 Cable for connecting the MediByte to the computer for configuration and data download. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder 2 BRAEBON Communication Cable for MediByte
40 B1408130201 8130-20 8130-20 Consumables to be used with the MediByte. The single-use kit contains: Nonin Fle Consumables to be used with the MediByte. The single-use kit contains: Nonin Flexiwrap Probe Tape, 3.6 V 1/2 AA Lithium Battery, 8597 Oronasal cannula, Snap Electrodes and Snap Electrode Prep Pads. IKD,CAT Cable, Electrode,Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen MediByte Electrode Prep Kit
41 B1408129201 8129-20 8129-20 Consumables to be used with the MediByte. The single-use kit contains: 3.6 V 1/2 Consumables to be used with the MediByte. The single-use kit contains: 3.6 V 1/2 AA Lithium Battery, 8597 Oronasal cannula, Snap Electrodes and Snap Electrode Prep Pads. CAT,IKD Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen,Cable, Electrode MediByte Electrode Prep Kit
42 B1408128201 8128-20 8128-20 Consumables to be used with the MediByte. The single-use kit contains: 8597 Oron Consumables to be used with the MediByte. The single-use kit contains: 8597 Oronasal cannula, Snap Electrodes and Snap Electrode Prep Pads. IKD,CAT Cable, Electrode,Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen MediByte Electrode Prep Kit
43 B1400582501 0582-50 0582-50 Tubing used to detect airflow in sleep studies. CAT Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen Ultima Nasal Cannula + Filter
44 B1400580L0 0580L 0580L Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measu Ultima Pressure Transducers are for use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of respiratory airflow (hypopneas and apneas) and/ or esophageal pressure for recording onto a data acquisition system. Kit contains Ultima Pressure Sensor; Ultima Pressure Sensor Interface: Pure, Filter, Snoring; Interface Strap; 3 Micro Cannulae; 2 Oral + Nasal Cannulae. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON PT Lite Low Gain Pressure Transducer Kit
45 B14005400 0540 0540 For use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of snoring for recording onto For use during sleep disorder studies as a measure of snoring for recording onto a data acquisition system. MNR Ventilatory Effort Recorder 2 BRAEBON Ultima Snore Microphone
46 B14005330 0533 0533 Five-position sensor to accurately record body position during sleep studies. LEL Device, Sleep Assessment 2 BRAEBON Ultima Body Position Sensor for Alice 5
47 B1400528A0 0528A 0528A PVDF Respiratory effort sensor is intended for use during sleep disorder studies PVDF Respiratory effort sensor is intended for use during sleep disorder studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory effort for recording onto a data acquisition system. The sensor uses PVDF (piezo-electric) technology and plugs directly into the electrode headbox. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima PVDF Respiratory Effort Sensor for Alice 3
48 B14005150 0515 0515 Thermistor airflow sensor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a q Thermistor airflow sensor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON Ultima Airflow Sensor
49 B1400514SE0 0514SE 0514SE Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitat Cannula thermistor intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON cTherm Cannula Thermistor for Sandman
50 B1400514PED0 0514PED 0514PED Cannula thermistor intended intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a Cannula thermistor intended intended for use during sleep disorders studies as a qualitative measure of respiratory airflow for recording onto a data acquisition system. BZQ Monitor, Breathing Frequency 2 BRAEBON cTherm Pediatric Cannula Thermistor, Pediatric
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2 09351356000048 2.0.X Stethee Pro Mobile iOS Application is a component of the Stethee Pro Software Sy Stethee Pro Mobile iOS Application is a component of the Stethee Pro Software System. The Stethee Pro Software System is intended for use with the Stethee Pro Electronic Stethoscope. Stethee Pro Mobile iOS Application M3DICINE PTY LTD
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4 08426638170700 1102 BCI SMITHS MEDICAL MD, INC.
5 07613365000498 3.930535 3.930535 The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 12-lead ECG device that is intended for use in The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 12-lead ECG device that is intended for use in the recording, analysis and evaluation of ECG waveforms. The DS20 is also intended for the collection and recording of basic vital signs on adult and pediatric patients, excluding neonates. Diagnostic Station DS20 SCHILLER AG
6 07613365000481 3.930525 3.930525 The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 3-lead ECG device that is intended for use in t The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 3-lead ECG device that is intended for use in the recording, analysis and evaluation of ECG waveforms. The DS20 is also intended for the collection and recording of basic vital signs on adult and pediatric patients, excluding neonates. Diagnostic Station DS20 SCHILLER AG
7 07613365000474 3.930515 3.930515 The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 12-lead ECG device that is intended for use in The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 12-lead ECG device that is intended for use in the recording, analysis and evaluation of ECG waveforms. The DS20 is also intended for the collection and recording of basic vital signs on adult and pediatric patients, excluding neonates. Diagnostic Station DS20 SCHILLER AG
8 07613365000467 3.930505 3.930505 The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 3-lead ECG device that is intended for use in t The Diagnostic Station DS20 is a 3-lead ECG device that is intended for use in the recording, analysis and evaluation of ECG waveforms. The DS20 is also intended for the collection and recording of basic vital signs on adult and pediatric patients, excluding neonates. Diagnostic Station DS20 SCHILLER AG
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19 06944413806665 PM-2000XL Plus Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
20 06944413806658 PM-2000XL Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
21 06944413806641 PM-2000XL Pro Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
22 06944413802261 iT20 Telemetry Transmitter EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
23 06944413802162 elite V6 Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
24 06944413802155 elite V5 Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
25 06944413801844 iM70 Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
26 06944413801837 iM60 Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
27 06944413801707 elite V8 Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
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31 06944413800816 M80 Patient Monitor EDAN INSTRUMENTS, INC.
32 06936415912604 115-034114-00 RM Module(package/no accessory) SHENZHEN MINDRAY BIO-MEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.
33 05707480134021 819100-108 819100-108 RIPmate Kit - Integrated RIP Keyhole SleepmateRIPmate Kit - Integrated RIP Keyhole AMBU A/S
34 05707480111046 813210-109 813210-109 Resp Effort Peizo - SNAP Labs SleepmateResp Effort Peizo - SNAP Labs AMBU A/S
35 05707480109319 819211-000 819211-000 RIPmate Locks for Disposable Bands SleepmateRIPmate Locks for Disposable Bands AMBU A/S
36 05707480109302 819201-000 819201-000 Disposable RIP Bands SleepmateDisposable RIP Bands AMBU A/S
37 05707480109296 819200-121 819200-121 RIPmate Kit with Disposable Bands - A5 SleepmateRIPmate Kit with Disposable Bands - A5 AMBU A/S
38 05707480109289 819200-108 819200-108 RIPmate Kit with Disposable Bands - Keyhole SleepmateRIPmate Kit with Disposable Bands - Keyhole AMBU A/S
39 05707480108589 814930-108 814930-108 CannuTherm Thermistor Kit - Embla SleepmateCannuTherm Thermistor Kit - Embla AMBU A/S
40 05707480107186 819200-100 819200-100 RIPmate Kit with Disposable Bands - STD SleepmateRIPmate Kit with Disposable Bands - STD AMBU A/S
41 05707480107162 1421048 1421048 RIP Abdomen Processor - Embla RIP Abdomen Processor - EmblaSleepmate AMBU A/S
42 05707480107155 1421047 1421047 RIP Thorax Processor - Embla RIP Thorax Processor - EmblaSleepmate AMBU A/S
43 05707480106561 819151-000 819151-000 RIPmate Cable - 50 CM SleepmateRIPmate Cable - 50 cm AMBU A/S
44 05707480106547 814850-100 814850-100 CannuTherm Thermocouple - 90 cm wire SleepmateCannuTherm Thermocouple - 90 cm AMBU A/S
45 05707480106530 814941-100 814941-100 Thermistor Airflow - 90 cm SleepmateThermistor AirFlow - 90 cm AMBU A/S
46 05707480106523 814860-100 814860-100 Thermocouple Airflow - 90 CM SleepmateThermocouple Airflow - 90 cm AMBU A/S
47 05707480106479 812210-000 812210-000 Snore Sensor - 60 CM wire SleepmateSnore Sensor - 60 cm wire AMBU A/S
48 05707480106462 202790-000-024 202790-000-024 Snore Microphone 60cm-Cadwell Snore Microphone 60cm-CadwellSleepmate AMBU A/S
49 05707480101849 00103750 00103750 Thermocouple, Compumedics, PL SleepmateThermocouple, PL AMBU A/S
50 05707480044467 814320-119 814320-119 Ref. 1463 SleepmateCannuTherm Thermistor - Alice 3 AMBU A/S