Other products from "BION ENTERPRISES, LTD."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 B110MU80120 MU-8012 MU-8012 GRA Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus 1 Mumps Virus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
2 B110MUM80300 MUM-8030 MUM-8030 GRA Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus 1 Mumps IgM Control
3 B110QCM20020 QCM-2002 QCM-2002 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Cytomegalovirus Antigen Control Slide, 2 wells
4 B110QCH41020 QCH-4102 QCH-4102 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Chlamydia Antigen Control Slide, 2 wells
5 B110PG85200 PG-8520 PG-8520 GQQ Antisera, Hai, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 1 Parainfluenza 1, 2, & 3 IgG Control
6 B110P281120 P2-8112 P2-8112 GQQ Antisera, Hai, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 1 Parainfluenza 2 Virus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
7 B110P171120 P1-7112 P1-7112 GQQ Antisera, Hai, Parainfluenza Virus 1-4 1 Parainfluenza 1 Virus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
8 B110IAN11100 IAN-1110 IAN-1110 GNS Antisera, Hai, Influenza Virus A, B, C 1 Influenza A Negative Control
9 B110IAG11200 IAG-1120 IAG-1120 GNS Antisera, Hai, Influenza Virus A, B, C 1 Influenza A IgG Control
10 B110EC44120 EC-4412 EC-4412 GNI Antisera, Neutralization, Echovirus 1-34 1 Echovirus Screen Virus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
11 B110EBM1200 EBM-120 EBM-120 LJN Antibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus 1 EBV-VCA IgM Test System, 120 Tests
12 B110CH41120 CH-4112 CH-4112 LKI Antisera, Fluorescent, Chlamydia Spp. 1 Chlamydia Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
13 B110CB33060 CB-3306 CB-3306 GNN Antisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6 1 Coxsackie B1-6 Screen Virus Antigen Substrate, 6 wells, For IFA Test System
14 B110BBG61200 BBG-6120 BBG-6120 LSR Reagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent 2 Borrelia IgG Control
15 B110SCL10460 SCL-1046 SCL-1046 DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 ANA Scl-70 Control
16 B110QCHE45020 QCHE-4502 QCHE-4502 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Chlamydia Antigen Contol Slide (Elem. Bodies), 2 wells
17 B110ME60060 ME-6006 ME-6006 GRE Antiserum, Fluorescent, Rubeola 1 Measles (Rubeola) Virus Antigen Substrate, 6 wells, For IFA Test System
18 B110HSN35100 HSN-3510 HSN-3510 GQO Antisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2 2 Herpes Simplex Negative Control
19 B110HSM35300 HSM-3530 HSM-3530 GQO Antisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2 2 Herpes Simplex IgM Control
20 B110HS130120 HS1-3012 HS1-3012 GQO Antisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2 2 Herpes Simplex Type 1 Virus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
21 B110ECN44100 ECN-4410 ECN-4410 GNI Antisera, Neutralization, Echovirus 1-34 1 Echovirus Negative Control
22 B110EBN50100 EBN-5010 EBN-5010 LJN Antibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus 1 EBV Negative Control
23 B110EBM50300 EBM-5030 EBM-5030 LJN Antibody Igm, If, Epstein-Barr Virus 1 EBV IgM Control
24 B110CBN33100 CBN-3310 CBN-3310 GNN Antisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6 1 Coxsackie B1-B6 Negative Control
25 B110CBG33200 CBG-3320 CBG-3320 GNN Antisera, Neutralization, Coxsackievirus A 1-24, B 1-6 1 Coxsackie B1-B6 IgG Control
26 B110BBM61300 BBM-6130 BBM-6130 LSR Reagent, Borrelia Serological Reagent 2 Borrelia IgM Control
27 B110QME60020 QME-6002 QME-6002 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Measles (Rubeola) Antigen Control Slide, 2 wells
28 B110ANK600 ANK-60 ANK-60 DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 ANA (HEp-2) Test System, 60 Tests
29 B110ANK1200 ANK-120 ANK-120 DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 ANA (HEp-2) Test System, 120 Tests
30 B110AND300I0 AND-300 I AND-300 I DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 ANA (HEp-2) Test System, 300 Tests
31 B110VZN70100 VZN-7010 VZN-7010 GQW Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Varicella-Zoster 2 Varicella Zoster Negative Control
32 B110SSB10470 SSB-1047 SSB-1047 DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 ANA SSB Control
33 B110QVZ70020 QVZ-7002 QVZ-7002 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Varicella Zoster Virus Antigen Control Slide, 2 wells
34 B110AN10120 AN-1012 AN-1012 DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 Antinuclear Antibody HEp-2 Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
35 B110ACA10430 ACA-1043 ACA-1043 DHN Antinuclear Antibody, Indirect Immunofluorescent, Antigen, Control 2 ANA ACA Control
36 B110MP12060 MP-1206 MP-1206 LQG Dna-Reagents, Mycoplasma Spp. 1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antigen Substrate, 6 wells, For IFA Test System
37 B110MUG1200 MUG-120 MUG-120 GRA Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus 1 Mumps IgG Test System, 120 Tests
38 B110MUG80200 MUG-8020 MUG-8020 GRA Antiserum, Fluorescent, Mumps Virus 1 Mumps IgG Control
39 B110HS1G1200 HS1G-120 HS1G-120 GQO Antisera, Cf, Herpesvirus Hominis 1,2 2 HSV-1 IgG Test System, 120 Tests
40 B110VZ70120 VZ-7012 VZ-7012 GQW Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Varicella-Zoster 2 Varicella Zoster Virus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
41 B110QRS90020 QRS-9002 QRS-9002 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antigen Control Slide, 2 wells
42 B110QP85060 QP-8506 QP-8506 LJG Quality Control Slides 1 Parainfluenza Virus Antigen Control Slide, 6 wells
43 B110AD31120 AD-3112 AD-3112 GNY Antisera, Fluorescent, Adenovirus 1-33 1 Adenovirus Antigen Substrate, 12 wells, For IFA Test System
44 B110VZG70200 VZG-7020 VZG-7020 GQW Antigen, Cf, (Including Cf Control), Varicella-Zoster 2 Varicella Zoster IgG Control
45 B110MPM12300 MPM-1230 MPM-1230 LQG Dna-Reagents, Mycoplasma Spp. 1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Control
46 B110MPG12200 MPG-1220 MPG-1220 LQG Dna-Reagents, Mycoplasma Spp. 1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Control
47 B110CMN20100 CMN-2010 CMN-2010 GQH Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Cytomegalovirus 2 CMV Negative Control
48 B110CMM20300 CMM-2030 CMM-2030 GQH Antigen, Cf (Including Cf Control), Cytomegalovirus 2 CMV IgM Control
49 B110MEM60300 MEM-6030 MEM-6030 GRE Antiserum, Fluorescent, Rubeola 1 Measles IgM Control
50 B110NA51400 NA-5140 NA-5140 LLM Test, Antigen, Nuclear, Epstein-Barr Virus 1 EBNA Positive Control
Other products with the same Product Code "DHN"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08426950631019 708210 1. 20x 12-well bar-coded dsDNA Crithidia luciliae Substrate Slides2. 1x 15mL FIT 1. 20x 12-well bar-coded dsDNA Crithidia luciliae Substrate Slides2. 1x 15mL FITC Anti Human IgG Conjugate with DAPI3. 1x 0.5 mL dsDNA Positive Control4. 1x 0.5mL IFA System Negative Control5. 2x 25mL PBS II Concentrate (40x)6. 1x 7mL Mounting Medium7. 1x 20 Coverslips NOVA Lite® dsDNA Crithidia Luciliae Kit with DAPI INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
2 08426950621843 704320 1. 20x ANA Hep- 2 -QR Slide (12 well)2. 1x 0.5mL IFA System Negative Control3. 1 1. 20x ANA Hep- 2 -QR Slide (12 well)2. 1x 0.5mL IFA System Negative Control3. 1x 15mL FITC IgG Conjugate with DAPI 4. 1x 7mL Mounting Medium5. 2x 25mL PBS II Concentrate (40x)6 .1x Coverlips, 20 each7. 1x 0.5mL ANA Titratable Pattern NOVA Lite® DAPI ANA Kit INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
3 08426950595267 704230 1. 10x 6-well HEp 2 ANA Substrate Slides2. 1x 1mL Homo. Ptn. (use w/Conj. 50407 1. 10x 6-well HEp 2 ANA Substrate Slides2. 1x 1mL Homo. Ptn. (use w/Conj. 504070 or 504088)3. 1x mL Centromere Positive Control4. 1x 1mL IFA System Negative Control5. 1x 7mL FITC IgG (H&L) HEp Conjugate6. 1x 3mL PVA Mounting Medium7. 2x 25mL PBS II Concentrate (40x)8. 1x 3mL 1% Evans Blue9. 1x 10 Coverslips NOVA Lite® HEp-2 External EB Kits INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
4 08426950594208 704235 1. 20x 12-well HEp 2 ANA Substrate Slides2. 1x 1mL Homo. Ptn. (use w/Conj. 50407 1. 20x 12-well HEp 2 ANA Substrate Slides2. 1x 1mL Homo. Ptn. (use w/Conj. 504070 or 504088)3. 1x 1 mL Centromere Positive Control4. 1x 1mL IFA System Negative Control5. 1x 15mL FITC IgG (H&L) HEp Conjugate7. 1x 10mL PVA Mounting Medium8. 2x 25mL PBS II Concentrate (40x)9. 1x 3mL 1% Evans Blue10.1x 20 Coverslips NOVA Lite® HEp-2 External EB Kits INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
5 08426950593904 708205 1. 20x 12-well dsDNA Crithidia luciliae Substrate Slides2. 1x 15mL FITC Anti Hum 1. 20x 12-well dsDNA Crithidia luciliae Substrate Slides2. 1x 15mL FITC Anti Human IgG Conjugate 3. 1x 0.5 mL dsDNA Positive4. 1x 0.5mL IFA System Negative Control5. 2x 25mL PBS II Concentrate (40x)6. 1x 7mL Mounting Medium7. 1x 20 Coverslips NOVA Lite® dsDNA Crithidia Luciliae INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
6 08426950514008 708380 1. 25x 8-well ANA KSL Substrate Slides2. 1x 15mL FITC Anti-Human IgG Conjugate3. 1. 25x 8-well ANA KSL Substrate Slides2. 1x 15mL FITC Anti-Human IgG Conjugate3. 1x 1.0mL ANA Homogeneous Pattern4. 1x 1.0mL IFA System Negative Control5. 2x 25mL PBS Concentrate (40x)6. 1x 10mL Mounting Medium7. 1x 25 Coverslips NOVA Lite® ANA KSL Kit INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
7 08426950506324 708390 1. 10x 4-well ANA KSL Substrate Slides2. 1x 7mL FITC Anti Human IgG Conjugate 3. 1. 10x 4-well ANA KSL Substrate Slides2. 1x 7mL FITC Anti Human IgG Conjugate 3. 1x 0.5 mL ANA Homogeneous Pattern4. 1x 0.5mL IFA System Negative Control5. 1x 25mL PBS Concentrate (40x)6. 1x 7mL Mounting Medium7. 1x 10 Coverslips NOVA Lite® ANA KSL Kit INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
8 08426950455882 708200 1. 10x 6-well dsDNA Crithidia luciliae Substrate Slides2. 1x 4mL FITC Anti Human 1. 10x 6-well dsDNA Crithidia luciliae Substrate Slides2. 1x 4mL FITC Anti Human IgG Conjugate 3. 1x 0.5 mL dsDNA Positive4. 1x 0.5mL IFA System Negative Control5. 1x 25mL PBS II Concentrate (40x)6. 1x 7mL Mounting Medium7. 1x 10 Coverslips NOVA Lite® dsDNA Crithidia Luciliae INOVA DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
9 08059304340109 Zeus dIFine Zeus dIFine VISIA LAB SRL
10 07340058410479 FAJO200 FAJO200 DIASTAT anti-Jo-1 EURO-DIAGNOSTICA AB
11 04260186125096 AUTOMATED IFA SYSTEM IOS-1000 Automated system for immunofluorescence processing with an integral fluorescence Automated system for immunofluorescence processing with an integral fluorescence microscope and software for routine laboratory use by professional users under controlled environmental conditions. HELIOS AESKU.SYSTEMS GMBH & CO. KG
12 04250289504935 51.101.US 51.101.US AESKUSLIDES® ANA HEp-2-Gamma is an indirect fluorescent antibody assay utilizing AESKUSLIDES® ANA HEp-2-Gamma is an indirect fluorescent antibody assay utilizing HEp-2 cell coated slides as a substrate for the qualitative and/or semi-quantitative determination of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in human serum. AESKUSLIDES® ANA-HEp-2 gamma AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG
13 04250289504461 51.100.US 51.100.US AESKUSLIDES ANA-HEp-2 is an indirect immunofluorescence assay to detect nuclear AESKUSLIDES ANA-HEp-2 is an indirect immunofluorescence assay to detect nuclear and / or cytoplasmic autoantibodies in human serum. The assay is a tool in the differential diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), mixed connective tissue diseases (MCTD), scleroderma, Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), polymyositis and dermatomyositis. AESKUSLIDES® ANA-HEp-2 AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG
14 04250289503501 30-7115US 30-7115US AESKULISA ANA-HEp-2 is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the combined qualita AESKULISA ANA-HEp-2 is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the combined qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against HEp2 cells in human serum. Each well is coated with lysed HEp2 cells. The test collectively detects, in one well, total ANAs against double stranded DNA (dsDNA), histones, SS-A (Ro), SS-B (La), Sm, snRNP/Sm, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1 and centromeric antigens along with sera positive for HEp2 immunofluorescence test (IFT). The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), mixed connective tissue diseases (MCTD), scleroderma, Sjögren`s syndrome, polymyositis and dermatomyositis. 30'+30'+30' automation incubation. AESKULISA® ANA-HEp-2 AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG
15 04250289503020 7115US 7115US AESKULISA ANA-HEp-2 is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the combined qualita AESKULISA ANA-HEp-2 is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the combined qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against HEp2 cells in human serum. Each well is coated with lysed HEp2 cells. The test collectively detects, in one well, total ANAs against double stranded DNA (dsDNA), histones, SS-A (Ro), SS-B (La), Sm, snRNP/Sm, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1 and centromeric antigens along with sera positive for HEp2 immunofluorescence test (IFT). The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), mixed connective tissue diseases (MCTD), scleroderma, Sjögren`s syndrome, polymyositis and dermatomyositis. AESKULISA® ANA-HEp-2 AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG
16 04250289500579 3115 AESKULISA ANA-HEp-2 is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the combined qualita AESKULISA ANA-HEp-2 is a solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the combined qualitative detection of IgG antibodies against HEp2 cells in human serum. Each well is coated with lysed HEp2 cells. The test collectively detects, in one well, total ANAs against double stranded DNA (dsDNA), histones, SS-A (Ro), SS-B (La), Sm, snRNP/Sm, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1 and centromeric antigens along with sera positive for HEp2 immunofluorescence test (IFT). The assay is a tool in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), mixed connective tissue diseases (MCTD), scleroderma, Sjögren`s syndrome, polymyositis and dermatomyositis. AESKULISA® ANA-HEp-2 AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG
17 04250289500005 51.100 AESKUSLIDES ANA-HEp-2 is an indirect immunofluorescence assay to detect nuclear AESKUSLIDES ANA-HEp-2 is an indirect immunofluorescence assay to detect nuclear and / or cytoplasmic autoantibodies in human serum. The assay is a tool in the differential diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), mixed connective tissue diseases (MCTD), scleroderma, Sjögren’s syndrome (SS), polymyositis and dermatomyositis. AESKUSLIDES® ANA-HEp-2 AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS GMBH & CO. KG
18 04049016135739 FC 1522-2450-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
19 04049016135722 FC 1522-12010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
20 04049016099451 FC 1522-18010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
21 04049016099444 FC 1522-1050-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
22 04049016099437 FC 1522-2010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
23 04049016099420 FC 1522-2005-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
24 04049016099413 FC 1522-1010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROPattern EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
25 04049016099055 FA 1522-1050-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
26 04049016099048 FA 1522-18010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
27 04049016099031 FA 1522-2010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
28 04049016099017 FA 1522-1010-1 IFA 40: HEp-20-10 EUROIMMUN MEDIZINISCHE LABORDIAGNOSTIKA AG
35 00855574005360 ANA-CAL Anti Nuclear Antibody, Calibrator, PolyTiter PolyTiter POLYMEDCO, INC.
36 00847865019347 12000667 12000667 Slide Blotters, 8-well Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
37 00847865019330 12000666 12000666 Slide Blotters, 4-well Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
38 00847865001724 26115 26115 Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
39 00847865001717 26112 26112 Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
40 00847865001700 26111 26111 Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
41 00847865001694 30443 30443 Kallestad Mouse Stomach Kidney Substrate Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
42 00847865001571 26110 26110 Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 8 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
43 00847865001564 26109 26109 Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 8 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
44 00847865001557 26108 26108 Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 4 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
45 00847865001540 26107 26107 Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 4 Well Slides Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
46 00847865001533 31069 31069 Kallestad Crithidia luciliae Substrate Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
47 00847865001526 30404 30404 Kallestad Crithidia luciliae Substrate Kallestad BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
48 00847661000228 130 130 Liquichek Autoimmune Negative Control (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
49 00847661000211 131 131 Liquichek ANA Controls Set, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
50 00847661000204 129 129 Liquichek Anti-Smooth Muscle Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoim Liquichek Anti-Smooth Muscle Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.