Software-as-a-Service Diabetes Data Management Service. System extracts informa
Software-as-a-Service Diabetes Data Management Service. System extracts information from BGMs and formats reports of the blood glucose data.
The Eversense DMS Pro is a software intended for clinic use. Eversense DMS Pro c
The Eversense DMS Pro is a software intended for clinic use. Eversense DMS Pro can be used to review and evaluate historical glucose data from compatible devices and systems.
Eversense DMS is a software intended for home use. Eversense DMS can be used to
Eversense DMS is a software intended for home use. Eversense DMS can be used to review and evaluate historical glucose data from compatible devices and systems.
The Eversense DMS Pro is a software intended for clinic use. Eversense DMS Pro c
The Eversense DMS Pro is a software intended for clinic use. Eversense DMS Pro can be used to review and evaluate historical glucose data from compatible devices and systems.
Eversense DMS is a software intended for home use. Eversense DMS can be used to
Eversense DMS is a software intended for home use. Eversense DMS can be used to review and evaluate historical glucose data from compatible devices and systems.
Dexcom CLARITY software, web-based data management product is intendedfor use by
Dexcom CLARITY software, web-based data management product is intendedfor use by both patients and healthcare professionals to assist people with diabetes in thereview, analysis and evaluation of historical CGM data to support effective diabetesmanagement. It is intended for use as an accessory to CGM devices with data interfacecapabilities.With RCP, it provides additional administrative features for use by Clinicians toaccess Dexcom CLARITY reports (digital or print) for their patients with diabetes. Thesefeatures do not change the intended use of CLARITY. They improve the usefulness of it fromthe clinician perspective. platform is a software device that is designed to provide insulin t platform is a software device that is designed to provide insulin therapy adjustment recommendations to physicians to assist in the management of diabetes for patients with Type 1 diabetes using an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system and self-management blood glucose meter (SMBG) and to patients with Type 2 diabetes on basal-bolus therapy via multiple daily injections (MDI), a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system and/or self-management blood glucose meter (SMBG). gathers and analyses information inputted through the Uploader or qualified Diabetes Management Systems (DMS), which collects biological input information from various diabetes devices. Diabetes device information required and used by includes glucose readings (either CGM sensor readings and/or capillary blood glucose measurements), insulin dosing logs, and meal data during daily routine care. Following data collection and analysis, the platform generates results containing summary data and recommendations for adjustments to the patient’s insulin therapy parameters, including a basal and bolus plan. may also advise behavioral changes. The physician can approve, reject or change the recommendations and issue the updated treatment plan to the patients.
Cornerstones4Care® Powered by Glooko Mobile Application displays and analyzes re
Cornerstones4Care® Powered by Glooko Mobile Application displays and analyzes retrospective data from blood glucose meters, insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors
Cornerstones4Care® Powered by Glooko Mobile Application
The Glooko Mobile application for iOS and Android displays retrospective data th
The Glooko Mobile application for iOS and Android displays retrospective data that is captured from BG meters, insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGM)
xx.yy (xx is model year and yy is a serial number)
Glooko Web Application is a web based application that displays and analyzes ret
Glooko Web Application is a web based application that displays and analyzes retrospective data that is captured from BG meters, insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGM)