Other products from "BRACCO INJENEERING SA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 37630039300532 017613 017613 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Philips Scanner Cable
2 47630039300812 017383 017383 Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EDA Module Kit GTIN : 376300393004261 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393008391 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300822 IZQ,DSB,JAK Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic,Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, To Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic,Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System with EDA
3 47630039300447 017383 017383 Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EDA Module Kit GTIN : 376300393004261 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393004881 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300747 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System with EDA
4 37630039301737 015781 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EDA Clip
5 37630039300686 015781 015781 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EDA Clip
6 37630039300648 017419 017419 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Ceiling Mount Adapter Plate
7 37630039300587 017526 017526 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerSync® Remote Control Pendant Switch
8 37630039300518 017421 017421 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Interconnect Power/Comm Cable (20')
9 37630039300419 017382 017382 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Penetration Panel
10 17630039301498 640458 Bottle Spike Type A IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Bottle Spike Type A
11 17630039300354 017349 017349 FPK Tubing, Fluid Delivery 2 Transfer Set
12 17630039300149 640076 640076 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Floor Stand
13 17630039300958 017353 JAK,IZQ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerSync® Power Supply
14 37630039300617 017416 017416 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Articulating arm
15 17630039301726 017354 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EDA Module Kit
16 17630039301474 017353 017353 JAK,IZQ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerSync® Power Supply
17 17630039300873 017355 017355 DXT Injector And Syringe, Angiographic FastLoad™ CTA Dual Syringe Pack with Spikes
18 17630039300842 017353 017353 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerSync® Power Supply
19 17630039300484 017353 017353 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerSync® Power Supply
20 17630039300422 017354 017354 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EDA Module Kit
21 17630039300392 017377 017377 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Injector head
22 47630039300751 017377 017377 Composed of : 1 x Electro-Hydraulic Interconnect GTIN : 376300393003651 x Hydrau Composed of : 1 x Electro-Hydraulic Interconnect GTIN : 376300393003651 x Hydraulic Controller GTIN : 376300393003891 x Injector Head GTIN : 37630039300396 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerMR® Injector System without Remote Control
23 37630039301805 017417 017417 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Injector Mounting Arm, Left
24 37630039300662 017414 017414 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Ceiling Column Medium
25 37630039300624 017417 017417 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Injector Mounting Arm, Left
26 37630039300501 017412 017412 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Power/Comm Cable (75')
27 17630039301719 640457 Patient Set DEHT to be used with CT Exprès injectors IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Patient Set
28 17630039301313 640457 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Patient Set
29 17630039300767 102409 102409 EmpowerCTA+ 17" Remote 1721 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Remote Control (Onyx)
30 17630039300347 017352 017352 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic Extravasation Detection Patch with Access Slot
31 17630039300330 017347 017347 DXT Injector And Syringe, Angiographic 2 FastLoad™ CTA Dual Syringe Pack with spikes
32 17630039300101 651195 651195 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 CT Exprès™ - Injector Unit
33 47630039301444 017285 Composed of : 1 x Remote Control 1 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply 1 x Injector IZQ,JAK Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed 2 EmpowerCTA®+ Injector System 1731 ed03
34 37630039300631 017418 017418 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Injector Mounting Arm, Right
35 37630039300556 017422 017422 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Power/Comm Cable (60’)
36 37630039301812 017418 017418 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Injector Mounting Arm, Right
37 37630039300679 017415 017415 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Ceiling Column Short
38 17630039301047 102410 JAK,IZQ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Injector head
39 17630039300996 017378 017378 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Hydraulic Controller
40 17630039300385 017378 017378 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Hydraulic Controller
41 17630039300316 017345 017345 DXT Injector And Syringe, Angiographic 2 FastLoad™ CT Syringe Pack with spike
42 17630039300309 017344 017344 DXT Injector And Syringe, Angiographic 2 FastLoad™ CT Syringe Pack
43 17630039300200 640080 640080 1 x CT Exprès™ - Hand Switch in packaging GTIN : 37630039300105 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 CT Exprès™ - Hand Switch
44 17630039300118 650197 650197 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 CT Exprès™ - Control Panel
45 17630039300002 640458 640458 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 CT Exprès™ - Bottle Spike Type A (30 mm)
46 37630039300563 017983 017983 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Power/Comm Cable (60’ Plenum)
47 47630039300973 017377 017377 Composed of:1 x Hydraulic Controller1 x Injector Head1 x Electro-Hydraulic Interconnect IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 EmpowerMR® Injector System without Remote Control
48 37630039300709 017411 017411 DSB,JAK,IZQ Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Plethysmograph, Impedance,System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 Floor Stand Shroud
49 17630039301740 102409 EmpowerCTA+ 17" Remote 1731 ed 03 JAK,IZQ System, X-Ray, Tomography, Computed,Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 remote control 1731 ed 03
50 17630039300866 017356 017356 IZQ Injector, Contrast Medium, Automatic 2 FastLoad™ MR Syringe Pack
Other products with the same Product Codes "DSB, JAK, IZQ"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 08033837932994 NewTom 7G 70V10000 The device NewTom 7G is a cone beam computed tomography X-ray system. It is inte The device NewTom 7G is a cone beam computed tomography X-ray system. It is intended for diagnostic use obtaining geometric information and radiologic density from two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of anatomic particulars and objects in the examined area. NewTom CEFLA SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA
2 08033837931379 NewTom 5G XL P70720008 X-ray imaging device comprising an X-ray acquisition system, for producing two a X-ray imaging device comprising an X-ray acquisition system, for producing two and three dimensional views for computation and display. NewTom CEFLA SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA
3 08033837931362 NewTom 5G P70720000 X-ray imaging device comprising an X-ray acquisition system, for producing two a X-ray imaging device comprising an X-ray acquisition system, for producing two and three dimensional views for computation and display. NewTom CEFLA SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA
4 07640167222131 2.0 CAS-One IR CASCINATION AG
5 07290110070540 V2.7 GAS0047-R Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home setting ReDS Pro System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
6 07290110070328 V2.76 GAS0056-R Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home setting ReDS Pro System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
7 07290110070281 V2.6 GAS0035-R Fluid Status Monitor ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
8 07290110070267 V2.7 GAS0046-R Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home setting ReDS Pro System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
9 07290110070243 V2.7 GAS0047 Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home setting ReDS Pro System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
10 07290110070212 V2.6 GAS0056 Fluid status monitorThis catalog item is used by a health care provider in the h Fluid status monitorThis catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home to obtain spot readings of multiple patients ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
11 07290110070205 V2.6 GAS0055 Fluid status monitorThis catalog item is used by a health care provider in the h Fluid status monitorThis catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home to obtain spot readings of multiple patients ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
12 07290110070151 V2.7 PAK0012 Empty package, to enable a replacement of damaged package or a return shipment t Empty package, to enable a replacement of damaged package or a return shipment to the manufacturer (Related to ReDS Pro System) ReDS Pro System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
13 07290110070144 V2.7 GAS0046 Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the Fluid status monitor This catalog item is used by a health care provider in the hospital, hospital like facilities and home setting ReDS Pro System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
14 07290110070120 V2.6 GAS0045 Fluid status monitorThis catalog item may also be used by a health care provider Fluid status monitorThis catalog item may also be used by a health care provider, in the hospital or hospital like facilities, to obtain spot readings of multiple patients. ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
15 07290110070113 V2.6 SAS0120 Clinicl Kit including magnet, pins and caps for vest adjustment locking, to ena Clinicl Kit including magnet, pins and caps for vest adjustment locking, to enable shipment of extra parts to the clinic (Related to ReDS Wearable System). ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
16 07290110070106 V2.6 PAK0009 Empty package, to enable a replacement of damaged package or a return shipment Empty package, to enable a replacement of damaged package or a return shipment to the manufacturer (Related to ReDS Wearable System) ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
17 07290110070090 V2.6 GAS0035 Fluid Status Monitor ReDS System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
18 07290110070045 V2.6 GAS0045 Fluid status monitorThis catalog item may also be used by a health care provider Fluid status monitorThis catalog item may also be used by a health care provider, in the hospital or hospital like facilities, to obtain spot readings of multiple patients. ReDS Wearabel System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
19 07290110070038 V2.6 SAS0120 Clinicl Kit including magnet, pins and caps for vest adjustment locking, to ena Clinicl Kit including magnet, pins and caps for vest adjustment locking, to enable shipment of extra parts to the clinic (Related to ReDS Wearable System). ReDS Wearable System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
20 07290110070021 V2.6 PAK0009 Empty package, to enable a replacement of damaged package or a return shipment Empty package, to enable a replacement of damaged package or a return shipment to the manufacturer (Related to ReDS Wearable System) ReDS Wearable System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
21 07290110070014 V2.6 GAS0035 Fluid Status Monitor ReDS Wearable System SENSIBLE MEDICAL INNOVATIONS LTD
22 07290108670127 VERITON CT 16 8010172-01 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography System combined with a Computed Tomog Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography System combined with a Computed Tomography (CT) system for x-ray imaging. VERITON CT SPECTRUM DYNAMICS MEDICAL, INC
23 07290108670110 VERITON CT 64 8010142-01 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography System combined with a Computed Tomog Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography System combined with a Computed Tomography (CT) system for x-ray imaging, VERITON CT SPECTRUM DYNAMICS MEDICAL, INC
24 07290018016114 1.1 HealthOST NANO-X AI LTD
25 07290018016091 1.0 HealthCCSng NANO-X AI LTD
26 07290018016008 3.0.0 HealthCCS NANO-X AI LTD
27 07290017702254 D XR-ACE-SYS XACT ACE Robotic System ACE XACT ROBOTICS LTD
28 07290016836202 1.0 Medic Vision’s SafeCT-29 provides a vendor-neutral Radiation Dose Check function Medic Vision’s SafeCT-29 provides a vendor-neutral Radiation Dose Check functionality, inaccordance with the Dose Check feature that is specified by the NEMA XR-25 Standard. Thedevice is a software and hardware system which includes Computer, dedicated display andcontrols. The SafeCT-29 is interfaced to CT scanners that are not equipped with the DoseCheck function. The device is connected to the CT Console video output via a standard videoconnector. The SafeCT-29 Computer’s internal video splitter captures the CT Console displayvideo, in real time, without affecting neither the CT console itself nor its display. This analogvideo signal is digitized by a video grabber. The SafeCT-29 software analyzes the digital inputvideo using OCR software continuously. The radiation dose information as calculated by thescanner and displayed to the CT operator is extracted and analyzed in real time. The SafeCT-29 captures the video of the CT Console display in real time, without affecting neither the CTconsole itself nor its display and workflow. As specified by NEMA XR-25 Standard, thesafeCT-29 notifies and alerts the CT operators, prior to a scan, if the estimated dose index isabove the predefined values set by the operating group, practice, or organization. SafeCT-29prevents continuing an over-the-limit scan unless dose levels are reconfirmed by the operator,in accordance with NEMA XR-29*.The device records the details of such events, includingthe operator details and decisions. This record is available to the user. SafeCT-29 MEDIC VISION - IMAGING SOLUTIONS LTD
29 07290016484007 Spotlight The CardioGraphe is a CT Scanner designed to provide images of scanned organs es The CardioGraphe is a CT Scanner designed to provide images of scanned organs especially of the heart and cardiovascular system. CardioGraphe ARINETA LTD
30 07290013030290 CMMST5S CMMST5S A portable, non-invasive cardiac output (CO) monitoring device with SpO2 module. Starling CHEETAH MEDICAL (ISRAEL) LTD
31 07290013030269 CMMST5 CMMST5 A portable, non-invasive cardiac output (CO) monitoring device. Starling CHEETAH MEDICAL (ISRAEL) LTD
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34 06971576832040 uEXPLORER Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography System uEXPLORER SHANGHAI UNITED IMAGING HEALTHCARE CO., LTD.
35 06971576832026 uMI 550 Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography System uMI SHANGHAI UNITED IMAGING HEALTHCARE CO., LTD.
37 06971576831043 uCT 760 Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT SHANGHAI UNITED IMAGING HEALTHCARE CO., LTD.
38 06971576831036 uCT 550 Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT SHANGHAI UNITED IMAGING HEALTHCARE CO., LTD.
39 06971576831012 uCT 530 Computed Tomography X-ray System uCT SHANGHAI UNITED IMAGING HEALTHCARE CO., LTD.
40 06970167440084 NeuViz 16 Essence NeuViz 16 Essence Multi-Slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
41 06970167440077 NeuViz Prime NeuViz Prime Multi-Slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
42 06970167440060 NeuSight PET/CT 16 NeuSight PET/CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
43 06970167440053 NeuSight PET/CT 64 NeuSight PET/CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
44 06970167440046 NeuViz 128 NeuViz 128 Multi-slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
45 06970167440039 NeuViz 64 En NeuViz 64 Multi-slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
46 06970167440022 NeuViz 64 In NeuViz 64 Multi-slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
47 06970167440015 NeuViz 64e NeuViz 64 Multi-slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.
48 06970167440008 NeuViz 64i NeuViz 64 Multi-slice CT Scanner System NEUSOFT MEDICAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD.