Other products from "ALPHA OMEGA ENGINEERING CO. LTD."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 07290016450453 Non-shielded 366-000425-00 GZL Electrode, Depth NeuroProbe
2 27290114061111 2 700-020832-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Leksell Non-XY frame Mechanical Set KIT
3 07290114061353 1 370-000090-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Pelican Case
4 27290114061159 2 700-021507-03 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NexFrame Mechanical Set Kit
5 27290114060770 Neuro Omega with Neuro Omega drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot NOW-DF0000-00 Neuro Omega with Neuro Omega drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot
6 27290114060756 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot NOW-NF0000-00 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot
7 27290114060596 NeuroSmart Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT 700-026008-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT
8 27290016450815 NexFrame Mechanical Set KIT 700-021507-03 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NexFrame Mechanical Set Kit
9 27290016450198 NeuroOmega Drive Headstage Kit 750-020021-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega Drive Headstage Kit
10 07290114063937 Neuro Omega LeadConfirm P Cable STR-000056-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega LeadConfirm P Cable
11 07290114061469 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Adaptor STR-000077-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Adaptor
12 07290114061216 Headstage Sterilization Tray 366-000122-22 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Headstage Sterilization Tray
13 07290114060899 Rev. 4 750-000027-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Autoclavable Drive
14 07290016450316 Shielded 366-000080-00 GZL Electrode, Depth NeuroProbe
15 27290114060817 Neuro Omega EMG HeadBox Kit 750-020013-00 GWF,IKN Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Electromyograph, Diagnostic 2 Neuro Omega EMG HeadBox Kit
16 27290016450211 Neuro Omega Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT 750-020025-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT
17 27290016450174 NeuroNav Drive Headstage Kit 700-026000-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Drive Headstage Kit
18 27290016450051 NeuroNav with NeuroNav Drive NNW-026000-55 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav with NeuroNav Drive
19 27290014954094 Libenger RM frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-020874-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Libenger RM frame Mechanical Set KIT
20 07290114063951 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm P Adaptor STR-000084-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm P Adaptor
21 07290114061483 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Cable STR-000082-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Cable
22 07290114061223 Mechanical Accessories Sterilization Tray 366-000022-22 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Mechanical Accessories Sterilization Tray
23 07290014954878 Shielded STR-050925-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroProbe
24 07290014954861 Non-Shielded STR-000136-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroProbe
25 07290014954779 Lead Insertion STR-66IT19-00 GZL Electrode, Depth Tube
26 07290014954366 Non-Shielded 366-000136-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroProbe
27 07290014954311 Shielded STR-000080-00 GZL Electrode, Depth NeuroProbe
28 07290114060882 Rev. 6.0 750-000025-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega Autoclavable Drive Headstage
29 27290114060589 NeuroSmart MER HeadStage KIT 700-026009-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart MER HeadStage KIT
30 27290114060763 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 2 basic stimulation Slots NOW-NFF000-00 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 2 basic stimulation Slots
31 27290016450990 Libenger ZD frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-020847-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Libenger ZD frame Mechanical Set Kit
32 27290016450136 NeuroFortis Neuro Omega Drive HeadStage KIT 750-020070-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroFortis Neuro Omega Drive HeadStage KIT
33 07290114060417 Sterile Neuro Omega LeadConfirm M Cable STR-000041-00 GZL Electrode, Depth LeadConfirm
34 07290014954939 NeuroNav Drive 700-006010-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Drive
35 07290014954069 NeuroNav Drive 700-006000-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Drive
36 07290014954052 NeuroNav 700-006002-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav
37 07290014954021 Drive-Head Stage 750-000025-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega Autoclavable
38 07290014954014 Drive 750-000027-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega Autoclavable
39 07290014954007 Neuro Omega System NOM-000000-00 IKN,GWQ,GWF,GZL Electromyograph, Diagnostic,Full-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph,Stimulat Electromyograph, Diagnostic,Full-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega System
40 27290114061166 NexDrive Electrode Holder - Pack of 2 700-000316-02 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NexDrive Electrode Holder - Pack of 2
41 27290114061142 2 700-021508-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Starfix frame Mechanical Set Kit
42 27290114061128 4 700-020847-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Leibinger ZD frame Mechanical Set Kit
43 27290114060909 Rev. 5 NNW-006008-55 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav with Autoclavable Drive Headstage
44 27290114060572 NeuroFortis NeuroSmart Drive HeadStage KIT 700-026010-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroFortis NeuroSmart Drive HeadStage KIT
45 27290016450938 Neuro Omega EMG- recording with Full Stimulation Source 750-02J013-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega
46 27290016450891 Neuro Omega ECoG- Recording with Full Stimulation Source 750-02J016-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega
47 27290016450877 Neuro Omega ECoG Recording Kit 750-02A016-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega
48 27290016450068 NeuroNav with Autoclavable Drive Headstage NNW-006008-55 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav with Autoclavable Drive Headstage
49 27290014954100 Starfix frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-021508-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Starfix frame Mechanical Set Kit
50 07290014954786 Set 40mm above STR-66IT01-00 GZL Electrode, Depth Insertion Tube
Other products with the same Product Code "GZL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 10873263008635 MTDWZN(AR)(AR7)-00863 MTDWZN(AR)(AR7) microTargeting™ Electrode, non sterile, 6x, Array, D.ZAP(Z), T=30 for use with f microTargeting™ Electrode, non sterile, 6x, Array, D.ZAP(Z), T=30 for use with frame, STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
2 10873263007997 45335Z-00799 45335Z microTargeting™ Platform Platinum 6X Non Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
3 10873263007973 44335Z-00797 44335Z microTargeting™ Platform 6X Non Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
4 10873263007959 35325Z-00795 35325Z microTargeting™ Single Frame Platinum 6x Non Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
5 10873263007935 34325Z-00793 34325Z microTargeting™ Frame Single Tungsten 6X Non Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
6 10873263007911 25335Z-00791 25335Z microTargeting™ Array Frame Platinum 6X Non Sterile microTargeting™ Array Electrode FHC, INC.
7 10873263007898 22335Z-00789 22335Z microTargeting™ Array Electrodes 6x Non Sterile microTargeting™ Array Electrode FHC, INC.
8 10873263007584 KTF1002-00758 KTF1002 microTargeting STar Array Electrode and Insertion Tube Kit, 5x, for use with Ste microTargeting STar Array Electrode and Insertion Tube Kit, 5x, for use with Stereotactic Frame and STar Drive. Contains: IT(AR16): Insertion Tube. IT(AR17): Insertion Tube w/ Stylet. MTDWLN(AR)(AR2): microTargeting Electrode. 66-CN-ET: Insertion Tube Extractor. Individual Specifications:IT(AR16) - 135mm tube length, 1.981mm OD, 0.96mm ID. IT(AR17) - 243.5mm tube length, 0.902mm OD, 0.597mm ID, 264mm stylet length (includes collar). MTDWLN(AR)(AR2) - 276.5mm electrode length, 10mm differential, 261.5mm protective tube length, 0.55mm OD. DZAP(L) 1 Meg microTargeting™ Electrode and Insertion Tube Kit FHC, INC.
9 10873263007560 FC7100-00756 FC7100 Array Insertion Electrode/Tube with Stylet Kit, 5x, Sterile, for use with Nexfra Array Insertion Electrode/Tube with Stylet Kit, 5x, Sterile, for use with Nexframe and microTargeting Drive. Contains: IT(AR8): Insertion Tube w/ Stylet. MTDPBN(PA)(DB2): microTargeting Electrode. Individual Specifications: IT(AR8) - 217mm tube length, 0.89mm OD, 0.58mm ID MTDPBN(PA)(DB2) - 249.2mm electrode length, 10mm differential length, 234.2mm protective tube length. 1 Meg RZAP, 0.56mm od microTargeting™ Electrode and Insertion Tube Kit FHC, INC.
10 10873263007553 FC5000-00755 FC5000 microTargeting(TM) Electrodes, 5x, Sterile, Single or Array, 1 Meg, for use with microTargeting(TM) Electrodes, 5x, Sterile, Single or Array, 1 Meg, for use with NexFrame and mT Drive or NexDrive. microTargeting™ Electrodes FHC, INC.
11 10873263007546 FC4001-00754 FC4001 microTargeting D.ZAP Electrode Kit, 5x, Sterile, Single, 1 Meg, for use with Nex microTargeting D.ZAP Electrode Kit, 5x, Sterile, Single, 1 Meg, for use with NexFrame and NexDrive or mT Drive.Each box contains: 2x MTDPLN(PA)(DB2) D.ZAP Differential Electrode.1x IT(DB3) Insertion tube with Stylet.1x PT(DB5) Protective Tube.Individual Specifications:MTDPLN(PA)(DB2) - 249.2mm electrode length, 10mm tip exposure, 234.2mm protective tube length, .56mm od, 1.0 meg DZAP(L)IT(DB3) - 194mm length, 1.8mm od, 1.6mm id, PT(DB5) - 194mm length, 1.47mm od, 0.99mm id microTargeting™ Electrode and Insertion Tube Kit FHC, INC.
12 10873263007539 FC4000-00753 FC4000 microTargeting single electrode insertion tubes and electrodes kit, 5x, Sterile microTargeting single electrode insertion tubes and electrodes kit, 5x, Sterile for use with NexFrame and NexDrive or mT Drive. Each Box Contains: 2x MTDPBN(PA)(DB2) Electrode. 1x IT(DB3) Insertion Tube with Stylet. 1x PT(DB5) Spacer Tube. Individual Specifications:MTDPBN(PA)(DB2) - 249.2mm electrode length, 10mm tip expsure, 234.3mm protective tube length, 0.56mm od, 1.0 meg. RZAP IT(DB3) - 194mm length, 1.8mm od, 1.6mm id. PT(DB5) - 194mm length, 1.47mm od, 0.99mm id. microTargeting™ Electrode and Insertion Tube FHC, INC.
13 10873263007522 FC2004-00752 FC2004 microTargeting Differential Electrodes 5x, Sterile, Single and Array, DZAP(L), T microTargeting Differential Electrodes 5x, Sterile, Single and Array, DZAP(L), T=30 for use with Nexframe and STar Drive microTargeting™ Electrodes FHC, INC.
14 10873263007515 FC2003-00751 FC2003 microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Single and Array, D.ZAP(L) , microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Single and Array, D.ZAP(L) , T=30 for use with NexFrame and MT Drive or NexDrive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
15 10873263007508 FC2002-00750 FC2002 microTargeting D.ZAP(L) Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Single, T=30 for use microTargeting D.ZAP(L) Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Single, T=30 for use with Frame and STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
16 10873263007492 FC2001-00749 FC2001 microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, D.ZAP(L), Sterile, Array, T=30 for use microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, D.ZAP(L), Sterile, Array, T=30 for use with Frame, STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
17 10873263007485 FC1003-00748 FC1003 microTargeting Electrode 5x, non-sterile, Array, 1 Meg, T=30 for use with Frame, microTargeting Electrode 5x, non-sterile, Array, 1 Meg, T=30 for use with Frame, STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
18 10873263007478 FC1002-00747 FC1002 microTargeting Electrode 5x, non-sterile, Single, 1 Meg, T=30 for use with Frame microTargeting Electrode 5x, non-sterile, Single, 1 Meg, T=30 for use with Frame, STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
19 10873263007461 34680-00746 34680 microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Single, 1 Meg, T=30 for use w microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Single, 1 Meg, T=30 for use with frame, STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
20 10873263007454 22670-00745 22670 microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Array, 1 Meg, T=30 for use wi microTargeting Differential Electrode 5x, Sterile, Array, 1 Meg, T=30 for use with frame, STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
21 10873263007447 MTDWXN(AR)(MP1)-00744 MTDWXN(AR)(MP1) microTargeting™ Electrode, differential, tungsten, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
22 10873263007430 MTDWLN(BP)(BP7)-00743 MTDWLN(BP)(BP7) microTargeting™ Electrode, differential, tungsten, D.ZAP(L), nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
23 10873263007423 MTDWBN(AR)(DB1)-00742 MTDWBN(AR)(DB1) microTargeting Electrode, differential, tungsten, non-sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
24 10873263007072 MTDWLN(AR)(DU1)-00707 MTDWLN(AR)(DU1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, differential, tungsten, DZAP(Z), nonsterile microTargeting™ Differential Electrode FHC, INC.
25 10873263007065 MTDWZN(AR)(DU1)-00706 MTDWZN(AR)(DU1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, differential, tungsten, DZAP(Z), nonsterile microTargeting™ Differential Electrode FHC, INC.
26 10873263006716 MTBPBN(DT1)-00671 MTBPBN(DT1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, Back loaded, Platinum/Iridium with Glass Insulation microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
27 10873263006709 MTDWBN(SP)(BW1)-00670 MTDWBN(SP)(BW1) microTargeting Electrode, differential, 5mm ext, tungsten, non-sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
28 10873263006600 MTDWZN(SS)(BP8)-00660 MTDWZN(SS)(BP8) microTargeting™ Electrodes, differential, tungsten, non-sterile, DZAP microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
29 10873263006587 MTDWLN(SS)(BP8)-00658 MTDWLN(SS)(BP8) microTargeting™ Electrodes, differential, tungsten, non-sterile, LZAP microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
30 10873263006570 MTBPLN(KB1)-00657 MTBPLN(KB1) microTargeting™ Electrode, back loaded, non sterile, platinum/iridium microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
31 10873263006563 MTBWLN(ZK1)-00656 MTBWLN(ZK1) microTargeting™ Electrode, back loaded, non sterile, tungsten microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
32 10873263006501 MTDPZN(AO)(AO1)-00650 MTDPZN(AO)(AO1) microTargeting™ Electrode, differential, platinum/iridium, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
33 10873263006464 MTDWXN(BS)(OC5)-00646 MTDWXN(BS)(OC5) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, Differential, Tungsten, Nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
34 10873263006419 MTDPZN(PA)(MP1)-00641 MTDPZN(PA)(MP1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, Platinum/Iridium, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
35 10873263006396 MTDPLN(PA)(MP1)-00639 MTDPLN(PA)(MP1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, Platinum/Iridium, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
36 10873263006327 MTDPBN(PS)(PS1)-00632 MTDPBN(PS)(PS1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, Platinum/Iridium, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
37 10873263005825 MTDWBN(BP)(BP8)-00582 MTDWBN(BP)(BP8) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
38 10873263005818 5735Z-00581 5735Z microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, D.ZAP(Z), for use with Nexframe(R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, D.ZAP(Z), for use with Nexframe(R) and STar Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
39 10873263005801 5735L-00580 5735L microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, D.ZAP(L), for use with Nexframe(R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, D.ZAP(L), for use with Nexframe(R) and STar Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
40 10873263005795 5730R-00579 5730R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, for use with Nexframe(R) and STar Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
41 10873263005771 5035Z-00577 5035Z microTargeting(TM) Electrode, non-sterile, DZAP(Z), for use with Nexframe(R) microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
42 10873263005764 5035L-00576 5035L microTargeting(TM) Electrode, non-sterile, DZAP(L), for use with Nexframe(R) microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
43 10873263005757 5030R-00575 5030R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, non-sterile, for use with Nexframe(R) microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
44 10873263005733 44935L-00573 44935L microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, single, D.ZAP(L), for use with Platform microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
45 10873263005726 44930R-00572 44930R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, 6x, non-sterile, single, for use with Platform microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
46 10873263005719 34620R-00571 34620R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, non-sterile, single, T=30, for use with Frame and microTargeting(TM) Electrode, non-sterile, single, T=30, for use with Frame and STar or MT Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
47 10873263005702 MTDPXN(EP)(BP8)-00570 MTDPXN(EP)(BP8) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
48 10873263005573 MTDWXN(BS)(OC4)-00557 MTDWXN(BS)(OC4) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten ground tip, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
49 10873263005368 MTDWXN(BS)(OC3)-00536 MTDWXN(BS)(OC3) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten ground tip, nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
50 10873263005344 MTDWLN(BS)(FM2)-00534 MTDWLN(BS)(FM2) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten, D.ZAP(L), nonsterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.