Other products from "ALPHA OMEGA ENGINEERING CO. LTD."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 07290016450453 Non-shielded 366-000425-00 GZL Electrode, Depth NeuroProbe
2 27290114061111 2 700-020832-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Leksell Non-XY frame Mechanical Set KIT
3 07290114061353 1 370-000090-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Pelican Case
4 27290114061159 2 700-021507-03 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NexFrame Mechanical Set Kit
5 27290114060770 Neuro Omega with Neuro Omega drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot NOW-DF0000-00 Neuro Omega with Neuro Omega drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot
6 27290114060756 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot NOW-NF0000-00 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 1 basic stimulation Slot
7 27290114060596 NeuroSmart Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT 700-026008-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT
8 27290016450815 NexFrame Mechanical Set KIT 700-021507-03 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NexFrame Mechanical Set Kit
9 27290016450198 NeuroOmega Drive Headstage Kit 750-020021-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega Drive Headstage Kit
10 07290114063937 Neuro Omega LeadConfirm P Cable STR-000056-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega LeadConfirm P Cable
11 07290114061469 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Adaptor STR-000077-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Adaptor
12 07290114061216 Headstage Sterilization Tray 366-000122-22 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Headstage Sterilization Tray
13 07290114060899 Rev. 4 750-000027-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Autoclavable Drive
14 07290016450316 Shielded 366-000080-00 GZL Electrode, Depth NeuroProbe
15 27290114060817 Neuro Omega EMG HeadBox Kit 750-020013-00 GWF,IKN Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Electromyograph, Diagnostic 2 Neuro Omega EMG HeadBox Kit
16 27290016450211 Neuro Omega Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT 750-020025-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega Autoclavable Drive Headstage KIT
17 27290016450174 NeuroNav Drive Headstage Kit 700-026000-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Drive Headstage Kit
18 27290016450051 NeuroNav with NeuroNav Drive NNW-026000-55 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav with NeuroNav Drive
19 27290014954094 Libenger RM frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-020874-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Libenger RM frame Mechanical Set KIT
20 07290114063951 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm P Adaptor STR-000084-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm P Adaptor
21 07290114061483 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Cable STR-000082-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart / NeuroNav LeadConfirm A Cable
22 07290114061223 Mechanical Accessories Sterilization Tray 366-000022-22 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Mechanical Accessories Sterilization Tray
23 07290014954878 Shielded STR-050925-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroProbe
24 07290014954861 Non-Shielded STR-000136-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroProbe
25 07290014954779 Lead Insertion STR-66IT19-00 GZL Electrode, Depth Tube
26 07290014954366 Non-Shielded 366-000136-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroProbe
27 07290014954311 Shielded STR-000080-00 GZL Electrode, Depth NeuroProbe
28 07290114060882 Rev. 6.0 750-000025-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega Autoclavable Drive Headstage
29 27290114060589 NeuroSmart MER HeadStage KIT 700-026009-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroSmart MER HeadStage KIT
30 27290114060763 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 2 basic stimulation Slots NOW-NFF000-00 Neuro Omega with NeuroFortis drive + 2 basic stimulation Slots
31 27290016450990 Libenger ZD frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-020847-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Libenger ZD frame Mechanical Set Kit
32 27290016450976 Leksell Non-XY frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-020832-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Leksell Non-XY frame Mechanical Set Kit
33 27290016450136 NeuroFortis Neuro Omega Drive HeadStage KIT 750-020070-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroFortis Neuro Omega Drive HeadStage KIT
34 07290114060417 Sterile Neuro Omega LeadConfirm M Cable STR-000041-00 GZL Electrode, Depth LeadConfirm
35 07290014954939 NeuroNav Drive 700-006010-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Drive
36 07290014954069 NeuroNav Drive 700-006000-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav Drive
37 07290014954052 NeuroNav 700-006002-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav
38 07290014954021 Drive-Head Stage 750-000025-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega Autoclavable
39 07290014954014 Drive 750-000027-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega Autoclavable
40 07290014954007 Neuro Omega System NOM-000000-00 IKN,GWQ,GWF,GZL Electromyograph, Diagnostic,Full-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph,Stimulat Electromyograph, Diagnostic,Full-Montage Standard Electroencephalograph,Stimulator, Electrical, Evoked Response,Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroOmega System
41 27290114061166 NexDrive Electrode Holder - Pack of 2 700-000316-02 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NexDrive Electrode Holder - Pack of 2
42 27290114061142 2 700-021508-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Starfix frame Mechanical Set Kit
43 27290114061128 4 700-020847-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Leibinger ZD frame Mechanical Set Kit
44 27290114060909 Rev. 5 NNW-006008-55 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav with Autoclavable Drive Headstage
45 27290114060572 NeuroFortis NeuroSmart Drive HeadStage KIT 700-026010-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroFortis NeuroSmart Drive HeadStage KIT
46 27290016450938 Neuro Omega EMG- recording with Full Stimulation Source 750-02J013-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega
47 27290016450891 Neuro Omega ECoG- Recording with Full Stimulation Source 750-02J016-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega
48 27290016450877 Neuro Omega ECoG Recording Kit 750-02A016-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Neuro Omega
49 27290016450068 NeuroNav with Autoclavable Drive Headstage NNW-006008-55 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 NeuroNav with Autoclavable Drive Headstage
50 27290014954100 Starfix frame Mechanical Set KIT 700-021508-00 GZL Electrode, Depth 2 Starfix frame Mechanical Set Kit
Other products with the same Product Code "GZL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00873263005569 MT-LPP-APM-00556 MT-LPP-APM microTargeting Guideline 4000 LP+ Channel Card microTargeting™ Guideline 4000 LP+™ Channel Card FHC, INC.
2 00873263008652 MTDWZP(AR)(AR7)-00865 MTDWZP(AR)(AR7) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten, DZAP(Z), sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
3 00873263008645 C0217-00864 C0217 Guideline™ 4000 5.0 Software, Version 2.2.0 Guideline™ 4000 FHC, INC.
4 00873263008515 66-IT-40L-00851 66-IT-40L D.Zap Single Insertion-Used in KTF1001, not sold individually Insertion Tube FHC, INC.
5 00873263008379 FC1001-00837 FC1001 microTargeting Electrode Sterilization Tray microTargeting™ Electrode Sterilization Tray FHC, INC.
6 00873263008232 MT-LA-04-00823 MT-LA-04 Lead Adapter Cable, 1xFor use with Model B31040 lead test cable Lead Adapter Cable FHC, INC.
7 00873263008188 C0258-00818 C0258 Guideline 4000™ Resident Expert Software Module, 1x Resident Expert Software Module FHC, INC.
8 00873263008133 66-IT-13-00813 66-IT-13 microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, 1x, nonsterile microTargeting Single Electrode Insertion Tube Set, 1x, nonsterile Contains: IT(BP13): Insertion Tube - 194mm tube length, 1.83mm od, 1.6mm idPT(BP13): Protective Tube - 1.0mm id 1x Spacer Cleaning tool microTargeting™ Insertion Tube set FHC, INC.
9 00873263008119 C0259-00811 C0259 Resident Expert Kinetic Testing Motion Detector, 1x Resident Expert Kinetic Testing Motion Detector FHC, INC.
10 00873263008058 MT-LA-03-00805 MT-LA-03 Lead Adapter CableFor use with O.R. Cable to Guideline System microTargeting™ Lead Adapter FHC, INC.
11 00873263008003 45375Z-00800 45375Z microTargeting™ Platform Platinum 5X Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
12 00873263007983 44375Z-00798 44375Z microTargeting™ Platform Electrodes 5x Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
13 00873263007969 35385Z-00796 35385Z microTargeting™ Single Frame Platinum 5X Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
14 00873263007945 34385Z-00794 34385Z microTargeting™ Frame Single Tungsten 5X Sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
15 00873263007921 25375Z-00792 25375Z microTargeting™ Array Frame Platinum 5X Sterile microTargeting™ Array Electrode FHC, INC.
16 00873263007907 22375Z-00790 22375Z microTargeting™ Array Electrodes 5x Sterile microTargeting™ Array Electrode FHC, INC.
17 00873263007815 C0232-00781 C0232 Guidline 4000 ™ 5.0 1.5m Special-use Lead, 1xFor use with microTargeting ™ Electrodes microTargeting™ Electrode Lead Cable FHC, INC.
18 00873263007570 KTF1001-00757 KTF1001 microTargeting Single Procedure Kit, with microElectrode, tubes, sterile drape s microTargeting Single Procedure Kit, with microElectrode, tubes, sterile drape sleeve and cable. Contains: IT(BP2): Insertion Tube. 2x MTDWLN(BP)(BP7): microTargeting Electrode. PT(BP2): Protective Tube. Sterile Drape Sleeve for microTargeting motorFC1020 Electrode LeadIndividual Specifications: IT(BP2) - 183mm tube length, 1.829mm OD, 1.6mm ID, 184mm stylet (not including collar). MTDWLN(BP)(BP7) - 271.4mm electrode length, 10mm differential, 256.4mm protective tube length, 0.77mm OD. 1Meg DZAP(L) PT(PB2) - 181mm tube length, 1.47mm OD, 0.99mm IDOD: 0.77mm microTargeting™ Single Procedure Kit FHC, INC.
19 00873263007358 C0237-00735 C0237 microTargeting(TM) Guideline 4000(TM) 5.0 High Performance External Speaker microTargeting™ Guideline 4000™ 5.0 High Performance External Speaker FHC, INC.
20 00873263007341 C0234-00734 C0234 microTargeting(TM) Guideline 4000(TM) 5.0 Ethernet Cable microTargeting™ Guideline 4000™ 5.0 Ethernet Cable FHC, INC.
21 00873263007044 67-00-1-00704 67-00-1 microTargeting Electrode Sterilization Tray microTargeting™ Electrode Sterilization Tray FHC, INC.
22 00873263006924 C0233-00692 C0233 GL5 Interface Pole Mounting Bracket Guideline 4000™ 5.0 Accessory FHC, INC.
23 00873263006917 C0231-00691 C0231 GL5 UE Patient Lead, 1.5m, presterile microTargeting™ Electrode Lead Cable FHC, INC.
24 00873263006900 C0230-00690 C0230 GL5 UE Patient Lead, 3m, presterile microTargeting™ Electrode Lead Cable FHC, INC.
25 00873263006863 C0225-00686 C0225 Guideline 4000(TM) 5.0 1m Synchronization Unit Cable microTargeting™ Guideline 5 Accessory FHC, INC.
26 00873263006856 C0224-00685 C0224 Guideline 4000(TM) 5.0 Guideline 4000™ 5.0 FHC, INC.
27 00873263006849 C0222-00684 C0222 microTargeting(TM) Guideline 4000(TM) 5.0 Remote Control microTargeting™ Guideline 4000™ 5.0 Remote Control FHC, INC.
28 00873263006832 C0223-00683 C0223 GL5 Integrated microTargeting Controller Guideline 4000 5.0™ microTargeting™ Controller Card FHC, INC.
29 00873263006825 C0235-00682 C0235 GL5 Motor and Encoder Accessory Guideline 4000 5.0™ Motor & Encoder FHC, INC.
30 00873263006818 C0221-00681 C0221 Guideline 4000 5.0(TM) 3m Interface Cable Guideline 4000 5.0™ 3m Interface Cable FHC, INC.
31 00873263006801 C0218-00680 C0218 Guideline 4000 5.0(TM) microTargeting(TM) Interface Card Guideline 4000 5.0™ microTargeting™ Interface Card FHC, INC.
32 00873263006795 C0217-00679 C0217 MicroTargeting Guidline 4000 5.0 Software 1x Guideline 4000™ 5.0 FHC, INC.
33 00873263006788 C0220-00678 C0220 Guideline 4000 5.0(TM) LF Interface Guideline 4000 5.0™ LF Interface FHC, INC.
34 00873263006771 C0219-00677 C0219 GL5 UE Interface Guideline 4000 5.0™ Interface FHC, INC.
35 00873263006757 C0216-00675 C0216 GL5 Notebook Computer Guideline 4000™ 5.0 FHC, INC.
36 00873263006740 C0215-00674 C0215 GL5 Main Processing Unit Guideline 4000™ 5.0 FHC, INC.
37 00873263006726 MTBPBP(DT1)-00672 MTBPBP(DT1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, Back loaded, Platinum/Iridium with Glass Insulatio microTargeting(TM) Electrode, Back loaded, Platinum/Iridium with Glass Insulation, Presterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
38 00873263006696 MTBWLP(ZK1)-00669 MTBWLP(ZK1) microTargeting™ Electrode, back loaded, presterile, tungsten microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
39 00873263006610 MTDWZP(SS)(BP8)-00661 MTDWZP(SS)(BP8) microTargeting™ Electrodes, differential, tungsten, sterile, DZAP microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
40 00873263006597 MTDWLP(SS)(BP8)-00659 MTDWLP(SS)(BP8) microTargeting™ Electrodes, differential, tungsten, sterile, LZAP microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
41 00873263006535 FC1001-00653 FC1001 microTargeting Electrode Sterilization Tray microTargeting™ Electrode Sterilization Tray FHC, INC.
42 00873263006511 MTDPZP(AO)(AO1)-00651 MTDPZP(AO)(AO1) microTargeting™ Electrode, differential, sterile, platinum/iridium microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
43 00873263006429 MTDPZP(PA)(MP1)-00642 MTDPZP(PA)(MP1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, sterile, D.ZAP(Z), for use with Platform microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
44 00873263006405 MTDPLP(PA)(MP1)-00640 MTDPLP(PA)(MP1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, sterile, 5x, D.ZAP(L), for use with Platform microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
45 00873263006108 MT-LA-01-00610 MT-LA-01 Lead Adapter, For use with Multi-Lead Trial Cable to Guideline System, 1X Lead Adapter, For use with Multi-Lead Trial Cable to Guideline System FHC, INC.
46 00873263006085 MT-LA-02-00608 MT-LA-02 Lead Adapter, 16 channel, microHDMI to 1.5mm Plugs microTargeting ™ Lead Adapter FHC, INC.
47 00873263005781 5700R-00578 5700R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, sterile, for use with Nexframe(R) and STar Drive microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
48 00873263005743 5000R-00574 5000R microTargeting(TM) Electrode, sterile, for use with Nexframe(R) microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
49 00873263005422 MTDWBP(AO)(AO1)-00542 MTDWBP(AO)(AO1) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten, sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.
50 00873263005385 MTDWLP(BS)(FM2)-00538 MTDWLP(BS)(FM2) microTargeting(TM) Electrode, differential, tungsten, D.ZAP(L), sterile microTargeting™ Electrode FHC, INC.