Other products from "OSCOR INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 00836559003151 BIS/BIS-40 BIS/BIS-40 DTD Pacemaker Lead Adaptor 2 BIS/BIS-40
2 00836559002680 BIS/IS-15 BIS/IS-15 DTD Pacemaker Lead Adaptor 2 BIS/IS-15
3 00836559001959 TME 228 TC LDF Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary 2 Temporary Myocardial Heartwire
4 00836559001942 TME 228 TS LDF Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary 2 Temporary Myocardial Heartwire
5 00836559001874 TME 66 C LDF Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary 2 Temporary Myocardial Heartwire
6 10885672100152 AP08023B5 Peel-Away Introducer Set, 8F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER Adelante Peel-Away Introducer Set
7 10885672009073 ASG06023W Hemostatic Valve Introducer, 6F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER Adelante Sigma
8 00836559009900 020022 LDF Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary 2 TB
9 00836559009801 020012 LDF Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary 2 TB
10 00836559009788 020010 LDF Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary 2 TB
11 00836559002017 LS-24 LS-24 DTB Permanent Pacemaker Electrode 3 Ligature Sleeve
12 00885672102463 LV-1 PLUG DTD Pacemaker Lead Adaptor 2 LV-1 PLUG
13 00885672003692 BIS/BLV-4402 BIS/BLV-4402 DTD Pacemaker Lead Adaptor 2 BIS/BLV-4402
14 00836559007425 LS-17 LS-17 DTB Permanent Pacemaker Electrode 3 Ligature Sleeve
15 70836559007424 LS17B20 LS17B20 DTB Permanent Pacemaker Electrode 3 Ligature Sleeve
16 40836559009236 VP51B VP51B Vein Pick DTB permanent pacemaker Electrode Vein Pick
17 20885672101330 ASG10010P Introducer Set with Hemostatic Valve, 10F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER Adelante Sigma
18 10885672009233 ASG06023 ASG06023 Hemostatic Valve Introducer, 6F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER Adelante Sigma
19 00836559001997 LS-18 LS-18 DTB Permanent Pacemaker Electrode 3 Ligature sleeve
20 00885672102616 ATAR-MDT2 ATAR-MDT2 Reusable Extension Cable IKD CABLE, ELECTRODE 2 ATAR MDT2
21 00885672102623 ATAR-MDT3 ATAR-MDT3 Reusable Extension Cable IKD CABLE, ELECTRODE 2 ATAR MDT3
22 00885672102609 ATAR D-IS1-R ATAR D-IS1-R Disposable Extension Cable IKD CABLE, ELECTRODE 2 ATAR D-IS1-R
23 00885672010744 BG140079045 BG140079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 14F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
24 00885672010737 BG120079045 BG120079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 12F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
25 00885672010720 BG110079180 BG110079180 DELIVERY SHEATH, 11F 79CM 180° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
26 00885672010713 BG110079045 BG110079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 11F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
27 00885672010706 BG100110045 BG100110045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 10F 110CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
28 00885672010690 BG100079180 BG100079180 DELIVERY SHEATH, 10F 79CM 180° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
29 00885672010683 BG100079045 BG100079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 10F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
30 00885672010676 BG090110045 BG090110045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 9F 110CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
31 00885672010669 BG090079180 BG090079180 DELIVERY SHEATH, 9F 79CM 180° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
32 00885672010652 BG090079045 BG090079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 9F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
33 00885672010645 BG080110045 BG080110045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 8F 110CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
34 00885672010638 BG080079180 BG080079180 DELIVERY SHEATH, 8F 79CM 180° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
35 00885672010621 BG080079045 BG080079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 8F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
36 00885672010614 BG070110045 BG070110045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 7F 110CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
37 00885672010607 BG070079180 BG070079180 DELIVERY SHEATH, 7F 79CM 180° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
38 00885672010591 BG070079045 BG070079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 7F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
39 00885672010584 BG060110045 BG060110045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 6F 110CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
40 00885672010577 BG060079180 BG060079180 DELIVERY SHEATH, 6F 79CM 180° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
41 00885672010560 BG060079045 BG060079045 DELIVERY SHEATH, 6F 79CM 45° SET DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Breezeway II® Delivery Sheath
42 00885672010003 454994 454994 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 8.5F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
43 00885672009991 454993 454993 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 8.5F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
44 00885672009984 454992 454992 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 8.5F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
45 00885672009977 454997 454997 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 12F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
46 00885672009960 454996 454996 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 12F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
47 00885672009953 454995 454995 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 12F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
48 00885672009946 454956 454956 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 12F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
49 00885672009939 454955 454955 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 8.5F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
50 00885672009922 454953 454953 Steerable Guiding Sheath, 8.5F DYB INTRODUCER, CATHETER 2 Senovo Bi-Flex Steerable Guiding Sheath
Other products with the same Product Code "DYB"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 06948806356034 S08574LL S08574LL Steerable Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
2 06948806356027 S08574LM S08574LM Steerable Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
3 06948806356010 S08574LS S08574LS Steerable Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
4 06948806354122 N18980E N18980E Transseptal Needle NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
5 06948806354115 N18980A N18980A Transseptal Needle NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
6 06948806353194 S0856332LM2 S0856332LM2 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
7 06948806353187 S0856238RM2 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
8 06948806353170 S0806332LM1 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
9 06948806353163 S0806332LM Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
10 06948806353156 S0806332L0 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
11 06948806353149 S0856332L0 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
12 06948806353132 S0856238RM1 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
13 06948806353125 S0856332LM Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
14 06948806353118 S0856332L2 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
15 06948806353101 S0808132L2 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
16 06948806353095 S0806332L2 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit N/A SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
17 06948806353088 S0858138R0 S0858138R0 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
18 06948806353071 S0858132L1 S0858132L1 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
19 06948806353064 S0856332L1 S0856332L1 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
20 06948806353057 S0856238R0 S0856238R0 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
21 06948806353040 S0808132L1 S0808132L1 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
22 06948806353033 S0808138R0 S0808138R0 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
23 06948806353026 S0806332L1 S0806332L1 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
24 06948806353019 S0806238R0 S0806238R0 Intracardiac Catheter Introducer Kit NA SYNAPTIC MEDICAL, LTD.
25 06936733740927 RS070518S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
26 06936733740910 RS061118S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
27 06936733740903 RS060725S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
28 06936733740897 RS060721S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
29 06936733740880 RS060718S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
30 06936733740873 RS060518S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
31 06936733740866 RS051118S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
32 06936733740859 RS050725S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
33 06936733740842 RS050721S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
34 06936733740835 RS050718S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
35 06936733740828 RS050518S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
36 06936733740811 RS041118S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
37 06936733740804 RS040725S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
38 06936733740798 RS040721S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
39 06936733740781 RS040718S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
40 06936733740774 RS040518S-II The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the inser The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling thewire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
41 06936733740194 RS071118S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
42 06936733740187 RS070718S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
43 06936733740170 RS070518S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
44 06936733740163 RS061118S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
45 06936733740156 RS060725S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
46 06936733740149 RS060721S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
47 06936733740132 RS060718S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
48 06936733740125 RS060518S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
49 06936733740118 RS051118S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.
50 06936733740101 RS050725S The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a The ShoocinTM Introducer Kit consists of a puncture needle, a guide wire with a guide wire collimator, a sheath introducer, and a dilator. The Puncture Needle incorporates a lumen, which provides a conduit for the insertion of the Guide Wire into the vascular system. The flexible stainless-steel guide wire is utilized as a guiding mechanism for the insertion of the Introducer Sheath into the vascular system. The Guide Wire contains a wire collimator, which assists in funneling the wire through the lumen of the Puncture Needle. The Guide Wire is radio-detective under fluoroscopy. The Sheath Introducer contains Barium sulfate (BaSO4), making the device visible under fluoroscopy and provides a conduit for introducing other interventional devices, including guide wires and interventional catheters, into the vascular system. The main components of this assembly are a non-hydrophilic coated Sheath Introducer, hemostasis valve housing, and a side port tubing with a 3-way stopcock/valve. The Dilator is used to provide support and stability to the Sheath Introducer during deployment into the vascular system. The proximal end of the Dilator includes a luer port and has a tapered, atraumatic distal tip. There is no radiocontrast agent on the dilator. Shoocin LEPU MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (BEIJING) CO.,LTD.