Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph
Automatic Event Detection Software For Polysomnograph With Electroencephalograph,Device, Muscle Monitoring
Nox A1s Recorder
Other products with the same Product Codes"OLZ, KZM"
The HindexRV® Monitoring System is a physiological monitoring device that collec
The HindexRV® Monitoring System is a physiological monitoring device that collects and transmits measurements (heart rate, respiration rate and muscle activity) using sensors. The HindexRV® monitoring system monitors the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system using accurate recordings of heart rate (HR) from EKG and provides statistical data as well as heart rate variability (HRV) data.
The HindexRV® Monitoring System is a physiological monitoring device that collec
The HindexRV® Monitoring System is a physiological monitoring device that collects and transmits measurements (heart rate, respiration rate and muscle activity) using sensors. The HindexRV® monitoring system monitors the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system using accurate recordings of heart rate (HR) from EKG and provides statistical data as well as heart rate variability (HRV) data.
Noromed computerized manual muscle testing offers manual muscle testing at its b
Noromed computerized manual muscle testing offers manual muscle testing at its best by bringing science to what once was an art.The muscle testing hardware includes an ergonomic force gauge and five attachments to choose from which provide easy, comfortable testing of all muscle groups - large and small. Now you can perform real time strength testing - quickly and easily - and all fully documented by the computer interface.The flexibility of the system allows you to use pre-programmed established protocols or create your own. Designed to meet your needs, the software calculates the statistics appropriate to each test as well as generating a wide variety of documentation to fit your specific needs. This documentation includes:Supportive documentation reports which contain the graphic reports and profiles of the actual test data. Reports included are:•A composite report of individual test results by protocol and muscles tested as well as calculated deficits. •A test comparison report which collects and displays the patient's historical results. •A Myotest data report which presents both statistical data and graphical data of the individual test broken down by trial.
The Dynamic SEMG module of the MES 9000 allows for the recording of up to 8 chan
The Dynamic SEMG module of the MES 9000 allows for the recording of up to 8 channels of SEMG simultaneously. The MES 9000 offers you the flexibility to monitor and record the data in its raw state or as integrated data.The powerful and user-friendly software simplifies the recording of multiple muscle groups of antagonist and synergist muscles to facilitate assessment and case documentation. In addition, the system includes pre-programmed protocols and analysis for assessment, muscle education and relaxation training. The clinician may also program custom protocols - quickly and simply.
Now you can have all of these capabilities in one compact system. Surface EMG, r
Now you can have all of these capabilities in one compact system. Surface EMG, rangeof motion and muscle testing – may be purchased separately or in any combination. The modulardesign of the MES 9000 allows you to purchase any combination of modules and expand as yourpractice grows. The MES 9000 --- the modular system that enables you to do a complete, integratedevaluation with objective documentation that supports your diagnosis.
Noromed SEMG, with broader operating ranges, greater sensitivity, and unsurpasse
Noromed SEMG, with broader operating ranges, greater sensitivity, and unsurpassed ability to eliminate extraneous electrical "noise", provides an SEMG platform you can use with confidence. With Noromed SEMG you know you are getting true, reliable and repeatable results.In evaluating the technological sophistication, superiority and reliability of SEMG systems, the most important factors are sensitivity (usually expressed in microvolts), the monitoring range (again usually expressed in microvolts), and how the instrument eliminates ambient electrical noise.
Utilizing high quality bipolar surface electrodes, surface EMG data can be taken
Utilizing high quality bipolar surface electrodes, surface EMG data can be taken from up to eight muscle sites simultaneously and in real time. The program permits taking electromyography data either at rest or in function. All eight channels may be displayed simultaneously, for a period of 15 seconds (one visual screen width). The K7/EMG signal processing circuitry provides unsurpassed protection against system noise or motion artifact. The patient education mode permits quick and easy patient education as to status of masticatory muscles.
Multiple sensors in an extremely light weight (four ounce) spectacle-like array,
Multiple sensors in an extremely light weight (four ounce) spectacle-like array, track the motion of a tiny magnet attached to the lower incisal gingiva with adhesive material. The configuration is totally non-invasive and, unlike clutches, does not interfere with patient function. The opposing sensors are wide apart permitting unobstructed access to the oral cavity for taking bite registrations and other clinical procedures, and the system is virtually immune from effects of slight head motion or nearby metallic or electronic interference. A patient education mode is included to simplify patient understanding and staff training.
Utilizing high quality bipolar surface electrodes, surface EMG data can be taken
Utilizing high quality bipolar surface electrodes, surface EMG data can be taken from up to eight muscle sites simultaneously and in real time. The program permits taking electromyography data either at rest or in function. All eight channels may be displayed simultaneously, for a period of 15 seconds (one visual screen width). The K7/EMG signal processing circuitry provides unsurpassed protection against system noise or motion artifact. The patient education mode permits quick and easy patient education as to status of masticatory muscles.
TMJ Vibration (Sound) Evaluation System. A lightweight headset holds highly sens
TMJ Vibration (Sound) Evaluation System. A lightweight headset holds highly sensitive vibration transducers over each TM joint, enabling simultaneous, bilateral capture of tissue vibrations emanating from joint sounds. Vibration (sound) data is correlated to vertical dimension of opening and closing, providing clinicians with valuable information to aid in assessing the status of articular disk and joint function.
Esprit Nova is a software application that analyzes previously recorded physiolo
Esprit Nova is a software application that analyzes previously recorded physiological signals obtainedduring sleep.
The Cerebra Sleep System is an integrated diagnostic platform that acquires, tra
The Cerebra Sleep System is an integrated diagnostic platform that acquires, transmits, analyzes, and displays physiological signals from adult patients, and then provides for scoring (automatic and manual), editing, and generating reports. The system uses polysomnography (PSG) to record the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), accelerometry, acoustic signals, nasal airflow, thoracic and abdomen respiratory effort, pulse rate, and oxyhemoglobin saturation, depending on the sleep study configuration. The Cerebra Sleep System is for prescription use in a home or healthcare facility. The Cerebra Sleep System is intended to be used as a support tool by physicians and PSG technologists to aid in the evaluation and diagnosis of sleep disorders. It is intended to provide sleep-related information that is interpreted by a qualified physician to render findings and/or diagnosis, but it does not directly generate a diagnosis.
Indication for use: To record electrical activity of 2 muscles of the stomatogna
Indication for use: To record electrical activity of 2 muscles of the stomatognathic system, especially temporalis or masseter Toclinically monitor 2 different muscles as an aid in the diagnosis and treatment evaluation by recording the electrical activity ofmuscles of the stomatognathic system To measure relative (intra-patient) levels of activity of 2 muscles during a functional act