Other products from "HOLOGIC, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 15420045515031 2050-0104 2050-0104 MWP Cabinet, x-ray system 2 FAXITRON PATH
2 15420045514089 R15 R15 GDF GUIDE, NEEDLE, SURGICAL 1 PERL
3 15420045506909 Discovery C KGI Densitometer, bone 2 Discovey C
4 15420045504110 ATEC Sapphire 200 KNW INSTRUMENT, BIOPSY 2 ATEC Sapphire 200
6 15420045514294 V5 NSV5US-001 MNB Device, thermal ablation, endometrial 3 NovaSure
8 25420045514307 V5 NSV5KITUS-001 MNB Device, thermal ablation, endometrial 3 NovaSure
9 25420045505107 40-902 40-902 HIH HYSTEROSCOPE (AND ACCESSORIES) 2 MyoSure Tissue Removal Device
10 15420045514836 PATHVISION 23x29 PATHVISION23X29 MWP Cabinet, x-ray system 2 FAXITRON PATH
11 15420045514300 V5 NSV5KITUS-001 MNB Device, thermal ablation, endometrial 3 NovaSure
14 15420045510906 GBS CTRLS KIT, PANTHER FUSION, IVD PRD-04485 NJR Nucleic acid amplification assay system, group b streptococcus, direct specimen test 1 Panther Fusion
15 15420045510890 GBS KIT, 96T, IVD PRD-04484 NJR Nucleic acid amplification assay system, group b streptococcus, direct specimen test 1 Panther Fusion
16 15420045510470 INTERNAL CONTROL-X, 960T, IVD PRD-04476 NJR Nucleic acid amplification assay system, group b streptococcus, direct specimen test 1 Panther Fusion
17 15420045510463 EXTRACTION REAGENT-X, 960T, IVD PRD-04477 NJR Nucleic acid amplification assay system, group b streptococcus, direct specimen test 1 Panther Fusion
18 15420045509641 System Software InSight FD OXO Image-intensified fluoroscopic x-ray system, mobile 2 Flouroscan InSight
19 15420045509375 CLASS I CONTROL - C. ALBICANS PRD-04521 JJX Single (specified) analyte controls (assayed and unassayed) 1 aptima
20 15420045507937 20-401ML 20-401ML NWW Hysteroscope accessories Myosure Manual Tissue Removal Device
21 15420045505230 B90003 B90003 JAQ System, applicator, radionuclide, remote-controlled 2 4.0-5.0 CM CT LUMEN MARKER SET
22 15420045505193 B11245 B11245 JAQ System, applicator, radionuclide, remote-controlled 2 4-5 CM CONTURAFLEX MLB CATHETER w/TRI INTRODUCER
23 15420045505094 50-501XL 50-501XL HIH HYSTEROSCOPE (AND ACCESSORIES) MyoSure Tissue Removal Device
24 15420045505087 50-401XL 50-401XL HIH HYSTEROSCOPE (AND ACCESSORIES) 2 MyoSure Tissue Removal Device
25 15420045505070 30-401LITE 30-401LITE HIH HYSTEROSCOPE (AND ACCESSORIES) MyoSure Tissue Removal Device
26 15420045505001 919007-01 919007-01 JAQ System, applicator, radionuclide, remote-controlled Mammosite Variable 4-5 cm Applicator Tray
27 15420045504998 EVIVA_1213-20 EVIVA_1213-20 KNW INSTRUMENT, BIOPSY EVIVA_1213-20
28 15420045504950 EVIVA_0910-20 EVIVA_0910-20 KNW INSTRUMENT, BIOPSY EVIVA_0910-20
29 15420045504813 10-401 10-401 HIH HYSTEROSCOPE (AND ACCESSORIES) MyoSure Tissue Removal Device
30 15420045501140 2000 NS2000US MNB DEVICE, THERMAL ABLATION, ENDOMETRIAL NovaSure
31 15420045501133 2007 NS2007US MNB DEVICE, THERMAL ABLATION, ENDOMETRIAL NovaSure SureSound
32 15420045501126 2013 NS2013KITUS MNB DEVICE, THERMAL ABLATION, ENDOMETRIAL NovaSure SureSound
33 15420045501119 2013 NS2013US MNB DEVICE, THERMAL ABLATION, ENDOMETRIAL NovaSure
34 15420045501065 Cervista HTA System Computer MAQ KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS 3 Cervista HTA System
35 15420045500969 Cervista HTA System MAQ KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS 3 Cervista HTA System
36 15420045500952 Cervista HTA System MAQ KIT, DNA DETECTION, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS 3 Cervista HTA System
37 15420045500860 NovaSure Controller MNB DEVICE, THERMAL ABLATION, ENDOMETRIAL 3 NovaSure
38 15420045500853 NovaSure Controller MNB DEVICE, THERMAL ABLATION, ENDOMETRIAL 3 NovaSure
39 15420045512474 GENIUS AI DETECTION SOFTWARE OTE Digital breast tomosynthesis 3 GENIUS AI DETECTION
41 25420045510057 THINPREP SLIDES UROCYTE, 100 pk 70471-001 KEW SLIDES, MICROSCOPE ThinPrep
42 25420045509990 THINPREP MICROSCOPE, ARCLESS, 72pk 70126-002 KEW SLIDES, MICROSCOPE ThinPrep
43 25420045509679 NON-GYN Slides 70372-001 KEW SLIDES, MICROSCOPE ThinPrep
44 25420045509662 NON-GYN Filters, 100 pack 70205-001 KET FILTERS, CELL COLLECTION, TISSUE PROCESSING ThinPrep
45 25420045508467 UroCyte Vial 70473-001  LEA PRESERVATIVE, CYTOLOGICAL 1 ThinPrep
46 25420045505039 819001 819001 JAQ System, applicator, radionuclide, remote-controlled 2 Neucletron HDR Afterloader Connectors wObturators
48 15420045514621 UroCyte Vial ASY-15509 LEA PRESERVATIVE, CYTOLOGICAL 1 ThinPrep
49 15420045514614 CytoLyt Cup PRD-07065 LEA PRESERVATIVE, CYTOLOGICAL 1 ThinPrep
50 15420045514607 CytoLyt Tube PRD-07064 LEA PRESERVATIVE, CYTOLOGICAL 1 ThinPrep
Other products with the same Product Code "LSL"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 07332940002350 GXCT/NG-120 GXCT/NG-120 Xpert CT/NG kit; 120 test kit Xpert CT/NG CEPHEID
2 07332940000080 GXCT/NG-10 GXCT/NG-10 Xpert CT/NG kit; 10 test kit Xpert CT/NG CEPHEID
3 04053228010296 2 5140-1220 digene® HC2 GC-ID DNA Test QIAGEN SCIENCES INC.
4 04053228010265 2 5130-1220 digene® HC2 CT/GC DNA Test QIAGEN SCIENCES INC.
5 04015630929016 05200881001 05200881001 cobas z 480 ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
6 00884999049314 09N20-012 09N20-012 Alinity m Bottle for Ethanol Use Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
7 00884999048898 09N19-012 09N19-012 Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
8 00884999047693 09N20-002 09N20-002 Alinity m Ethanol Solution Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
9 00884999047686 09N18-001 09N18-001 Alinity m Sample Prep Kit 1 Alinity m ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
10 00884999046528 9K12-04 9K12-04 multi-Collect Specimen Collection Kit Multi-Collect ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
11 00884999046511 9K12-03 9K12-03 multi-Collect Specimen Collection Specimen Collection Kit Multi-Collect ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
12 00884999037472 06L87-02 06L87-02 Uracil-N-Glycosylase (UNG) RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
13 00884999037410 8L07-67 8L07-67 Abbott RealTime CT/NG Amplification Reagent Extended Use Including Uracil-N-Glyc Abbott RealTime CT/NG Amplification Reagent Extended Use Including Uracil-N-Glycosylase (UNG) RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
14 00884999037298 8L07-50 8L07-50 Abbott RealTime CT/NG Amplification Reagent Extended Use with Pierceable Caps RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
15 00884999037113 06L98-05 06L98-05 Abbott m2000 System Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Application Abbott m2000 System Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Application CD-ROM, Version 5.0 RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
16 00884999031142 8L07-91 8L07-91 Abbott RealTime CT/NG Amplification Reagent Kit RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
17 00884999031128 8L07-80 8L07-80 Abbott RealTime CT/NG Control Kit RealTime ABBOTT MOLECULAR INC.
18 00875197005783 07460082190 07460082190 cobas CTNG Positive Control Kit ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
19 00875197005776 07460066190 07460066190 cobas CTNG Qualitative nucleic acid test for use on the cobas 6800/8800 Systems ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
20 00875197005738 07958021190 07958021190 cobas PCR Media Dual Swab Sample Kit ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
21 00875197005721 07958030190 07958030190 cobas&#x00AE PCR Media Uni Swab Sample Kit ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
22 00875197005363 2.0 07102577190 cobas® 4800 CT/NG Test v2.0 ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
23 00875197005356 2.0 07102569190 cobas® 4800 CT/NG Test v2.0 ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
24 00875197003314 1.0 05235944190 cobas® 4800 CT/NG Test ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
25 00875197003307 1.0 05235936190 cobas® 4800 CT/NG Test ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
26 00875197003215 1.0 05235847190 cobas® 4800 System Control Diluent Kit ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
27 00875197002911 1.0 05170516190 cobas® PCR Female Swab Sample Kit ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
28 00875197002898 1.0 05170486190 cobas® PCR Urine Sample Kit ROCHE MOLECULAR SYSTEMS, INC.
29 00810031720057 PS-000715 PS-000715 Visby Medical Sexual Health Vaginal Specimen Collection Kit, 50 Pack. Visby Medical Sexual Health Vaginal Specimen Collection Kit, 50 Pack VISBY MEDICAL, INC.
30 00810031720033 PS-000288 PS-000288 Visby Medical Power Adapter. Visby Medical Power Adapter VISBY MEDICAL, INC.
31 00810031720002 000175 PS-000688 Visby Medical Sexual Health Click Test Visby Medical Sexual Health Click Test VISBY MEDICAL, INC.
32 00382904439897 443989 443989 BD COR™ MX BD COR™ MX BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
33 00382904439798 443979 443979 BD CTGCTV2 BD CTGCTV2 BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
34 00382904439040 443904 443904 Kit BD MAX CTGCTV2 US BD CTGCTV2 for BD MAX™ System BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
35 00382904404871 440487 440487 BD ProbeTec™ ET Pipettor BD ProbeTec™ ET Pipettor BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
36 00382904429706 442970 442970 BD MAX™ CT/GC/TV Contains: 24 each, Master Mix, Extraction Tubes, Septum Caps, S BD MAX™ CT/GC/TV Contains: 24 each, Master Mix, Extraction Tubes, Septum Caps, Strips-Containing, Wash Buffer, Elution Buffer, Neutralization Buffer BD MAX™ CT/GC/TV BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
37 00382904428433 442843 442843 BD Viper™ System, Remanufactured BD Viper™ System, Remanufactured BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
38 00382904428426 442842 442842 BD ProbeTec™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) Qx Assay Gray Amp Reagent Pack BD ProbeTec™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) Qx Assay Gray Amp Reagent Pack BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
39 00382904411282 441128 441128 BD Viper™ Extraction Reagent and Lysis Trough BD Viper™ Extraction Reagent and Lysis Trough BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
40 00382904411251 441125 441125 Control Set for the BD ProbeTec™ (CT/GC) Qx Amplified DNA Assays Control Set for the BD ProbeTec™ (CT/GC) BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
41 00382904411244 441124 441124 BD ProbeTec™ Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) Qx Amplified DNA Assay BD ProbeTec™ (GC) Qx Amplified DNA Assay BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
42 00382904411220 441122 441122 Vaginal Specimen Transport for the BD ProbeTec™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria Vaginal Specimen Transport for the BD ProbeTec™ Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/GC) Qx Amplified DNA Assays Vaginal Specimen Transport for the BD ProbeTec™ (CT/GC) BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
43 00382904410919 441091 441091 BD Viper™ System BD Viper™ System BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
44 00382904407162 440716 440716 BD ProbeTec™ ET Instrument, Remanufactured BD ProbeTec™ ET Instrument, Remanufactured BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
45 00382904407056 440705 440705 BD ProbeTec™ ET CT/GC Reagent Pack BD ProbeTec™ ET CT/GC Reagent Pack BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
46 00382904407049 440704 440704 BD ProbeTec™ ET CT Reagent Pack BD ProbeTec™ ET CT Reagent Pack BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
47 00382904404833 440483 440483 BD ProbeTec™ ET Lysing Heater, 120v BD ProbeTec™ ET Lysing Heater, 120v BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
48 00382904404802 440480 440480 BD ProbeTec™ ET Priming and Warming Heater, 120v BD ProbeTec™ ET Priming and Warming Heater, 120v BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
49 00382904404789 440478 440478 BD ProbeTec™ ET Instrument, U.S. BD ProbeTec™ ET Instrument, U.S. BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY
50 00382904404765 440476 440476 BD ProbeTec™ ET Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/GC) Amplified DN BD ProbeTec™ ET Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/GC) Amplified DNA Assay Endocervical Specimen Collection and DRY TRANSPORT Kit Contains: 100 each polyurethane-tipped swab in tubes, rayon-tipped cleaning swabs BD ProbeTec ET CT/GC Amplified DNA Assay Endocervical Collection & Transport Kit BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY