Other products from "IMMUCOR, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10888234002420 0066429 0066429 Anti-s (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone reagent is intended for the detection of the s Anti-s (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone reagent is intended for the detection of the s (MNS4) antigen on red blood cells by tube test. Anti-s (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
2 10888234002406 0002383 Panoscreen EXTEND is intended for use in the detection of unexpected red blood c Panoscreen EXTEND is intended for use in the detection of unexpected red blood cell blood group antibodies. QHT Reagent Red Blood Cells U Panoscreen EXTEND
3 10888234002383 0004818 0004818 Anti-Fyb (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone Blood Grouping Reagent is intended for the det Anti-Fyb (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone Blood Grouping Reagent is intended for the detection of the Fyb (FY2) antigen on red blood cells by direct agglutination tube test. This product configuration is a single vial. Anti-Fyb (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
4 10888234002369 0066816 0066816 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. The antigens Mia and Mur are represented with this product version. KSZ System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody 2 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
5 10888234002215 0004815 0004815 Anti-s (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone reagent is intended for the detection of the s Anti-s (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone reagent is intended for the detection of the s (MNS4) antigen on red blood cells by tube test. Anti-s (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
6 10888234002239 10 mL size vial / 5mL fill volume 0066430 Gamma-clone Anti-Fya (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagent is intended for the det Gamma-clone Anti-Fya (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagent is intended for the detection of the Fya (FY1) antigen on red blood cells with the indirect antiglobulin test by tube and microplate technique.Gamma-clone Anti-Fya (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagent is prepared from IgG antibodies from the human/murine heterohybridoma cell line P3TIM grown in fluid culture and suitably diluted in a proprietary diluent containing bovine albumin to achieve the appropriate level of potency for the test procedure as described. Sodium azide is added as a preservative (at less than 0.1% w/v). Ready for use as supplied. Gamma-Clone Anti-Fya (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagent
7 10888234002222 0004816 0004816 This monoclonal reagent is used for the detection of the Fya antigen (of the Duf This monoclonal reagent is used for the detection of the Fya antigen (of the Duffy blood group system) on red blood cells by tube test. This product configuration is a single vial. Anti-Fya (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
8 10888234002154 0066216 0066216 Capture-CMV is an in vitro qualitative solid phase red cell adherence test syste Capture-CMV is an in vitro qualitative solid phase red cell adherence test system for the detection of antibodies (IgG plus IgM) to cytomegalovirus (CMV) in human serum or plasma. Capture-CMV is intended to be used in screening of donors or patients for serological evidence of previous infection by CMV. This is the five plate product. LJO Antigen, Iha, Cytomegalovirus 2 Capture-CMV
9 10888234002017 0006415 0006415 Anti-D Series 5 (Monoclonal Blend) is intended for use in slide, tube, microplat Anti-D Series 5 (Monoclonal Blend) is intended for use in slide, tube, microplate and automated tests, for the detection of the Rh (D) antigen. Anti-D Series 5 (Murine Monoclonal)
10 10888234001935 0066805 0066805 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
11 10888234001812 0705410 0705410 Gamma N-HANCE is used an additive to enhance reactivity in the detection of unex Gamma N-HANCE is used an additive to enhance reactivity in the detection of unexpected blood group antibodies. This product is Low Ionic Strength Saline (LISS) and is the ten (10) vial configuration. KSG Media, Potentiating For In Vitro Diagnostic Use 2 Gamma N-HANCE
12 10888234001805 0705403 0705403 Gamma N-HANCE is used an additive to enhance reactivity in the detection of unex Gamma N-HANCE is used an additive to enhance reactivity in the detection of unexpected blood group antibodies. This product is Low Ionic Strength Saline (LISS) and is the three (3) vial configuration. KSG Media, Potentiating For In Vitro Diagnostic Use 2 Gamma N-HANCE
13 10888234001751 0420410 0420410 Gamma-clone Control is intended to be used as a control for Gamma-clone blood gr Gamma-clone Control is intended to be used as a control for Gamma-clone blood grouping reagents used in slide, tube, and microplate tests. This product configuration has ten (10) vials. KSF Kit, Quality Control For Blood Banking Reagents 2 Gamma-clone Control
14 10888234001744 0420403 0420403 Gamma-clone Control is intended to be used as a control for Gamma-clone blood gr Gamma-clone Control is intended to be used as a control for Gamma-clone blood grouping reagents used in slide, tube, and microplate tests. This product configuration has three (3) vials. KSF Kit, Quality Control For Blood Banking Reagents 2 Gamma-clone Control
15 10888234001553 0066903 0066903 The Capture-R Select Solid Phase System provides modified microwells for the imm The Capture-R Select Solid Phase System provides modified microwells for the immobilization of human erythrocytes for use in solid phase assays for the detection of IgG red blood cell antibodies to corresponding red blood cell antigens (e.g., antibody screening, selected red blood cell panels, crossmatching, or antigen phenotyping). KSZ System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody 2 Capture-R Select
16 10888234001478 0066815 0066815 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
17 10888234001461 0066814 0066814 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
18 10888234001454 0066813 0066813 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
19 10888234001423 0066804 0066804 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
20 10888234001416 0066803 0066803 Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains three (3) test wells coated with red blood cell membranes from three (3) group O donors, as well as a positive control well, which all make up one (1) test of four (4) wells. Each strip consists of two antibody screens, i.e. two (2) sets of four (4) wells. Each microplate contains twelve (12) strips. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. Capture-R Ready-Screen (3)
21 10888234001225 0066236 0066236 Capture-R Control set (Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak) and Capture-R Neg Capture-R Control set (Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak) and Capture-R Negative Control Serum) are run controls to be used in Capture-R solid phase assays. The Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak) contains antibodies to red blood cells. The Capture-R Negative Control Serum does not contain antibodies to red blood cells. This product configuration has one (1) vial of each control, at a volume of 11.5 mL each. Capture-R Control set
22 10888234001164 0066212 0066212 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) is intended for use in the detection of unexpe Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) is intended for use in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. The product contains alternating wells coated with red blood cell membranes from one of two group O donors. Each strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform four (2-cell) antibody screens. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R® Ready-Screen® (I and II)
23 10888234001157 0066206 0066206 Capture-CMV is an in vitro qualitative solid phase red cell adherence test syste Capture-CMV is an in vitro qualitative solid phase red cell adherence test system for the detection of antibodies (IgG plus IgM) to cytomegalovirus (CMV) in human serum or plasma. Capture-CMV is intended to be used in screening of donors or patients for serological evidence of previous infection by CMV. This is the one plate product. LJO Antigen, Iha, Cytomegalovirus 2 Capture-CMV
24 10888234001126 0066202 0066202 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG ant Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. This product contains alternating wells coated with red blood cell membranes from one of two group O donors. Each strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform four (2-cell) antibody screens. Capture-R® Ready-Screen® (I and II)
25 10888234001072 0066053 0066053 Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red bloo Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red blood cells from blood samples for testing on Immucor automated instruments. This product configuration is six (6) vials of 57 mL volume. KSZ System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody 2 Specimen Diluent
26 10888234001065 0066052 0066052 Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red bloo Specimen Diluent is a ready for use isotonic solution used for diluting red blood cells from blood samples for testing on Immucor automated instruments. This product configuration is ten (10) vials of 11.5 mL volume. KSZ System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody 2 Specimen Diluent
27 10888234001003 0057316 0057316 RESt (Rabbit Erythrocyte Stroma) is used to adsorb cold reactive autoagglutins s RESt (Rabbit Erythrocyte Stroma) is used to adsorb cold reactive autoagglutins such as anti-I, anti-H or anti-IH, for human serum or plasma to facilitate the resolution of serological complexities. RESt contains a saline suspension of rabbit erythrocyte stroma. This package configuration is eight (8) tube tests. LSQ Reagent, Rickettsia Serological 1 RESt
28 10888234000709 0007056 0007056 GammaZyme-F is used in two-stage (pretreatment of red blood cells) enzyme test s GammaZyme-F is used in two-stage (pretreatment of red blood cells) enzyme test systems for blood group antibody detection. GammaZyme-F is a stabilized solution of ficin, and this product is in a single vial configuration. KSK Solution, Stabilized Enzyme 2 GammaZyme-F
29 10888234000655 0006446 0006446 Capture-R Select solid phase system provides modified micro-wells for the immobi Capture-R Select solid phase system provides modified micro-wells for the immobilization of human erythrocytes for use in solid phase assays for the detection of IgG red blood cell antibodies to corresponding red blood cell antigens (e.g., antibody screening, selected red blood cell panels, crossmatching, or antigen phenotyping). This product is the five (5) plate configuration. KSZ System, Test, Automated Blood Grouping And Antibody 2 Capture-R Select
30 10888234000464 0004802 0004802 This reagent is intended for the detection of the M antigen on red blood cells b This reagent is intended for the detection of the M antigen on red blood cells by tube test. Anti-M (Murine Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
31 10888234000402 0004068 0004068 This reagent is used in direct antiglobulin tests where the detection of C3 (as This reagent is used in direct antiglobulin tests where the detection of C3 (as C3b or C3d) is required. This product configuration is a single vial. Anti-C3b,-C3d (Murine Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
32 10888234000273 0002345 0002345 This configuration of the product contains two (2) vials, and is used for the co This configuration of the product contains two (2) vials, and is used for the confirmation of reverse expected ABO serum grouping antibodies. Referencells A1 and B
33 10888234000266 0002342 0002342 This configuration of the product contains one (1) vial, namely known A2 red blo This configuration of the product contains one (1) vial, namely known A2 red blood cells, and is used for the confirmation of reverse expected ABO serum grouping antibodies. Referencells A2
34 10888234000242 0002332 0002332 This product is used in the identification of unexpected red cell blood group an This product is used in the identification of unexpected red cell blood group antibodies. This product is manufactured as 16 vials of reagent in a set. Reagent red blood cell vials each contain a 2-4% suspension of group O red blood cells prepared in a buffered preservative solution. Panocell-16
35 10888234001959 0006436 0006436 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells (in blood donors) by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. Each test well is prepared from a pool of two (2) group O donors. Each microplate strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform eight (8) antibody screens. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells)
36 10888234001942 0006433 0006433 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is intended for use in the detection of un Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is intended for use in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. Each well is coated with red blood cell membranes prepared from a pool suspension of equal proportions of red blood cells from two Group O donors. Each strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform eight (8) antibody screens. Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells)
37 10888234001393 0066451 0066451 This reagent is used for the detection of the K antigen on red blood cells by tu This reagent is used for the detection of the K antigen on red blood cells by tube test. This product configuration is a single vial. Anti-K (Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
38 10888234001720 0413210 0413210 This reagent is used in slide, tube and microplate tests, for the detection of t This reagent is used in slide, tube and microplate tests, for the detection of the B antigen of the ABO blood group system. The package configuration for this product code is ten (10) vials of reagent. Anti-B (Murine Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
39 10888234001713 0413203 0413203 This reagent is used in slide, tube and microplate tests, for the detection of t This reagent is used in slide, tube and microplate tests, for the detection of the B antigen of the ABO blood group system. The package configuration for this product code is three (3) vials of reagent. Anti-B (Murine Monoclonal) Gamma-clone
40 10888234001508 0066828 0066828 TPHA Screen Positive Control and TPHA Screen Negative Control are run controls u TPHA Screen Positive Control and TPHA Screen Negative Control are run controls used in the TPHA Screen on an automated Blood Bank system. The product configuration is one (1) vial of each control. MYR Test,Donor,Syphilis,Antigens,Treponemal 2 TPHA Screen Positive Control and TPHA Screen Negative Control
41 10888234001317 0066254 0066254 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells (in blood donors) by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. Each test well is prepared from a pool of two (2) group O donors. Each microplate strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform eight (8) antibody screens. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells)
42 10888234001171 0066213 0066213 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells (in blood donors) by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. Each test well is prepared from a pool of two (2) group O donors. Each microplate strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform eight (8) antibody screens. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. This particular product code package configuration is made up of five (5) microplates of the identical product, and the identical lot number, placed into the one (1) single box. Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells)
43 10888234001133 0066203 0066203 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells) is used in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells (in blood donors) by manual, semi-automated or automated solid phase red blood cell adherence methods. Each test well is prepared from a pool of two (2) group O donors. Each microplate strip consists of eight (8) individual wells to perform eight (8) antibody screens. Each microplate is packaged into a pouch. Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled Cells)
44 10888234000846 0007700 0007700 Gamma P1 Blood Group Substance is intended for use in assistance in the identifi Gamma P1 Blood Group Substance is intended for use in assistance in the identification of unexpected blood group antibodies by neutralizing anti-P1 activity in serum or plasma. Gamma P1 Blood Group Substance is a standardized solution of avian P1 blood group substance in phosphate-buffered saline. This package configuration is one (1) vial of 2 mL volume. KSX Substance, Blood Grouping Of Non-Human Origin For In Vitro Diagnostic Use 2 Gamma P1 Blood Group Substance
45 10888234000563 0006414 0006414 Anti-D Series 5 (Monoclonal Blend) is intended for use in slide, tube, microplat Anti-D Series 5 (Monoclonal Blend) is intended for use in slide, tube, microplate and automated tests, for the detection of the Rh (D) antigen. Anti-D (Monoclonal Blend) Series 5
46 10888234000549 0006408 0006408 This product is intended for use in slide, tube, and microplate tests, for the d This product is intended for use in slide, tube, and microplate tests, for the detection of both the A and B antigens. Anti-A,B (Murine Monoclonal Blend) Series 1
47 10888234000396 0003032 0003032 This product is used in the identification of unexpected red cell blood group an This product is used in the identification of unexpected red cell blood group antibodies. This product is manufactured as 10 vials of reagent red blood cells in a set, as well as one (1) Tech Cell and also one (1) buffered preservation diluent. Reagent red blood cell vials each contain a 2-4% suspension of group O red blood cells prepared in a buffered preservative solution. Panocell-10
48 10888234000198 0002225 0002225 Checkcell is used to confirm the validity of negative antiglobulin tests. Checkc Checkcell is used to confirm the validity of negative antiglobulin tests. Checkcell is a single vial pool of group O red blood cells that have been sensitized with an IgG antibody. This product is the three (3) vial configuration. KSF Kit, Quality Control For Blood Banking Reagents 2 Checkcell
49 10888234000181 0002224 0002224 Checkcell is used to confirm the validity of negative antiglobulin tests. Checkc Checkcell is used to confirm the validity of negative antiglobulin tests. Checkcell is a single vial pool of group O red blood cells that have been sensitized with an IgG antibody. This product is the one (1) vial configuration. KSF Kit, Quality Control For Blood Banking Reagents 2 Checkcell
50 10888234001997 0006407 0006407 Anti-B (Murine Monoclonal) Series 3 is intended for use in slide, tube, micropla Anti-B (Murine Monoclonal) Series 3 is intended for use in slide, tube, microplate and automated tests, for the detection of the B antigen. Anti-B (Murine Monoclonal) Series 3
Other products with the same Product Code "KSS"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
2 00880304681507 800-1004A 800-1004A GPS® III Platelet Concentration System BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
3 00880304681491 800-1003A 800-1003A GPS® III Platelet Concentration System BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
4 00880304681446 800-0517 800-0517 Plasmax® Plus Plasma Concentration Kit BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
6 00880304640856 800-0516 800-0516 Plasmax® Plasma Concentration Kit BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
7 00880304521513 800-0505A 800-0505A GPS®III Mini Platelet Concentration System BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
8 00880304460652 800-0745 800-0745 GPS® III BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
9 00880304460645 800-0744 800-0744 GPS® III BIOMET BIOLOGICS, LLC
10 00859070006043 910048 910048 Autologous Platelet System-PRFM x 2 Cascade MUSCULOSKELETAL TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION, INC.
11 00859070006036 910050 910050 Autologous Platelet System - PRFM Cascade MUSCULOSKELETAL TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION, INC.
12 00859070006029 910047 910047 Autologous Platelet System - PRP X 2 Cascade MUSCULOSKELETAL TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION, INC.
13 00859070006012 910044 910044 Autologous Platelet System Membrane Cascade MUSCULOSKELETAL TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION, INC.
14 00859070006005 910046 910046 Autologous Platelet System - RPR Cascade MUSCULOSKELETAL TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION, INC.
15 00850000065482 XR 25 Gy NBF (200 EA) 867307 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
16 00850000065444 25 Gy NBF (x200) 831380 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
17 00850000065437 ChromicVue™ XR 25 Gy 943040 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
18 00850000065420 ChromicVue™ XR 15 Gy 943039 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
19 00850000065413 ChromicVue™ 25 Gy 943022 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
20 00850000065406 ChromicVue™ 15 Gy 943053 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
21 00850000065383 XR 25 Gy (x200) 831398 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
22 00850000065376 XR 15 Gy (x200) 831396 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
23 00850000065215 25 Gy (x200) 831379 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
24 00850000065208 15 Gy (x200) 831377 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
25 00817517020526 5681 5681 Hematype Segment Device-100/pk. Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
26 00817517020465 5497 5497 Hematype Segment Device-500/pk Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
27 00817517020458 5470 5470 Seg-Safe Segment Processor 250/pk Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
28 00817517020151 1646 1646 TypeSafe Segment Sampling Device - PK500 Marketlab Inc MARKETLAB INC.
29 00815236021060 HemoTemp II HemoTemp II LCR HALLCREST, LLC.
30 00810106410296 ChromicVue™ 25 Gy @250 977367 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
31 00810106410289 25 Gy NBF @200EA 977365 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
32 00810106410159 25 Gy @200SH 976792 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
33 00810106410142 15 Gy @200SH 976631 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
34 00810106410135 UVA-3J Indicator Sample @24EA 976203 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
35 00810106410128 XR 25 GY Indicator Sample @24EA 976193 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
36 00810106410111 XR 15 GY Indicator Sample @24EA 976192 Blood Irradiation Indicator Rad-Sure™ ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS G.P.
38 19555240401332 A200200 A200200 SEG is intended to aid extraction of a biological fluid sample from a segmented SEG is intended to aid extraction of a biological fluid sample from a segmented piece of tubing. Segment Sampler (SEG) ITL ASIA PACIFIC SDN. BHD.
39 19555240400151 A100150 A100150 DonorCare® Needle Guard is intended to aid in the prevention of accidental needl DonorCare® Needle Guard is intended to aid in the prevention of accidental needle stick injuries upon completion of blood collection procedures. DonorCare® Needle Guard Large Channel ITL ASIA PACIFIC SDN. BHD.
40 19555240400137 A100100 A100100 DonorCare Needle Guard is intended to aid in the prevention of accidental needle DonorCare Needle Guard is intended to aid in the prevention of accidental needle stick injuries upon completion of blood collection procedures. DonorCare® Needle Guard Small Channel ITL ASIA PACIFIC SDN. BHD.
41 14086000903209 4C2405 4C2405 Sampling Site Coupler Sampling Site Coupler FRESENIUS KABI AG
42 M74430001 3000 HemoTemp II BIOSYNERGY, INC.
43 10888234002314 0066906 0066906 Anti-IgG coated Indicator Red Cells are intended for use in Capture-P and Captur Anti-IgG coated Indicator Red Cells are intended for use in Capture-P and Capture-P Ready-Screen solid phase assays for the detection of IgG antibodies to platelets. Capture-P Indicator Red Cells are a suspension of red blood cells coated with rabbit anti-human IgG. The red blood cells are suspended in a buffered preservative solution to which chloramphenicol (0.25 mg/mL) , neomycin sulfate (0.1 mg/mL) and gentamycin sulfate (0.05 mg/mL) have been added as preservatives. Capture-P Indicator Red Cells IMMUCOR, INC.
44 10888234002291 0066908 0066908 Capture LISS is a low ionic solution containing glycine and the dye Bromocresol Capture LISS is a low ionic solution containing glycine and the dye Bromocresol Purple and the preservative sodium azide (0.1%). The reagent will turn from blue purple to sky blue or turquoise in the presence of normal human serum or plasma. Capture LISS IMMUCOR, INC.
45 10888234002147 0006418 0006418 Capture LISS is for use as a low ionic strength potentiator and sample addition Capture LISS is for use as a low ionic strength potentiator and sample addition indicator in Capture solid phase tests for the detection of antibodies. This product is the single 57 mL bottle version. Capture LISS IMMUCOR, INC.
46 10888234001577 0066905 0066905 Immucor’s Capture-P Positive Control Serum (Weak) and Capture-P Negative Control Immucor’s Capture-P Positive Control Serum (Weak) and Capture-P Negative Control Serum are run controls to be used in the Capture-P and Capture-P Ready-Screen Solid Phase assays. Capture-P Positive Control Serum (Weak), Capture-P Negative Control Serum IMMUCOR, INC.
47 10888234001560 0066904 0066904 Capture-P Solid Phase System is intended for use in the detection of antibodies Capture-P Solid Phase System is intended for use in the detection of antibodies to platelets. Capture-P Solid Phase System is designed to detect the unexpected antiplatelet antibodies (antibody screening test) in a patient or donor population. Capture-P IMMUCOR, INC.
48 10888234001546 0066902 0066902 Immucor’s Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak) and Capture-R Negative Control Immucor’s Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak) and Capture-R Negative Control Serum are run controls to be used in Capture-R Solid Phase Assays, including Capture-R Select, Capture-R Ready-Screen and Capture-R Ready-ID. Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak) contains antibodies to red blood cells and sodium azide added as a preservative. Capture-R Negative Control Serum contains no antibodies to red blood cells; sodium azide is added as a preservative. Capture-R Positive Control Serum (Weak), Capture-R Negative Control Serum IMMUCOR, INC.
49 10888234001300 0066251 0066251 Capture-P solid phase system is intended for use in the detection of antibodies Capture-P solid phase system is intended for use in the detection of antibodies to platelets. This is the five (5) microplate product. Capture-P IMMUCOR, INC.
50 10888234001294 0066248 0066248 The Capture-P Control set is composed of both negative and weak positive control The Capture-P Control set is composed of both negative and weak positive control material to control both the Capture-P and Capture-P Ready-Screen tests. Capture-P Control set IMMUCOR, INC.