The nordicBrainEx Software is a post-processing application for dynamic MRI data
The nordicBrainEx Software is a post-processing application for dynamic MRI data developed with focuson ease of use and high performance on a standard Windows workstation. The software providescomprehensive functionality for dynamic image analysis and visualization of MRI data, where signalchanges over time are analyzed to determine various modality dependent functional parameters. Thefollowing algorithms provide the main functional analyses of the application.- BOLD: BOLD fMRI analysis is used to highlight small magnetic susceptibility changes in thehuman brain in areas with altered blood-flow resulting from neuronal activity.- DTI: Diffusion analysis is used to visualize local water diffusion properties from the analysis ofdiffusion-weighted MRI data. Fiber tracking utilizes the directional dependency of the diffusionto display the white matter structure in the brain.- DSC: Calculations of perfusion related parameters that provide information about the bloodvessel structure and characteristics. Examples of such maps are blood volume, blood flow, timeto peak, mean transit time and leakage.In addition to these specific functional analyses, the application also provides general visualization tools,a database for data handling, and a reporting feature. This is to ensure that the workflow of theapplication is optimized to ensure efficiency and high throughput in a clinical environment.
IMPLANT STUDIO IPGS (Implant Planning and Surgical Guide) is intended to be used
IMPLANT STUDIO IPGS (Implant Planning and Surgical Guide) is intended to be used as pre-operative planning soft-ware to plan the placement of one or more implants based on an imported CBCT scan and optionally aligned with a loaded 3D surface scan. The implants are provided by a secured implant library. In addition Virtual Crowns can be used for optimized implant positioning under the esthetical aspect. Further a surgical guide for a guided surgery can be designed and exported for 3rd party fabrication based on the approved implant position. The use of the software requires to have the necessary expertise in implant dentistry.The IMPLANT STUDIO IPGS system must be operated by trained dental practitioners and dental technicians who are skilled in implant dentistry.The IMPLANT STUDIO IPGS software is to be used in general dentist clinics and dental laboratories.