V3D-Calcium Scoring is a software application used with advanced PC hardware for
V3D-Calcium Scoring is a software application used with advanced PC hardware for coronary artery calcification scoring. It is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant medical images derived from gated CT heart scan without the use of any contrast agent.
V3D-Calcium Scoring is a software application used with advanced PC hardware for
V3D-Calcium Scoring is a software application used with advanced PC hardware for coronary artery calcification scoring. It is designed to utilize DICOM 3.0 compliant medical images derived from gated CT heart scan without the use of any contrast agent.
V3D-Cardiac is a software application used with advanced PC hardware for evaluat
V3D-Cardiac is a software application used with advanced PC hardware for evaluating DICOM 3.0 compliant CT images of the human heart. It is designed to aid the physician in analyzing the heart anatomy and detecting anomalies based on contrast enhanced CT images. It provides both coronary artery tracking and left ventricle volume analyzing tools for single or multi-phase CT scan.
The device is intended as an accessory hardware to provide input into medical de
The device is intended as an accessory hardware to provide input into medical device software by capturing video and other sensory information from the operational field for purposes of future processing. The device facilitates rigid, needle-like surgical instrument tracking and guidance feedback for diagnostic and interventional procedures in a clinical setting.
The device is intended as a computer platform to perform computation, display, c
The device is intended as a computer platform to perform computation, display, connectivity and user input functions for CLEAR GUIDE image guidance software (e.g., Clear Guide SCENERGY). The device facilitates rigid, needle-like surgical instrument tracking and guidance feedback for diagnostic and interventional procedures in a clinical setting. The CG-CORE24-MR model is a modified version of CG-CORE24 with significantly reduced ferromagnetic components internally.
The device is intended as a computer platform to perform computation, display, c
The device is intended as a computer platform to perform computation, display, connectivity and user input functions for CLEAR GUIDE image guidance software (e.g., Clear Guide SCENERGY). The device facilitates rigid, needle-like surgical instrument tracking and guidance feedback for diagnostic and interventional procedures in a clinical setting. The CG-CORE24 model is a panel PC with a 24" screen.
The device is intended as a computer platform to perform computation, display, c
The device is intended as a computer platform to perform computation, display, connectivity and user input functions for CLEAR GUIDE image guidance software (e.g., Clear Guide SCENERGY). The device facilitates rigid, needle-like surgical instrument tracking and guidance feedback for diagnostic and interventional procedures in a clinical setting. The CG-CORE13 model is a tablet PC with a 13" screen.
SeeFactorCT3 is a cone beam computed tomography x-ray imaging system that acquir
SeeFactorCT3 is a cone beam computed tomography x-ray imaging system that acquires sequences of the head includingthe ear, nose and throat (ENT), dento-maxillofacial complex, teeth, mandible and jaw, temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ),other areas of human skull and neck with sections of upper cervical spine, and upper and lower extremities for use indiagnostic support. The device displays two and three dimensional images for each examined anatomical region.The device is operated and used by physicians, dentists, x-ray technologists and other legally qualified professionals.
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1 x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393008391 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300891
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EDA Module Kit GTIN : 376300393004261 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393008391 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300822
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1 x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393008391 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300822
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EDA Module Kit GTIN : 376300393004261 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393004881 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300747
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1
Composed of : 1 x Remote Control (Onyx) GTIN : 37630039300761 // Alternate : 1 x Remote Control GTIN : 376300393004711 x EmpowerSync® Power Supply GTIN : 376300393004881 x Injector GTIN : 37630039300747
The XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software is a software-based image processing t
The XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software is a software-based image processing technology that analyzes cinefluorograph images in combination with a CT image to quantify ventilation of pulmonary tissue, thereby providing support to physicians in their assessment of patients with lung diseases.The XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software measures the tissue motion of the lung, at all locations throughout the lung, and at all phases of the breath. It uses these motion measurements to calculate the 4-dimensional (4D) ventilation of lung tissues. Quantification and statistics are provided in the form of a Report.The key outputs are:• The tidal volume (i.e. total lung ventilation), presented as a single value;• Visualization of lung ventilation with color-defined specific ventilation ranges;• The heterogeneity of lung ventilation, presented as three values; and• Ventilation graph/ histogram of the classified lung voxel’s relative frequencies including ventilation defect percentage.