The Royal MAXX™ PRP concentration system is designed to be used for the safe and
The Royal MAXX™ PRP concentration system is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of peripheral blood at the patient’s point of care for mixing with autograft and/or allograft bone to improve handling characteristics. The system consists of a kit of consumables including a concentration device, syringes, blunt needle, alcohol wipes, ACD-A anticoagulant, and phlebotomy supplies.
Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation o
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The 27 mL FIBRINET® System is available as a single pack (item number 510358) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510358-5). The 27 mL FIBRINET® System contains 3 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tube containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, one 30 mL membrane vial with closure containing calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 2 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access devices, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, 2 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer devices, and 1 vial adapter.
Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains accessories to the FIBRINET® System. The FI
The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains accessories to the FIBRINET® System. The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit is available as a single pack (item number 510357) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510357-5). The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains 1 disposable centrifuge carrier with insert and cap and 1 - 50 mL Falcon® tube.
Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
The Royal MAXX™ BMC concentration system is designed to be used for the safe and
The Royal MAXX™ BMC concentration system is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of a mixture of peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirate at the patient’s point of care for mixing with autograft and/or allograft bone to improve handling characteristics. The system consists of a kit of consumables including a concentration device, syringes, blunt needle, alcohol wipes, ACD-A anticoagulant, and bone marrow aspiration supplies.
Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
The Royal MAXX™ Accessory Kit is designed for use with the Royal MAXX™ PRP and B
The Royal MAXX™ Accessory Kit is designed for use with the Royal MAXX™ PRP and BMC concentration systems. The kit contains 2 reuseable Royal MAXX Counterbalances and 2 reuseable Turn keys .
Platelet And Plasma Separator For Bone Graft Handling
The RICHPLAT ORTHO™ Platelet Rich Plasma System is designed to be used for the s
The RICHPLAT ORTHO™ Platelet Rich Plasma System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of peripheral blood at the patient’s point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics.
Angel Processing Sets (NA) Case of 8 Kits or 8 Trays with 020201 Case Label Proc
Angel Processing Sets (NA) Case of 8 Kits or 8 Trays with 020201 Case Label Processing Set (NA)
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a smallsample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP isconverted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect andpreserve platelets. The 18 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 440910) or as a multipack of 10each individually packaged kits (item number 440910-10). The 18 mL SELPHYL® System contains 2 blood collection tubes withyellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 2 PRFMtubes containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™access device, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BDVacutainer® Blood transfer device.
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a smallsample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP isconverted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect andpreserve platelets. The 9 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 420910) or as a multipack of 10individually packaged kits (item number 420910-10). The 9 mL SELPHYL® System contains 1 blood collection tubes with yellowstoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tubecontaining Calcium chloride solution with red stopper, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ accessdevice, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BD Vacutainer®Blood transfer device.
The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains accessories to the FIBRINET® System. The FI
The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains accessories to the FIBRINET® System. The FIBRINET® System is designed to be usedfor the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point ofcare. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handlingcharacteristics. The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit is available as a single pack (item number 510357) or as a multipack of 5individually packaged kits (item number 510357-5). The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains 1 disposable centrifuge carrier withinsert and cap and 1 - 50 mL Falcon® tube.
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation o
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The 27 mL FIBRINET® System is available as a single pack (item number 510358) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510358-5).The 27 mL FIBRINET® System contains 3 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tube containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, one 30 mL membrane vial with closure containing calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 2 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access devices, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, 2 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer devices, and 1 vial adapter.
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation o
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The 45 mL FIBRINET® System is available as a single pack (item number 510359) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510359-5).The 45 mL FIBRINET® System contains 5 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tube containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, two 30 mL membrane vials with closure containing calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 2 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access devices, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, 2 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer devices, and 1 vial adapter.
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP is converted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect and preserve platelets. The 36 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 480910) or as a multipack of 10 each individually packaged kits (item number 480910-10).The 36 mL SELPHYL® System contains 4 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 4 PRFM tubes containing calcium chloride solution with red stoppers, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access device, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer device.
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP is converted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect and preserve platelets. The 18 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 450910) or as a multipack of 10 each individually packaged kits (item number 450910-10).The 18 mL SELPHYL® System contains 2 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, a 20 mL PRFM vialwith closure containing calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access device, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer device.
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP is converted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect and preserve platelets. The 18 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 440910) or as a multipack of 10 each individually packaged kits (item number 440910-10).The 18 mL SELPHYL® System contains 2 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 2 PRFM tubes containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access device, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer device.
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP is converted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect and preserve platelets. The 9 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 430910) or as a multipack of 10 each individually packaged kits (item number 430910-10).The 9 mL SELPHYL® System contains a blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, a 10 mL PRFM vial with closure containing Calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access device, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer device.
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous
The SELPHYL® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. SELPHYL ® removes contaminating red blood cells and white blood cells. PRP is converted to Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) through a controlled process, creating a scaffold that serves to protect and preserve platelets. The 9 mL SELPHYL® System is available as a single pack (item number 420910) or as a multipack of 10 individually packaged kits (item number 420910-10).The 9 mL SELPHYL® System contains 1 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tube containing Calcium chloride solution with red stopper, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 1 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access device, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, and 1 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer device.
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation o
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The 45 mL FIBRINET® System is available as a single pack (item number 510359) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510359-5). The 45 mL FIBRINET® System contains 5 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tube containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, two 30 mL membrane vials with closure containing calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 2 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access devices, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, 2 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer devices, and 1 vial adapter.
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation o
The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The 27 mL FIBRINET® System is available as a single pack (item number 510358) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510358-5). The 27 mL FIBRINET® System contains 3 blood collection tubes with yellow stoppers containing buffered sodium citrate solution anticoagulant and plasma separator gel for preparing PRP, 1 PRFM tube containing calcium chloride solution with red stopper, one 30 mL membrane vial with closure containing calcium chloride solution, 1 latex free disposable tourniquet, 2 BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ access devices, 1 BD Vacutainer® blood collection set with Safety-Lok® needle and 12" tubing preassembled, 2 BD Vacutainer® Blood transfer devices, and 1 vial adapter.
The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains accessories to the FIBRINET® System. The FI
The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains accessories to the FIBRINET® System. The FIBRINET® System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics. The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit is available as a single pack (item number 510357) or as a multipack of 5 individually packaged kits (item number 510357-5). The FIBRINET® Accessory Kit contains 1 disposable centrifuge carrier with insert and cap and 1 - 50 mL Falcon® tube.