Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus™ bracket for use with FUJIFILM SonoSITE, Inc
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus™ bracket for use with FUJIFILM SonoSITE, Inc. C10-3 transducers
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus™ bracket for use with FUJIFILM Sonosite L19-5
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus™ bracket for use with FUJIFILM Sonosite L19-5 transducers
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus ™ bracket for use with FUJIFILM SonoSite, Inc
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus ™ bracket for use with FUJIFILM SonoSite, Inc. C11 transducers
Reusable non-sterile multi-angle bracket with Ultra-Pro II™ needle guides (5) an
Reusable non-sterile multi-angle bracket with Ultra-Pro II™ needle guides (5) and (14 × 91.5cm) CIV-Flex™ covers (5) for use with GE Healthcare eM6C-G2 transducers
Reusable non-sterile AccuSITE™ bracket for use with Toshiba PLI-1205BX (i18LX5)
Reusable non-sterile AccuSITE™ bracket for use with Toshiba PLI-1205BX (i18LX5) transducers
Reusable non-sterile multi-angle bracket for use with Samsung Medison LM4-15B/LM
Reusable non-sterile multi-angle bracket for use with Samsung Medison LM4-15B/LM4-15BD transducers
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus™ bracket for use with SonoSite HFL38 series,
Reusable non-sterile Infiniti Plus™ bracket for use with SonoSite HFL38 series, L38, L38x transducers
The AXIALIS Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it ar
The AXIALIS Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for diagnostic imaging and biometric measurement of the eye including:• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means.• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement.• Measurement of corneal thickness by ultrasonic means.
Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and Pachymetry The QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPAC
Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and Pachymetry The QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPACT TOUCH Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for diagnostic imaging and biometric measurement of the eye including: • Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans. • Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means. • Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement. • Measurement of corneal thickness by ultrasonic means.
The ABSolu is a high definition multifunction ophthalmic ultrasound system used
The ABSolu is a high definition multifunction ophthalmic ultrasound system used for: - Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means; - Implanted IOL power calculation, using the axial length measurement; - Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans. - ABSOLU S only: Advanced diagnostic - Standardized echography provides detailed information about the internal reflectivity of tissues and allows optimal tissues differentiation, localization and measurement of structures in the eye and orbit.
Ophthalmic Ultrasound Biometer: Biometry and IOL CalculationThe QUANTEL MEDICAL
Ophthalmic Ultrasound Biometer: Biometry and IOL CalculationThe QUANTEL MEDICAL AXIS NANO Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for the biometric measurement of the eye including:• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means.• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement.
Ophthalmic Ultrasound BiomicroscopeUBM and automatic STS measurement for ICL siz
Ophthalmic Ultrasound BiomicroscopeUBM and automatic STS measurement for ICL sizingThe QUANTEL MEDICAL Compact Touch STS UBMTM Ophthalmic Ultrasound System (and its associated Linear 50 MHz probe) is intended to be used for diagnostic imaging and measurement of the eye including:• Visualization of the interior of the eye by B scans.• Make measurements inside the eye (Sulcus to Sulcus, Irido Cornea Angle Left, Irido Cornea Angle Right, Lens curvature and Anterior Chamber depth).
Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and PachymetryThe QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPACT
Ophthalmic Ultrasound System: A/B Scan and PachymetryThe QUANTEL MEDICAL COMPACT TOUCH Ophthalmic Ultrasound System and the probes that are used with it are indicated for diagnostic imaging and biometric measurement of the eye including:• Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans.• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means.• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement.• Measurement of corneal thickness by ultrasonic means.
AVISO (S) Ophthalmic A (A-Std), B Scan and UBM Ultrasound SystemThe QUANTEL MEDI
AVISO (S) Ophthalmic A (A-Std), B Scan and UBM Ultrasound SystemThe QUANTEL MEDICAL AVISO modular platform is an ultrasound system intended to be used for:• Axial Length measurement of the eye by ultrasonic means• Implanted IOL power calculation, using the Axial Length measurement• Visualization of the interior of the eye and the orbit by A and B scans(• Advanced diagnostic: standardized echography provides detailed information about the internal reflectivity of tissues and allows optimal tissues differentiation, localization and measurement of structures in the eye and orbit.)
A mobile workstation composed by a central unit with ultrasound beamformer, a
A mobile workstation composed by a central unit with ultrasound beamformer, a tactile screen, a mouse, a touch pen and a footswitch. All these components are assembled on a mobile cart,Optionally a keyboard can be delivered and a trackball mouse can be delivered instead of the mouse.
Total Vein Systems Ultrasound Probe Covers Natural Polyurethane Sterile 6in x 48
Total Vein Systems Ultrasound Probe Covers Natural Polyurethane Sterile 6in x 48in 50 per Case