No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10840118400074 4000025 4000025 401 Exam Chair, 115V GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
2 10840118400067 4000000 4000000 400 Exam Chair FRK Chair, Examination And Treatment 1 MTI
3 10840118439326 528-001-80 528-001-80 528 Podiatry/Wound Procedure Chair, Non-Lift Base, 100-240V GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
4 10840118439319 529W-001-80 529W-001-80 529W Podiatry/Wound Bariatric Chair, Std Base, 100-240V GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
5 10840118439302 529-002-80 529-002-80 529 Podiatry/Wound Procedure Chair, Swivel Base, 100-240V GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
6 10840118439296 529-001-80 529-001-80 529 Podiatry/Wound Procedure Chair, Std Base, 100-240V GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
7 10840118437711 840-003-99 840-003-99 840 Battery Powered Stretcher Bed, Mobile Base, 100-240V, SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
8 10840118437704 840-003-24 840-003-24 840 Battery Powered Stretcher Bed, Mobile Base, 100-240V, SELECTIVE Steer (front GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
9 10840118437698 840-003-23 840-003-23 840 Battery Powered Stretcher Bed, Mobile Base, 100-240V, FRONT Steer (front swi GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
10 10840118437681 840-003-22 840-003-22 840 Battery Powered Stretcher Bed, Mobile Base, 100-240V, REAR Steer (rear swive GBB Chair, Surgical, Ac-Powered 1 MTI
11 10840118429624 TC75AT TC75AT TC75AT Mobile Cabinet, 33.5"h x 24"w x 18"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
12 10840118429617 TC75AS TC75AS TC75AS Mobile Cabinet, 33.5"h x 24"w x 21"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
13 10840118429594 TC100DS TC100DS TC100DS Mobile Cabinet, 41"h x 34.5"w x 21"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
14 10840118429570 TC100CS TC100CS TC100CS Mobile Cabinet, 33.5"h x 34.5"w x 21"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
15 10840118429563 TC100BT TC100BT TC100BT Mobile Cabinet, 41"h x 24"w x 18"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
16 10840118429556 TC100BS TC100BS TC100BS Mobile Cabinet, 41"h x 24"w x 21"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
17 10840118429549 TC100AT TC100AT TC100AT Mobile Cabinet, 33.5"h x 24"w x 18"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
18 10840118429532 TC100AS TC100AS TC100AS Mobile Cabinet, 33.5"h x 24"w x 21"d ETF Unit, Examining/Treatment, Ent 1 MTI
19 10840118424537 331-00-227 331-00-227 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-WALNUT FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
20 10840118424520 331-00-997 331-00-997 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-SPECIAL COLOR FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
21 10840118424513 331-00-246 331-00-246 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-SILVER PEARL FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
22 10840118424506 331-00-226 331-00-226 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-SCHOONER FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
23 10840118424490 331-00-225 331-00-225 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-RAVEN WING FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
24 10840118424483 331-00-243 331-00-243 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-PINE CONE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
25 10840118424476 331-00-223 331-00-223 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-PAPYRUS FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
26 10840118424469 331-00-224 331-00-224 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-ORCHARD FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
27 10840118424452 331-00-244 331-00-244 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-GARNET FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
28 10840118424445 331-00-245 331-00-245 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-DOVE GREY FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
29 10840118424438 331-00-236 331-00-236 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-DIPLOMAT BLUE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
30 10840118424421 331-00-228 331-00-228 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-CHIANTI FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
31 10840118424407 331-00-242 331-00-242 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, ULTRA-ARCTIC FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
32 10840118424391 331-99-999 331-99-999 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION, SPECIAL COLOR FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
33 10840118424384 331-00-215 331-00-215 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-TAUPE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
34 10840118424377 331-00-998 331-00-998 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-SPECIAL COLOR FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
35 10840118424360 331-00-220 331-00-220 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-PORT FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
36 10840118424353 331-00-216 331-00-216 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-PINE FOREST FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
37 10840118424346 331-00-240 331-00-240 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-NICKEL FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
38 10840118424339 331-00-237 331-00-237 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-MOCHA FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
39 10840118423905 328-00-223 328-00-223 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/o Backrest, ULTRA-PAPYRUS FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
40 10840118424322 331-00-239 331-00-239 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-MIDNIGHT BLUE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
41 10840118424315 331-00-219 331-00-219 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-LARAMIE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
42 10840118424308 331-00-218 331-00-218 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-GUNMETAL FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
43 10840118424292 331-00-241 331-00-241 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-DOVE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
44 10840118424285 331-00-238 331-00-238 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-BURGUNDY FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
45 10840118424278 331-00-221 331-00-221 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-BLUE RIDGE FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
46 10840118424261 331-00-217 331-00-217 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-BLACK FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
47 10840118424254 331-00-214 331-00-214 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest, PREMIUM-BEACH FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
48 10840118424247 331-01-227 331-01-227 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest w/TB133, ULTRA-WALNUT FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
49 10840118424230 331-01-997 331-01-997 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest w/TB133, ULTRA-SPECIAL COLOR FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
50 10840118424223 331-01-246 331-01-246 Stool, Hydraulic Pump w/Twin Arms & Ergo Backrest w/TB133, ULTRA-SILVER PEARL FZM Stool, Operating-Room 1 MTI
Other products with the same Product Code "FZM"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 07613327354058 6390 6390-600-000 NA STRYKER CORPORATION
2 07613327282566 0830 0830-000-000 Surgistool STRYKER CORPORATION
3 07540162041334 OR-3810 OR-3810 Single Door Standard Height - 2 Shelves Imperial Single Door Standard Height IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
4 07540162041310 OR-3646F-D OR-3646F-D 34" x 46"Straddle Table w/Std crank hdl & 4-sided Flanged sides Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
5 07540162041303 OR-3646F-C OR-3646F-C 34" x 40"Straddle Table w/Std crank hdl & 4-sided Flanged sides Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
6 07540162041297 OR-3646F-B OR-3646F-B 34" x 32"Straddle Table w/Std crank hdl & 4-sided Flanged sides Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
7 07540162041280 OR-3646F-A OR-3646F-A 34" x 24" Straddle Table w/Std crank hdl & 4-sided Flanged sides Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
8 07540162041273 OR-3646ME-D OR-3646ME-D Marine-Edge as above but 34" x 46" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
9 07540162041266 OR-3646ME-C OR-3646ME-C Marine-Edge as above but 34" x 40" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
10 07540162041259 OR-3646ME-B OR-3646ME-B Marine-Edge as above but 34" x 32" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
11 07540162041242 OR-3646ME-A OR-3646ME-A Marine-Edge Spill Proof Stainless Steel Work Surface - 34 X 24 Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
12 07540162041228 OR-3646DLH OR-3646DLH Straddle Table w/Lower Position Crank Handle 34" x 46" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
13 07540162041211 OR-3646CLH OR-3646CLH Straddle Table w/Lower Position Crank Handle 34" x 40" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
14 07540162041204 OR-3646BLH OR-3646BLH Straddle Table w/Lower Position Crank Handle 34" x 32" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
15 07540162041198 OR-3646ALH OR-3646ALH Straddle Table w/Lower Position Crank Handle 34" x 24" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
16 07540162041181 OR-3646D OR-3646D Straddle Table w/Standard Position Crank Handle 34" x 46" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
17 07540162041174 OR-3646C OR-3646C Straddle Table w/Standard Position Crank Handle 34" x 40" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
18 07540162041167 OR-3646B OR-3646B Straddle Table w/Standard Position Crank Handle 34" x 32" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
19 07540162041150 OR-3646A OR-3646A Straddle Table w/Standard Position Crank Handle 34" x 24" Imperial Staddle (Neurosurgery) Tables IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
20 07540162040344 OR-36230 OR-36230 Revolving Stool - as above but adj. 25 in to 32 in Imperial Stainless Steel Revolving Stool IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
21 07540162040337 OR-36220 OR-36220 Revolving Stool c/w Upholstered Seat and Stainless Steel Base adj. 19 in to 27 in Imperial Stainless Steel Revolving Stool IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
22 07540162040320 OR-36210 OR-36210 Stainless Steel Revolving Stool - adj. 25 in to 32 in Imperial Stainless Steel Revolving Stool IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
23 07540162040313 OR-36200 OR-36200 Stainless Steel Revolving Stool - adj. 19 in to 27 in Imperial Stainless Steel Revolving Stool IMPERIAL SURGICAL LTD
24 00854362008774 CHM8907-01 Back Assm. for all stainless steel stool Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
25 00854362008767 CHM8058-01 Fixed height MRI stool - 18" seat hgt w/rubber tips - stackable Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
26 00854362008750 CHM8923-01 Uph. Back for Doctor's Stainless Steel Stool - inclds. hdwe. Green Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
27 00854362008743 CHM8909-01 Armrest for Doctors Stool w/ att. hdwe. Burgandy Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
28 00854362008736 CHM8911-01 Uph. Back for Doctor's Stainless Steel Stool - inclds. hdwe.Burgandy Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
29 00854362008729 CHM8087-01 Base ONLY for Stainless Steel Stool, 5leg, 21"-27", with caster sockets inserts Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
30 00854362008712 CHM8086-01 Base ONLY for Stainless Steel Stool, 5 leg, 15' -21', , w/ 5 tips, with caster s Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
31 00854362008705 CHM8927-01 Hgt,. Adj for Doctors Stool, with Hdwe Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
32 00854362008699 CHM8907-01 Back Assm. for all stainless steel stool Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
33 00854362008682 CHM8919-50 Doctor's Stool Upholstered Armrest, Green Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
34 00854362008675 CHM8906-01 Seat Assm. - all stainless - threaded stem - 19" to 26" seat hgt. Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
35 00854362008668 CHM8904-01 Back frame for doctor stainless steel stool, complete with hardware, no uph.. - Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
36 00854362008651 CHM8903-01 Seat Assembly for Stainless Stee Stool complete. Burgandy Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
37 00854362008644 CHM8917-01 Seat Assembly for Stainless Steel Stool complete. Green Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
38 00854362008637 CHM8905-01 Arm Assy,Stainless Steel for Stool -frame only with attaching screws Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
39 00854362008538 FSA3002-01 Aluminum Footstool Handle Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
40 00854362008521 FSA3000-01 Aluminum standard footstool - 550lb. Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
41 00854362008514 FSM1732-01 Stainless Steel Handle for footstool 550 lb capacity Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
42 00854362008507 FSM1730-01 Stainless Steel 16" W x 16" L x 25" depth 500lb capacity Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
43 00854362008491 FSM1726-01 Stainless Steel Double Footstool with 2 41' handrails 550lb cap. Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
44 00854362008484 FSM1910-01 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Handrail Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
45 00854362008477 FSM1733-01 Stainless Steel Step stool 30" x 8" x 12" - no handrails, 550lb. capacity Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
46 00854362008460 FSM1725-01 Stainless Steel Footstool w/ 41' handrail, Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
47 00854362008453 FSM1746-01 Stainless Steel Handle only for single footstool Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
48 00854362008446 FSM1724-01 Stainless Steel Footstool with holes Assembly Required Distributors ASSEMBLY REQUIRED DISTRIBUTORS INC
49 00840319734155 i-S900W i-S900W Hayden Surgical Stool, wedge seat, adjustable back, up/down foot controls, brake Hayden Medical HAYDEN MEDICAL, INC.
50 00840319734148 i-S900T i-S900T Hayden Surgical Stool, teardrop seat, adjustable back, up/down foot controls, br Hayden Medical HAYDEN MEDICAL, INC.