Other products from "UCP BIOSCIENCES, INC."
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10817038022112 U-MET-114L U-MET-114L MET Single Panel Dip Test Card DJC Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine u-Card Drug Test Screen
2 10817038021948 U-CUP-564 U-CUP-564 U-Cup TM Drug Test Screen 6 Panel Drug Test Cup THC/BZO/OXY/OPI/COC/MET DJG,DJC,LDJ,DIO,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Im Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine U-Cup TM Drug Test Screen
3 10817038021931 U-MCUP-1264-POC U-MCUP-1264-POC UCP Drug Test Mini Cups 6-Panel Drug Test Mini Cup AMP/BZO/COC/MET/OPI300/OXY DIS,JXM,DJR,DKZ,DIO,LDJ,DJC,DJG,LFG Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs UCP Drug Test Mini Cups
4 10817038021870 U-AMP-114L U-AMP-114L u-Card Drug Test Screen AMP Single Panel Dip Test Card DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine u-Card Drug Test Screen
5 10817038021849 U-MOP-114L U-MOP-114L u-Card Drug Test Screen MOP Single Panel Dip Test Card DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates u-Card Drug Test Screen
6 10817038021832 U-OXY-114L U-OXY-114L u-Card Drug Test Screen OXY Single Panel Dip Test Card DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates u-Card Drug Test Screen
7 10817038021825 U-OPI-114L U-OPI-114L u-Card Drug Test Screen Opiates Single Panel Dip Test Card DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates u-Card Drug Test Screen
8 10817038021818 U-DUD-3124 U-DUD-3124 u-Cup Drug Test Screen 12 Panel Drug Test Cup W/AD (AMP/BAR/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD u-Cup Drug Test Screen 12 Panel Drug Test Cup W/AD (AMP/BAR/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/MOP/OXY/PCP/TCA/THC) (S.G.,CRE, pH) LFG,LCM,DIS,JXM,LDJ,DIO,DJG,DKZ,DJC,DJR Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidi Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone u-Cup Drug Test Screen
9 10817038021801 U-DUD-7104-RCN U-DUD-7104-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 10 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/T UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 10 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/AMP/BUP with Adulteration strip (OX/S.G./pH) DJC,DIS,DJG,DIO,JXM,LDJ,DKZ,DJR Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzym Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
10 10817038021795 U-DUD-8124-RCN U-DUD-8124-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/T UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/PCP/AMP/BUP with Adulteration strip (S.G./CRE/pH) DJR,DKZ,LDJ,JXM,DIO,DJG,DIS,DJC,LCM Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
11 10817038021788 U-CUP-8124-RCN U-CUP-8124-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/T UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/PCP/AMP/BUP LCM,DJC,DIS,DJG,DIO,JXM,LDJ,DKZ,DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enz Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
12 10817038021771 U-MDUD4A-10124 U-MDUD4A-10124 UCP Drug Test Mini Cups 12-Panel Drug Test Mini Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/M UCP Drug Test Mini Cups 12-Panel Drug Test Mini Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/AMP/TCA/BUP with Adulteration strip (OX/S.G./CRE/pH) LFG,DJG,DJC,LDJ,DIO,DKZ,DJR,JXM,DIS Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thi Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate UCP Drug Test Mini Cups
13 10817038021764 U-DOA-764L U-DOA-764L UCP Compact Drug Test Cards 6-Panel Drug Test Card COC/OPI/MTD/BZO/OXY/THC JXM,LDJ,DIO,DJG,DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immun Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
14 10817038021634 U-CUP-9124-RCN U-CUP-9124-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/T UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/TCA/OXY/MDMA/AMP/BUP LFG,DJR,DKZ,LDJ,JXM,DIO,DJG,DIS,DJC Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,E Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
15 10817038021627 U-CUP-6104-RCN U-CUP-6104-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 10 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/ UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 10 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/PCP/AMP DKZ,DJR,LCM,DJC,DIS,DJG,DIO,JXM,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
16 10817038021603 U-CUP-3124-RCN U-CUP-3124-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/T UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/TCA/OXY/MDMA/PCP/AMP DJR,LFG,LDJ,JXM,DIO,DJG,DIS,DJC,LCM Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,E Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
17 10817038021597 U-CUP-8124-RCN U-CUP-8124-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/T UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/PCP/AMP/BUP LCM,DJC,DIS,DJG,DIO,JXM,LDJ,DKZ,DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enz Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
18 10817038021580 U-CUP-1254-RCN U-CUP-1254-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 5 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/COC/THC/OPI300/OXY LDJ,JXM,DIO,DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immun Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
19 10817038021368 U-DUD-6124L U-DUD-6124L 12 panel Test Card AMP/BAR/BUP/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC with Adulte 12 panel Test Card AMP/BAR/BUP/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC with Adulteration strip(S.G./CRE/ pH) DJR,DJC,DKZ,DJG,DIO,LDJ,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine u-Card Drug Test Screen
20 10817038021269 U-HCG-101 U-HCG-101 UCP HOME Pregnancy Test Strip LCX Kit, Test, Pregnancy, Hcg, Over The Counter UCP Home
21 10817038021252 U-BAR-101 U-BAR-101 UCP Home Drug Screening Test StripsBarbiturates Test Strip DIS Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate UCP Home
22 10817038021245 U-BZO-101 U-BZO-101 UCP Home Drug Screening Test Strips Benzodiazepines Test Strip JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Home
23 10817038021238 U-MDMA-101 U-MDMA-101 UCP Home Drug Screening Test Strips Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Test Strip DJC Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine UCP Home
24 10817038021221 U-COC-101 U-COC-101 UCP Home Drug Screening Test Strips Cocaine Test Strip DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Home
25 10817038021207 U-BUP-114L U-BUP-114L BUP Single Panel Dip Test Card DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates u-Card Drug Test Screen
26 10817038021184 U-DUD-6124 U-DUD-6124 12 Panel Drug Test Cup W/AD AMP/BAR/BUP/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC(S.G., CRE,pH) DKZ,DIS,JXM,DJG,DIO,DJC,DJR,LCM,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids u-Cup Drug Test Screen
27 10817038021177 U-CUP-6124 U-CUP-6124 12 Panel Drug Test Cup AMP/BAR/BUP/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/PCP/THC DKZ,DIS,JXM,DJG,DIO,DJC,DJR,LCM,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids u-Cup Drug Test Screen
28 10817038021146 U-DOA-254L U-DOA-254L 5 panel Test Card AMP/COC/MET/OPI/THC DKZ,DJG,DIO,DJC,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids u-Card Drug Test Screen
29 10817038021139 U-CUP-3124 U-CUP-3124 12 Panel Drug Test Cup AMP/BAR/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/MOP/OXY/PCP/TCA/THC LFG,DKZ,DIS,JXM,DJG,DIO,DJC,DJR,LCM,LDJ Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids u-Cup Drug Test Screen
30 10817038021122 U-CUP-8104 U-CUP-8104 10 Panel Drug Test Cup AMP/BUP/BZO/COC/MET/MDMA/MTD/OPI/OXY/THC DKZ,JXM,DJG,DIO,DJC,DJR,LDJ Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids u-Cup Drug Test Screen
31 10817038021061 UCC-12-1MLA-CLIA UCC-12-1MLA-CLIA 12-Panel Drug Test Cup COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP with Ad 12-Panel Drug Test Cup COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP with Adulteration strip(S.G./CRE/pH DJR,DIS,JXM,LCM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cups
32 10817038020996 UCC-10-1MLA-CLIA UCC-10-1MLA-CLIA 10-Panel Drug Test Cup COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP with Adulteratio 10-Panel Drug Test Cup COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP with Adulteration strip (S.G./CRE/pH) DJR,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chro Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cups
33 10817038020859 UCD-10-2M-CLIA UCD-10-2M-CLIA 10-Panel Drug Test Card COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY/BUP DJR,DIS,JXM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
34 10817038020842 UCD-BUP-CLIA UCD-BUP-CLIA BUP Single Panel Dip Test Card DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
35 10817038020835 UCD-12-1-CLIA UCD-12-1-CLIA 12-Panel Drug Test Card COC/THC/OPI/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP DJR,DIS,JXM,LCM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
36 10817038020811 UCD-12-2M-CLIA UCD-12-2M-CLIA 12-Panel Drug Test Card COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY/MDMA/TCA LFG,DJR,DIS,JXM,LCM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,E Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
37 10817038020804 UCD-10-1-CLIA UCD-10-1-CLIA 10-Panel Drug Test Card COC/THC/OPI/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY DJR,DIS,JXM,LCM,DJC,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
38 10817038020798 UCD-5-1-CLIA UCD-5-1-CLIA 5-Panel Drug Test Card COC/THC/OPI/AMP/BZO JXM,DKZ,DJG,LDJ,DIO Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immuno Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites UCP Compact Drug Test Cards
39 10817038020767 U-MCUP-1164-POC U-MCUP-1164-POC 6-Panel Drug Test Mini Cup BZO/COC/OXY/OPI300/AMP/BUP DKZ,DJG,DIO,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Drug Test Mini Cups
40 10817038020743 U-MCUP-664-POC U-MCUP-664-POC 6-Panel Drug Test Mini Cup BZO/COC/THC/OXY/OPI300/AMP DJG,DKZ,LDJ,DIO,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Drug Test Mini Cups
41 10817038020736 U-MCUP-1246-POC U-MCUP-1246-POC 6-Panel Drug Test Mini Cup OXY/OPI300/COC/BZO/AMP/MET DKZ,DJC,JXM,DIO,DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzym Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates UCP Drug Test Mini Cups
42 10817038020637 U-DUD-10124-RCN U-DUD-10124-RCN 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/AMP/T 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/AMP/TCA/BUP with Adulteration strip (OX/S.G./CRE/PH) LFG,DKZ,DJR,DJG,DJC,LDJ,DIS,DIO,JXM Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
43 10817038020583 U-CUP-7124-RCN U-CUP-7124-RCN 12 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/BAR/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/MTD/OXY/MDMA/AMP/PPX/BUP JXN,DKZ,DJR,DJG,DJC,LDJ,DIO,DIS,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoas Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
44 10817038020576 U-CUP-1064-RCN U-CUP-1064-RCN 6 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/COC/THC/MET/OPI300/AMP DKZ,DJG,DJC,LDJ,DIO,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatog Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
45 10817038020569 U-CUP-1354-RCN U-CUP-1354-RCN 5 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup BZO/COC/MET/OPI300/OXY DJG,DJC,DIO,JXM Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Im Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
46 10817038020552 U-CUP-3104 U-CUP-3104 10 Panel Drug Test Cup mAMP-COC-THC/MOP-MDMA/MTD/BAR-BZO/AMP/OXY DKZ,DIS,JXM,DJR,DJG,LDJ,DIO,DJC Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoass Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
47 10817038021924 U-DUD-7104-RCN U-DUD-7104-RCN UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 10 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup AMP/BAR/BZO/C UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups 10 Panel Drug Screening Test Cup AMP/BAR/BZO/COC/MET/MTD/OPI300/OXY/THC/BUP with Adulteration strip (OX/S.G./pH) JXN,LFG,LDJ,LCM,DJG,DJR,DJC,JXM,DIS,DIO,DKZ Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drug Enzyme Immunoassay, Propoxyphene,Radioimmunoassay, Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cups
48 10817038021917 U-MDMA-114 U-MDMA-114 UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cards MDMA Single Panel Dip Test Card DJC Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cards
49 10817038021467 U-BUP-114 U-BUP-114 UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cards BUP Single Panel Dip Test Card DJG Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates UCP Home Drug Screening Test Cards
50 10817038021757 UCC-12-1ML UCC-12-1ML National Test Systems 12-Panel Drug Test Cup COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD National Test Systems 12-Panel Drug Test Cup COC/THC/MOP/AMP/MET/PCP/BZO/BAR/MTD/OXY/MDMA/BUP DIO,LDJ,DJG,DKZ,DJC,LCM,JXM,DIS,DJR Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabin Enzyme Immunoassay, Cocaine And Cocaine Metabolites,Enzyme Immunoassay, Cannabinoids,Enzyme Immunoassay, Opiates,Enzyme Immunoassay, Amphetamine,Thin Layer Chromatography, Methamphetamine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Phencyclidine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Benzodiazepine,Enzyme Immunoassay, Barbiturate,Enzyme Immunoassay, Methadone National Test Systems
Other products with the same Product Codes "DJR, DIS, JXM, LCM, DJC, DKZ, DJG, LDJ, DIO"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 00695684494254 49425 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Oxycodone (OXY) in urine. AIMSCREEN OXY GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
2 00695684491253 49125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Phencyclidine (PCP) in urine. AIMSCREEN PCP GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
3 00695684481254 48125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Opiate (OPI) in urine. AIMSCREEN MOP GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
4 00695684463250 46325 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Benzodiazpines (BZO). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 6 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
5 00695684463250 46325 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Benzodiazpines (BZO). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 6 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
6 00695684463250 46325 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Benzodiazpines (BZO). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 6 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
7 00695684463250 46325 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Benzodiazpines (BZO). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 6 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
8 00695684463250 46325 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI), Benzodiazpines (BZO). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 6 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
9 00695684461256 46125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Methadone (MTD) in urine. AIMSCREEN MTD GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
10 00695684456252 45625 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
11 00695684456252 45625 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
12 00695684456252 45625 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
13 00695684456252 45625 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine ( Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Methamphetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), Opiates (OPI). AIMSCREEN MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
23 00695684454654 45465 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-sid Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, mAMP, AMP, THC, OPI, (cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
24 00695684454654 45465 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-sid Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, mAMP, AMP, THC, OPI, (cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
25 00695684454654 45465 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-sid Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, mAMP, AMP, THC, OPI, (cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
26 00695684454654 45465 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-sid Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, mAMP, AMP, THC, OPI, (cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
27 00695684454555 45455 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, THC, OPI, PCP (cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates, Phencyclidine). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG N5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
28 00695684454555 45455 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, THC, OPI, PCP (cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates, Phencyclidine). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG N5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
29 00695684454555 45455 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, THC, OPI, PCP (cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates, Phencyclidine). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG N5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
30 00695684454555 45455 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, THC, OPI, PCP (cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates, Phencyclidine). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG N5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
31 00695684454555 45455 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, THC, OPI, PCP (cocaine, amphetamine, marijuana, opiates, Phencyclidine). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG N5 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
32 00695684451257 45125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Marijuana (THC) in urine. AIMSCREEN THC GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
41 00695684441258 44125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Opiate (OPI) 2000 in urine. AIMSCREEN OPI GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
42 00695684431259 43125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Cocaine 300 ng/ml in urine. AIMSCREEN COC GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
43 00695684423254 42325 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Benzodiazepines (BZO) in urine AIMSCREEN BZO GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
44 00695684421250 42125 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Barbiturates (BAR) in urine. AIMSCREEN BAR GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
45 00695684420253 42025 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Buprenorphine (BUP) in urine. AIMSCREEN BUP GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
46 00695684415259 41525 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-si Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, mAMP, THC, MTD, OPI, PCP, BAR, BZO, MDMA (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, methadone,opiates, pcp, barbiturates, benzodiazpines, ecstasy). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 10 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
47 00695684415259 41525 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-si Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, mAMP, THC, MTD, OPI, PCP, BAR, BZO, MDMA (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, methadone,opiates, pcp, barbiturates, benzodiazpines, ecstasy). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 10 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
48 00695684415259 41525 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-si Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, mAMP, THC, MTD, OPI, PCP, BAR, BZO, MDMA (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, methadone,opiates, pcp, barbiturates, benzodiazpines, ecstasy). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 10 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
49 00695684415259 41525 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-si Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, mAMP, THC, MTD, OPI, PCP, BAR, BZO, MDMA (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, methadone,opiates, pcp, barbiturates, benzodiazpines, ecstasy). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 10 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC
50 00695684415259 41525 Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-si Lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine. Flat-side cup for easy photocopying. Tests for COC, AMP, mAMP, THC, MTD, OPI, PCP, BAR, BZO, MDMA (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, methadone,opiates, pcp, barbiturates, benzodiazpines, ecstasy). SAFECUP II MULTIDRUG 10 GERMAINE LABORATORIES, INC