"The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of lab
"The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays whichtarget DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates nodiagnostic information or data."
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of labo
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of labo
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of labo
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix contain
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix containinga non-Taq thermostable enzyme lacking exonuclease activity and provided in antibodyinactivated form. An initial high-temperature incubation step denatures the antibodies toactivate the enzyme. The master mix also includes Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) anddUTP to prevent carry-over contamination. MGB Alert PCR Enhancer and MGB Alert 25 mMMgCl2 are provided for additional flexibility in optimizing reaction conditions.
The MGB Alert One-Step Reverse Transcriptase PCR Master Mix package includes a 2
The MGB Alert One-Step Reverse Transcriptase PCR Master Mix package includes a 2X mastermix containing a thermostable polymerase with exonuclease activity and provided in hot-start format.Included are 100X reverse transcriptase, 50X RNase inhibitor, and RNase-free water in separatetubes.
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix contain
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix containing a non-Taq thermostable enzyme lacking exonuclease activity and provided in antibody inactivated form. An initial high-temperature incubation step denatures the antibodies to activate the enzyme. The master mix also includes Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) and dUTP to prevent carry-over contamination. MGB Alert PCR Enhancer and MGB Alert 25 mM MgCl2 are provided for additional flexibility in optimizing reaction conditions.
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of labo
The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix is intended for use in the development of laboratory assays which target DNA analytes using real-time PCR. The MGB Alert Platinum Master Mix itself generates no diagnostic information or data.
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix contain
The MGB Alert PCR Master Mix package includes ready to use 2x master mix containinga non-Taq thermostable enzyme lacking exonuclease activity and provided in antibodyinactivated form. An initial high-temperature incubation step denatures the antibodies toactivate the enzyme. The master mix also includes Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) anddUTP to prevent carry-over contamination. MGB Alert PCR Enhancer and MGB Alert 25 mMMgCl2 are provided for additional flexibility in optimizing reaction conditions.