Other products from "IMMUNOSTICS COMPANY, INC"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 10722355002139 HS-340 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen 340 Test
2 10722355002016 IHP-10 Qualitative immunoassy of the detection of anti-helicobacter pylori antibodies LYR Helicobacter pylori Detector H. pylori
3 10722355002023 IHP-30 Qualitative immunoassy of the detection of anti-helicobacter pylori antibodies LYR Helicobacter pylori Detector H. pylori
4 10722355001477 RA-100U A rapid undiluted latex slide test for the detection of rheumatoid factors DHR SYSTEM, TEST, RHEUMATOID FACTOR Detector Lex RA
5 10722355001514 RH-100 A rapid color enhanced hemagglutination slide test for the detection of rheumato DHR SYSTEM, TEST, RHEUMATOID FACTOR Detector Rheumacol
6 10722355001507 RH-50 A rapid color enhanced hemagglutination slide test for the detection of rheumato DHR SYSTEM, TEST, RHEUMATOID FACTOR Detector Rheumacol
7 10722355001460 RA-50U A rapid undiluted latex slide test for the detection of rheumatoid factors DHR SYSTEM, TEST, RHEUMATOID FACTOR Detector Lex RA
8 10722355001125 HSDV-8 Fecal Occult Blood Reagent, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
9 10722355001040 HSPP-50 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
10 10722355001033 HS-34 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
11 10722355001026 HS-1000 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
12 10722355001019 HS-100 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
13 10722355001002 HS-50 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
14 10722355002917 IDU-2GP For rapid detection of multiple analytes in human urine. JIL,JIO,LJX,CDM,CEN,JIR,JRE,JIN,JMT,JJB,JMA METHOD, ENZYMATIC, GLUCOSE (URINARY, NON-QUANTITATIVE),BLOOD, OCCULT, COLORIMETR Detector UA 2GP
15 10722355002825 2010 For the qualitative detection of hCG in urine JHI Visual, pregnancy hCG, prescription use To Life HCG Pregnancy Test Strip
16 10722355002818 HS-100ND Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen
17 10722355002245 IDU-2PG Urine Reagent Strips (URS) for Urinalysis are firm plastic strips to which sever JIR,JIL INDICATOR METHOD, PROTEIN OR ALBUMIN (URINARY, NON-QUANT.),METHOD, ENZYMATIC, GL Detector UA 2
18 10722355001392 IDP-100 For the qualitative detection of hCG in urine LCX KIT, TEST, PREGNANCY, HCG, OVER THE COUNTER Detector hCG Personal
19 10722355002887 IDP-25 Home pregnancy test for early results LCX KIT, TEST, PREGNANCY, HCG, OVER THE COUNTER Detector hCG Personal
20 00722355002859 5050M2-3B Home pregnancy test for early results LCX KIT, TEST, PREGNANCY, HCG, OVER THE COUNTER Am I Pregnant?
21 00722355002842 5050M2-1B Home pregnancy test for early results LCX KIT, TEST, PREGNANCY, HCG, OVER THE COUNTER 2 Am I Pregnant?
22 10722355001330 IHS-25 For the qualitative detection of hCG in urine JHI Visual, pregnancy hCG, prescription use Detector hCG Stick
23 10722355001354 IHS-100 For the qualitative detection of hCG in urine JHI Visual, pregnancy hCG, prescription use Detector hCG Stick
24 10722355001347 IHS-50 For the qualitative detection of hCG in urine JHI Visual, pregnancy hCG, prescription use Detector hCG Stick
25 10722355001194 CRP-100 A rapid undiluted latex slide test for the detection of C-Reactive Protein DCN SYSTEM, TEST, C-REACTIVE PROTEIN Detector Lex-CRP
26 10722355001187 CRP-50 A rapid undiluted latex slide test for the detection of C-Reactive Protein DCN SYSTEM, TEST, C-REACTIVE PROTEIN Detector Lex-CRP
27 10722355001170 CRC-100 A rapid color enhanced latex slide test for the detection of C-Reactive Protein DCN SYSTEM, TEST, C-REACTIVE PROTEIN Detector C-Reactacol
28 10722355001163 CRC-50 A rapid color enhanced latex slide test for the detection of C-Reactive Protein DCN SYSTEM, TEST, C-REACTIVE PROTEIN Detector C-Reactacol
29 10722355003051 100-PROMO 100-PROMO 1 hemochroma PLUS Analyzer+100 Microcuvettes+1 optical system check GKR SYSTEM, HEMOGLOBIN, AUTOMATED hemochroma PLUS Starter Kit
30 10722355003044 100-404 100-404 hemochroma PLUS Optical System Check is intended to assure the performance of th GKR SYSTEM, HEMOGLOBIN, AUTOMATED 2 hemochroma PLUS Optical System Check
31 10722355001668 IST-501-OBC33 IDSTREP-25 A qualitative immunoassay for the detection of Strep A Antigen from direct throat swab GTY ANTIGENS, ALL GROUPS, STREPTOCOCCUS SPP. Detector Strep A
32 10722355003037 100-303 100-303 hemochroma PLUS Controls are intended for use as quality control material to ass GGM Control, hemoglobin hemochroma PLUS Control
33 00722355002873 2033 Home pregnancy test for early results LCX KIT, TEST, PREGNANCY, HCG, OVER THE COUNTER To Life
34 00722355002866 2030 Home pregnancy test for early results LCX KIT, TEST, PREGNANCY, HCG, OVER THE COUNTER 2 To Life
35 10722355002559 HSDVER-8 Fecal Occult Blood Reagent, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen ER developer
36 10722355002542 HSTRER-100 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen ER
37 10722355002528 HSPP-50ER Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen ER
38 10722355002535 HSER-34 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen ER
39 10722355002511 HSER-50 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen ER
40 10722355002504 HSER-100 Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen ER
41 10722355001538 RHLX-100 A rapid color enhanced undiluted latex slide test for the qualitative or semi- q DHR SYSTEM, TEST, RHEUMATOID FACTOR Detector Rheumacol Lex
42 10722355001521 RHLX-50 A rapid color enhanced undiluted latex slide test for the qualitative or semi- q DHR SYSTEM, TEST, RHEUMATOID FACTOR Detector Rheumacol Lex
43 10722355001446 43100 A rapid latex inhibition slide test for the detection of hCG in urine JHJ AGGLUTINATION METHOD, HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN Detector Cept-D Polyclonal
44 10722355003020 100-202 100-202 The hemochroma PLUS Microcuvettes are used for measurement of hemoglobin concent GKR SYSTEM, HEMOGLOBIN, AUTOMATED hemochroma PLUS Microcuvettes
45 10722355003013 100-101 100-101 The hemochroma PLUS Analyzer calculates the test result automatically and displa GKR SYSTEM, HEMOGLOBIN, AUTOMATED 2 hemochroma PLUS Analyzer
46 10722355001729 SLE-100 A rapid undiluted latex agglutination slide test for the detection of anti-nucle DHC SYSTEM, TEST, SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Detector Lex SLE
47 10722355001712 SLE-50 A rapid undiluted latex agglutination slide test for the detection of anti-nucle DHC SYSTEM, TEST, SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Detector Lex SLE
48 10722355002221 IDU-10 Urine Reagent Strips (URS) for Urinalysis are firm plastic strips to which sever JRE,JIL,JJB,JIN,CDM,JMA,JMT,JIR,CEN,LJX REFRACTOMETER FOR CLINICAL USE,METHOD, ENZYMATIC, GLUCOSE (URINARY, NON-QUANTITA Detector UA 10
49 10722355002238 IDU-5OB Urine Reagent Strips (URS) for Urinalysis are firm plastic strips to which sever JIO,JIR,LJX,JMT,JIL BLOOD, OCCULT, COLORIMETRIC, IN URINE,INDICATOR METHOD, PROTEIN OR ALBUMIN (URIN Detector UA 5
50 10722355002146 HSTR-335CS Fecal Occult Blood IVD, Guaiac KHE REAGENT, OCCULT BLOOD hema-screen Triple 335
Other products with the same Product Code "JHI"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 03573026156923 30405-01 VIDAS ® HCG (HCG) assay is a quantitative immunoassay intended for use on VIDAS VIDAS® HCG BIOMERIEUX SA
2 00895160002519 TF8146 TF8146 An in vitro diagnostic test for the determination of beta-Human chorionic gonado Fluoro-CheckTM beta-hCG NANO-DITECH CORPORATION
3 00863545000306 N/A dBest AMERITEK, INC.
4 00858022006216 8001-50 8001-50 Box of 50 cartridges/tests AdexusDx hCG Test NOWDIAGNOSTICS, INC.
5 00858022006209 8001-25 8001-25 Box of 25 cartridges/tests AdexusDx hCG Test NOWDIAGNOSTICS, INC.
6 00858022006193 8001-1 8001-1 Box of one test cartridge AdexusDx hCG Test NOWDIAGNOSTICS, INC.
7 00857338006330 F2-CT25C F2-CT25C First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine/Serum Test Cassette (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure First Sign® HEMOSURE INC.
8 00857338006224 F1-CT25U F1-CT25U First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Cassette (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure First Sign® HEMOSURE INC.
9 00857338006217 F2-CT25C F2-CT25C First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine/Serum Test Cassette (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure First Sign HEMOSURE INC.
10 00855574005384 HCG25 HCG, Immunochromatographic Test Poly stat POLYMEDCO, INC.
11 00853691007205 1 FHC-202 Pregnancy (hCG) Urine/Serum Combo Rapid Test Cassette Pregnancy (hCG) Urine/Serum Combo Rapid Test Cassette ACRO BIOTECH INC
12 00850392007275 BC-1027 BC-1027 The BioCheck hCG EIA Test Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of BioCheck hCG EIA Test Kit BIOCHECK, INC.
13 00850011007174 TNR HCGCOMBO TNR HCGCOMBO Tanner Scientific CLIA waived;Human Chorionic gonadotropin; HCG Combo Cassette,P Tanner Scientific® MERCEDES MEDICAL, LLC
15 00841824102248 F2-CK04 F2-CK04 hCG Pregnancy Urine/Serum Test Cassette (4mm), 25/plain white box NA W.H.P.M. INC.
16 00841824102231 F2-DK04 F2-DK04 hCG Pregnancy Urine/Serum Test Strip (4mm), 50 /plain white box NA W.H.P.M. INC.
17 00841824102217 F1-DK04 F1-DK04 hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Strip (4 mm ), 50 /plain white box NA W.H.P.M. INC.
18 00841824102194 F1-CK04 F1-CK04 WH ACCU hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Cassette (4mm), 40 /colored WH box WH Accu Test™ W.H.P.M. INC.
19 00841824102163 F1-CK04/2 F1-CK04/2 hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Cassette (4mm) NA W.H.P.M. INC.
20 00841824102033 F1-C04-100 F1-C04-100 hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Cassette (4mm Strip) Sealed in Plain White Pouch, 100pcs/bag NA W.H.P.M. INC.
21 00841824101814 F1-DC04-50 F1-DC04-50 hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Dip Card (4mm Strip) Sealed in Plain White Pouch, 50pcs/bag N/A W.H.P.M. INC.
22 00840239028181 RAP-2818 RAP-2818 This is a test for the qualitative detection of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HC HCG dipstick Test DRG INTERNATIONAL INC
23 00840239017833 EIA-1783 EIA-1783 The hCG ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of human chorionic Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) ELISA DRG INTERNATIONAL INC
26 00817763021933 F1-ST25 F1-D04 First Sign hCG Pregnancy Urine Test Strip (4mm); 25Pcs/Box for Hemosure First Sign® HEMOSURE INC.
27 00817415021069 788525 788525 Pregnancy hCG Test Cassette, 25/Box Dealmed DEALMED MEDICAL SUPPLIES LLC
28 00816870020976 3325-300 3325-300B Monobind AccuBind hCG Rapid ELISA Kit - 192 Wells MONOBIND, INC.
29 00816870020969 3325-300 3325-300A Monobind AccuBind hCG Rapid ELISA Kit - 96 Wells MONOBIND, INC.
30 00816862022216 SW1-S 1-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test SCI Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
31 00816862022179 HCG-PRE-OTC10 1-Midstreams; hCG Pregnancy Midstream Test Retail Box 1 Pcs Preview 10 MIU Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
32 00816862022148 SW1-C 1-Panel Cassette; hCG Pregnancy Test SCI Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
33 00816862021905 W1-S3 1 Strip; hCG Serum/Urine Test Strip Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
34 00816862021721 PRE-HCG-25SE Preview Early Result Test Strip Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
35 00816862021615 WS-H20L50B 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
36 00816862021516 W1-S10 25-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test 10mIU Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
37 00816862021509 PRE-HCG-25C Preview hCG Pregnancy Test Cassette Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
38 00816862021493 PRE-HCG-25S Preview hCG Pregnancy Test Strip Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
39 00816862021349 W1-S25 25-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
40 00816862020960 WMII-H2L10 WMII-H2L10 2+10 Mini-Midstream Combo; 2 hCG Pregnancy Test + 10 LH Ovulation Test Preview WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
41 00816862020953 WS-H20L50 WS-H20L50 20+50 Strip Combo; 20 hCG Pregnancy Test + 50 LH Ovulation Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
42 00816862020946 W1-S20 W1-S20 20-Strip; hCG Pregnancy Test Wondfo WONDFO USA CO., LTD.
43 00816467020112 hCG Diluent 25000036 Used to dilute the sample if the test result reads outside the assay range. Max FastPack® IP hCG Diluent Kit (25) QUALIGEN INC.
44 00816036025968 STP-10-0 STP-10-0 Single STATDIP Pregnancy Midstream 10 mIU/mL, 1 Test per Box STATTEST Home Pregnancy Test MICRO DISTRIBUTING, L.C
45 00811727013255 F1027-96 F1027-96 The hCG ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of human chorionic Pointe Scientific, Inc. POINTE SCIENTIFIC, INC.
46 00742860100208 1004 1004 OSOM Ultra hCG 25T Kit OSOM Ultra hCG 25T Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
47 00742860100154 101-10 101-10 OSOM hCG Urine 10 Test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
48 00742860100086 134 134 OSOM hCG Urine Ctrl Set SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
49 00742860100079 102W-5 102W-5 OSOM hCG Card 5 Test kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC
50 00742860100031 755425 755425 HCG COMBO, MERIDIAN 25 test Kit SEKISUI DIAGNOSTICS, LLC