No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 20711234303082 TFT50I TFT50I Tenderfoot Toddler Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Toddler Heel Stick Device
2 10711234170359 000DCGACT-2 000DCGACT-2 directCHECK GH100 ACT+L2 15/box GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control, Level 2
3 20711234312022 TFM50I TFM50I Tenderfoot Micro-Preemie Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Micro-Preemie Heel Stick Device
4 10711234540107 J-1001 J-1001 Temperature Verification Cartridge JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
5 10711234540084 JEN-QC JEN-QC Electronic System Verification - Normal JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
6 10711234540077 HE-J04 HE-J04 Electronic System Verification Kit JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
7 10711234540039 RPM-CD RPM-CD Report Maker V6.01 JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
8 10711234510070 ELITEL ELITEL Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Loaner) JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
9 10711234510056 ELITEDEMO ELITEDEMO Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Demonstration) JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
10 10711234510025 ELITERF ELITERF Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument Refurbished JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
11 10711234510018 ELITE ELITE Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
12 10711234103081 JACT-LR JACT-LR ACT-Low Range Cuvettes - 45 cuvettes/box. JBP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
13 10711234103067 JACT+ JACT+ ACT+ Cuvette - 45 cuvettes/box. JBP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
14 10711234103043 J201C J201C Citrate PT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. GJS Test, Time, Prothrombin Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
15 10711234103036 J201 J201 PT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. GJS Test, Time, Prothrombin Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
16 10711234103029 J103C J103C Citrate APTT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. GFO Activated Partial Thromboplastin Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
17 10711234103012 J103 J103 APTT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
18 20711234311032 SUP100I SUP100I Surgicutt Bleeding Time Blotting Paper 100/box FRL Fiber, Medical, Absorbent Surgicutt Bleeding Time Blotting Paper
19 20711234301194 TF200I TF200I Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 200/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device
20 20711234301187 TF1000I TF1000I Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 1000/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device
21 20711234301163 TF50I TF50I Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device
22 10711234530160 AVOX1000ERF AVOX1000ERF Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument Refurbished DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
23 10711234530153 AVOX1000ED AVOX1000ED Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument (Demonstration) DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
24 10711234530146 AVOX1000EL AVOX1000EL Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument (Loaner) DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
25 10711234530023 AVOX1000E AVOX1000E Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
26 10711234160022 C100B C100B Avoximeter 1000E Cuvettes 100 cuvettes/box DQA Oximeter Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
27 10711234160015 E-QCYO E-QCYO Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter Optical QC Filters DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
28 20711234302160 TFP200I TFP200I Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 200/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device
29 20711234302153 TFP1000I TFP1000I Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 1000/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device
30 20711234302139 TFP50I TFP50I Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device
31 10711234515044 000GH100L 000GH100L GEM Hemochron 100 System (Loaner) JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 GEM Hemochron 100 System
32 10711234515006 000GH100 000GH100 GEM Hemochron 100 System - GEM Hemochron 100 Instrument JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 GEM Hemochron 100 System
33 10711234170373 000DCGLR-2 000DCGLR-2 directCHECK GH100 ACTLR2 15/box GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Control, Level 2
34 10711234103401 000GACT+ 000GACT+ GH100 ACT+ 45 cuvettes/box. JBP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time 2 GEM Hemochron 100 Activated Clotting Time Plus Test (ACT+)
35 20711234308186 TL5000I TL5000I Tenderlett Finger Incision Device 5000/box FMK Lancet, Blood Tenderlett Finger Incision Device
36 20711234308162 TL100I TL100I Tenderlett Finger Incision Device 100/box FMK Lancet, Blood Tenderlett Finger Incision Device
37 20711234304157 SU50I SU50I Surgicutt Bleeding Time Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Surgicutt Bleeding Time Device
38 10711234540121 000GCCM 000GCCM Centralized Configuration Manager Software JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Centralized Configuration Manager Software
39 10711234500170 86000RF 86000RF VerifyNow System (Refurbished) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
40 10711234500163 86000D 86000D VerifyNow System (Demonstration) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
41 10711234500156 86000L 86000L VerifyNow System (Loaner) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
42 10711234500149 86003D 86003D VerifyNow System (Demonstration) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
43 10711234500132 86003L 86003L VerifyNow System (Loaner) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
44 10711234500118 86003 86003 VerifyNow System (Serviced) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
45 10711234500095 85021 85021 VerifyNow Printer Kit JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
46 10711234500040 86000 86000 VerifyNow System JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
47 10711234170366 000DCGLR-1 000DCGLR-1 directCHECK GH100 ACTLRL1 15/box. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Controls, Level 1
48 10711234170342 000DCGACT-1 000DCGACT-1 directCHECK GH100 ACT+L1 15/box GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control Level 1
49 10711234150122 70068 70068 VerifyNow System Electronic Quality Control Device JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
50 10711234150115 85062 85062 VerifyNow System Preventative Maintenance Kit JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
Other products with the same Product Code "JPA"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 B55890013181 900-1318 900-1318 The Reference Plasma Quality Control Kit is for use with the Sonoclot® Analyzer The Reference Plasma Quality Control Kit is for use with the Sonoclot® Analyzer System to verify performance of activated cuvettes. Testing should be performed prior to the use of a new shipment of activated cuvettes and monthly throughout use of the stock. More frequent testing may be required to comply with local, state and federal QC requirements. Reference plasma quality control is important to properly verify proper performance of coagulation test activators. A two level testing approach is used to perform quality control of the activator used in an activated coagulation test. Level I is run with the activator on the reference plasma. Level II is run with the non-activated test on the reference plasma. These two tests confirm the effectiveness of the activator to perform its intended coagulation activation.Each Kit contains:1 vial Reference Plasma Control - 6 ml vial containing a lyophilized preparation of citrated animal plasma, stabilizers and buffer. Contains no human material.1 vial Distilled Water - 6 ml vial containing 5.0 ml laboratory grade distilled water.1 vial 0.02 M Calcium Chloride - 6 ml vial containing 5.0 ml 0.02 M Calcium Chloride.5 plastic 1 ml syringes2 non-activated test cuvettes (blue with clear caps, stir bars, and probes) Sonoclot® Reference Plasma Quality Control Kit SIENCO, INC.
2 B55890013021 900-1302 900-1302 The Reference Viscosity Oil QC test is a simple means of verifying proper operat The Reference Viscosity Oil QC test is a simple means of verifying proper operation of the Sonoclot Analyzer. This test consists of a two point verification of the electromechanical oscillator and also ensures that the heating control is operating accurately. The two verification points are: 1) Probe-In-Air, and 2) Probe-In-Oil. The Probe-In-Air is the response of the electromechanical oscillator to air. The Probe-In-Oil is the response of the electromechanical oscillator to the reference viscosity liquid. Since the viscosity of the reference viscosity fluid is significantly temperature dependent, the Probe-In-Oil test point also verifies the temperature regulation. The QC test should be run each day the Sonoclot Analyzer is used or as required by your institution. Each Reference Viscosity Quality Control Kit contains 24 cuvettes, 24 probes, 1 vial of reference viscosity oil with end cap, and these instructions. These supplies provide 24 QC tests for the analyzer. Sonoclot® Reference Viscosity Oil Quality Control Kit SIENCO, INC.
3 B55880004321 800-0432 800-0432 The SonACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic reagent for use with the Sonoclot® Coag The SonACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic reagent for use with the Sonoclot® Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer System. The SonACT test is a celite activated whole blood clotting time test. It may also be used with citrated whole blood and plasma. The SonACT Kit is intended for general purpose global hemostasis monitoring including: clot detection, fibrin formation, platelet function, and hyperfibrinolysis. The monitoring information is typically used for anticoagulant management up to high heparin levels (0 to approximately 6 units per ml), hypercoagulable and/or hypocoagulable screening, platelet function assessment, and hyperfibrinolysis screening. When used with the Sonoclot Analyzer System, the SonACT test provides quantitative Onset/ACT and Clot Rate results as well as qualitative and quantitative information on the Sonoclot Signature including: fibrin formation, platelet function, and hyperfibrinolysis.Each kit contains 100 lidded colorless plastic activation cuvettes, 100 probes, and instructions for use. The activation cuvettes contain a controlled amount of celite and a magnetic stir bar. Sonoclot® SonACT Kit SIENCO, INC.
4 B55880004311 800-0431 800-0431 The SonACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic reagent for use with the Sonoclot® Coag The SonACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic reagent for use with the Sonoclot® Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer System. The SonACT test is a celite activated whole blood clotting time test. It may also be used with citrated whole blood and plasma. The SonACT Kit is intended for general purpose global hemostasis monitoring including: clot detection, fibrin formation, platelet function, and hyperfibrinolysis. The monitoring information is typically used for anticoagulant management up to high heparin levels (0 to approximately 6 units per ml), hypercoagulable and/or hypocoagulable screening, platelet function assessment, and hyperfibrinolysis screening. When used with the Sonoclot Analyzer System, the SonACT test provides quantitative Onset/ACT and Clot Rate results as well as qualitative and quantitative information on the Sonoclot Signature including: fibrin formation, platelet function, and hyperfibrinolysis.Each kit contains 24 lidded colorless plastic activation cuvettes, 24 probes, and instructions for use. The activation cuvettes contain a controlled amount of celite and a magnetic stir bar. Sonoclot® SonACT Kit SIENCO, INC.
5 B55880004261 800-0426 800-0426 The Non-Activated Clotting Test Kit contains the necessary components for an in The Non-Activated Clotting Test Kit contains the necessary components for an in vitro diagnostic test for use with the Sonoclot® Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer System. It may be used with native whole blood, citrated whole blood, and plasma. The Non-Activated Kit may either be used as a non-activated clotting test or as a general use test with user provided activators. It is intended for customer designed hemostasis monitoring on the Sonoclot Analyzer. The Non-Activated cuvette allows for coagulation monitoring using tissue activation, thrombin activation, and other custom activators. Some of the applications for the Non-Activated test with the addition of customer determined reagents are monitoring of fibrin formation, fibrinolysis, hyperfibrinolysis and clot retraction. When used with the Sonoclot Analyzer System, the Non-Activated test provides quantitative Onset/ACT and Clot Rate results as well as qualitative and quantitative information on the Sonoclot Signature including: fibrin formation, platelet function, and hyperfibrinolysis. Each kit contains 24 lidded plastic cuvettes, 24 probes, and instructions for use. The cuvettes contain a magnetic stir bar. Sonoclot® NonActivated Kit SIENCO, INC.
6 B55880004251 800-0425 800-0425 The Non-Activated Clotting Test Kit contains the necessary components for an in The Non-Activated Clotting Test Kit contains the necessary components for an in vitro diagnostic test for use with the Sonoclot® Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer System. It may be used with native whole blood, citrated whole blood, and plasma. The Non-Activated Kit may either be used as a non-activated clotting test or as a general use test with user provided activators. It is intended for customer designed hemostasis monitoring on the Sonoclot Analyzer. The Non-Activated cuvette allows for coagulation monitoring using tissue activation, thrombin activation, and other custom activators. Some of the applications for the Non-Activated test with the addition of customer determined reagents are monitoring of fibrin formation, fibrinolysis, hyperfibrinolysis and clot retraction. When used with the Sonoclot Analyzer System, the Non-Activated test provides quantitative Onset/ACT and Clot Rate results as well as qualitative and quantitative information on the Sonoclot Signature including: fibrin formation, platelet function, and hyperfibrinolysis. Each kit contains 100 lidded plastic cuvettes, 100 probes, and instructions for use. The cuvettes contain a magnetic stir bar. Sonoclot® NonActivated Kit SIENCO, INC.
7 B55880004011 800-0401 800-0401 The kACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test for use with the Sonoclot® Coagulat The kACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test for use with the Sonoclot® Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer System. The kACT test is a kaolin activated whole blood clotting time test. It may also be used with citrated whole blood and plasma. The kACT Kit is intended for high dose heparin management with or without aprotinin. The kACT test provides quantitative Onset/ACT and Clot Rate results with the Sonoclot Analyzer. The kACT test is not intended for platelet function monitoring. Each kit contains 24 lidded blue plastic activation cuvettes, 24 probes, and instructions for use. The activation cuvettes contain a controlled amount of kaolin and a magnetic stir bar. Sonoclot® kACT Kit SIENCO, INC.
8 B55880004001 800-0400 800-0400 The kACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test for use with the Sonoclot Coagulatio The kACT Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test for use with the Sonoclot Coagulation & Platelet Function Analyzer System. The kACT test is a kaolin activated whole blood clotting time test. It may also be used with citrated whole blood and plasma.The kACT kit is intended for high dose heparin management with or without aprotinin. The kACT test provides quantitative Onset/ACT and Clot Rate results with the Sonoclot Analyzer. The kACT test is not intended for platelet function monitoring.Each kACT Kit contains 100 lidded blue plastic activation cuvettes, 100 probes, and instructions for use. The activation cuvettes contain a controlled amount of kaolin and a magnetic stir bar. Sonoclot® kACT Kit SIENCO, INC.
16 20763000014876 550-13 CONTROL 550-13 CLOTTRAC HR 11L 30PK CLOTtrac™ MEDTRONIC, INC.
17 20763000014814 550-01 CONTROL 550-01 CLOTTRAC CWB 11L 15BX CLOTtrac™ MEDTRONIC, INC.
18 20643169577484 402-02 CARTRIDGE 402-02 ACT RACT 13 LAN RACT MEDTRONIC, INC.
19 20613994531821 402-02 CARTRIDGE 402-02 ACT RACT 14L RACT MEDTRONIC, INC.
20 20613994417286 402-02 CARTRIDGE 402-02 ACT RACT 13 LAN RACT MEDTRONIC, INC.
21 20613994130383 550-13 CONTROL 550-13 CLOTTRAC HR 11L 30PK NA MEDTRONIC, INC.
22 15391521421125 DSF Destiny System Fluid TCOAG IRELAND LIMITED
23 15391521420708 T5102 TriniCAL™ Reference Plasma TCOAG IRELAND LIMITED
24 10885074184828 550-01 CONTROL 550-01 CLOTTRAC CWB 11L 15BX CLOTtrac® MEDTRONIC, INC.
25 10812747018463 07-605-US Citrated: K, RT, FF Hemostasis System HAEMONETICS CORPORATION
28 10812747018203 07-044 STARTER KIT, TEG5000 TEG5000 HAEMONETICS CORPORATION
29 10812747018159 01-097 PIPETTE KIT, 1000UL TEG5000 HAEMONETICS CORPORATION
30 10812747018142 01-096 PIPETTE KIT, 100UL TEG5000 HAEMONETICS CORPORATION
32 10711234540121 000GCCM 000GCCM Centralized Configuration Manager Software Centralized Configuration Manager Software ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
33 10711234540114 HR1003 HR1003 Temperature Verification Tube Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
34 10711234540107 J-1001 J-1001 Temperature Verification Cartridge Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
35 10711234540091 JEA-QC JEA-QC Electronic System Verification - Abnormal Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
36 10711234540084 JEN-QC JEN-QC Electronic System Verification - Normal Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
37 10711234540077 HE-J04 HE-J04 Electronic System Verification Kit Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
38 10711234540060 HR1003 HR1003 Temperature Verification Tube Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
39 10711234540053 HE-ESV HE-ESV Electronic System Verification Tube Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
40 10711234540039 RPM-CD RPM-CD Report Maker V6.01 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
41 10711234540022 HRDM3CD HRDM3CD Data Manager V3.0 Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
42 10711234520062 HRS.110-D HRS.110-D Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System - Hemochron Response Instrument (Demonstration) Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
43 10711234520055 HRS.110-L HRS.110-L Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System - Hemochron Response Instrument (Loaner) Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
44 10711234520048 HRS.RF HRS.RF Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System - Hemochron Response Instrument Refurbished Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
45 10711234520017 HRS.110 HRS.110 Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System - Hemochron Response Instrument Hemochron Whole Blood Coagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
46 10711234515044 000GH100L 000GH100L GEM Hemochron 100 System (Loaner) GEM Hemochron 100 System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
47 10711234515006 000GH100 000GH100 GEM Hemochron 100 System - GEM Hemochron 100 Instrument GEM Hemochron 100 System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
48 10711234510070 ELITEL ELITEL Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Loaner) Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
49 10711234510056 ELITEDEMO ELITEDEMO Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Demonstration) Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.
50 10711234510025 ELITERF ELITERF Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument Refurbished Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System ACCRIVA DIAGNOSTICS HOLDINGS, INC.