No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Product Code Product Code Name Device Class Brand Name
1 20711234303082 TFT50I TFT50I Tenderfoot Toddler Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Toddler Heel Stick Device
2 10711234170359 000DCGACT-2 000DCGACT-2 directCHECK GH100 ACT+L2 15/box GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control, Level 2
3 20711234312022 TFM50I TFM50I Tenderfoot Micro-Preemie Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Micro-Preemie Heel Stick Device
4 10711234540107 J-1001 J-1001 Temperature Verification Cartridge JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
5 10711234540091 JEA-QC JEA-QC Electronic System Verification - Abnormal JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
6 10711234540084 JEN-QC JEN-QC Electronic System Verification - Normal JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
7 10711234540077 HE-J04 HE-J04 Electronic System Verification Kit JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
8 10711234540039 RPM-CD RPM-CD Report Maker V6.01 JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
9 10711234510070 ELITEL ELITEL Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Loaner) JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
10 10711234510056 ELITEDEMO ELITEDEMO Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Demonstration) JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
11 10711234510025 ELITERF ELITERF Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument Refurbished JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
12 10711234510018 ELITE ELITE Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
13 10711234103081 JACT-LR JACT-LR ACT-Low Range Cuvettes - 45 cuvettes/box. JBP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
14 10711234103067 JACT+ JACT+ ACT+ Cuvette - 45 cuvettes/box. JBP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
15 10711234103043 J201C J201C Citrate PT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. GJS Test, Time, Prothrombin Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
16 10711234103036 J201 J201 PT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. GJS Test, Time, Prothrombin Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
17 10711234103029 J103C J103C Citrate APTT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. GFO Activated Partial Thromboplastin Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
18 10711234103012 J103 J103 APTT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System
19 20711234311032 SUP100I SUP100I Surgicutt Bleeding Time Blotting Paper 100/box FRL Fiber, Medical, Absorbent Surgicutt Bleeding Time Blotting Paper
20 20711234301194 TF200I TF200I Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 200/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device
21 20711234301187 TF1000I TF1000I Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 1000/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device
22 20711234301163 TF50I TF50I Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device
23 10711234530160 AVOX1000ERF AVOX1000ERF Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument Refurbished DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
24 10711234530153 AVOX1000ED AVOX1000ED Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument (Demonstration) DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
25 10711234530146 AVOX1000EL AVOX1000EL Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument (Loaner) DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
26 10711234530023 AVOX1000E AVOX1000E Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
27 10711234160022 C100B C100B Avoximeter 1000E Cuvettes 100 cuvettes/box DQA Oximeter Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
28 10711234160015 E-QCYO E-QCYO Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter Optical QC Filters DQA Oximeter 2 Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter
29 20711234302160 TFP200I TFP200I Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 200/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device
30 20711234302153 TFP1000I TFP1000I Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 1000/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device
31 20711234302139 TFP50I TFP50I Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device
32 10711234515044 000GH100L 000GH100L GEM Hemochron 100 System (Loaner) JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 GEM Hemochron 100 System
33 10711234515006 000GH100 000GH100 GEM Hemochron 100 System - GEM Hemochron 100 Instrument JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 GEM Hemochron 100 System
34 10711234103401 000GACT+ 000GACT+ GH100 ACT+ 45 cuvettes/box. JBP Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time 2 GEM Hemochron 100 Activated Clotting Time Plus Test (ACT+)
35 20711234308186 TL5000I TL5000I Tenderlett Finger Incision Device 5000/box FMK Lancet, Blood Tenderlett Finger Incision Device
36 20711234308162 TL100I TL100I Tenderlett Finger Incision Device 100/box FMK Lancet, Blood Tenderlett Finger Incision Device
37 20711234304157 SU50I SU50I Surgicutt Bleeding Time Device 50/box JCA Device, Bleeding Time Surgicutt Bleeding Time Device
38 10711234540121 000GCCM 000GCCM Centralized Configuration Manager Software JPA System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies 2 Centralized Configuration Manager Software
39 10711234500170 86000RF 86000RF VerifyNow System (Refurbished) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
40 10711234500163 86000D 86000D VerifyNow System (Demonstration) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
41 10711234500156 86000L 86000L VerifyNow System (Loaner) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
42 10711234500149 86003D 86003D VerifyNow System (Demonstration) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
43 10711234500132 86003L 86003L VerifyNow System (Loaner) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
44 10711234500118 86003 86003 VerifyNow System (Serviced) JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
45 10711234500095 85021 85021 VerifyNow Printer Kit JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
46 10711234500040 86000 86000 VerifyNow System JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
47 10711234170366 000DCGLR-1 000DCGLR-1 directCHECK GH100 ACTLRL1 15/box. GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Controls, Level 1
48 10711234170342 000DCGACT-1 000DCGACT-1 directCHECK GH100 ACT+L1 15/box GGN Plasma, Coagulation Control 2 directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control Level 1
49 10711234150122 70068 70068 VerifyNow System Electronic Quality Control Device JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
50 10711234150115 85062 85062 VerifyNow System Preventative Maintenance Kit JOZ System, Automated Platelet Aggregation 2 VerifyNow System
Other products with the same Product Code "GGN"
No Primary DI Version or Model Catalog Number Device Description Brand Name Organization Name
1 07640175460020 502-22 502-22 Control plasma for assays aimed to determine the functional phenotype for activa Control plasma for assays aimed to determine the functional phenotype for activated protein C resistance caused by the Factor V Leiden mutation (FV:Q506). Pefakit DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS AG ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNG PENTAPHARM
2 04260160470587 delta System (US/CA) 201001 The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
3 04260160470112 ROTROL P 503-25-US, 503-25 ROTROL P is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of ROTROL P is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of tests carried out on the ROTEM® delta Thromboelastometry System. For in vitro diagnostic use only. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
4 04260160470105 ROTROL N 503-24-US, 503-24 ROTROL N is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of ROTROL N is a quality control material for monitoring accuracy and precision of tests carried out on the ROTEM® delta Thromboelastometry System. For in vitro diagnostic use only. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
5 04260160470099 star-tem® 20 503-10-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environ-ment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve – clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively.The star-tem® reagent is intended for use as recalcification reagent in the NATEM and INTEM assay on the ROTEM® delta. The corresponding assays are described in the NATEM assay application sheet and in the Instructions for Use of the in-tem® reagent (REF 503-02-US), resp. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
6 04260160470082 hep-tem® 503-09-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environ-ment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively.The hep-tem® assay is a semi-quantitative in vitro diagnostic assay used to inactivate heparin in patients receiving unfractionated heparin on the ROTEM® delta. To monitor the coagulation process citrated whole blood specimens are used. Clotting characteristics are described by the functional parameters Clotting Time (CT), Speed of Clot Formation (CFT and alpha angle), Clot Firmness (A20/MCF) and Clot Lysis (LOT, ML, LI(x)). ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
7 04260160470044 in-tem® 503-02-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively.The in-tem® assay is a semi-quantitative in vitro diagnostic assay used to monitor the coagulation process via the intrinsic pathway in citrated whole blood specimens on the ROTEM® delta. Clotting characteristics are described by the functional parameters Clotting Time (CT), Speed of Clot Formation (CFT and alpha angle), Clot Firmness (A20/MCF) and Clot Lysis (LOT, ML, LI(x)). ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
8 04260160470020 delta System 200100-US The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a l The ROTEM® delta is designed for in-vitro diagnostic use by professionals in a laboratory environment. The ROTEM® delta is intended to be used to provide a qualitative and quantitative indication of the coagulation state of a blood sample. For this purpose the ROTEM® delta records the clot firmness changes in a sample of citrated whole blood as the sample clots, retracts and lyses in real time. The analyzer output consists of a qualitative graphical representation (mirrored coagulation curve - clot firmness over time) and several defined numerical parameters describing the curve quantitatively. ROTEM® TEM INNOVATIONS GMBH
9 03663537043550 224201 224201 BIOPHEN LMWH Control C4 HYPHEN BIOMED
10 03663537043512 224401 224401 BIOPHEN LMWH CONTROL LOW CII HYPHEN BIOMED
11 03663537043505 224301 224301 BIOPHEN LMWH CONTROL LOW CI HYPHEN BIOMED
12 03663537042904 224101 224101 BIOPHEN UFH Control C1 HYPHEN BIOMED
13 03663537008368 223701 223701 BIOPHEN LMWH Control Low HYPHEN BIOMED
14 03663537008320 223405 223405 BIOPHEN™ V-L Control Plasma HYPHEN BIOMED
17 03663537008290 223101 223101 BIOPHEN UFH Control Plasma HYPHEN BIOMED
18 03663537008283 223001 223001 BIOPHEN LMWH Control Plasma HYPHEN BIOMED
19 03663537008276 222301 222301 BIOPHEN UFH Calibrator HYPHEN BIOMED
20 03663537008252 222101 222101 BIOPHEN PLASMA CALIBRATOR HYPHEN BIOMED
21 03663537008245 222001 222001 BIOPHEN Heparin Calibrator HYPHEN BIOMED
22 03663537007996 223901 223901 BIOPHEN UFH CONTROL C2 HYPHEN BIOMED
23 03663537007989 223801 223801 BIOPHEN LMWH Control C3 HYPHEN BIOMED
24 03607450006865 00686 STA® - Quality HBPM/LMWH DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
25 03607450006780 00678 STA® - System Control N + P DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
26 03607450006773 00677 STA® - Coag Control (N + ABN) PLUS DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
27 03607450006766 00676 STA® - Coag Control N + ABN DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
28 03607450005264 00526 STA® - Liatest® Control N + P DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
29 03607450003819 00381 STA® - Quality HNF/UFH DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
30 03607450002010 00201 STA® - Control LA 1 + 2 DIAGNOSTICA STAGO
31 00885074184937 550-11 CALCIUM CHLORIDE 5 ML NA MEDTRONIC, INC.
32 00859110005111 903se 903se Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of the heparin anti-Xa activity on automated instruments Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
33 00859110005104 903st 903st Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of the heparin anti-Xa activityon automated instruments Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
34 00859110005098 903il 903il Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate Heparin is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of the heparin anti-Xa activityon automated instruments Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
35 00859110005081 902se 902se Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of drug analytes on automated instruments. Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
36 00859110005074 902st 902st Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of drug analytes on automated instruments. Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
37 00859110005067 902il 902il Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration V Validate D-Dimer is intended for the quantitative determination of Calibration Verification/Linearity of drug analytes on automated instruments. Validate LGC CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC.
38 00850201006208 840C 840C ACTICLOT Protein C Resistance control plasmas BIOMEDICA ADI INC.
39 00847661004516 27102X 27102X Liquichek D-dimer Control MiniPak (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
40 00847661004509 27103 27103 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 3 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
41 00847661004493 27102 27102 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 2 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
42 00847661004486 27101 27101 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 1 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
43 00847661004479 27100 27100 Liquichek D-dimer Control Level Low (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.) Liquichek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
44 00847661001959 745X 745X Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human plasma coagulatio Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
45 00847661001898 598X 598X Lyphochek Hemostasis Control MiniPak (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
46 00847661001041 599 599 Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 3 (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
47 00847661001034 598 598 Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 2 (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
48 00847661001027 597 597 Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 1 (A human plasma hemostasis control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
49 00847661000792 746 746 Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 3 (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.
50 00847661000785 745 745 Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 2 (A human plasma coagulation control.) Lyphochek BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.