No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Product Code | Product Code Name | Device Class | Brand Name |
1 | 20711234303082 | TFT50I | TFT50I | Tenderfoot Toddler Heel Stick Device 50/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Toddler Heel Stick Device | |
2 | 10711234170359 | 000DCGACT-2 | 000DCGACT-2 | directCHECK GH100 ACT+L2 15/box | GGN | Plasma, Coagulation Control | 2 | directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control, Level 2 |
3 | 20711234312022 | TFM50I | TFM50I | Tenderfoot Micro-Preemie Heel Stick Device 50/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Micro-Preemie Heel Stick Device | |
4 | 10711234540107 | J-1001 | J-1001 | Temperature Verification Cartridge | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
5 | 10711234540091 | JEA-QC | JEA-QC | Electronic System Verification - Abnormal | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
6 | 10711234540084 | JEN-QC | JEN-QC | Electronic System Verification - Normal | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
7 | 10711234540077 | HE-J04 | HE-J04 | Electronic System Verification Kit | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
8 | 10711234540039 | RPM-CD | RPM-CD | Report Maker V6.01 | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
9 | 10711234510070 | ELITEL | ELITEL | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Loaner) | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
10 | 10711234510056 | ELITEDEMO | ELITEDEMO | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument (Demonstration) | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
11 | 10711234510025 | ELITERF | ELITERF | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instru Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument Refurbished | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
12 | 10711234510018 | ELITE | ELITE | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System - Hemochron Signature Elite Instrument | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System |
13 | 10711234103081 | JACT-LR | JACT-LR | ACT-Low Range Cuvettes - 45 cuvettes/box. | JBP | Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System | |
14 | 10711234103067 | JACT+ | JACT+ | ACT+ Cuvette - 45 cuvettes/box. | JBP | Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System | |
15 | 10711234103043 | J201C | J201C | Citrate PT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. | GJS | Test, Time, Prothrombin | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System | |
16 | 10711234103036 | J201 | J201 | PT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. | GJS | Test, Time, Prothrombin | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System | |
17 | 10711234103029 | J103C | J103C | Citrate APTT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box. | GFO | Activated Partial Thromboplastin | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System | |
18 | 10711234103012 | J103 | J103 | APTT Cuvette - 45 test cuvettes/box | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | Hemochron Whole Blood Microcoagulation System | |
19 | 20711234311032 | SUP100I | SUP100I | Surgicutt Bleeding Time Blotting Paper 100/box | FRL | Fiber, Medical, Absorbent | Surgicutt Bleeding Time Blotting Paper | |
20 | 20711234301194 | TF200I | TF200I | Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 200/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device | |
21 | 20711234301187 | TF1000I | TF1000I | Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 1000/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device | |
22 | 20711234301163 | TF50I | TF50I | Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device 50/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Newborn Heel Stick Device | |
23 | 10711234530160 | AVOX1000ERF | AVOX1000ERF | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument Refurbished | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter |
24 | 10711234530153 | AVOX1000ED | AVOX1000ED | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument (Demonstration) | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter |
25 | 10711234530146 | AVOX1000EL | AVOX1000EL | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument (Loaner) | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter |
26 | 10711234530023 | AVOX1000E | AVOX1000E | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter System - Instrument | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter |
27 | 10711234160015 | E-QCYO | E-QCYO | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter Optical QC Filters | DQA | Oximeter | 2 | Avoximeter Whole Blood Oximeter |
28 | 20711234302160 | TFP200I | TFP200I | Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 200/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device | |
29 | 20711234302153 | TFP1000I | TFP1000I | Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 1000/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device | |
30 | 20711234302139 | TFP50I | TFP50I | Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device 50/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Tenderfoot Preemie Heel Stick Device | |
31 | 10711234515044 | 000GH100L | 000GH100L | GEM Hemochron 100 System (Loaner) | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | GEM Hemochron 100 System |
32 | 10711234515006 | 000GH100 | 000GH100 | GEM Hemochron 100 System - GEM Hemochron 100 Instrument | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | GEM Hemochron 100 System |
33 | 10711234170373 | 000DCGLR-2 | 000DCGLR-2 | directCHECK GH100 ACTLR2 15/box | GGN | Plasma, Coagulation Control | 2 | directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Control, Level 2 |
34 | 10711234103401 | 000GACT+ | 000GACT+ | GH100 ACT+ 45 cuvettes/box. | JBP | Activated Whole Blood Clotting Time | 2 | GEM Hemochron 100 Activated Clotting Time Plus Test (ACT+) |
35 | 20711234308186 | TL5000I | TL5000I | Tenderlett Finger Incision Device 5000/box | FMK | Lancet, Blood | Tenderlett Finger Incision Device | |
36 | 20711234308162 | TL100I | TL100I | Tenderlett Finger Incision Device 100/box | FMK | Lancet, Blood | Tenderlett Finger Incision Device | |
37 | 20711234304157 | SU50I | SU50I | Surgicutt Bleeding Time Device 50/box | JCA | Device, Bleeding Time | Surgicutt Bleeding Time Device | |
38 | 10711234540121 | 000GCCM | 000GCCM | Centralized Configuration Manager Software | JPA | System, Multipurpose For In Vitro Coagulation Studies | 2 | Centralized Configuration Manager Software |
39 | 10711234500170 | 86000RF | 86000RF | VerifyNow System (Refurbished) | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
40 | 10711234500163 | 86000D | 86000D | VerifyNow System (Demonstration) | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
41 | 10711234500156 | 86000L | 86000L | VerifyNow System (Loaner) | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
42 | 10711234500149 | 86003D | 86003D | VerifyNow System (Demonstration) | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
43 | 10711234500132 | 86003L | 86003L | VerifyNow System (Loaner) | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
44 | 10711234500118 | 86003 | 86003 | VerifyNow System (Serviced) | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
45 | 10711234500095 | 85021 | 85021 | VerifyNow Printer Kit | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
46 | 10711234500040 | 86000 | 86000 | VerifyNow System | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
47 | 10711234170366 | 000DCGLR-1 | 000DCGLR-1 | directCHECK GH100 ACTLRL1 15/box. | GGN | Plasma, Coagulation Control | 2 | directCHECK ACT-LR Whole Blood Controls, Level 1 |
48 | 10711234170342 | 000DCGACT-1 | 000DCGACT-1 | directCHECK GH100 ACT+L1 15/box | GGN | Plasma, Coagulation Control | 2 | directCHECK ACT+ Whole Blood Control Level 1 |
49 | 10711234150122 | 70068 | 70068 | VerifyNow System Electronic Quality Control Device | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
50 | 10711234150115 | 85062 | 85062 | VerifyNow System Preventative Maintenance Kit | JOZ | System, Automated Platelet Aggregation | 2 | VerifyNow System |
No | Primary DI | Version or Model | Catalog Number | Device Description | Brand Name | Organization Name |
1 | 10889483007532 | 9-6001-00 | SunMed Finger Pulse Oximeter with Case | Sunmed | SUNMED, LLC | |
2 | M745CBSP2 | CBSP2 | CBSP2 | CBSP2 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
3 | M745CBSP1 | CBSP1 | CBSP1 | CBSP1 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
4 | M745CBHPN1 | CBHPN1 | CBHPN1 | CBHPN1 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
5 | M745CBHPHP1 | CBHPHP1 | CBHPHP1 | CBHPHP1 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
6 | M745CB10641 | CB10641 | CB10641 | CB10641 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
7 | M745CB10640 | CB10640 | CB10640 | CB10640 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
8 | M745CB10639 | CB10639 | CB10639 | CB10639 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
9 | M745CB10590 | CB10590 | CB10590 | CB10590 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
10 | M745CB10588 | CB10588 | CB10588 | CB10588 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
11 | M745CB10587 | CB10587 | CB10587 | CB10587 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
12 | M745CB10586 | CB10586 | CB10586 | CB10586 - Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cable | AIV | AMERICAN IV PRODUCTS, INC. |
14 | 10885632143977 | CL9101 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Nellcor Drager Compatible Reusable Not Made Wi Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Nellcor Drager Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
15 | 10885632143656 | CL8104 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Masimo *REF* Compatible Reusable Not Made With Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Masimo *REF* Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
16 | 10885632143649 | CL7502 | Cable Trusignal Interconnect SpO2 Datex Connector 2.2m Reusable Not Made With Na Cable Trusignal Interconnect SpO2 Datex Connector 2.2m Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
17 | 10885632143625 | CL7308 | Sensor SpO2 3.0m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex Sensor SpO2 3.0m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
18 | 10885632143618 | CL7307 | Sensor SpO2 Ear Clip 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rub Sensor SpO2 Ear Clip 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
19 | 10885632143601 | CL7306 | Sensor SpO2 3.0m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex Sensor SpO2 3.0m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
20 | 10885632143595 | CL7304 | Sensor SpO2 Ear Clip 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rub Sensor SpO2 Ear Clip 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
21 | 10885632143588 | CL7303 | Sensor SpO2 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex Sensor SpO2 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
22 | 10885632143571 | CL7302 | Sensor SpO2 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex Sensor SpO2 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
23 | 10885632143564 | CL7301 | Sensor SpO2 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex Sensor SpO2 1.1m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
24 | 10885632143526 | CL7103 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Nat Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
25 | 10885632143519 | CL7102 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Nat Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
26 | 10885632143502 | CL7101 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Nat Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Ge Datex Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
27 | 10885632143496 | CL6305 | Sensor SpO2 Ear 1.1m Masimo Lncs TC-1 Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Sensor SpO2 Ear 1.1m Masimo Lncs TC-1 Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
28 | 10885632143489 | CL6304 | Sensor SpO2 Pediatric 1.1m Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubb Sensor SpO2 Pediatric 1.1m Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
29 | 10885632143472 | CL6302 | Sensor SpO2 Pediatric 1.1m Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubb Sensor SpO2 Pediatric 1.1m Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
30 | 10885632143441 | CL5303 | Cable Extension SpO2 2.2m Lnop Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Cable Extension SpO2 2.2m Lnop Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
31 | 10885632143434 | CL5301 | Sensor SpO2 Adult 1.1m Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber L Sensor SpO2 Adult 1.1m Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
32 | 10885632143403 | CL5205 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Datascope Compatible Reusable Not Made With Na Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Datascope Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
33 | 10885632143359 | CL4301 | Sensor SpO2 Nellcor Oxi Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
34 | 10885632143342 | CL4105 | Sensor SpO2 Finger 1.1m Nellcor Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Sensor SpO2 Finger 1.1m Nellcor Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
35 | 10885632143335 | CL4103 | Cable Extension SpO2 3.0m Nellcor Non-Oxi Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natu Cable Extension SpO2 3.0m Nellcor Non-Oxi Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
36 | 10885632143328 | CL4102 | Cable Extension SpO2 2.2m Nellcor Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubb Cable Extension SpO2 2.2m Nellcor Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
37 | 10885632143311 | CL4101 | Cable Extension SpO2 1.1m Nellcor Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubb Cable Extension SpO2 1.1m Nellcor Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
38 | 10885632143250 | CL3102 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 3.0m Nihon Kohden Compatible Reusable Not Made With Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 3.0m Nihon Kohden Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
39 | 10885632143243 | CL3101 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 3.0m Nihon Kohden Compatible Reusable Not Made With Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 3.0m Nihon Kohden Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
40 | 10885632143199 | CL2306 | Sensor SpO2 3.0m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
41 | 10885632143182 | CL2303 | Sensor SpO2 Neonate Wrap 3.0m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Sensor SpO2 Neonate Wrap 3.0m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
42 | 10885632143175 | CL2302 | Sensor SpO2 3.0m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
43 | 10885632143168 | CL2301 | Sensor SpO2 Pediatric Softtip 3.0m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Nat Sensor SpO2 Pediatric Softtip 3.0m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
44 | 10885632143090 | CL2202 | Leadset Ecg 3 Lead Snap 0.9m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural R Leadset Ecg 3 Lead Snap 0.9m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
45 | 10885632143083 | CL2107 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Philips Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made Wi Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Philips Masimo Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
46 | 10885632143076 | CL2106 | Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natu Cable Extension/Adapter SpO2 2.2m Philips Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
47 | 10885632142970 | CL1102 | Cable Adapter SpO2 M Tech 2.2m Spacelabs Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natur Cable Adapter SpO2 M Tech 2.2m Spacelabs Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
48 | 10885632142963 | CL10101 | Sensor SpO2 Adult 1.1m Nonin Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber La Sensor SpO2 Adult 1.1m Nonin Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
49 | 10885632141287 | CL8302 | Sensor SpO2 Clip Style 3.0m Ge Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Sensor SpO2 Clip Style 3.0m Ge Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. | |
50 | 10885632141270 | CL8301 | Sensor SpO2 Clip Style 3.0m Ge Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Sensor SpO2 Clip Style 3.0m Ge Compatible Reusable Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex MediChoice | Medichoice | OWENS & MINOR DISTRIBUTION, INC. |